@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers Just Made A HUGE Mistake!

Sixers Just Made A HUGE Mistake!

[Music] what’s with the small guards Daryl mury what’s with the small guards Kyle Lowry small Deany Melton small Tyrese Maxi small Jared McCain small enough enough with the small guards you got Dalton connect I just don’t understand it he was a lottery projected pick all around scorer scorer he’s basically every bogdanovic in the NBA combined could have helped the Sixers right away oh you don’t got to worry about signing a shooter you don’t got to worry about signing a wing shooter because a wng wing Shooters usually those are the shooters that can actually survive on the defensive end of the floor me puts you this way 62 Jared McCain is he going to survive on the NBA floor next to Tyrese Maxi right away when we’re trying to win a championship next year probably not let’s just be real probably not oh my goodness how do you not draft Dalton connect just makes it zero sense to me it makes zero sense to me jerem McCain’s and good player like I’m not trying to trash the kid I I I I’m just not that high on him to be honest hopefully he proves me wrong he can shoot The Rock he can shoot the rock that’s for sure and that’s a need on the Sixers but again he’s 6’2 6’2 what what are we doing here um but hopefully he proves me wrong I I I don’t know I just feel like his ceiling is Gabe Vincent there’s question marks about self-c creation ability I don’t know I’m I’m just really not that high on jerem McCain I never was I kind of watched his film and nothing really stuck out to me besides his shooting ability like I said Gabe Vincent and to me you’re at the 16th pick you had you had two guys Dalton connect who I think he doesn’t have a crazy ceiling like bdon bdon not that’s not something to get super duper excited about but I think getting a shooter with size I like that a lot um maybe another comparison I would say to Jared McCain would be like Peyton Pritchard CU because I heard some people say he really tries on the defensive end of the floor and you know Peyton Pritcher really tries on the defensive end of the floor I don’t know I’m just not just like based on who was on the board it’s hard for me to get excited about Jared Bay it really is I’m not going to lie and I think Isaiah ker or ker however you say it would have excited me a lot more I think his downhill driving ability next to Tyrese Maxi like I would have liked to draft someone who could fit like there’s not a question about fit next to Joel and beat and Tyrese Maxi right now you got a question oh is jerem McCaine too small and in the regular season it probably won’t matter you can you could throw out any lineup in the regular season you can throw out Paul Reed next to Joel beid unless you’re the Sixers head coach is because you’re you just refuse to be creative even though it’s an 82 game schedule and a random Wednesday night nobody gives a flying fluff so why not just experiment so in the regular season you can get away with Jared McCain and Tyrese Maxi but let’s be real if you have a closing lineup with them on the floor it’s going to turn into okay we’re just hunting switches for these midgets and it’s it’s um it’s hard to hide two midgets so or little people I I forget which one they prefer I apologize hopefully I did not offend any buy um I’m just not in a happy state right now Dalton can NE was on the board he was a lottery pick I just I I I don’t get it I don’t get it small guards well if we resign Kyle Larry I might lose it I I okay you want to draft Jared McCain no one else can be smaller I’ve had enough maybe if you could rebound the basketball in the damn playoffs you want to know why we lost in the playoffs everyone knows why every Sixers fan knows why we couldn’t rebound and let’s draft a 62 freaking guard with self with self-creation question marks he’s a guard with self-creation question marks he’s a guard with self-c creation question marks what is the fun in this oh he can shoot cool cool everyone loves shooting it is what it is I need some size with my shooting okay I’m sorry I’m just I just don’t like this pick I don’t like it based on who was on the board what was on the board just don’t like it shout out darl my for his cap space plan by the way might as well get this out of here because it’s looking it’s looking real trash right now considering um Paul George ain’t coming here the Knicks traded for Kell Bridges Denny Adida Ava I forget how to pronounce his name Portland traded for him great pickup by Portland Sixers should have been interested in him but Daryl M probably doesn’t even know he know he exists oh man you could you could added Dalton connect that dude could have been the playoff rotation he could have been like yo buddy hee get the out of here we got Doon connect we don’t care about you get out of here we don’t need to pay you if Buddy heals back on the roster that’s another issue with me by the way I’m sorry he he lost he lost my interest with the way um he fell fell out of the rotation um and the way he looked in some games great last game for him I’ll never forget it but no thanks to Buddy hee I’m good he’s been in the league very long I was wrong about him early on he he had me by the balls I’m not going to lie I I was hooked Dum buddy healed could have had Dalton connect could have had Dalton connect on a beautiful deal 6 foot6 scorer playmaker great dribble handoff great dribble handoff partner for joal embid and you go with Jared McCain Jared Jared McCain I hope he proves me wrong but cool he shoots summer league he shoots well cool cool I’m gonna need some creation I’m GNA need to see some creation strides out of him I’m need to see some defense I’m excited to see how he looks in summer league if I like what I see I’ll apologize to him publicly I’m not afraid to admit I’m wrong um but I am disappointed because I really wanted adult and connect I really did I’m I’m disappointed but you know it is what it is hope you guys have have a great day though peace

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  1. Isiah Thomas and dumars won a championship and so did Lowry and Van fleet too. short back court guards can win too

  2. Isiah Thomas and dumars won a championship and so did Lowry and Van fleet too. short back court guards can win too

  3. Let’s see how he looks in summer league…. He’s 20, everyone that got drafted had question marks….. now they work and show why they got drafted

  4. Wait for the TikTok NPC'S to do the 'NAIL💅🏻DRY' celebration after McClain-Hansen's field goals. The Sixers are officially a perennial JOKE. And NOT a funny one. 😶😶😶

  5. Melton, Maxey, McCain, Lowry. We most definitely not getting cooked on the boards and on defence 😂

  6. Morey know absolutely NOTHING about building a basketball team! This team is on the decline folks, we are seeing it dissipate in front of our eyes.

  7. They had 6’6 Knecht and 6’9 De Silva and they pick someone whose 6’2 unbelievable

  8. laughing. This franchise seems like it just doesn't want to win. Before this, the dude said, "I would like to announce a trade." I was like oh wow, this could huge for the Sixers lmao. Hard to follow this team. Meanwhile, the Knicks signed OG and got Bridges etc. They gave up a lot but they got better. BUT. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think the guy said the scouting report on that other dude was his defense sucked.

  9. i wonder why you think any player in this draft was gonna help us win a championship lol u wanted a guy that was older with less defense both are not proven yet he’s gonna be 27 when his rookie contract up a casual 😂😂😂😂😂

  10. Everyone is all bent out of shape about this pick. And the vast majority of the people that are mad didn’t watch much Duke basketball this year. Duke always has one of the most difficult schedules in all of college basketball and McCain was still a MAJOR offensive weapon in one a team that was centered around another star (Kyle Filipowski). This situation is very reminiscent of Maxeys major offensive contributions in an offense that centered around Joel. Yes, Dalton averaged more points per game last season then McCain, but Dalton was the center piece of that team. The offense ran through him, so it’s easier to get those points. McCain played on a Duke team where he was fighting with other talented teammates for court time, played a schedule with tough opponents, had the pressure of constant tv criticism and crazy hate from fans at every away game…. And still played lights out, with the shooting stats to back it up. This kid is tested, mentally tough, and well prepared for the nba. Welcome to Philly Jared!

  11. Hopefully he proves you wrong? LMAO😭😂 6'2 Brunson & 6'2 Deuce McBride cooked the Sixers in the playoffs few months ago.

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