


[Music] reun hello y’all I was selling crack when a private J up been a h and back but no confusion this a reunion hello y’all welcome back your murder here he counting money he said c in the hell with rap I’m only here to [ __ ] on [ __ ] and piss on [ __ ] welcome ass I with jewelry and bikes [ __ ] black Benes and white Biggers now I’m out here and I’m looking for more chandeliers and like fixtures nah I don’t like [ __ ] what’s rolling me I’m all right [ __ ] but this 44 turn the mic Jo I say take flight welcome back to it is what it is this episode is sponsored by Underdog fantasy the app is an easy way to make some cash just by making picks on your favorite players Underdog is available in more than 30 States including California Texas and New York just to name a few make sure to support the show by hitting the link in the bio and downloading the underdog fantasy app use code mace cam or Stat to get up to $250 in bonus cash with your first deposit and a special pick it’s the easiest way to win on Underdog I’m treasure Wilson AKA stat baby along with your host mace and Cam and we are joined today with our analyst Maurice Claret Mo what’s good what’s going on Mo what up man how you oh my mic a my bad Mo what’s good how you doing man all is well man took my daughter to orientation yesterday it’s a great day what’s up man congrats what school what school shout out the school come on man come on Ohio State baby why they put Larry on the screen she’s not going to Larry school no she uh she uh we uh went to orientation at Ohio State yesterday so all all is well it was it been a good week that’s good man congrats to her that’s fire all right so let’s get started y’all bronny James is officially a Los Angel yo you still a vegan what my what my skin is glowing still a vegan that’s all I’m pescatarian all right now I was in Loo’s chicken and waffles and seen your picture up recently was in Loo’s chicken and waffles and I seen your PCT up in there and they said oh that was way back that was when I first came they said it was last week see what you did I’m just checking I forgot to mention that was like that was like and you vegetarian or not bro I said pescat what what does that mean exactly what does it mean like seafood fish yeah like so the answer is no the answer is no this 80% vegetarian 20% pescatarian you know I was the bet we didn’t have a a loud bet it was it was a a mental my bad I didn’t even mean inter R but I just remember uh yesterday I seen this [ __ ] pitch up in Loos oh no that but I a I ain’t do that yeah I was going to eat this weekend though was okay just was as I didn’t know yeah you know what I noticed about vegetarians you can get fatter a vegetarian you oh you they they want you to eat bread and all that pause all day and this is true and pasta and all that I was like man this is worse than just just eating clean this is true I know I know a few chubby pores vegetarians man yeah they try to introduce me to um what was it called pause [ __ ] vegan said oh that’s good you ate it before yeah not it’s not my favorite but it’s good oh I wouldn’t eat it because of the name it just it she from Harlem shout out to pinky man shout out to pinky man I would eat it I’m not a vegetarian I ain’t you know that’s Harlem support Harlem baby you know I’m say that’s crazy though but yeah shout out to pinky you’re not supporting Harlem you said you would eat it that’s a p but if you don’t want to support somebody from Harlem that’s on you no I’m I’m suppor sh out shout out shout out to pinky they open the Harlem location I did the commercial for them so congrats to her okay also bronny James is officially a Los Angeles Laker after being selected 55th overall do you guys think that the Lakers made the right choice Maurice first I think they I think they made the right choice an obvious choice uh I was happy to see it you know I think uh we’ve kind of heard about it all day and heard about it all week and everybody expected it but uh the clip that I seen on Sports Center um when I seen Savannah and bronnie uh when they was crying that that really did it for me and it was uh it was special to me one I think the Lakers made the right decision but then it was special to me to like you know just see young bronie have his moment and then uh we get so used to seeing Savannah always like being supportive of LeBron and we’ve always seen her in that light but it was different like to see her like in a motherly role and happy for a kid and I probably was in that same frame of thinking just seeing my kid going to college uh but seeing her happy for him and then seeing the little brother he was behind like recording a video of it all so it was like a special moment so I think the Lakers made the right decision I think it was the obvious decision that everybody uh pretty much knew was gonna happen and so I was happy to see him get drafted I’mma let cam go yall going to need me to go last on this one PA oh I’m sorry I think it’s dope listen man like I said before if the Greek Freak Brothers is playing there no reason that Ronnie shouldn’t be playing uh and I’m not what I’m about to say I have no actual knowledge on I haven’t talked to anybody this is not any uh like text messages between me and the people I’m talking about and nothing like that or cause or nothing this is just purely speculation from what I was hearing and I didn’t do any homework on it I want to give Rich Paul a lot of credit man Rich Paul basically threatened the NBA and told [ __ ] if you draft bronny he’s going he’s going to Australia so basically if he and he he gave Phoenix Suns the green light and the Lakers the green light we got a [ __ ] out here calling shots man not a black man a [ __ ] that nigga’s a [ __ ] I hear telling [ __ ] don’t touch [ __ ] I’m telling you that right now you better not touch [ __ ] cuz if not we’ll send them overseas and we’ll make the same amount of money that he’ll probably make this in his rookie contract anyway don’t touch [ __ ] that’s first and foremost secondly I seen some players complaining saying that they earned they spot bronnie didn’t earn his spot this down the third I’m Chang I’m officially changing the narrative [ __ ] that what your father did we got to start we got to start giving the father’s credit I’m mad at my pops now I had to figure [ __ ] out for my own mom I a have nobody helping me out my father wasn’t there for me getting me where I had to go doing it for my son now you know I’m I’m setting it off look GM’s Sons GM’s be hiring their sons owners hire their kids who running the Dallas Cowboy who’s the president of Dallas Cowboys Mo I’m maing J Jones son there you go exactly we I’m changing the now that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that what your pops did for you [ __ ] what he did so so [ __ ] is mad cuz that [ __ ] fathers LeBron James so what the Walmart kids is getting the Walmart money the McDonald kids is not the McDonald’s the um the [ __ ] who took it from McDonald’s his kids is getting they r ray cck the cocs is getting the money listen [ __ ] that [ __ ] that and Paris Hilton is getting what she yeah yeah the Hilton is getting what they get [ __ ] that Trump is getting what they get yeah yeah [ __ ] that I’m tired of this [ __ ] that what your pops did for you I was looking at me and me and my [ __ ] like we driving over I’m looking at this [ __ ] one of um my comedians name and he made a great Point that’s my point but he was he said well M Magic Johnson you think he ain’t want to play with his son you think magic ain’t want to play with what what you think want to play with his son killing [ __ ] what I’m just saying [ __ ] Michael Jordan ain’t want to play with his son yeah that’s better no you turning it into son I’m not I’m not I’m turn talking about the greats you you turn it into sun I don’t know what you talking about I’m talking about [ __ ] who got sons who wish they could have played with their sons yeah I’m just talking about the great player you don’t think these [ __ ] wish they sons could would have wanted to play with his son I was yeah exactly that’s you know exactly that’s the point I’m trying to make [ __ ] would would have loved to play with their sons and not saying they don’t love their kids but you know how proud of a moment is like yo nah my [ __ ] in the leag whether it’s manipulated not manipulated whatever whatever people do it all the time I mean in Youth Sports it’s a bunch of people playing that shouldn’t be playing and not and not putting this on him but you know growing up um watching people play and and coaching different teams there’s a a lot of people that be on a court or on a football field that actually are there because their dad bought the gym they that their dad um paid for the uniforms there all kind of things and and I’m not upset with that I think that’s a beautiful moment for for basketball but when it comes to how um just I I didn’t think they needed to lie to us about it you know how sometime I think I heard one of the guys say you know what they’re not trying to play together he’s just trying to make it in the league I wish they would have just stood on it from the jump and just said you know what we going to play together and we going to do everything in our power to make it happen I think that would have even been a a a greater moment but this moment is good this moment is definitely good I think it adds a lot of um a lot of pressure to the Lakers organization because people are going to be watching this and the but the fight is fixed I mean from LeBron side the fight is fixed but there there’s some real iffy things that are that comes with this just watching them playing summer league and things like that it’s going to be a lot of pressure on them but not that much pressure because no matter what they can’t afford to send him to the G league so I don’t know how much pressure that’ll even really be it should be pressure but it won’t because the fight is fixed I wasn’t even finished [ __ ] that like I was saying [ __ ] got to keep on turn that down [ __ ] got to [ __ ] start respecting the father shout out to my [ __ ] shamard his son just became the play coach for Player Development for the Celtics yeah so that’s what I was in the middle of saying before that I’m changing the whole Narrative of oh [ __ ] got in because they pops and so [ __ ] what end of the day it isn’t like bronne got to go play tennis it ain’t like he got to go ice skate it ain’t like he got to go Mountain rock climbing he been around basketball since he was born so at the end of the day it is going to be a lot of pressure like May said but [ __ ] knew that this ain’t nothing new you think his father isn’t telling him that you know being my son it ain’t GNA be no easy thing he gotta he probably been dealing with that since he was 11 to 12 the pressure of coming with being LeBron James’s son and now it’s just going to be to the next level and the highest level congratulations to the James family congratulations to clutch Sports I think this was a super dope moment and we’ll see what happens next and definitely go ahead marce no I’ll add on to this like um you know before you came on I was talking about Mesa has many different layers I think the resentment with uh Lebron and people throwing shots at him is like you know you got in or Brony got in because of his because of his father it comes from you know at the end of the day when you play a sport for a team you an employee right and there’s a bunch of former players who know that their power only went to a certain level and when you watching LeBron you’re watching somebody who acts like a boss and an owner in probably 90% of his life and then the only area that he’s viewed as a peer he’s viewed as like the guy who can do more than what the other guys do and so to me that’s when I was saying like you watching something special you’ve just never seen nobody come under all this pressure to perform perform and and win all these championships and then just be having their way and so like I know you was you was serious and you was joking but it it do it do it do needs to become nerve because now somebody can look at LeBron and say man if I perform very well you know be it whatever it is like I can just wield my power over or I can leverage my power towards NBA organization uh to get things done for me that I probably didn’t think of before and just like you seeing people break through Industries and and do all type of stuff for the first time I just think you’re watching him do this stuff for the first time and I think I think it’s cool you know not to mention he’s from Ohio you know and and I’ve known Savannah and Rich and all those guys for years I just never thought I would see nothing like this but uh I just think that a lot of it comes from that right there where they look at him as an employee or or a peer playing basketball for for a professional team but he functions like he basically runs the organization and he’s pulled off moves now that you know that no nobody’s ever seen before hey yo listen real quick I know we moving on it’s LeBron James so they blow it out proportion The Greek Freak has been doing this for a few years now it’s not and it’s new because it’s his son The Greek Freak is strong arming his brother on the team like we know this we don’t see where’s his Colin Colin NBA Combine tapes where’s his Scout report where’s the video of the Greek freaks brother saying nah we need to get that [ __ ] in the NBA it’s been going on it’s LeBron James and his son so it’s escalated because it’s him but Greek free got two brothers in the league that ain’t [ __ ] trash I take Bonnie over the Greek free brother I tell you that yeah like um I think the um I think the situation that that now I’m going give you the voice of the people on the opposite side they’re probably thinking and not that I feel this way but there’s people that feel like but this is the Lakers organization this is not any organization this is the the Lakers that’s competing with the Celtics now the Celtics have won a championship and they’re saying this is what they’re saying I’m not saying this this is what they’re saying that the Lakers is looking like a reality show Almost but to me I think this is going to compel LeBron to want to win now I I think the story gets even better if he wins a championship or go further with his son then it becomes a crazy story you know what I’m saying like I don’t think LeBron would would even not that he would try to lose but I know he’s definitely not going to lose with his son playing with him I think he’s going to try to put his best foot forward to try to get a trophy with his son that’s just what I believe I when I saw him up there and I saw all the emotions I was like yo you know what would be crazy if the Lakers win with with LeBron and his son then I think he would truly retire that this year if he win the championship so I just wanted to put that out there I I think and to add on what you saying look I would agree with that statement as far as [ __ ] saying the Lakers is turned into circus who is available at 55 it isn’t like they used a not tat I’m just saying it isn’t like they used a 17th pick on him he’s 55 this draft was super duper weak other [ __ ] was going to get him so they say and Rich Paul said don’t even try it who was what what [ __ ] that you could have been like at 55 I’m talking about at the 55th Pick N [ __ ] passed on so and so from from Boise State like yo my [ __ ] they could have grabbed so and so who it’s the 55th pick in a weak ass draft who else are you getting so when [ __ ] say that it’d be like I could see if he if they picked him in 17 I would have been like oh now [ __ ] is reaching it was trash secondly would to make say I don’t think he retire secondly I don’t think he retire if he win because then you got about three years maybe two now if I think if I’m thinking correctly his other son could come he got a threeyear deal with the Lakers he got a threeyear deal with the Lakers brace be eligible in about three now Bryce bronny and LeBron yo my [ __ ] y’all pulling off some Walt Disney [ __ ] my [ __ ] this is [ __ ] just made of Dreams this is [ __ ] to have a tear trickle down your eye bre make it CU to me I like Bryce I like Bryce a lot I like better than I like I like Bryce a lot man and Bryce is taller than Brony Bryce got one of them smooth ass games I like Bryce a lot and this is not further than reality you know today when we talking about something like yeah that that would be crazy this is in a two three year thing I think Bry is about to be a junior so we got one a junior yeah it’s 2024 so then we got one more 2027 and LeBron James contract is for three more years man listen even if he don’t play with his brother and his father even him just get to the NBA would be crazy with all of them in the NBA at once I mean I definitely agree with all you guys I think it’s definitely a dope opportunity because if anybody was in LeBron’s position they would do the same thing but I do want to kind of further discuss a point that cam did bring up so obviously we do know that basically Rich Paul is telling other teams not to take bronnie so he was going to Australia that was also confirmed by Bob Myers but I’m just curious on you guys opinion do you guys feel like that is a bad look or do you feel like it’s not a big deal because they got what they wanted what do we think about that and I’ll let Maurice go first I don’t think it’s a bad look I think it’s uh sort of what cam was talking about uh somebody finally it’s a [ __ ] who exercising their power you know there’s a bunch of people who exercise their power over athletes and players and and black people every day and Rich is just doing it now and I’m pretty sure like not just the basketball thing I can’t imagine the amount of money and marketing dollars that um he’s going to be able to facilitate for a son and when I look at it like that like it’s so rich like man you’re not about to [ __ ] this up you know what I’m saying no other team was about to pick him and shelf him and so I’m G just go ahead and strong arm you all the way that you strong arm players so I’m happy he did it if he did it I can’t like I said I can’t confirm that he did do it but yeah he did you know uh he did and one thing I want to say that that would be an interesting question because I hear what killer say and I I I kind of agree with him CU I had a different point before he shared that and I agree with what you’re saying and this is will be my question to that so then every time that this was done to a black person was it okay cuz now you seem to feel like it’s okay if somebody else does it so that’s just the question I want to put out there what do you think about that just to be clear on the question can you say it again you know like like you said he strung on his way got what he wanted um the deal was done based upon just the bloodline of this person not just their credentials but the bloodline so now when it happens with PA with another nationality or group of people is it now okay since since both sides can do it now yeah well I don’t I don’t know if it’s right or wrong that’s you know that’s all left up to each individual but it’s exercising leveraging business right you know when you starting off negoti when you starting off negotiations you’re trying to put your client or you know whoever you represent in the best situation and like what are you trying to do when you do any deal you’re trying to get to your desired space that you want to do and if you know what you want then and you understand what leverage you have I think the the the point that I was making is that you’ve never seen a black person have leverage in a professional space ever like I just don’t remember too many like you know the and I know this is going into a different direction the reason that you’ve killed off the running back is because running backs would hold football teams hostage and hold out during camp and they’ll just [ __ ] everything up that’s why you have this emergence of quarterbacks because it’s like okay we can have more influence over quarterbacks and these are white guys who who will have influence over and not these [ __ ] who are running the ball that’s just a blunt way of saying it but I’m saying watching Rich Paul do this and basically function in a space where he was on the show they probably resent him people think that he’s only in his position for the same reason that bronn’s in his position because somebody made a way for him but we we as black people always talk about we want to see black people make it and black excellence and black people come together I guess I’m just seeing it with them in real time and I’m like happy that he’s using his leverage for it that I think that’s a cleaner way of saying it yeah I’m I’m basically saying so based upon what you’re saying then it’s not wrong moving forward it shouldn’t be seen as wrong it’s just who you prefer to elevate yeah I just think in business yes short answer is yes I don’t because when it’s when it’s on a you know how people say when the shoe is on the other foot you don’t see nothing wrong with it so when the shoe is on the opposite foot then we should just let it go because that’s just who they desire to do business with and be okay with it you get what I’m saying stat yeah I know kind of like so like so let’s say um you’re saying when when a non-black person exercise this power is is not cool and this is the first time you saw a black person do it so when a black person does it you you felt like it was it was good is is is what should happen and it was great to see so I’m saying moving forward we should just understand we got to work to be in a better situation because anybody that’s in that position should do what they could do is that what you’re saying yeah yes but I just think it’s just so new to to watch a black person have power at such a level like this you know what I’m saying I think that’s like probably like my the biggest point I’m trying to make like we’ve never seen it and you know um I don’t know we’ve just never seen I think that’s the point that I’m making and to watch somebody exercise the power that they do have and not be fearful or not move in a way where you know they’re governed by some agency you remember he was up under I think there’s what CA but he’s independently doing stuff now and so it feels good to be doing that but I think like to to to answer I guess the first part of your question him be like just him him being in a position to do this is everything great and it’s it’s yeah it’s new you know I mean and so you hope that over time more people more black people more Hispanic people more people who are other than white have the ability to leverage their power the reason that we say it’s unfair with white people is because like often s when white people lean on black people in sports like black people don’t even have the leverage to push back right you kind of got to accept whatever they give you and that’s when we say man it’s unfair because like we bringing a knife to a gunfight you know what I’m saying that’s how I like a lot of these situations feel at times when you have black players negotiating or black agents negotiating you don’t feel like you have the same leverage as somebody who can lean on you so seeing Rich Paul do what he’s done feels good I think that’s why cam had so much pride when he came on to the show was like man it’s probably good that we see one of us being able to leverage our power yeah and I I I understand what you’re saying I’m just saying I’m just saying the things I’m saying for the conversation so we can have both both views represented so if somebody’s watching the show they they don’t look at us is bias I got you you look at me how you want to look at me out there I don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t really care that’s the thing with me I never care I don’t care who it is I’m GNA have my opinion and I’m financially stable enough to say what I want to say that’s the thing about me stat what was the exact question um basically I was saying do you think it’s a bad look for Rich Paul to basically tell their teams that he would send bronnie to Australia if they chose him or you think it’s not a big deal is a bad look for James Harden to come to practice fat because he don’t want to play with the team is a bad look when Ben Simmons comes to practice with his cell phone in his pocket and it’s falling all out of his pocket so he don’t have to play with the team is it a bad look when Payton Manning be like yo if these [ __ ] is picking me I’m not going to that team [ __ ] that when he was getting drafted was that a bad look if you can use your leverage you use use your leverage was a bad look when Anthony Davis said I’m not playing fourth quarters no more when he played in New Orleans [ __ ] be using their leverage if you could use your leverage why not use your leverage it’s just this been going on for years in decades and probably centuries the reason why we’re talking about it now is cuz it’s [ __ ] and [ __ ] can’t believe it these [ __ ] [ __ ] when did they get the power to start doing the [ __ ] that they doing we could do that not now they think they could call the shots [ __ ] is these [ __ ] nah man that’s this been going on for years this is this [ __ ] just figured it out that’s why sometimes you know I get upset when I sit there and say this [ __ ] want to switch teams again and switch teams again switch teams again or whatever the [ __ ] these players is doing don’t get me wrong a lot of it I don’t condone because I’m into competition and playing and competing against the best and not having it the league lopsided watch football basketball any sport but when you’re the owner These [ __ ] be trading [ __ ] in the middle of the night [ __ ] that be sitting there sleep in in Denver and wake up in a Milwaukee my [ __ ] this been going on for years so now that the players have figured out I don’t want to no trade clause in my [ __ ] n i yo matter of fact if you trade me I ain’t showing up you know we talk about we talk about how I’m just using a recent example but it’s several examples of this Drew holiday got traded to the Trailblazers for Damien Lily yeah n ain’t going to the Trailblazers nigas you keep me if you want I wish I would show up to Portland you need to figure it out with somebody else I’m not saying that was his attitude yeah but you we seen it done before where [ __ ] be like oh yeah I play for the I play for the Sacramento Kings I’m not going there so Sacramento if y’all want to get on the phone with some people and figure it out cool because I’m not showing up and you don’t want to waste a roster spot time getting ready for the season etc etc so yeah this been going on for a long time it’s just that [ __ ] is doing it now and [ __ ] got a problem with it yeah and listen Rich Paul is a black man but he’s a [ __ ] that’s the real problem you know it’s a black man and it’s [ __ ] he knows how to conduct himself as a black man but that nigga’s a niggaer and that’s the problem they got with that [ __ ] don’t like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] like Barack clean cut light black men [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] be in there they do not like [ __ ] [ __ ] be they don’t yeah I think I think a a a great a great um question would be to ask like people like magic um what does he think about it um just to add color to it and I know Kobe probably wouldn’t be in in favor of it because he’s a basketball purist but I definitely understand the sentiment and the time that we’re in real quick to add to that Kobe got all daughters then Kobe if he had a son wouldn’t try to pull this [ __ ] off he’s doing it with his daughter he’s doing the [ __ ] you was trying to do coaching and everything [ __ ] [ __ ] you saying Kobe would have made him earn it Kobe wouldn’t have did this so you’re saying that bronnie didn’t earn it that’s what you’re saying I’m not going on record saying he earn it but I’m saying Kobe wouldn’t have Kobe wouldn’t have wanted it this way he would have wanted to earn it okay are you saying your thoughts or are you saying like the other side thought is this how no that’s my thought that’s my thought that’s my thought okay this is a good conversation y’all okay so before we move on how are we feeling about this second day of the draft do you guys like that it goes over two days did anybody really stick out to you guys how are we feeling about this day two Maurice first no I didn’t pay attention to anybody other than the Yukon players and bronny um just like it they could have did this all in one day uh just to be honest they could have did the entire draft it’s only 60 picks um and they could have just been done with it and then I gotta ask you really quick so Yukon has had eight players drafted in six seasons under Dan early including six in the last two seasons how are you feeling about his impact because he’s always making historical numbers so I’m sure you can attest to that Maurice I like this man it’s uh like anything else man when you see you know I’ve seen a lot of these young kids come directly from high school and you know you step on campus they dreaming and you know all of them want to go to the NBA and I don’t know you know who’s able to go versus who isn’t and just to see some of those young kids you know live out their dreams like I I still get like um like that magical moment that everybody sees on TV where you see a kid around his family and they crying and uh you end up seeing mothers and fathers like the kid Stephen Castle right I remember meeting his mother out in um Arizona and just knowing what he comes from knowing his family meeting these people in the lobbies and hanging out with him and just knowing these dudes lives are changed you know I just think that’s special I think for for any kid you know what I’m saying whether you want the first pick or the last pick you’re going to get some money uh and I know nil has uh contributed to it but you’re getting some money and you finally reached that destination so I’m proud for all the kids that came from Yukon and this only helps them to bring in more kids because now you can say hey we win national championships and we send kids in the first round yeah really I really um believe when I was looking at the the draft um Castle I I thought he would have went earlier being a 66 guard um but this is what happens um I think the whole entire second day was was set up just for um for Brony and that’s a that’s a good thing but I that’s how it comes across it’s the first time they ever did it and I think if it would have happened in the first day it would have kind of overshadowed some other people’s moments so this just speak to the power of of of the people that be I ain’t watched that [ __ ] yeah so the the the second day and I think it was a great a great idea because it maximizes the brand it maximizes the brand for the Lakers so I’m I’m for all of that I’m just um speaking as a basketball purist and then also just adding to that I mean bronnie being the 55th pick and this being on the second day had a lot of impact like I don’t think we’ve gotten this late into the rounds and been that enthusiastic to see a player get drafted so to your point it being later on it does work to kind of give the first people their shine but I think a person that we were all waiting to see what was going to happen was Ronnie James so yeah cuz once it got to like the 40th pick you know how normally in a draft it starts seeing all of the talent that’s still out there it’s like they just kept saying um bronny bronnie bronny and that it’s a dope thing I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything that’s what’s supposed to happen if you if you can do it like killer said you do it because you got the leverage to do it that’s why you work to get leverage so you can use it to your advantage so I don’t want nobody to hear me and think oh ma is is hay and no I’m I’m just giving you the realities of it like yo even though you can do some things it doesn’t always mean it’s the best thing to do you could do a lot of things all right so we’re going to go to break when we return we will discuss this new rule by the NCAA don’t go anywhere can you tell us a little bit more about that I mean is there I was when private make sure you go online to dip. us order some shirts and everything else buddy s I’m going get some cheeks and [ __ ] black and white now I’m out here and I’m looking for more chandeliers and light fixtures nah I don’t like [ __ ] which roll me I’m all right niggaer but this 44 [Music] turn welcome back now let’s get into our Underdog fantasy picks of the day so tonight the Mercury will play the Sparks Underdog fantasy has Britney Griner at seven and a half rebounds do you have a higher or lower mace higher higher hey Diana terasi is at 15 and a half points to have higher lower cam a a come on man hey and dear Hami is at four first quarter points do you have higher lower mace I’m going lower pause hi hey download the underdog fantasy app and you can make your picks too we are joined back with our analyst Maurice Claret so the NCAA will no longer be testing athletes for cannabis after removing it from the band drug list for athletes participating in championships and postseason games how are we feeling about this new change rce first um I’m happy that the um excuse me I’m happy that the NCAA is just finally getting out the way and uh getting on board with uh what’s been taking place for forever you know kids in college uh kids in professional sport or adults in professional sports they GNA smoke weed um before this uh ruling came out it used to be a rule that um either for for peeds or for weed they would test you in March and it was like very known that they would test you in March and so you know the coaches would get with all the college kids and say hey man clean up right before March and they would do everything to get you to pass the test and so this is basically saying hey now that we’re paying these dudes with NI the money now that we’re sharing revenue and now that we’re paying these [ __ ] uh to perform we don’t want to have these dudes sitting on the sideline and so that came from somebody’s board of directors and everybody else and so I’m actually happy I’m I’m actually happy with it I think like I don’t know who else said it earlier I think M said it earlier where people are just vocal and out front about what’s really going on and uh this is just a step to see what’s going on but the the interesting thing that I don’t know is that I wonder how this will affect the NFL because if you get college kids believing that you know it’s okay to smoke weed and then NFL really isn’t all the way on board with um just you know weed smoking and uh the testing I just wonder how it’s going to affect uh the kids at the next level those who do go and and just for just for um for learning sake if if it’s Le if they’re not testing for it are you able to come in smelling like weed from your Vantage Point yeah um you know kids do it already you know I mean and that that’s not a right or wrong thing and uh I believe like there there was players man who I seen play they play better I don’t want to say it just sounds crazy saying it but they just function better high or they just they were they were just different people you know once they they were under the influence whether they was performing whether they was lifting weights whether there was the meeting you know you have Indica you have sativa you have different strains of weed that makes you operate differently so they they’ve already been doing it this is just them publicly coming out and saying it but I think them saying it is only for them not being able to uh have players be suspended for uh basically getting PO for dirty UR oh man I remember um AI was getting 40 he was smoking weed and he didn’t care about it but he was getting 38 40 42 and I mean I know we’re talking about college but you’re right there are some people that perform very well that way um I just don’t know how that would roll over if you you have a good game and then you walk by and you see let’s see Pat Riley or somebody and they looking at you and they can smell the weed when you walking in the tunnel but like killer said if you’re good enough they’ll they’ll make a they’ll make a way for it or they’ll turn out the way for it so I I don’t really have much to say about that yeah um you made a great point it’s not just I know I know few people so and some some kids on the spectrum they function better when they’re on cannabis and not to be high just to fit into society better sometime they’re socially awkward and they’re tense and they’re jumpy and and it actually helps them I’m not just talking about athletes I’m just talking about uh um people in general that function better on weed I know we’re talking about athletes that’s something totally different but um to your point I get what you’re saying when you was talking about uh people actually being in certain certain settings uh being better with we like I said isn’t just athletes and sometime just being calming yourself down from a situation I know somebody who if they leave the room and come back in the room and it’s not the same as when they left they like kind of bug out and have to leave the room again and get ready to get ready to see how the room look it was like the craziest [ __ ] I ever seen I forget what it was called but uh she explained it to me but the weed calmed it down make a long story short back to the original question um look man NCAA y’all ain’t low my [ __ ] y not low this nil [ __ ] [ __ ] y’all up it [ __ ] yall up bad now y’all want to play pay students let them smoke they we [ __ ] it do whatever the [ __ ] they got to do we got to get these [ __ ] players to our school I don’t give a [ __ ] as long as it ain’t crack cocaine let them smoke their [ __ ] weed man all right what are we talking about here is I can see the meeting I can actually see this meeting what are we talking about here it’s legal in 37 States why are we not having what are we complaining about they’re not coming in here in crystal meth everybody supposed to be John your wife smokes SED she smoked weed with my wife that meeting was probably [ __ ] crazy because it was so easy to decide what we was talking about one show Mo a few weeks ago the school state by state we seeing every week a new state saying it’s okay to pay players right yes now they can smoke weed too do what you got to do we are losing we losing bad every [ __ ] year we keep losing shout out to Dion Sanders you shook this [ __ ] up [ __ ] can smoke weed now and the schools is playing paying [ __ ] this is what happens when a [ __ ] come in there and change what’s not regular and I’m not saying Dion sand letting this players smoke weed or anything like that I’m talking about what the schools are willing to do now to get kids to come to their school paying y’all and let y’all get high NCAA y’all not low y’all are not low y’all could have been doing this for years man y’all put Chris Weber to F five all these players all these players [ __ ] uh reie R yeah through the ringer throwing the monkey wrench in they program and now y’all saying damn they figured a way around us just let them do the [ __ ] that they’ve been doing anyway more [ __ ] [ __ ] even if they white wigger [ __ ] it don’t matter let them do what they got to do to get them to our our school it’s it’s dumb obvious and it kind of disgust me a little bit because it’s like y’all not even being y’all didn’t like for instance Mo and I I didn’t see the statement or anything like that I would have been more happy if them [ __ ] would have been like do the studies we have went back and found out that marijuana is not so and so so and so this down the third and it’s actually cable to help you become about I would have been happy with that not just no y’all [ __ ] can smoke now if y’all want come to our school and we got 20,000 for you if you need it that’s what they basically saying without saying it ain’t so man it’s to your point most of the times when this stuff comes out you would hear somebody saying hey man this we’re we’re having this discussion in our Chambers and we’ve been discussing it for four or five months when you look at the timing of this soon as they said that the decision for re new sharing came out man three weeks later this comes out you know what I’m saying and it’s basically man we need these [ __ ] on the field that’s it oh we need these [ __ ] on the basketball court that’s it yeah it a it ain’t yo it’s m obvious it’s that’s why I [ __ ] is blatant and then just oh yeah I think I think um when it when it comes to it like they just got to watch it because when you’re dealing with weed if somebody get get their joint lace and they run on the court and do something crazy it could go I don’t think I don’t think college sports is ready for a bad batch you know what I’m saying just I mean that’s just thinking out loud you know a football player hit the wrong blunt it’s GNA be a real oh we’ll see it you’ll see it you cuz everybody going to be honest with what they selling so you know that’s going to be a crazy time and then just for a little bit more context so you guys can hear the quote that the chair of the council said so he said the NCAA drug testing program is intended to focus on Integrity of competition and cannabis products do not provide a competitive Advantage they want to Center on student athlete health and well-being rather than punishment for cannabis use so I think it’s just to really just lay off the whole stress of like okay you’re smoking me like we want you to focus play a good game we’re going to take that out the way but Macy do bring up a good point because you can’t regulate certain things so you never regate it you know somebody give you the wrong blunt and a [ __ ] on the layup line and he just start tweaking I mean we from hlem so we know n get a bad blunt all jokes aside like a a little kid from Harlem just ran off the off the roof the other day it’s like people get the wrong blunt they could do something really crazy so um you know just adding that other side it’s basically not this has nothing to do with mason it’s like all over the place with sports and I know Olympics and track and everything is everything else girl just was smoking weed killing [ __ ] running and got suspended now the NCAA is inting there saying smoke your weed come play for us take the money it’s all good you can do whatever you want to do sh there no balance all over yeah great Point okay and so now we’re going to discuss Devin Haney so he says he’s ready for this Ryan Garcia rematch and he wants it back in blood he said I would love for my next fight to be against Ryan Garcia I want to get mine back in blood I’m just that kind of fighter he will pay for what he did in and out of the ring so after hearing that how do you guys feel about Devin Haney’s comments about Ryan Garcia marce first I’m happy I think think uh he’s probably set and he’s heard all the conversation he’s probably went through you know all the drama of the Peds and everything like that and I think he went back in that gym or he talked to somebody who was real with him and they said man the only way you get your get back it ain’t through talking it ain’t through social media and ain’t through arguing over live it ain’t your pops going out here and Defending Your Name the only way when you a fighter to get your get back is to get inside that ring and see if you can really whoop his ass because I’m I’m pretty sure he’s on social Med like everybody else everything that he says like hey man give me my zero back and everybody’s response is people can’t unse that ass whooping right and I think that that affects him right and I I really believe that he’s a champion he’s been a fighter since forever and I think like you know like you just have to be honest with yourself like how do I redeem myself the only way you redeem yourself is if you get back in that ring and walk that road and go back to those you know face offs and you know you get back in ring and so I’m proud for him to even say it because that means he’s uh he’s obligated himself to say hey I want to do this again and and I hope that you know Ryan uh and I know he got you know personal [ __ ] going on with uh you know wan to fight this year long suspension but I hope they do get back in the ring and you know I really hope Devin redeems himself the right way in the ring yeah I agree I agree 100% with you Mo on this because um when it comes to Devon Haney his initial response to the loss was kind of shattering for us as Devin Haney fans um if you if you look at how he first was talking like you know I probably never get in the ring with him and then you see how they was trying to get him to fight the other guy and he didn’t want to not he didn’t want to fight the guy he just his team said they wasn’t wasn’t ready to take that fight um I I truly believe the conversations did did make its way to his brain and saying you know what you got to get back in the ring you can’t just call places try to get these videos deleted and that’s that’s kind of like you know how how it seemed like he was thinking and somewh it’s like bro they’re not going to pull down the pay-per-view they’re not going to pull down the S can’t get it pulled down match room can’t get it pulled down you’re going to have to fight again and he didn’t even have to fight Ryan Garcia next but he has to get back to fighting I think when you take a whole year off and if you had a problem making weight and you take a whole year off it it will be even harder to make that weight because you got to kind of stay close to that weight that weight level to fight at that fight and that’s that’s too much management for a person that just got beat so decisively and not to mention it’s great that he’s saying this but what happens if Ryan gets drugged up again like I know a lot of people saying because he’s probation he probably won’t do it but I mean if you’re a troll you’re a troll right what what makes him not gets in a press conference and start talking crazy to him you know I’m Juiced up right you know I’m Juiced up you ready you ready to fight [ __ ] CU you know I might I might be Juiced up [ __ ] and he start talking to him like that it’s definitely going to do something to the way he’s thinking because his initial response showed that he was very very fragile mentally and I I wish I wish nothing more for the fighters of today es especially Devon Haney and um Ryan Garcia that they really develop mentally so they’re not so broken when you lose one fight it seemed like people are so broken by one fight and Muhammad Ali and people like that lost five fights and still came back to beat those people and sometime you got to take a fight somewhere else before you fight Ryan Garcia so that’s what I that’s what I feel about this I don’t feel like Ryan should be the next fight but you should take a fight before the year is over with somebody else that you probably could beat but if you’re so locked in about the money then it’s going to force you to go back to this fight and you might not be ready and that’s what we saw happen to Deontay Wilder he jumped right back in the ring with Fury got beat worse and now where do we go from here if he gets beat worse next time it’ll be completely over for him and I think that’s a bad decision and I got super love for the for the hany and the whole camp but I think that’s a bad decision especially when dealing with a troll it’s too much going on if he’s mentally fragile and this guy is mentally challenging outside and in the ring that’s a bad that’s a bad combination I went through the fight next if I I don’t think that he could beat know and like I said I [ __ ] with Devon and I [ __ ] with Bill Styles make fights way he will have a chance my personal opinion is if they follow the same guidelines that tank did I don’t know what weight they gonna meet at but that rehydration [ __ ] matters and tank was smart and he was and his Camp took advantage of that and Ryan you could tell in the fight if you look at Ryan in the ring with tank and you look in the Ryan in the r par me Ryan in the ring with Devin it’s two totally different [ __ ] it’s almost like a skeleton to a diesel [ __ ] pause yeah it’s two totally different [ __ ] so that rehydration [ __ ] really really matters it matters a lot so um if you’re going to do that the Hy Haney Camp I’m talking to I support it if not even if you had a fight in between I just think that Ma made a great point just now the mental games he plays a lot um he looks he looks bigger pause like I seen him trying to [ __ ] troll tank in real time after Tank’s fight talk about yo you gotta give me a rematch after tank uh knocked that homeboy a couple weeks ago he’s he’s at the in the um ring a talking to tank he’s like yo I gotta get the REM I got get the REM the tank said yo you look like you’re 200 pounds like that’s what tank told him he’s like bro that [ __ ] is walking around like 200 now [ __ ] so if you even get him down to 147 or 140 the next day he going balloon up to 170 180 and them left hooks look like they hurt them [ __ ] look like they hurt man I think it needs a lot of strategy needs to be thought about before just rushing back into it I get it we found out the [ __ ] was cheating I seen Bill Haney actually on live with Ryan um having a great conversation shout out to Zab Judah I think he put that together it was really dope U Ryan was really this the calmest I ever seen Ryan he was like yo I’m not arguing I’m not he’s like I don’t even have to be here I’m telling you what happened what I took etc etc but my personal opinion is before you go into these fights a lot of strategy has to be done yeah um going back to Floyd Mayweather and I’ll wrap this up uh quickly um going back to Floyd Mayweather he was probably one of the best strategist besides boxers he would sit down and say oh Canelo you think you that [ __ ] and you you so and so you 22 the best meet me at 154 cool you sit there and you fight Manny Pacquiao when he fights Manny Pacquiao what he I can’t think of homeboy’s name but he took Manny Pacquiao’s um strength and conditioning coach and he hired him just not to go work with Benny Pacquiao he kept him in the gym with him every day and he didn’t even use him for his training he just said you can’t go hang out with him I don’t know what y’all got going on but I don’t like it y’all [ __ ] [ __ ] up together you work for me he all this is strategy we sit there and watch him whether he told us then say we sit there and watch him on FaceTime with Ryan Garcia say three pounds we sit there and see him and tanks Corner before they start falling out rehydration clause this [ __ ] is smart and instead of being emotional that’s what you got to do is come up with a great strategy and not have a a rematch built off emotions because mace made a great point when it came to Deontay Wilder that was purely off emotions when it came with Tyson Fury yeah yeah and when and and another thing going back to this fight if you if you look at um like you said how he fought javante he the first two rounds he was trying to attack javante the same way so we know that he’s going to be aggressive and if you knock somebody out the first time you fight them again you’re coming for that same knockout you I I would I would I wouldn’t throw nothing but that hook you you going to have to show me you could take the hook and I just I think that’s just horrible man like just a horrible decision and another thing he got to come to terms with is that you took the money for the three lbs so then you don’t get to complain about the three PBS if you take the money for the three pounds and still fight so if you and a fighter come in the ring he like he five pound over but give me a million and we still fight if I give you the million you don’t get to say that I’m 5 PBS over cuz we we paid for that and you got in the ring with the money and I’m not saying that he took the money but I’m saying that’s the concept that’s what another thing I thought about I didn’t want to leave that out so I gotta ask if Devin Haney’s next fight was the rematch fight what would happen to him in his legacy that he’s starting if he lost it it depends on how go ahead Mo no I was GNA think like um I think about how Keith Thurman when he lost and I think about about guy like Errol Spence you know and I’m pretty sure there two things I want to say uh the first thing I want to say it was back to to K when he was talking about um how Floyd at times has wisdom from being in the game so long and it made me think of like sometimes they may reject Floyd for some reasons but if people value wisdom they would keep him around for just these nuanced things that they should know in regards to boxing that was one thing but um I think like that’s the like even even having wisdom with how do you to line with making sure you can make money but then also picking the right fights and all of the little nuances around it that’s probably and I don’t know Bill and I don’t want to say it is him but that’s probably what somebody like Floyd would do for some of these guys just walking that path and and being around the game for so long uh but I don’t know boxing is fickle and and every time everybody runs from A Loss or that they don’t want to that they don’t want to lose they devalue the prizes that they can make moving forward because it becomes about the The Undefeated record and never getting beat by anybody so I believe that um he would be just like one of these other guys who ends up losing and they go to the Wayside but you need somebody to change the narrative I know the guy from Saudi Arabia uh wants to create one league and have guys fight each other you would obviously lose uh more in that scenario but uh I just think that he would end up being like somebody else and and I’m pretty sure that his father weighs that in his mind like hey man you know if you go out here lose we could be on the outside begging guys for fights and so I think that in the state of boxing now you ruin your career yeah and I think that need you’re right that narrative needs to change because there’s only I think about two fighters I remember staying undefeated Floyd and and and probably one other boxer so I think running with that narrative is unrealistic everybody’s going to lose at some point so making your whole Legacy based on not losing is not is not really a great great plan when you when you’re daring to be great and Devin Haney doesn’t cross me as a guy that doesn’t want the smoke he’s the guy that’s why he got in this position CU he wanted to smoke because he knew what what their history was and he wanted to clear that up so my hat does go off to him about that because even all the times he got knocked down he never he never caved in he got up every time even though he got beat worse as he got up he still got up and I think he needs Floyd I I want to go on a record and say that he needs Floyd because the style the way that he fights Floyd is the best at using your strengths against you nobody else I’ve seen in boxing does that like Floyd he’ll take the thing that you do well and use that to your disadvantage and I think that’s what Devon has to learn to do how do I make this hook to his disadvantage like when he does this I’m going to do this and and without that I don’t think he wins so he gotta he got to Humble himself and go get with Floyd I think Shakur gotta get with Floyd Haney gotta get with Floyd and whoever think they gonna beat tank they better go get with Floyd that’s probably the only way they could beat tank um yeah you know everybody wants to be undefeated stay undefeated but I think it’s because of Floyd Floyd is the standard for these young [ __ ] and Floyd retired undefeated so when [ __ ] don’t want they old to go they already think damn I’m not GNA be better than what Floyd was because Floyd’s not the young [ __ ] no more you know when we was younger Floyd might have been might have been looking at Roy Jones or you might have been looking at Mike Tyson or you might have been looking at Larry Holmes mam I don’t depends on how old you are but for these [ __ ] Floyd’s The Standard and he has zero loss so once you lose and their bra I’m talking about you’re already not going to be the best cuz the best [ __ ] that we ever seen talking about the younger fighs never lost so that’s why I think so these Fighters are so protective of not losing but you could still lose and be that [ __ ] Manny Pacquiao lost five six times Manny Pacquiao fight any one of these [ __ ] tank [ __ ] uh yeah Devin Shakur [ __ ] the lights is on [ __ ] he’s not a biggest star than him yeah now don’t get me wrong tank is right there but Manny’s International and tanks on his way you y’all [ __ ] want to get a check stop calling Floyd and everybody call Manny out yeah Manny up Manny’s coming to fight y’all [ __ ] he about 45 45 he coming to fight every last one of y’all [ __ ] y’all want to get a real check y’all want to see the St the the pay-per-view numbers go up y’all want to see the arena filled to the Raptors call Manny Pago he got five losses six losses he showing up like he ain’t ever lost a fight in his life that’s the attitude you got to have because everybody’s not g to have a zero record moving forward and I get it you got you got Floyd Mayweather you got Terence Crawford These [ __ ] Ain’t lose so you like damn if I lose I ain’t never n you can still be great sometimes sty make fight sometime when boxing you get caught slipping one night it’s a it’s a fight it can happen but stop thinking because if you lose a fight is over it’s not over and what happens is you’re really depriving the fans and slowing down your career because y’all are picking and choosing and taking too long to fight each other because you got to make sure you don’t lose Keith Thurman you bought him up he got one loss who’ he lose to Manny Pacquiao yeah that’s what I’m trying to tell you so at the end of the day we got to stop I’m talking about you as boxers don’t think one loss is over for you my [ __ ] great great great boxes suon have three four five six losses but if y’all [ __ ] want to check call Manny Pacquiao he showing up he definitely showing up at White weight class what weight class Manny mag started off at 110 and went up to 154 that [ __ ] F whatever weight class 140 whatever weight class you want to meet him at he know how to get there yeah him and tank will be a goodie yeah I think that’s better than the Floyd and tank I think tank tank and Manny Pacquiao yeah I think I’m really I would really like to see tank and Pacquiao because we know Pacquiao ain’t backing up he fight coming forward tank fight coming forward we seen Pacquiao put to sleep but Pacquiao come with them six seven eight punch combinations yeah Pacquiao and tank amazing I I would love to see that well great conversation Maurice thank you for being here Mo appreciate you baby that’s all our time stat yeah as I said it was a good discussion okay there we go that’s all the time we have for today thanks for watching and as always it is what it [Music] is what you want [ __ ] everything [ __ ] Super Size Big Max like when they doing them two for

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  1. Nahh, the shoe on the other foot is crazy, white people have wayyyy more power to leverage POP positions and use nepotism, they have been keeping us out forever, so no, it's not right for white men of power to keep doing it because 2 African American sports figures did it.

  2. I don’t think they mad at bronny it’s the fact of if his last name was horford bronny would get this much coverage we get the draft was weak and he was fortunate to get drafted but there is no reason we talking about him as if he was number 1

  3. I don’t think they mad at bronny it’s the fact of if his last name was horford bronny would get this much coverage we get the draft was weak and he was fortunate to get drafted but there is no reason we talking about him as if he was number 1

  4. Murda Mase….they gonna introduce you to Diabetes…stay healthy and keep with the nutrients intake

  5. A poor kid that came from nothing deserved that spot kills be tripping. But I do agree to a point with you cam.

  6. Use your leverage is super facts. John Elway said he would play for the Yankees if he wasn't drafted by the Broncos. Football players hold out in pre-season all the time! What Rich Paul did is clean. All this controversy is Lebron hate.

  7. Bronny can actually contribute too, he can knock down open corner 3’s and he can defend and ball handle. He can average between 5 ppg and 8 ppg

  8. No community blunts everybody has their own thing because it is geared towards your own specific desire. Now the stuff that's selling in no smoke shops oh my goodness you got to respect it

  9. We need to stick together more often.
    Change the narrative for black fathers and leaders in position to evaluate their business muscles

  10. I Feel U Cam…I Didn't Look At It The Way U Put It My Gee…Real Talk If A Father A Real Father Can Get His Son In The Door Because Who The Father Is Real Talk Fuck It Walk Yo Son In Maaayne…Other Races Do It All Day…I Didn't See It Like That Cam 💪💯💪💯💪

  11. Wth is Ma$e talking about laced weed? A pro athlete aint buying their drugs off the streets.

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