@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers roster reconstruction with Bronny James & Paul George’s player option 👀 | Get Up

Lakers roster reconstruction with Bronny James & Paul George’s player option 👀 | Get Up

certainly what happens in Golden state with Klay Thompson would he come for a discount maybe a guy like buddy hee all these different variables that you didn’t have before you can now make trades and take back more money here so that’s that will be interesting to keep an eye on LeBron certain he’s eligible for no trade cause that’s the one thing that he’s also eligible for if he’s never had that in his career right no he has he had it in Cleveland Cleveland that’s right and it’s very Bradley Beal is the only player in the NBA right now who has that so he could have that listen for LeBron James it sounds like why would you have no trade it’s hey it’s nice to have right so but keep an eye on D’Angelo Russell yeah I think the DLo the DLo move I mean wonder if he’ll get anything on the market I it’s going to be hard for me to see DLo op out unless there’s something better uh out there which I’m not sure there is but obviously for a guy like Klay Thompson if you don’t feel if you feel like Golden State’s going after a guy like Paul George and as U you know Wendy said earlier that clay is kind of sitting on the runway the fact that his dad played for the Lakers all his opportunities to come stay on the west coast that makes a lot of sense if that could happen he Clay’s made $270 million in his career I I think you get at to and he’s won what four or five championships you get to a point in your life where like where you are playing wise Trump’s the next contract happiness means a lot here Wendy does how much does Paul George factor into what’s going to happen to Klay Thompson moving forward he’s the biggest domino that’s going to affect a whole bunch of big names over the next three or four days it’s not just uh Klay Thompson so he has until tomorrow Saturday night to opt into his contract for next year now he has a set of choices here he can opt in and if he opts into that contract Ryan it’s almost certainly to be traded if he opted in there would almost be certainly a trade already worked out for him to leave the Clippers he can resign with the Clippers which he can do this morning if they wanted to come to terms or he can become an unrestricted free agent on Sunday night and leave and go somewhere else like a place like Philadelphia because of all of those options so many players are going to be stuck watching what he can do Philadelphia has more than 50 million in cap room all of the guys they might consider signing are going to have to wait and see whether if Paul George considers coming to Philly Philly has to do the same thing they can’t really proceed the Warriors are holding on to Chris Paul’s contract potentially to see if they could trade it in a in a in a trade for Paul George J James Harden who’s currently Paul George’s teammate with the Clippers he might have to sit there and wait and see what Paul George decides whether he want going to stay with the Clippers or not because that might affect how the Clippers operate with James Harden and there’s a cascading series of effects even beyond that could go on for another 10 minutes so really right now now that the draft is over this entire free agent Market in one way or another is controlled by the way Paul George operates over the next 48 to 72 hours Bobby it feels like Paul George is really flexing his muscle we talking about max deals in different places being able to push Klay Thompson out of Golden State if you had the opportunity are you giving Paul George this max deal we’re hearing teams are willing to give him I’m not but Paul George but I’m not but there’s a but okay he’s a Max based on circumstances and the circumstances is the market and what the Market’s telling you right now is that he will likely get a Max in Philadelphia and he should get a Max from the Clippers and I know where the Clippers are financially and I get it they gave Ka Leonard 3 for 150 but you’re walking into a brand new building $2 billion building you need to put a championship roster together and he would get a max if he gets traded to another team also so that’s my circumstantial Max contract right there so um yeah it’s considering the market but like as you said Steve Balmer considering kawai’s history how do you not open up a new arena with Paul tor being there like you know like there other players on that roster are they really selling tickets if you’re thinking from a business perspective I don’t know how you don’t make that offer to a guy like Paul George but when Kawai signs a three-year deal does that put pressure on Paul George to take a similar deal because people look at Kawai at least I do as the biggest star on that team I love kawh Leonard I think Kawai is a superstar I just don’t know when Kawai is going to be available I I think that’s something that you really have to factor into if you’re Paul George it’s like okay like I came here cuz I want to be here in La I want to play with Kawai I want to win championships but availability is everything so I I keep going out west you know I keep going back to the east coast and I keep going to that team in Philadelphia and I keep looking at the fact that I like the draft picking Jared McCain I love the mentality and DNA of Tyrese Maxi I like seeing Joel em be playr injury this off season I like the cap space that they’re going to have and I see that fit the way all those pieces can play around Paul George and the money they have I don’t know how you can’t look at Philadelphia and say that gives me one of the best chances to win a world championship I totally agree with you and I think you can bring back Nick patum you can bring back Kelly UB you can maybe bring back Kyle Lowry you can bring back a lot of the pieces you’ll still have some money to go out and and sign a free agent here and that’s that’s the big Domino and if it’s not if it’s not Philadelphia then where is it and as Brian said if he opts into his contract that signals the red flag that there is something in the works from a trade standpoint Wendy what do you think is going to factor most in Paul George’s decision of where he ends up playing this year well I know what factored most into the decision when he came to LA and that was that he wanted to be back home and you know that’s the draw here and that’s essentially what the Clippers are banking on the clippers because they’re Hardline negotiating are banking on kawh Leonard James Harden and Paul George to think in the same alignment and wanting to be at home that’s how they ended up there in the first place and so there essentially at least right now because we’re not at the moment of truth just yet they’re essentially calling Paul George’s Bluff that he would not want to go to a place like Philadelphia that’s so far from home um but Golden State isn’t that far from home uh the challenge would be that if he did want to go to Golden State there would have to be a trade worked out between the Clippers and and Warriors and they are competitors in the same division so I would still even if Paul George is not thrilled with the Clippers offer I would still think that without having inside information that staying with the Clippers is still a pretty powerful option yeah and that’s the thing if if Paul George woke up this morning says I want to become a Golden State Warrior the Clippers have to make it accommodate him as far as what they want to get back here and if you’re Golden State how much are you willing to is it Wiggins Jonathan kaminga [Music]

On Get Up, Bobby Marks joins Jay Williams, CJ McCollum, Brian Windhorst and Ryan Clark to detail what the addition of Bronny James means for the Los Angeles Lakers roster reconstruction and talk through the biggest NBA offseason storylines.

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  1. Why Espn keeps acting like this kids going to be on the main roster…….. he's bound for Gleague and China after

  2. He's won 4 OR 5 championship's… NO he has 4 stop acting STUPID like you don't know…🤡🤡🤡

  3. It's refreshing to be in a space where ego takes a backseat to the pursuit of truth. It fosters a culture of mutual respect.🔥

  4. Bronny made it LeBron did his job but now the training wheels are off bronny will have to work harder than everyone else if he can do that he'll stay in the league

  5. I've never seen a team or a ho get pimped out as hard as Lebron's pimping the Lakers….OMG 😮

  6. Well… now we know the Lakers have transparency, totally and who actually is running their show over there… like I said a show not a basketball game…. I predict the Lakers for the next five years. Don’t even make it to the playoffs.

  7. ESPN/NBA GIMMICK is “The First this and The First that” they think without these GIMMICKS the NBA would die out. Without the rule changes FREE EXTRA STEPS AND FREE CARRYING The NBA would fade out
    Continously changing rules to Fit Their Gimmick. Chess has never changed it rules You learn them or you dont play.

  8. Don’t let this distract you from the fact that none of these athletes know you. None of these athletes are aware of your existence. Why do you care who wins if you’re losing in life?

  9. Lefraud forced the Lakers to hired his friend, forced the lakers to Draft his son, what’s next, force them to give him ownership?.


  11. A team should have drafted him and then forced the lakers to send 2 or 3 future picks for him. The lakers would have done it

  12. Lebron only pay 20 millions AND sign other superstar pg Donovan de mar etc AND tarde myles Turner AND the team Is very competitve

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