@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons NBA Draft (Ron Holland and Bobbi Klintman)

Detroit Pistons NBA Draft (Ron Holland and Bobbi Klintman)

[Music] hey it’s Ron yeah shout out Greg it’s Greg’s birthday hey shout out Ron holl what up though man Ron Holland what up do welcome to Detroit Ron Holland he’s making more and more fans you know as the days go by it’s now two days since the selection there’s more more people are starting to come around to what this pck can mean yeah it’s a jir Gibbs pick it was jir Gibbs reaction like huh okay I wasn’t ready for that I don’t know what I’m thinking about it yet then you take a step back you sleep on it Like H all right three-point shooting’s a question Market kind of like everything else yeah that’s where it is everything else I like especially defense the mentality I I you guys hear me talk about this slot Instinct you got to have that instinct on defense to be able to unlock all the skill all the talent all the athleticism that you have we’ve seen players come through this Detroit Pistons organization with the skill with the talent uh with but they didn’t quite have that instinct and it just kind of left us uh really wanting and Desiring a little bit more uh but we also got to talk about the second round the Detroit Pistons they traded up to number 37 in the draft uh in the second round and they selected bronnie James did Brony did get drafted You Know Rich Paul I got fleing yeah LA Lakers so father son combo they will be playing for the LA Lakers this is going to be something very very very interesting yes we’ll talk about I didn’t mean to take the shine away from Mr Bobby Clint man yeah Clint man Bobby Clint man I hope that’s not his new nickname please don’t do that to this man listen he’s from the uh the n and he did you know what’s interesting man just just really quick to talk about him he did match up with uh with a couple players at the top of this draft uh including I believe it was Alex SAR and he actually did work against Alex SAR put up 24 points against Alex R but Bobby Clinton 6’9 225 pound 7 foot Wings span and it’s kind of the same Arch type uh we were talking about it just before the break or during the break with Justin he’s kind of that Arch type that fits what Ron Holland is as well I do believe that Ron Holland has the higher ceiling has kind of played in this game uh will need a little less to transition than Bobby Clinton who played in the NBA uh uh NBL over in Australia so you know similar type of guy man got handles can do kind of a little bit of everything well I’ll read off his stats for you guys 10.2 points per game 4.8 rebounds per game 0.9 assists per game he got one steal half a block so the defensive numbers uh including the stocks they’re not as robust as what you see out of Ron Holland but the shooting numbers is where you get a little bit more promise here um shoots less from the field uh than Ron Holland about 44% from the field on 7.6 attempts per game but from three uh he’s a very very promising outside three-point shooter and a very very promising off ball and catch and shoot uh from behind the arc 33.7 so almost 34% from behind Arc for Bobby Clinton on three and a half attempts so he and Rolland take about the same amount of Threes per game but you’re seeing his percentage be about 10 to 12% better than where Ron Holland is and 81% from the fto line as well which shows that uh he has a lot that you’re going to be able to work with uh when concerning his shot release overall on the floor um he can get into the paint he can uh dribble he can drive and and I think that this is one in which when you see the Pistons trade up that this isn’t just those second rounders that they’re just like you know what uh kind of whatever we just want to kind of take a look at it’s it’s intentional whether that’s to make sure you can kind of develop him a little bit more in the g-league or if you believe that this is one of the players you want to be able to utilize right now um Bobby Clinton is now a Detroit Piston uh with Ron Holland and I can’t wait to get a kind of a look at these guys at summer league as well stretch four is this a stretch four or or has the ability to grow into that like it with being a power forward is I mean you consider power I’m more of a wing but it’s these tweener guys this is where the NBA is going you know Jeremy Grant um is probably more three-ish Forest than these guys um but everybody but but but there’s were fours that were more like actual power fours than Jeremy Grant so it’s this evolution of kind of tweeners that can play both but he’s probably going to be more efficient on that wing and so what I see right now is a bunch of players that they don’t necessarily have the you know the connectability of AA Cunningham but they do have some similar skill set and they’re all going to be between 66 68 or 69 with the ability to handle the rock a little bit the ability to kind of create an ISO the ability to push in transition uh some of them can shoot some of them really good defensively all of them kind of have a defensive instinct or a knock or a motor uh and I I can’t wait to kind of ask these guys to identify uh for us what is it that treas and Lon saw in them as uh what we we’re starting to coin TR and Ling guys I hear a lot oh I like that I hear a lot of her Brooks and TR Jones isness in these descriptions which I like you know and they weren’t even the greatest Shooters in college their first couple years in the league I I forget which is which one’s the 38% shooter one’s a 41% shooter that’s all you need to be dangerous to set up your cut ability to set up your ability to draw the defense out just a split second more or a little bit farther out just to be dangerous around the three-point line to yeah for floor spacing and shooting because the things that I like from especially when you look at Ron Holland’s tape despite the shooting numbers people still reacted to his hesis and his pump fakes out there behind the arc and when you have that type of athleticism in speed that Ron Holland has and that Bobby Clinton has when you have the ball in your hands they’re not like floor burners but there is a different level of speed that you have to quantify and consider when you have the ball in your hands and those guys can make a split-second decision and get into the paint quickly and they will dunk it on your head if you fall asleep on them so I I like the I like the top I like where they’re going for everything that I love about assar Thompson on defense who I believe is is far ahead of where these guys are assar Thompson entered the NBA as a as a one year out of high school uh and and absolutely was able to kind of stick with the ones and the twos in this the three to the four hey everybody got but these players are coming in with a lot more offensive Rhythm and bounce uh and kind of uh offensive game and polish than a did so it be interested to see where they slot they will I’m excited again it’s just hard to picture without these are the first two moves of trasan Lang whatever he’s doing whatever he’s he’s cooking up these are the first two moves so it’s hard to project how they’re going to fit you know who’s going to be on the roster we know these two are going to be on the team but how’s this all going to look in a month then in two months we’ll see we’ll see we’re definitely going to see and you know what it’s um for me personally I I would have thought that they were going to look for a Sharp shoo maybe a guard uh maybe a big man that you can kind of take a flyer on uh which makes this pick that much more interesting because it’s another one of those players in this ever growing and crowded three four Wing room so I don’t know if this is just a part of the strategy in terms of how he builds a team or if there are some subsequent moves that are going to be happening on the other end of these types of deals because we got free agency just around the corner Kevin herder bring him home you know is Stuart somebody that you’re looking at moving away from um you know is there a bigger deal out there toing bring in a big fish but it might involve having to outgoing maybe an ivy or maybe in assar we just don’t know yet um how bring him home stop it JB stop that [ __ ] over there J not at all we not playing it not at all Sparty fan over he’s with the Nets oh so he can bring cam Johnson with him I don’t even want that contract with that I’m good yeah like there were a lot of piston fans you you look at what the Nets were that’s what a lot of the pisson fans wanted us to build our team like and you look at how the wheels absolutely fell off of whatever they were trying to put together despite all the talent that they had there yeah part of me it’s like with what TR Lon is trying to do part of me it’s like you know what maybe just take your time and build this thing the right way because you look at everything they then they had cam Johnson Nick claxon mcel Bridges if you’re telling me that the Pistons got those guys I’m telling you they’re making a play in next year the Nets had those guys and it just it wasn’t the success that they thought it could be and they paid them mhm so it’s just it’s I mean there still obviously they got cam Johnson a roster they still got Nick Clon so for these Pistons you know I I’m getting to the point where I’m starting to be uh still optimistic about the road ahead but cautiously yeah yeah there he’s not done not not even close to being done I I think his first few splashes may not be long-term you know players that are on the Pistons when they’re finally in the playin in the playoffs but it could be Zack Brandon Ingram again contracts we got to figure out but like I I look at Zack LaVine the moves that they made the picks that they picked don’t affect Zack lavine’s game like there’s no competition there Zack LaVine can still come in and play shooting guard next to Cade or bring the ball up or whatnot so we’ll see again we don’t know TR and Lan’s strategy he got to imagine he’s going to go even it’s if it’s an expiring contract he’s going to bring in shooters or a shooter like I I keep hearing that K might have to move on from Kevin herder and that’s just a name I like like I like his shooting ability um but you got to add I mean even if it’s an expiring contract or it’s a contract that an old player he still has to get shooting because you still need a shooter out there for Kade to be able to spread the floor but it does seem like the strategy for the Detroit Pistons right now is for them to be able to collect as many draft Capital assets as possible uh and the report yesterday was that the Detroit Pistons were uh seeking to um be active as like a third team uh where teams you know two teams might want to trade but they don’t necessar have the c space to do it where Detroit Pistons can be one of those teams but to be able to be that third team to facilitate the trade that they take on some Capital as well and then they run it back with some of these young players so it’s I it’s going to be this free agency is going to tell us a lot about what they believe about this current roster if they run it back then they’re assessing again which is back toback assessment years and that means they’re not doing anything crazy in free agency except for just taking on big contracts like they did already with Joe Harris and Monte Morris and all they got to show out of that was what I think a second round pick or two but but to be clear we it is it will be the second year in a row but we SL the fans gota got to reset the clock yeah I mean as as painful as it is this is traan lingan is just starting now this is you know step one of the rebuild yeah it’s not step two or three we just unfortunately that’s what makes last season such a it was such a nothing but it’s just tough because you would think that this thing would be able to be kind of accelerated and I believe that if the young players Beyond Cade were players that we believed in just a little bit more then I do believe you can accelerate this thing I that’s where I believe the issue is right now is the decision is probably being made on who is jayen Duran and Jay Navy who is assar Thompson longterm on this squad who are these young players because if these guys were more established right now you have to be able to take advantage of that that window but since you’re still kind of sitting here like you know what who are these guys I do think it it it puts kind of a a pause on what you can do who knows what types of Trades they’ve tried to cook up or other teams have called them for and what the values of these young players are yeah and so they might find themselves in a position where that might be the best thing to move this thing forward it because with them being more of a question marks this is what’s going to really make this thing take the probably three five year window rather than strap up pist fans I had to accept this yesterday after I had time to think on the Ryan Holland pick this is going to be a long play he told you himself you cannot skip steps and he’s going the route of that we’ve seen with Brad Holmes Scott Harris you know but it’s it’s good that you brought up those two because it has to work with Brad Holmes he sold us that but it actually worked he started bringing players in here that actually you know accelerated the clock now we look up three seasons later and we’re competing for a Super Bowl the NBA timeline a little bit different and he’s already touted that he’s going to have Fred Vincent work on some of these guys jump shots and things of that nature that takes time that’s not a right away process so as much as I would like them to to get this thing fixed in two to three seasons because of course they can’t fix it in this off season it might be longer than that so you we just got to we got to get ready man strap in and but that’s that’s where I was kind of going my point is it’s like he’s not stepping into to the same situation that Troy Weaver did yeah when you’re stepping into a situation even though you don’t necessarily know who these young players are but when you’re stepping into a situation where you do have young assets draft Capital cap space you don’t have as much draft Capital as you want shouldn’t it be a shorter time frame what the restore era and Troy Weaver and them said because when they started they didn’t have anything they they had to go out there and create fix the book they had to go and fix the books there were different things they had to do they had dead money on the books right now the Detroit Pistons are in one of the best kind of cap situations that they’ve ever been in they have some of the best young talent that they’ve ever had and you would think that that would be a good launching Point even if it’s not the foundation for the Tre and Landon build which I we got to be fair to that because these are nice players I would have assumed that this type of foundation helps to accelerate what you can do you will also think that but I mean when you hear stuff like agents didn’t want these young prospects coming to work out for the Pistons that pretty much confirmed it exactly that pretty much shows you like how bad this franchise is League wide nobody wants to come here nobody wants to take your money you have plenty of it but nobody wants to take it bro nobody wants to take your opportunity yeah it’s it’s bad man it is bad man so it’s the NBA yeah you know what I’m glad he was open and honest and said that like he’s been very transparent he has and that helps me feel better about starting from scratch we’re not getting lip service we’re getting we’re getting him being honest hey and who can blame him to be honest with you guys in the last 10 years who would want to come here we talk about all the players that have success outside of Detroit or start with the Pistons and den witty Brown contous cwell pop the list goes on that exit here and have great success and all of the Personnel that enters here who had success before but then they instantly don’t when they get here it it’s it’s both ends of the story and people have to be thinking like you know what if I’m a superstitious person if I’m a half just you know what off of the logic reservation I’m sitting here wondering what type of Mojo was in Detroit that a SVG Amman Williams and a Dwayne Casey can all walk into a Detroit bar and all walk out having lost all of their rigs they no with no hoes the myars manone like no develop Miss no development no from the bottom up no structure from the top down it’s a for every level of player/ Agents don’t want that for their players so it’s nothing to blame them but the fact that trasan langon realizes that yeah he shared it with us but the biggest thing is that he realizes that and he knows that he has to truly start over like from the top down and and take whatever Tom gor says for what you want with a grain of salt what he is saying is he brought in tran Langan to truly reshape the entire organization to try to Chris fielman Brad Holmes it to just start fresh clean house a fresh and that’s what he’s trying to do and that’s how we get back to the going to work Pistons that’s how we get back to being a respected organization in the NBA I’m optimistic I like that it is a guy like Tran langon doing it now he’s got to do it preach preach and that’s it it’s in the execution phase and that’s what makes this off season very very interesting because even if it’s not the moves that we want to see even if we want the scene to go fast or not we will know even if his moves that signal this thing would take longer we will know who tra L is still as a GM because there’s still a right way to do it the long way like I said is he more Brad Holmes or is he more Scott Harris yeah we’ve seen one be successful the others two be determined but sound we’ll where he fits yeah yeah yeah hey let’s do it let’s take a break come back let’s have Justin finish off his top 10 big board for the nhel draft tonight we got Stevie aerin making picks number 15 number 15 first let me tell you about this SP this [Music]

Via Wake Up Woodward featuring Matt Broder (credentialed WSN Lions+Tigers Reporter), Brandon @DetroitKoolAid Dent (credentialed WSN Pistons reporter), KG on sounds, JB in the TD booth and Flannel Sam

Rod Beard (Detroit News) and Brandon @DetroitKoolAid Dent (Woodward Sports Network) join WAKE UP WOODWARD to discuss the Detroit Pistons at the NBA Trade Deadline. Like , Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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Woodward Sports Pistons beat reporter Brandon @detroitkoolaid1585 Dent and Detroit News assistant sports editor Rod Beard.

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  1. I saw consistently dudes standing up watching and entertained when Holland was doing his thing.

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