@Denver Nuggets

118 Days Until Tip-Off – Free Talk Friday | Jun 28, 2024

Daily Listening: Lupe Fiasco – Samurai (2024) | Recommended by u/j_like

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  1. Bradleys_Chubb

    u/j_like, great call on the daily listening, didn’t realize it dropped!

  2. If Booth gets Paul George, he has my vote for president of the United States of America.

    Actually, hell, if he can get on the ballot he probably has my vote at this point

  3. n0t_malstroem

    paulo jorge clay tonsil

    adios kcp ☹️

  4. BlindManBaldwin

    I do not like moving MPJ for Paul George but I support whatever the Nuggets do.

  5. jillavery

    Just thinking about it’s Jokic, Murray, Gordon and then whatever happens. I’ve felt this way for a while and I think most other folks do too. It’s just gotta be a net positive for whatever else happens to the roster. Just reminding myself of this in case of what happens in the coming days. No one else is safe, I just hope Booth cooks good.

  6. n0t_malstroem

    Honestly I think getting paulo jorge his ring would do a fuck ton for our standing and reputation around the league. I’m not talking about reddit and twatter randoms but the actual league and teams and agents and players. Which could be very beneficial despite how much I’d fucking hate having paulo jorge for more than 1 years

  7. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    I’m about 2/3 of the way through Stalker (1979). Took me a while to get used to Tarkovsky’s painfully slow panning shots. What a wild film, it’s so disorienting.

  8. doo_wop45

    What do I eat to help cure this hangover? Pho? Burger and fries?

  9. Downtown-Desk-3275

    The year is 2024 and your favorite basketball team just traded young podcaster with inconsistent takes for a veteran podcaster with a great reputation.

  10. Give me Paul George and I will never ask for anything ever again 😞🕊️

  11. jmoneysteck88

    Just an FYI guys, a Paul George trade is basically impossible.

  12. n0t_malstroem

    Josh Okogie going straight into the all shitter wishlist for the 3rd year in a row

  13. snakejakemonkey

    Aj Griffin and Quentin Grimes dumped for nothing. 2 great KCP replacements for cheap.

    Does Denver scout the NBA? We haven’t see anything to suggest they do

  14. So basically the best offer we can do for PG is MPJ, Zeke, Strawther, Tyson, our 2031 FRP and other picks that we would get in a possible KCP S&T

    This would put us at roughly 170mil of salary with 7 roster spots to fill while the 2nd apron is at 189mil. So we could still use the TMLE, maybe leave a roster spot open and we would be able to stay below the 2nd apron, I’m in guys

  15. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    “you know Jimmy Carter only served one term he could run again” lmao

  16. Bradleys_Chubb

    Blessed by Garibaldi breakfast burrito this fine morning

  17. aatencio91

    All this dooming is exhausting

    What happened to the thread I love

  18. JakeJacob

    Anyone played *Manor Lords*? Would you recommend it?

  19. n0thing_remains

    Not_maestroöeõeøm dodged answering whether he chooses constipation or diarrhea. 

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