@Phoenix Suns

How will Ryan Dunn fit with the Phoenix Suns? Can he fix his shooting?

How will Ryan Dunn fit with the Phoenix Suns? Can he fix his shooting?

so here’s how much things have changed in the last 24 hours or so all right like you and I were doing the show yesterday we got off the air at 6 o00 the Phoenix Suns traded down from 22 to 28 uh yesterday what about 7:15 I think 710 7:15 ultimately they made their pick about 745 or so and not knowing what the suns were going to do today with the second round over we both kind of had this idea of coming in let’s talk about Ryan Dunn let’s talk about the Virginia kid that they got let’s talk about how much pressure there is on him to be great right away and whether Ryan Dunn can be great right away because the hole in his game is such a gaping hole that it just it’s hard to believe that they’re going to be able to fix that in one year but then something odd happened on the way to the Ryan Dunn critique today happened and today the the players that they drafted and the moves that they made and I agree with you wholeheartedly about this suddenly the focus is not just on the one guy anymore they got in the draft the focus is on the total vision of everything that happen and that really takes the pressure off of D doesn’t it it absolutely does there are certain ways to phrase it but the way that I’ll choose to right now is that it is obvious to see where Ryan Dunn is a gamble as a prospect because when you hear about a poor shooting Prospect or a poor shooting profile for a wing you might have a certain idea idea in your head Ryan dun hit 12 threes over two seasons with Virginia he hit 12 and he shot 24% on those total attempts uh even more concerning he had 99 free throw attempts and he made 53% of those and that is where okay we can work with it let’s figure out an offensive role for you in the meantime what you’ve got to be able to add after that uh for example Josh giddy was a guy who got traded a couple days ago people are talking about the shooting and how much of a concern it is but Josh giddy is a fantastic playmaker he’s one of the best Playmakers in the league right now I would argue so he provides offensive value in that kind of way Dunn’s a really good cutter he’s a really good offensive rebounder but as a playmaker and a decision maker there’s just some hesitancy and there is some stuff to catch up on where he had 35 assists in 65 games for Virginia he was just not he was a play finisher that’s what he was doing he was finishing at The Rim he was hitting the very occasional three but he wasn’t in a situation where this guy’s closing out on me I’m making two dribbles and then I’m making this pass he did it every now and then don’t get me wrong but again that’s half an assist a game so you’re just not really the offensive role for him is just unclear and how do you untap that are you playing him as a small ball five now is he a screener that’s where he still worry about the short roll decision making that someone like OSU Garo for example doesn’t have to worry about but all of this is worth it Dave Burns because he’s the best defensive prospect in the entire draft yes and everybody agrees on that you you won’t I don’t think I found one person who didn’t think that he was Kevin Pelton who you know I have a lot of respect for and I think you do too everyone should yeah a week ago he did his top 30 big board for the draft he had Ryan dun number 19 on his list for that reason and that reason alone called him a lock defensively he is a lock already defensively to be a great player in the NBA he will win them games next year there’s going to be games he plays next year where he plays 18 minutes the offense wasn’t a problem because the defense wasn’t whatever and or he was knocking down threes and then he is just going to make a handful of plays defensively and you’re going to be like that you guys are going to come on your show and you’re going to be like that six minute sequence from Ryan dun changed the game yeah he is that type of Defender and it’s blocks and it’s steals it’s it’s it’s the combination of both it’s the ability to take defense and turn it in offense with turnovers and things like that um but I fell into the Trap too and I and I my mind started racing and thinking about okay all of the players not just in Sun’s history but in general history who came out of the college basketball and you said okay yeah you know he’s a real good athlete he does this well he does that well but he doesn’t shoot and and look at this guy he learned how to shoot and look at that guy he learned how to shoot I know we’re playing the the snippet from the wolf and Luke show and and Ron’s comparing him to Shawn Maran and I was here when Shawn Maran was drafted I remember the concerns about his offense the problem with just about all of those comps is that for all of the question marks about the marians and the matis thales of the World when they came into the league you start comparing their college numbers to each other and Ryan dun’s on another level from those guys a worse level from those guys when it comes to his ability to generate offense on the college level Marian was able to do it thel was able to do it Dunn wasn’t really able to do it in two years yeah the the optimism here is that I’ve gone through six new monitors of watching college basketball over the course of the last decade because my TV laptop phone just catches on fire watching the Virginia offense it is a crime against humanity I wrote that it should be shot into the Sun forever and never exist again and I laughed out loud when I read that in your story this morning by the way laugh out loud it is plotting it is really slow and players like dun specifically will get really really hurt by having a role in there he is going to benefit from more pace and more space he is going to have a ton of that with the Sun so is that going to help him a little bit more offensively we’ll see but something that you included in your email and I agree a lot Mike buer is coming in here and he has a lot of challenges on he has a lot on his plate and one of the top assignments right now for this coaching staff now turns into can we have Ryan Dunn not be a positive on offense but just be fine just be can we get away with playing him on offense because the defense we’ve got a guy to guard Anthony Edwards now we’ve got a guy to guard John marant now we’ve got a guy to guard LeBron James and think about the three different athletes those guys are size speed all that stuff dun can hang with all of them the first time you watch this kid get in a stance and slide his feet you are going to be amazed he moves yeah and it and it should be pointed out for all the flaws that he has offensively that we’ve been talking about here we all have to acknowledge the fact the Suns didn’t have even remotely close to a guy like this on the roster last year I mean not even you respect comparison four five more remember that nuggets series we were talking about Josh coming in defending Jamal Murray and Jamal Murray just cooked everyone in that series and that is why you have Josh aogi on your roster and he couldn’t handle the assignment Josh is a very good Defender don’t get me wrong but that level of Defense you’re looking for him to at least affect other star players that’s what Ryan D will do and Josh showed an inability to at times but and this is the overarching theme of all of this at least for me for all of the risk and for all of the oh man if this doesn’t work out this is going to like we were even talking in our emails to each other about hey is this a failure if Ryan Dunn’s not great in year one and is it going to be too much of a challenge to make done great in if he has a jumper in 5 years it doesn’t matter he needs to have a jumper soon but what they did today kind of changed that equation a little bit does indeed you know because it it now the the pressure is off Ryan Dunn to develop that jumper and the pressure is off Mike buen holer to a certain extent and his staff to make Ryan Dunn be passable offensively immediately because you’ve got other players that might help you more in the immediate future and I think that’s kind of the Brilliance of what the Suns did today they took the pressure off themselves a little bit to make Ryan Dunn be good offensively in year one right is that fair to say absolutely I think without a shadow of a doubt we would have had so much every game that Ryan Dunn played and the ones where the shooting looked it’d be like oh man they they shouldn’t have done this they should have taken this guy that guy we’re going to have that conversation a little bit later but with that being said all that matters is you got three guys if one of them is a suitable rotation player for you next year you knocked it out of the park thanks for watching Burns and Gam click to see more from the guys and hit the button in the middle to subscribe so you never miss a video from Arizona Sports

How will Ryan Dunn fit with the Phoenix Suns? Can he fix his shooting? Kellan Olson and Dave Burns discuss.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports

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  1. Hey this kid in the call he got from the Suns said he was ready to come live in the gym. Seems like a young man who wants to be here and work. I trust James Jones with his judgement if someone can be a shooter. I remember when people lost their sh!t about drafting Dan Majerle…. patience people.

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