@National Basketball Association

[Sidery] The Nuggets do not plan to enter a bidding war to retain Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, per @espn_macmahon. If a team offers a high annual value to Caldwell-Pope out of their price range, they will let him walk.

The Nuggets do not plan to enter a bidding war to retain Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, per

If a team offers a high annual value to Caldwell-Pope out of their price range, they will let him walk.


by mMounirM


  1. LongTimesGoodTimes

    I read this as “Nuggets aren’t serious About competing for a championship in 2025.”

  2. OrangeKookie

    Is Denver just gonna bleed their talent like the mavs after 2011

  3. bush_league_commish

    So what, Christian Braun gonna slot in at SG?

  4. Do the Nuggets not want to make the finals next year or something?

  5. teensonacid

    there’s ALOT of faith in Braun and Watson at this point from the FO. It’s either going to be spectacular or a miserable exercise in ego. Pretty much par for the course for most of us long time Nuggets fans

  6. greenwhitehell

    This does make the Reggie dump even more baffling. I’d understand the overpay if they were close to agreeing to extend KCP in a backloaded contract and that by having Reggie’s money come out they could stay out of the 2nd apron this year while extending KCP, but he walks Denver has one tradeable pick left while losing a starter and still having an even worse contract to dump in Zeke.

    I understand Calvin’s vision but his asset management has been kinda shocking

  7. csummerss

    feels like we aren’t too far off from Nuggets aggregating MPJ to compensate for lack of depth

  8. TomLikesHam

    West really feels as wide open as ever

  9. AirJordan6124

    At this point, I think they need to trade MPJ if things goes south moving forward

  10. alphalobster200

    very disappointing if true.

    the Nuggets should be operating under the directive that they can’t lose KCP, if for no other reason than to trade him down the line for cap relief and assets. his value is obviously high so they should have no problem accomplishing that.

  11. innerparty45

    Historic fumbling of assets while you have the best player of the generation in his prime on your team.

    Having no bench presence, acquiring older rookies who no coach will play in an NBA season, throwing away picks and losing every trade. Just horrible.

  12. dead-serious

    take it from a fan who’s pro sports team has never won the big one: one chip is surely worth the following years of malaise. But gotta take advantage of prime Joker timeline

  13. MyLittlePwny2

    Ownership is the biggest competitive advantage in the league. Nuggets could easily keep KCP. But they’re being cheap asses.

  14. mike_lafontaine

    It feels like they need to see if a team would take MPJ in a 2 or 3 for 1 type deal. They may not get anyone back of his caliber, but they need to split up that money for depth. Barnes and Huerter would get it done, but not sure Sac would do it

  15. HairyMootWarrior

    Philly need to open the cheque book

  16. HairyMootWarrior

    Nuggets were looking like a team that could win 2 or 3 more rings in the next 5 years. This is not great for them

  17. chakrablocker

    its funny every team has the same restrictions. But everyone acts like their fav team is the only one handicapped.

  18. penguin_torpedo

    I get why this is happening, but if you knew this was gonna happen I don’t get why they didn’t commit any more assets to repeating. We lost Bruce and Jeff, and our best reinforcement was old ass Justin Holiday

  19. desirox

    It’s hard to retain a championship roster

  20. Steelers7589

    Losing him sucks but if he’s getting 25-30 mil, it has to happen. The second apron will fuck us up. Jokic/Murray/Gordon/MPJ/Braun is still an amazing base to build off of.

  21. thinlion01

    They never should have signed the new CBA

  22. Mr_Unbiased

    As they should, very overrated and aging player and r/NBA thinks he’s worth $25 million as if they just didn’t watch him fail to average 10 PPG in the playoffs and let Ant cook him.

  23. _Tar_Ar_Ais_

    Org is optimistic on Braun and Watson stepping up, but this is a big hit for sure!

  24. Why did they salary dump Jackson then? Dumping your back up PG (for 3 picks) and then still letting your starting SG walk??

  25. mattnage13

    Nuggets going to look a lot different, going to be hard to find the right pieces to put around the core

  26. External-Cable2889

    Personally, a big loss for the team, part of the business. He was clutch, especially on defense, and hit key shots often. One of my fav role players, comparable to John Paxson Bulls’ first three-peat team.

  27. Emera1dthumb

    It sounds like they just fired the first shot….. drawing lines in the sand is typically something people do during a war

  28. Turkilton

    I think the Nuggets are still contenders with or without KCP. I won’t be surprised if they make it to the finals next year. People are over reacting.

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