@Sacramento Kings

Kings Roundtable: Reacting to the Davion Mitchell, Sasha Vezenkov trade

Kings Roundtable: Reacting to the Davion Mitchell, Sasha Vezenkov trade

it’s trade season when it’s free agent season when it’s draft season you never know who’s going to pop in to the Kings Flagship station and Sack Town Sports Kings insiders Frankie cardeli and Brendan Nunes we had to get them in here ASAP okay to discuss the trade that just went down Sasha V zenov and Davon Mitchell Chris Chris messed me up with the Donovan earlier don’t you put that on me that’s right for jayin McDaniels from Toronto also the 45th pick going to Toronto so out with Davon out with off Knight also out with Sasha venkov thank you it was a short time but we thank you for the time that you spent with Sacramento and now a lot of people are saying is this the move before the move guys but we had Sam and Tito hanging out during the break we are going to do that giveaway and then we going to break down Frankie and Brendan’s thoughts Sam what you got for us am I on you’re on Sam I’m uh I’m from Rhode Island I’m calling from Rhode Island oh awesome let me tell you guys you got something very good in Devin Carter I was seeing on Twitter some uh Kings fans were not all that happy positionally I can understand that but I mean he’s just there is no part of his game that is not not amazing I mean people were complaining he’s short he’s got a 68 wingspan he’s going he probably is the best defensive guard on the Kings as of today wow get playing time because of how good of a Defender he is and I mean he shot like 38% from three so he’s gonna get a lot of playing time and you’re gonna be very impressed by him thank you for the call Sam great stuff enjoy your time in RH Island I hear it’s beautiful this this time notar that well I I definitely do it’s it’s Rhode Island it is it’s pry nice out there this is the I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything about Rhode Island this is the time and because of that move in in drafting Devin Carter who is gonna be a dog on this King team we said Monty you got too many guards he says okay I hear you bet the Sacramento Kings are traded Davon Mitchell and Sasha zenov to the Toronto Raptors for jayen McDaniels 26 years old same rangy type of player as his younger brother but we’re trying to see what he’s going to be it’s it’s it hasn’t worked in Toronto and they weren’t very good how will it work out in Sacramento or is this a chess move not a Checkers move Tito what you got for us oh first off guys get bent no I’m just kidding that’s crazy same to you no no I mean I just saw you know all the you know promotion last night on Twitter you guys I know you guys aren’t huge huge college basketball fans especially here on the East Coast the Big East you know what we think is the preeminent college basketball uh conference in the country uh I’ve been I’ve been a province fan my entire life uh my dad went there I went there uh you know I’ve watched a ton of games uh you know Devin Carter is he’s it he is a guy that you guys now have that is going to be a leader I know he’s just going to be a rookie coming in but give him a year or two he is everything you could pass forward a player he plays relentlessly plays hard especially on defense the offense obviously coming along you know we had our best player Bryce Hopkins go down with a knee injury this year and you know we put the offensive load on Devin and you can look and you can watch film from last year how many times the end of the shot clock you know Devin got the ball and was just kind of looking around like what do I do and it was Buddy you take the ball you go to the basket you pull up from three and he answered the Bell more times than not he is a dog is someone that is going to absolutely be a problem for other teams he’s going to be the type of guy that other teams are like I hate this guy but if he was on my team he’d be my favorite player so consider yourselves lucky you got a good one I know you guys didn’t have much background but he is GNA be a solid player in the NBA for many many years hold on Tito hold on Tito our Insider has a question for you I got a quick question for you you said you’ve been a Providence guy a long time um the other guy I think of is Chris Dunn and obviously differences between between the two but I’d love to hear your perspective as somebody that watched them a lot as the differences between the guys and kind of the hype of both of them coming in yeah no absolutely yeah Chris Dunn was obviously more of a PO pure point guard pass first type guy could obviously score too but the defensive comparisons are pretty much the same I think that’s why he shall not be named who’s the coach of Georgetown recruited him uh so you know he’s got a real high motor on offense he’s going to be diving for loose ball you know same thing as Chris Dunn did uh I just think Devon’s offensive game might be a little bit more polished at this point um but you know the same type of rangy athlete explosive you know type of guy that could you know play you know defensive back on an NFL team as well uh he’s got you know the intangibles that you know people really can’t measure and the fact that he fell all the way I thought he was going in the top 10 uh you know I thought maybe even the top five like Chris Dunn did I’m you know I’m a bit of a so that’s what I was hoping for but you know I’m happy ended up with you guys you guys are going to be happy with him uh but yeah I mean obviously Chris Dunn has had his troubles in the NBA you know coming in and out of teams and whatnot I think it was More’s offense wasn’t fully there I think Devon’s a little bit further long offensively thanks so muchto great insid yeah frier that’s what they say thanks Tito so much Callin anytime all right guys things all right all right guys now before we get into the trade and like we said W bomb happened how long ago Chris 43 minutes ago according to W by sorry to interrupt you Sean added that they are also trading Shan Cunningham that they are also trading a future Portland second round pick in the deal the 2025 second round pick that is Portlands that they own so the fourth 45th pick Sasha Davon and a 2025 second that is Portland so I want to ask what this says about Davon and Sasha’s value okay because I want to start there but let’s get Simone let’s get Simone working right now the Sacramento Kings are hosting the sixth annual California classic summer league on July 6th 7th and July 9th with an expanded lineup of teams preparing for NBA action Chris and I are going to get you in the building call right now at 916 339 11140 and lock up this family four pack of three-day passes looking for caller number 15 minus 7 is eight callar number eight wow D caller number eight caller number eight 916 33914 916 33914 916 339 1140 caller number oo caller number eight as we stay goodbye to Sasha vazen off and offn night Davon Mitchell trust your work okay guys let’s start here what does it say about Davon and Sasha’s value or lack thereof does it say more about that or more about the fact that Monty and I see Chris’s face here we understand the salary dump aspect of it but you still could have got more back or what did they see in Jaylen McDaniels something explain it to us like we’re four years old please well I think that it’s pretty self-explanatory I guess the value of these guys there’s really no value here right I mean we’re dumping salary and it’s taking picks to do so that’s nuts and like I mean if you really think about it what are these guys what were they providing to the team last year either of those guys looked up Jaylen stats no I know Jaylen is not I don’t think Jaylen honestly really matters in this deal I don’t jayen is not good he is now Kessler Edwards on this team I think he that he’s more harkless but younger of a deep bench forward in a pinch where whether it’s injuries or whether it’s you know you trying to find something on any given night whether it’s a Devon Booker’s cooking you that’s a guy on the bench that you throw out there when you need to try something else the fact of the matter is that the Kings needed to they needed to create space both on the roster and both financially more so financially that’s why last night my question was you know you’re you’re you’re using that pick which there was question if they’re gonna use that pick or not when you bring in that 13th overall pick you add that salary to the fold too that may me question okay are they going to use his 45th pick I was very skeptical they’re going to use a 45th pick at all because that’s another player and more salary have to add into the mix so if you think about it the value was low even though Davon improved his three-point shooting there was there were some flashes last year where I think at the beginning of the year we sat here at this table and talked about how Davon might be on the verge of becoming a you know a Bonafide bust well I think he is now I sure but but he I think no no no based on for the Kings based on what the what sure he was a top 10 is officially official with this I guess that’s what I’m saying he might not be a bust in in he can unb later bust to me is a strong term I think that he still can go to a team and and be a rotational player and he was a rotation player for the Kings he shot like 40% from three last 10 games averaged 23 points shot 4 43% field goal percentage 41 thre point percentage he averaged nine points yeah and he was locked down those are good numbers one of the things that Monty mcir said yesterday when talking about Devin Carter that I think applies to these guys he says I think what’s appealing about him is that you can put him on the floor and both ends he’s going to contribute and I think talking with Mike Brown we’ve just got to continue to find guys that can play both ends and stick on the floor no matter what the other team throws at them Sasha and Davon both play one end of the floor right Davon plays defense how many ends the jayen McDaniels play J I don’t think Jaylen McDaniels matters in this does that me have to get rid of the picks or their their play I mean I just I it’s in order to dump salary so you have more flexibility for uh either returning trades in a deal if you want to be able to take on more salary than you’re outgoing I think they have more flexibility with that they were about four mil I think under the first apron Mark and this frees up about eight more and while they do have their mle available to them my understanding is you can’t use that mle and sign somebody with it that would then take you over that first apron so they were restricted and how much they could use that I believe that this deal makes them able to use their full mle and potentially creates a trade exception so I kind of look at it as and this is premature because you have to see what they do with this money but say like I I’ve heard smoke around Naji Marshall for example in free agency would you rather have Naji Marshall on the mle deal or Sasha venkov Davon Mitchell 45th pick and you know honestly Portland’s pick next year is pretty high that’s probably in the 30s right in the second round but if we’re talking about roster balance like this is the way to do it and I was big on Sasha last year coming into the year that did not pan out he clearly seemed unhappy it seemed like it was probably time to move on from that um and I really don’t think daveon was bringing that much but but again to I think what is a bit Sur surprising to us is that if you’re going to dump salary we get that but the fact that nobody else wanted to play ball to dump salary and the best you could get is a 26y old who can’t get on the floor I I think it’s is just a bit jarring that Sasha and davon’s value is is that was that low well it’s jarring but I think maybe you have a higher idea of their value because I just don’t think the value was there I mean clearly I think that also I know we keep saying the whole thing about takes you to tango and Monty mcir and the Kings trying to find trades with these Partners nothing’s you know comes to fruition but that just seems to be the matter of the fact that no one wants to play ball and make deals for you know of higher value than the ones that are there right now and the highest um the highest PR for the Kings right now was to create space and they did that that was the goal of this draft it wasn’t to it to bring in talent in return for Sasha and Davon it was to create space so that you can bring in talent and you have the flexibility to either whether it be the use the MLA or use free agency money because free agency begins on Sunday or have more flexibility in trade because as know they’re looking to make a trade right now they’re really the Old Reliable the Corolla package like you guys call it this could help maybe at make things easier for them to add in more salary you never know I think this kind of has to be an incomplete until we see what we do with it right what they do with it this to me just reminds me a lot of the Nick stal is salary de to me like I just don’t think you have to lose a trade just because you have a goal in mind to me this is them just saying we really want to dump salary and we’re just we don’t really care what the package is we just want to get rid of these guys but I don’t think that means that you just have to dump them and not get anything in return I think I just think in a vacuum it’s a bad deal well that one the the salary dump with stalis and Thompson those guys that was like a lot more money and I think a first round a first round pick was included in that too yeah sure because it’s like this is second round picks I mean but it’s still a rotational guy and it’s a guy that you at one point had a lot of hyp that’s true who’s the rotational guy Davon yeah okay was he not a part of the rotation should he like is part of an ideal he’s going to be part of Toronto’s rotation they’re going to get plenty of use out of him they’re going to get plenty of use out of Sasha the Kings end this is a f i saw Tony zipas on Twitter say this there’s five Assets in this trade and the King somehow got the worst one of them yeah you’re not wrong about that how is that but how does that mean that it’s I I just don’t see how that justifies we needed clear up space to me there’s no there is no way that Davon Mitchell and Sasha vazen kov truly had this little value that you literally had to attach second round picks to it to me maybe it’s just a sense of maybe the second round picks more are the kings are just saying we want to get under the luxury and Toronto’s maybe saying how bad do you want to get under the luxury I can understand that but I just think that the training of the players to me is the part that just I you you you lose me well and I would say this and if you’ve been listening to the show thank you for listening if you’re new to the show thank you for joining us Chris is not a Davon guy no let’s just make that I remember on here like I think he’s a rotation guy so that’s what I’m saying when you talk about value it’s not as if when Frankie you say oh maybe we’re overval I don’t is it any more frustration as far as like when are the Kings gonna be on the other end of this because it always is it does going to be the kings that are on this end of the deal where they’re dumping assets and having to take back you know I don’t really care about that I just felt like I honestly thought that Davon would be an enticing piece to somebody I think that the second draft is a very real thing we got we traded Marvin baggley for tra ly like and Marvin when he was traded was at the bottom of his value ever and we got a really good rotational piece for it we just traded Davon Mitchell who is much better than Marvin Bagley ever was and we got a guy that everyone’s saying this guy is not even a part of the equation he’s not gonna trade I just think that you gave up two players who can actually play for you and you traded two second round picks on top of that and you get a guy who I think Kessler Edwards is a perfect shout I think this is just going to be a situational play might play 40 games might play 50 games but you cleared space congratulations I hope you do something with it I really do and I think they could be better for it I just don’t think that that’s justification for making a bad trade I think overall we’ve seen them be pretty calculated and patient and I would bet that we see something pretty quick on Sunday I would they’re doing this that they have it they already know in mind what the next move is would be my guess you know I don’t think you just do this and then it’s like all right now we got space let’s figure out what to do with it right I bet they’ve already had conversations you know well you know as much as you’re allowed to I guess nobody I mean they’re not really talking to anybody leag year starts on Sunday yeah yeah you know but I would imagine that this is made with another move in mind that could happen pretty quick on Sunday and by the way we talk about how important this time period is and when news breaks like this we we just got word from the big boss we just got word from from Simone as well you know normally if you’ve been listening to this show for a while normally we would go to break here but we’re powering through because we want to keep this conversation going we want to keep everybody locked in 916 339 1140 but let me ask you this Chris as as Brendan has basically put out there that he’s hearing whispers about about nji Marshall if ultimately you get nji Marshall yeah are you okay with are you okay with all this it helps it definitely helps soften the blow for sure um and I I think that it it helps but I I still think it’s a bad trait I mean I still think that you could have used Davon or Sasha to get that other deal especially now that you’ve traded 13 as well to me I would think that Davon has somewhere near late first round pick value maybe it’s early second maybe I’m completely off on that now especially looking at it now but I I just feel like I yeah I mean it would it would make me feel better but that’s not where we’re at right now and so you know yeah when it when it happens and like I said at the start like I think that this is a move that might make the Kings better in the long run but I just don’t think that that necessarily means that this was the best deal that they could have gotten for this package it’s also like a matter of assets I think that to your point Davon from a financial standpoint and the fact that he is still young and someone that can you know we’ve seen crazier things happen as far as players turn around oh yeah that makes it a little tougher to swallow for sure because I personally did not also Envision Davon in a deal quite like this I thought in a deal for a you know for a larger name if you have your Harris and your Corolla package adding Davon to that I think is enticing if you don’t want to part with the first round pick are there teams that would want to take a flyer because again the king’s future first round pick could be a 20 25 you know however whatever they fall range I am I’m guessing maybe other teams or maybe not Toronto in this case didn’t view it the same way but no I definitely get your point and that does make it a little tougher to swallow but like you said this all is better and can be made better if they do go make that next move you have to make that next move and it has to count it has to be notable I mean we all know that the Kings had they have to make a notable move this summer but if you’re there’s two assets off the board yes and two salary fillers off the board there’s not really much else left outside of herder and Barnes right now so right so they make this trade and they go get na Marshall and they draft Devin Carter we and I know you guys have been listening to the show if if they don’t make a quote unquote big move this off season I have to eat a Carolina Reaper so let’s say yes I’m do I’ll join you for fun well you can come on it Chris Made Me Do ity got milk ready yeah so so let’s say that’s it you get n Nai Marshall and you drafted Devin Carter and everybody else we running it back should I be eating a Carolina Reaper no I think so I think I I think you should in general one B definitely one bite of it oh no definitely you take that whole thing I don’t think that’s enough to compete guys we’re he Rumblings about Paul George well and I think that is also part of this is that you’re clearing up under the new CBA um I don’t know the exact numbers off top of my head but essentially the matching salary is a little bit of a wider range that you can uh it takes less to match that you could throw in some salaries and take back more than you previously could but it also depends on your cap situation and when they’re four M under the first apron they’re not going to want to do a trade that would then take them above that apron Mark so this also could be rather than the mle opening up more flexibility so that way you are more comfortable taking back more than you’re sending out in a future deal all of Paul George whatever it may be look you guys are the these are what ifs too yeah they are but but Chris but this is how I felt yesterday about the draft right that’s this is how you feel now it’s the move before the move when the draft was made and there were 18 guards on the roster I thought this doesn’t make a lot of sense and Monty answered the call in a way he answered the call and Dave yon Mitchell is now gone that was the most clashy of of of the guards with Devin Carter and Davon Mitchell okay so it’s just it’s getting peace meal together more than I think we see with other teams and I guess you could use the word methodical and I guess it’s just again it’s waiting and seeing to waiting and seeing to waiting and seeing and you got to think at some point the big move is going to happen happen we just don’t know when yeah and we’ve seen the reports that there I mean Sam amck was on with Dave and Jason this morning saying that just because the draft’s over doesn’t mean that this situation over the Kings and we also saw other sources out there from Matt Moore Matt Moore has been on it I think a lot so far this year he said the same thing that the kings are still pushing that package of herder and Barnes I feel like maybe it’ll be a matter of hopefully not like today where they might have to settle and take what they can get but I mean you hope that the cam Johnson’s the Kyle kusas what have you there’s got to be someone else that can come in here and take one of those guards away and bring in a for because right now the Kings have I think one Center on the roster I think what three forwards Barnes and ly and Keegan like they well now I guess McDaniels but there’s going to be more moves this is not the roster it’s gonna enter opening night it’s just a matter of can they make that next move that’s going to push them from being a playin Contender to a playoff a perennial playoff team they need to make that move that’s going to put them into that area and was this the move no gonna get them one step closer you hope so but also it kind of has to because if that doesn’t happen this year I mean mon McNair’s job we’re talking about hot seat for sure but this is the time to make those moves it’s been two years since they made the last notable addition I think that bringing in McDaniels actually is the first it is I mean him and like Phil DTE and Philip petrusev like those are the kinds of guys that they’ve brought in the past two years retaining Malik that’s a that’s a win for the offseason so far for less money Detroit was gonna give more money that’s we know that’s out there now Orlando would have been lurking if if Klay Thompson didn’t come there now who is that player you’re going to bring in that’s next question and if this deal makes that possible it makes this trade a win in my book as well from the 916 let money cook in all caps cook in all caps you’re texting text on yourself now I I thought it was you I think part of that is like how much do you have faith in Monty I feel like if you look back at his previous moves and I know it’s mainly that one off season that they’ve worked out you know the Tyrese for for domas thing obviously a little bit polarizing um and could look different in the future but I think that’s for the most part worked out um being able to move Bagley for Trey lyes I forget exactly how they got Divan chenzo for some reason I want to say it’s part of the same deal three team trade three team trade Milwaukee Detroit Sacramento right but I I feel like you can see the logic in every move that Monty makes and that makes it easy in my mind to be optimistic and pitch that that logic you know I’m not necessarily saying that I think this is a great deal but I’m more so trying to I I see the logic and I appreciate that because I think there’s a lot of front offices where you’re like what is happening right now and this is one of those moments but I think that since most of their stuff has made sense to me that I’m waiting and assuming this is a precursor to something continuing to react to the Kings trading Davon Mitchell and Sasha venkov to Toronto for Jaylen McDaniels and also the 45th pick going to Toronto as well guys thank you so much the last thing I’ll leave you with is I mean look maybe there’s something to it the Log Jam at guard okay maybe that affected it and you have Sasha whether they were fake reports or real reports Sasha wasn’t happy these are these were two not distress assets but but not far from it maybe that affected their value I guess we’ll never know or we kind of do know because of who we got back coming up next we continue the conversation opening back up the phone lines 9163 39140 reacting to the

Did the Kings make a mistake trading Davion Mitchell and Sasha Vezenkov? Our NBA insiders, Brenden Nunes and Franklin Cartoscelli, break down the deal to Toronto on another Kings Roundtable.

Brenden Nunes and Franklin Cartoscelli joined Stiles & Watkins Thursday for an impromptu Kings Roundtable. The group discuss the pros and cons of the deal from Sacramento’s perspective, what the Kings could be planning, and why Mitchell and Vezenkov’s values were so low. Plus, could a major move be on the cards for GM Monte McNair?

All that and more on Sactown Sports.

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  1. We need Paul George. Mcdaniels is clearly known for defence, we have our guards.
    I would trade Huerter, Barnes, Lyles and picks for Paul George and maybe someone like Coffey.
    PG is the exact guy we need around Fox, Keegan and Domas

  2. Another g leaguer😂😂😂 they gave Davion and Sasha away for free would took a draft pick instead

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