@Minnesota Timberwolves

Grading EVERY 2024 NBA First Round Pick

Grading EVERY 2024 NBA First Round Pick

so the 2024 NBA draft is over and I wanted to give out my grades for every single first round pick that just went down last night so thank you to everybody that was in the Stream last night as well it was a ton of fun we had over 8,000 of you guys throughout that draft stream that was 3 and 1 half hours long so I do want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for showing out and if you guys agree or disagree with any of my grads like always please let me know in the comments below and if you guys do enjoy the style of content feel free to drop a thumbs up make sure you subscribe too cuz I think I’m going to be doing a way too early 2025 mock draft series and we’re going to start things off with the Atlanta Hawks in the number one overall pick it was weird that Alex SAR who was my top prospect in this draft a lot of Outlet’s top prospect didn’t even work out with the Atlanta Hawks who had the number one overall pick we’re still not really sure why so they ended up going Zachary racee the forward out of JL Berg and over the last couple of years like wemi in 23 Paulo in 22 Kade in 21 ant in 20 I give the number one overall pick a really good letter grade but this time I’m going to give it a B minus rash is my fourth ranked Prospect and you took him number one overall and I just feel like he’s not going to make so much of an immediate impact right away in Atlanta and I don’t really know what they’re trying to do with their timeline right now they have Trey young they have Deonte Murray are they trading one of them are they trading neither are they trading both of them this offseason we’re going to have to wait and see I feel like there’s going to be some growing pains in reet’s game which is completely fine that’s to be expected when you’re the number one overall pick you’re held to a higher standard and I’m afraid that Reet may not live up to those expectations over the first couple years of his career but hey I hope I’m wrong at number two the Washington Wizards ended up getting alexar my top player in the 2024 NBA draft I’m giving this an A S like I said is my number one Prospect in this draft he could do it all defensively on the perimeter super quick and agile for someone that’s 7 feet tall and he can also RI protect at a very high level as well the Wizards kind of shocked everybody when they traded Denny of DEA a couple hours before the draft started not really sure why they decided to do that but hey they ended up with the 14th overall pick as well they got a first- round pick later in 2029 from Portland and also Malcolm Brogden in that deal so this team is going to look a little bit different next year it’s a shame because I wanted to see some SAR at the five Denny at the four it seems like SAR wants to play the four this team definitely needs to add a five but in my opinion SAR best player in this drift and you got him at number two that warrants an A and my third rank Prospect in this draft Reed Shepard went third yeah so this is also going to be an a I’m a huge Reed Shepard fan this guy could do it all offensively especially downtown this guy can knock down three spot up off the dribble coming off screens they can be guarded they could be unguarded he’s going to knock them down at a very high clip no matter what he can also playmake he could do a bunch of little things off the dribble and I also think he can hold his own defensively as well he had five games last year where he had five Steels and more at Kentucky so he’s going to be just fine in my opinion on that end of the floor I’m a big fan of Reed Shepard and I’m excited to see where Houston is going to plug and play him over the next couple of years like I said it’s an a number four Stefan Castle to the San Antonio Spurs This was kind of chalky as well I mocked these picks accurately one through four different story after that but I’m going to give this pick an a as well I’m a big Stefan Castle fan he was a winner this p season at Yukon he has incredible Court vision and feel for the game for somebody at his age coming out of Yukon he can play off ball he can cut he could slash he could pick up a team’s best offensive player on the defensive end of the four and San Antonio needed that right they needed somebody that can help them out on that end of the four as well as someone that could facilitate offensively and play off ball to wemy and they got that in Stefan Castle number five Detroit kind of shocked a lot of people including me when they went Ron Holland out of the g g night I have Ron Holland as my second best player in this 2024 NBA draft class and and there was a plenty of mocks that were having Holland go outside the lottery or outside the top 10 I had him going basically 12 Toc in my official mock draft that you guys watched so I was kind of shocked when he went fifth but I am a very big fan of this because Ron Holland my second ranked Prospect in this draft in my opinion is the most athletic player in this draft you are going to have so much fun watching him Pistons fans in transition this dude is a strict bucket he could switch on the defensive end of the four there are some questions with his jumper but Fred Vincent who is the new shooting coach there should be able to fix it it’s a a little bit of a wonky release I think it’s going to be okay and I think he’s going to be a perfect complimentary piece to Kate Cunningham so yeah I’m going to give this an a as well now at six Charlotte they apparently could have traded down with Memphis or a team like Portland trying to get up and guarantee themselves Donovan kingan they were red to do so but then they opted not to do that and they took djon Salon the forward from trette I’m going to give this a C+ I had Salon ranked outside my top 20 and I actually don’t hate the fit in Charlotte it’s just a little Rich for me at number six I think he’s going to be able to space the floor defend a little bit I I do think there’s a limited upside there and I think if there’s a chance you could have taken him at nine and you could have accumulated some extra draft capital in return I would have done that maybe they thought that San Antonio was going to take him at eight but either way I was just not a huge fan of Salon going six which is a shame because I really like the direction that the Charlotte Hornets are going in I would have loved Reed Shepard on this team I would have loved Ron Holland on this team or Stefan Castle Salon not as much immediately but hey I could be proven wrong coming to number seven with the Portland Trail boys who’s getting Donovan Clingan yeah I’m going to give this an a as well I absolutely love this pick for them Donovan clinging can be a rock solid Center for them long term with Denny ofd at the four with scoot Anderson at the one and he could be better than DeAndre Aiden as a whole next year I mean Aiden’s a good offensive Center clingan’s a good defensive Center it just gives you some insurance now they can move on from time more this offseason as well you gave up a little bit to go out and get Danny of di so I hope that he can play well with Donovan kingan I believe he can but I’m a big fan of kingan and I love the fit in Portland so it’s getting an a a lot of A’s here in the top 10 Minnesota shocked everybody when they traded away a 23 first round pick and a 2030 pick swap with the S Antonio Spurs for pick eight we saw Minnesota jump up into the top 10 they selected Rob Dillingham with the eighth overall pick I’m going to be giving this a B+ I actually love this for Minnesota don’t get me wrong I think it’s a little risky trading these draft picks down the line when you have no idea how your roster is going to look by then for somebody that who has never played a single moment in the NBA but Dillingham could be a true microwave scorer this guy could heat up at any time he is one of the better Shooters in this draft class he’s not going to start over Mike Conley but now they have maybe a successor under the wings for Mike Conley because he’s getting up there in age Monty Morris is a free agent Rob Dillingham could be that guide for him and he could be a nice offensive spark plug next to Anthony Edwards in that back court and at number nine Memphis took Zach Edy yeah I was a little shocked with this one as well I’m going to be giving it a B minus so I don’t love this pick as much as some other ones I mean Edy is a fine player don’t get me wrong he was one of the best players if not the best player in college basketball last season and I think for jiren Jackson Jr it’s going to be great he’s going to get some open looks more on the perimeter with Desmond Bane and Marcus Smart what I don’t love for this is JN rants game because I do think the paint is going to be clogged up a lot more with Zach Edy not really being able to be a useful player outside the paint so why are teams going to try to be guarding him on the perimeter when they could just kind of hang around in the paint that can try to protect the rim against any jamaran drive so that’s why I’m not a huge fan of this and are you going to play him in a playoff series we’ll see lot to have to kind of be unfolded over the next couple of weeks and throughout the NBA season so I’m going to be a little bit conservative here and give it a B minus the Utah ja sing Cody Williams at number 10 I’m going to give this a b this is right around the range where I would draft Cody Williams as well he’s someone that I think could be an immediate impact Defender right away it will be an interesting fit with a lot of forwards and bigs there in Utah right now with Clarkson sensal Hendrick Larry Markin him that big decision obviously you do have Walker cast at the five as well so I’m glad they went with somebody like Cody Williams I wonder how he’s going to be with his aggressiveness right away is he going to be able to not turn over the ball is he going to be a consistent shooter something he wasn’t in high school but was last year in Colorado a lot of question marks with this game but that’s the appeal to it high boom potential High bust potential at number 11 Chicago got Maes buellis I’m going to give this a B+ I love the fact that they got buellis at number 11 I think if buellis went number five I probably would have given this a C+ but I’m more comfortable and happy that he went there around 11 CU I think that’s a fair range for him he is a HomeTown kid from Chicago so that is pretty cool and now hopefully this is a new era of Chicago Bulls basketball Josh giddy dumu Kobe white and Matas buellis are the guys they’re going to be building around hopefully Demar Rose and is gone in aign trade or something like that and they can move Zack gine and nicoa vuich sooner rather than later at number 12 the Thunder took Nia topic I was a little shocked by this I’m going to be giving this a B I love topage a player top 10 Prospect for me I thought this was a weird fit for OKC with plenty of win now guys on the board like a dalon connect like a Devin Carter like a Jared McCain like a Kare who can help this team in the playoffs next year they still need size they still need a tall shot Creator out there that could be adjacent to Jaylen Williams I don’t think to pitch is going to really play all that much in his rookie year obviously Sam prey the general manager has a type you look at your us man jangs of the world you look at your Alex’s pukis of the world he likes these European guys that come over and I’m going to give it a B for now dein Carter going to the Sacramento Kings at 13 I love this value for the Sacramento Kings I’m giving this an A minus Devin Carter is your Do-it all type of guard he’s someone that’s going to die for Boose balls crash the offensive glass knock down big threes and that’s something Sacramento needs as any playoff team would right like you have Daren Fox you have damont sabonis as your top two but let’s get the gritty guys that are going to do the dirty work for you in Devin Carter and they’re adding him to Keon Ellis as well out there and Davon Mitchell yeah they could have wenton a wing yeah they could have went a big but in my opinion they went best player available and that was Devon cter at 14 this is the Washington Wizards pick that they got in the Denny of Dian trade this is via the Golden State Warriors that Portland originally owned and they took bub Carrington out of Pittsburgh I’m going to give this a great as well I was kind of shocked to see Carrington go above Jared McCain and Isaiah klier obviously klier was somebody that slid a decent amount and I really love bub Caron as a PR and I’m really happy he’s going to Washington DC because he is someone that was not really point guard ever in his career until his freshman year at Pittsburgh he wasn’t one in high school he’s one of the younger guys in this class can play the one can play the two great size great speed great athleticism beautiful looking pullup jumper from the mid-range and I think he’s someone that can facilitate as well so this is a good pick in my opinion Miami going with kware at 15 I’m going to give this a B minus I do like coell we as a prospect he was a top 20 Prospect for me but I thought Miami could have used a guard like ker like McCain who were on the board or a more athletic scoring Wings they could definitely use as well like a TR Da Silva or a DTA connect but they opted for Kare who has a ton of athleticism I just wonder how many minutes you’re really going to get out there with him and Bama to bio at a time and that question is really going to mark this down to a B minus I love Philadelphia getting Jared McCain at 16 it’s going to be an A minus for me McCain is someone that can come in right away and knock down big shots he did that at Duke last season and can be a great complimentary piece to Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid and can now give you more continuity with a roster that’s usually having some crazy turnover every single year but McCain can be a stable piece with maxi and beid for years to come at 17 the LA Lakers got dalta connect yeah this is great value I’m giving this an A+ this kind of remind me a little bit of Kim Whitmore last year I thought connect was going to be a for sure lottery pick he falls to 17 he’s going to be a great shooter for this Lakers team a great shot Creator he’s not a great defender and the game could be a little slow to him right now or at least he plays in a slower way than he needs to at the NBA level but I think the value is there 100% for the Lakers who in my opinion got a top 10 guy with the 17th overall pick at 18 Orlando took Tristan to Silva I love Tristan D Silva as a prospect he’s one of my guys in this draft I don’t really love the fit in Orlando they have so many of these wings that I feel like just aren’t knock down Shooters specifically or could navigate off ball screens at a really high level so I’m going to give this a B minus as well I love to Silva as a prospect kind of similar to the co kind of similar to the co wear grade I just thought they could have went in a different direction at 19 Toronto went Jobe Walter I’m going to give this a B+ Walter like Cody Williams like buellis H in this class an extreme Boomer bus Prospect he could be someone that could definitely benefit from being in the G League this upcoming season and I think Toronto is a perfect place where he could develop think he could be a good Defender right away a good shooter and as he gets a better feel for the game he could maybe be a three level score one day rather than just a 3D prototype and at number 20 people thought maybe this would be bronny James it was Jaylen Tyson out of Cal a different Pack 12 school going to the Cavs and I’m going to give this a B+ I am not a fan of the Cavs Wings right now outside of Max stru I’m not a fan of Dean Wade I’m not a fan of georgees niang or Caris L ver at the money he’s making so I love the addition of Jaylen Tyson someone that could be a gritty guy for you in the playoffs that is going to want contact that’s going to want physicality that can get to the rim and finish at the rim and it’s someone that is also going to crash the offensive glass and defensive glass much better than those aformentioned forwards that I’m not really a big fan of at 21 this I feel like was the most predictable pick outside the lottery everybody mocked it including me and that’s ye Mei to the New Orleans Pelicans I’m going to give this grade a b i love ye Mei in the addition of ye Mei in New Orleans I just wonder if he can ever work in the front court with Zion Williamson because neither of them can shoot it’s going to be the most athletic front Court in the league but it’s also going to be a non-existing shooting front Court which I think has its question marks to it the Phoenix Suns traded down with the de nuggets who traded up to select Don Holmes out of dayon they didn’t have to give up too much in this deal and I’m going to give Denver a B for this I like getting the insurance for the backup big man I mean zek Naji was a disappointment last year de Jordan’s obviously getting up there in age and now Don Holmes can give you some stability Off the Bench he could shoot a little bit he can defend he’s got a nice post game and I think he can play alongside Nico yic as well I think the biggest shocker for me in this draft was AJ Johnson going 23 to the Milwaukee Buck he was outside my top 50 in my opinion he’s a two to three to maybe even four-year project play at the NBA level Milwaukee doesn’t have the time for that right if they couldn’t develop Maran bamp or Andre Jackson right away guys that were much more NBA ready I don’t think they’re going to do that in Aj Johnson I think the game could be a little chaotic for him sometimes and I think he could be a good score one day I think he could be a solid Defender right away I just don’t believe in the Milwaukee Bucks or Doc Rivers to really optimize his development right now when there was so many other NBA ready guys on the board like teren Shannon like Tyler kwick like Kyle filipowski Kevin mcculler all those guys were there so yeah this is going to be my worst grade I’m going to give it a D+ the New York Knicks traded down two spots with the Washington Wizards who traded up here to select Kean George out of Miami I’m going to be giving this a B for them and I’m glad George could develop in a place like Washington that’s currently into a rebuild he’s going to be a 3 andd prototype and I think he’s someone that can knock down some shots right away there may be some lapses on the defensive end but by year three and four in the league he could be a solid rotational piece and the Knicks took momet with the 25th overall pick I’m going to give this AC this was pretty much just a money-saving move for the Knicks they’re probably hoping that he is just going to be a draft in stash I mean this is a team that needed to save money I love what the Knicks have done this off season getting Mel Bridges resigning OG and anobi but for this draft pick specifically it’s going to be a c d yet is a huge project play I have no idea when he’s going to be really an impact player for a playoff team it may not happen till 2029 who knows and then the Knicks traded the 26th overall pick to the OKC Thunder for five second round picks I knew Leon Rose was going to do this I was so disappointed throughout the draft stream I’m going to give the OKC Thunder a B minus for this I actually lik Dylan Jones and I liked his tape a ton watching him at Weber State this past season and I think he’s someone that could be a crafty scorer for OKC that desperately needs one off the bench I thought they could have went with that style play at number 12 they opted not to do that they get Dylan Jones at 26 and if Sam prey likes Dylan Jones then I probably should have like him a little bit more so I’m going to give it a B minus just cuz they had a trade up 5 seconds for him Teran shanon Jr going to the Tim roles at 27 it’s funny maybe they didn’t even have to trade for Rob Dillingham cuz ker is still on the board but I love this pick for them this is going to be getting an A minus Teran Shannon one of the more NBA ready players in this draft class he can defend he could shoot he could score off the dribble and I think could be a great bench piece for a Timberwolves team that’s trying to win a championship in 2025 Fenix traded down with Denver and got Ryan done at 28 yeah this is an a for me as well I love this from Phoenix getting the best defender in this draft in my opinion best defender on the perimeter best defender on the point of attack and one of the better interior defenders in this class by trading down as well getting some other draft Capital which is nice to see and hopefully he’s just locked in the gym with Kevin Durant Beal and Booker this Summer that could teach him how to shoot and then Isaiah ker going 29 to the Utah Jazz he was my ninth ranked Prospect in this draft it’s an A+ I mean the value was just there I don’t know why he went this low I don’t know if there’s a character issue a medical issue he is way too talented to go this far into a draft that’s relatively weak ker can get to the line at will he could score in every aspect of the game besides the free throws which obviously is something he needs to work on I think he held his own fine defensively this past season and I think he’s a good playmaker as well solid rebounder I’m still in shock that he went 29 then the Celtics getting Bor shyman at 30 I love this I’m giving this a B+ I would have rather the Knicks take him at 25 and I think this is a phenomenal pick for the Celtics at 30 that can give you some Sam Hower inss if he gets paid by a different team that you can’t afford on and then he can also come in and shoot and replace Hower but can also be a pretty good playmaker as well like always thank you all for watching I love you guys hit that subscribe button if you’re not already and I’ll catch you all in the next one peace [Music]

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  1. Ron Holland gonna be a Stanley Johnson like type of player or Jaylen Brown type of player no in between

  2. The problem you have with Zach Edey is wild. Ja played his best basketball with Steven Adams, a guy who can't do much outside the key. Teach Edey how to set picks and crash the key at an NBA level like Adams can, and he's the perfect fit next to Ja. Dude is 7'4, 300 pounds, and can get rebounds at will. I'd agree that there's a risk with how he adjusts to the NBA since he's a very old school build, but when it comes to what Memphis needed from this draft then he was the best option available. A big body, that can get rebounds, and can physically clear the key for Ja.

  3. you do realize that Steven Adams used to be the center for Ja, right? why worry about that, plus Edey will probably play just 10-15mins a night.

  4. i think getting matas was a STEAL at 11, didnt think the bulls were smart enough to draft him lol

  5. I feel like Edey is the most safe pick. He will give you good defense, 10 points and 10 rebounds a game. I love the pick.

  6. 4:44 Iā€™m a Hornets fan and Iā€™m very excited to see how Tidjane SulaĆ¼n develops. The players I was eyeing all year were Matas Buzelis, Ron Holland, and Cody Williams. But I am very intrigued by what Tidjane could become.

  7. I think the Edey pick was for a Ja-Edey pick and roll which might become the best pick and roll duo since Stockton and Malone

  8. So itā€™s just what players you like vs which ones you donā€™t? Cool. I was expecting a little but more.

  9. If you are going to make the point of Edey clogging up the paint but not mention Steven Adams working successfully in Memphis then your point falls flat.

  10. The Zach edey hate is so weird. Ja has always had post centric Centers. Hes NEVER had a non post centric center. Vala then Steven Adams now Edey.

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