@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons TRADE Defense for Shooting

Detroit Pistons TRADE Defense for Shooting

the Pistons actually made a trade today I was surprised hey great segue and you know before we we go to the trade because obviously we don’t see Shawn Bion around here very much anymore and I’m curious to get your opinion Ron Holland fifth overall pick what are your initial thoughts what do you want me to say do you want me to lie okay no no I’m going to lie it’s great I love the plan no I so let me get this straight all right everybody and their brother knows this is a Shooters League yes okay and you got a guy that can’t shoot you’re speaking my language Sean cool you’re speaking my a so much to be excited about here’s the problem like like honestly I think a lot of people out there flannel like you like me you’re almost scared to say anything because I know that there are a lot of Legoland people out there Everything is Awesome you know the reality is honestly this franchise has been a h on a wheel for far too long and and we celebrate like just little things like getting the first pick overall things like that forget about waiting to see if that guy turns into a true Fran true franchise player but we celebrate little things I okay I guess I have no choice but to Hope on upside I guess I have no choice but to hope that he develops a shot etc etc but it’s it’s hard to get excited about the things that they’re doing right now even even the move today sorry it’s hard to get excited about it and to be fair you’re far from the only one who has had some issues with the Ron Holland pick I mean in the in the building yesterday the reaction was mixed the reaction on draft KN was uh probably more negative and I would say in the chat it’s kind of a mixed bag and most of the criticism goes with his lack of shooting prowess in the in the G league and obviously he can develop but you just never well and you’re right I mean I I don’t want to make it sound like like all of ination is either for or against this but I think you know what I’m saying there are Usual Suspects out there that no matter what they do they’re going to say this is it yeah why you got to be a hater you know what it’s always you’re the hater you’re the problem as opposed to the predicament that this franchise has found itself in for so many years now no and that’s that that’s fair i’ I’ve seen this movie before with a non-shooters being taken and we’ll just see it’s a different regime so it’s not quite the same but it wasn’t the move that I personally wanted to see them make but yeah as Sean was Al alluding to earlier the Detroit Pistons they made a trade earlier today that was pretty predictable I would say for the most part they uh traded away Quinton Grimes in exchange for Tim Hardaway Jr formerly of the Dallas Mavericks and formerly a Michigan Wolverine and three second round picks that trade was pretty much done solely to I would say reg gain some assets but you said that wasn’t your initial thoughts were just kind of like whatever no I mean at the end of the day he’s not going to be here long right no I mean we we were talking about it we were talking with Koolaid and some of the guys around here listen trade deadline they’ll they’ll jettison him out of here you know another hey thanks for coming guy can shoot a little bit you know in in theory it’d be fantastic if he stuck around but at the end of the he’s not going to stick around and again it’s the same thing I I I get that you have to keep swinging I do like no disrespect I get that you have to keep swinging but oh boy a another another little lottery ticket another little Willy Wonka ticket you know and woo what will we get for this and oh what could we get for these three second round picks I mean that’s where this franchise has been for so long now man yeah and the funny thing is I don’t think there was any franchise in all of NBA except for maybe a few with the more expensive contracts maybe like Ben Simmons for example but Tim Hardway junor was obviously somebody that the Dallas Mavericks wanted off their books I mean he got out he was out of the rotation for much of the playoffs and he barely played in the finals while being someone with a skill set that I think the Dallas Mavericks could have used that’s how much in the doghouse that he was and I want to initially get uh Spencer raxter opinion on that I know you’re going to break it down more on Woodward heavyweights just happened in the last hour initial thoughts on Tim Hardaway Jr for Quinton Grimes and uh three assets yeah it it’s more for the assets than it is Tim Hardway Jr like you guys said he’s not going to be here very long this is the last year of his deal maybe you can move him again to a team that wants his shooting and is making a playoff push but you got the three second round picks for him cool like how how how how valuable are second round picks in today’s NBA so I guess you’re just slowly building up that war chest because you don’t really have anything right now kg what about you how how you feeling initially with the uh Tim Hardaway it was I’m I misspoke earlier it was Quinton Grimes for Tim Hardaway Jr second round yeah but no I mean pretty much same as spinny we all know what the Tim Hardaway move is he is a better shooter so you know if he comes in performs well maybe you can dangle him as trade bait but according to koola uh before the show he said because of the new CBA second round picks are a little more valuable so like spinny said just building up the war chess man that seems to be what Tran wants to do he’s even said as much in his press conferences so maybe I’m a little bit of a nerd and looking into this a little bit too much I was slightly upset that the Pistons had to package Quinton Grimes because let’s let’s throw those last six games that he played with the Pistons out the window he is a career 37% three-point shooter however Quinton Grimes is cheap that’s that’s what it was all about they’re not going to do that deal for without Quinton Grimes as a part of it and Tim Hardway Jr he’s going to be off the books after this year yeah that’s that’s all there is to it and while he’s here here not that he’s anything to write home about he is a good shooter he has a lifetime 36% three-point shooter and can gives Cade some spacing although it’s not the biggest deal in the world Benny yeah I was going to say I don’t for Dallas I think it’s them opening up cap space they’re trying to go after a guy like kyp or Klay Thompson to put on that roster with them so that’s what why they wanted to get rid of O kcp and or Klay Thompson on the Mavericks I like that one isn’t it isn’t it though here’s the old bit aspect of it though to to what Spenny just said listen we are consistently the team that’s making these moves and watching other teams get better because of their move to us yeah and and we keep collecting these lottery picks and at some point in time I think fans are going to say well hey they you know another three second is great fantastic but when is it going to turn into something for value and and it’s it’s unfair to hold Tron to what has happened with the Pistons but this is where he’s at now and until it happens he’s part of the bumbling of this franchise for the last 15 years I mean it has been 15 years of this it’s it’s incredible when you think about it oh it’s been I mean they’re they’re the as bad of a franchise as there’s been in the NBA since 2019 pretty much and it’s and it’s I I think we might what Tran is telling you and what he’s doing with these moves is that it might be a slow process so it might be a couple more years but who knows and rack in the chat Grimes average eight eight and a half points points a game in three seasons people vastly overreacting to him being traded and I I think most people are okay with it my thing is more in a perfect world he’s the type of guy that I would prefer the Pistons to keep but it just wasn’t possible if they wanted to make this move the the Mavericks wanted somebody cheap so it is it is what it is and and Tim Hardaway Jr at least is a shooter and for and me being a cade Cunningham Stan just get more Shooters man keep fonio keep Sasser keep Isaiah Stewart and use Tim Hardway JR this year and maybe go bargain shopping in the free agency market maybe take on another contract who what was the guy’s name that said that that that that brought up that comment because I I think he’s spot on rack okay rack way to go because as we know it’s not like this town to turn mad players into something that they aren’t this is what we do I mean listen Korean Jesus you can you can say this hockey fans the last few honest to God the way that some people are talking about Jake Walman I have to I have to go ahead and look in the history books and see if he won three Norris trophies literally okay [Music]

Flannel Sam, Sean Baligian and the rest of the BDE crew discuss the Detroit Pistons decision to move on from Quentin Grimes for veteran shooter, Tim Hardaway Jr. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. I'm not the most astute NBA observer, but didn't we just acquire Grimes at the trade deadline last season from the Knicks?

  2. Not impressed with Trajan so far. Every video of Holland I watched showed him playing good defense but all his offense was off early releases / fast breaks. Just traded Grimes for 3 second round picks from a good team so they are basically worthless. Another year down the toilet.

  3. Come on people. We're the joke of the NBA. We had great talent that wanted to be here in Tobias Harris and Jeremi Grant. We got rid of them. There were internal issues with Gores and Tellum doing too much behind the scenes. We fired Monty because he couldnt make crap work. We are a circus of a franchise ran by Gores and we blame everyone but Gores. Do you think people are beating down our doors to come here? Agents wouldnt even let their players work out for us and yall want to judge who we took? Yes. Langdon took a swing for a high upside because to be honest, We probably cant attract any good free agents. Yall want people to preform miracles. Its crazy!

  4. Grimes is always hurt, Holland is 18 with a huge upside. We also hired one of the best, if not the best shooting coach in the league. I love how these people act like we are set with the starting line up, when we should be drafting BPA, which Holland was at 5. Are we tired of losing YES, does anyone in this draft make us a contender tus year HELL NO!! Holland was the right pick, and fits what our new staff is looking for. This channel is full of a bunch of whiners, which makes their content impossible to support.

  5. Troy had to battle these same issues as far as agents not letting their clients come and work out for them… So hopefully Trajan don't have to deal with Arn Tellem (Mike miller, Gallinari) as much. Even though he's the agent for Bobi, too…

  6. Hardaway played a ton of regular season minutes for the Mavs and is still hitting 3s better than most of our guys did. He will help Cade and Ivey develop as he is a real NBA player unlike Killian and Ausar who destroyed Cade and Ivey last year.

  7. We got one of the best to develop shooters now, and if one of these very athletic draft picks end up becoming great shooters, we go with that guy.

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