@San Antonio Spurs



okay I can’t believe that it’s been two whole years since I talked about Harrison Ingram um we did two videos we talked about them uh during live streams back then as well and every critique that I had I’m ecstatic because he corrected all of it I want some n are we having fun yet all right so I didn’t find it necessary to go live during the second round I mean because I I didn’t come home until after it was finished I mean why the heck did they have it so early um but I definitely wanted to at least tell you my overall thoughts about Harrison Ingram uh Nunes and then you know we can look at some uh interviews and we can just go one by one and go down the gauntlet uh now let me go ah and bring this up okay before I forget please go subscribe to Spurs Invasion uh I have the link below in this video’s description right right underneath okay um just go subscribe to it if you’re curious on what this channel is it is the second channel in which I’m going to be uploading only scripted edited content okay so I have one that’s up already and I’m actually pretty proud of it because one thing I said in it is that the Spurs desperately needed um desperately needed a wing Defender and I brought up Stefon castle and I’m glad that we were able to uh make that happen I also brought up Ron Holland but he was gone before the eighth pick so what what do what do you do um but yeah guys please go uh support that channel and I already finished two scripts two more scripts and I’m going to be working on a video this weekend so um thanks for all the love for those who have already subscribed and those who are planning to subscribe all right so where should we start man I I guess we’ll go ahead and start with Juan uh Nunes because he’s the player that I know the least about um we’ll take a look at this interview um but if you’re curious on what type of player he is he’s basically the best pick and roll player in the draft now what’s really funny and I’m I’m being transparent here okay there’s there’s plenty of players that I did look into he was one where I glossed over but I didn’t really I didn’t watch any games of his at all um but my boy Swiss Hill and you know Swiss Hill is a big big big friend of the channel and my best friend in real life he actually told me about him way long ago um it was when all the topage uh hype was was at a alltime high for San Antonio Spurs fans and he sent me this guy uh Nunes he was like dude I’ll tell you right now I think Nunes will end up being a better player than topich and you can get him in the second round so big shout out to Swiss Hill all right he knows his stuff uh but if you just want to know some of his stats uh 10.4 points per game uh 1.9 steals per game this is the Euro uh Euro Cup uh leag that is uh as far as total rebounds nearly four um let’s see here free throw percentage got to work on that my boy got to work on that um but threo percentage 36% not too not too bad 50% uh field goal percentage and this was the on the in the course of 14 games like I said I’m being transparent here I have not watched uh him play a lot only highlights so I don’t think that that’s a good indication of the type of player that he is but from what I’ve seen very crafty very creative uh passer very high basketball IQ super young defense isn’t the best but hey he can give you some steals here and there um as it as it seems and he’s 64 um in height if if you’re curious so and now I I guess the big question now is oop that’s not that’s not the right thing I want to click on I I guess the big question right now is uh what are the San Antonio Spurs going to do is he a uh a draft in stash or is he someone that’s going to contribute immediately well Bron Wright has already said that that is to be determined um and they’re going to sit back and watch him uh during the Olympics and they’re just looking forward to that so we have no idea right now um but at the very least we do know he’s a very talented player and he’s going to take he he is going to take some work right um very young I think he’s only 18 years old um but let’s go and take a look at what he had to say here explain Us in what extent your move from Real Madrid to uh help you to improve your game um and to play now in the NBA um for me it was really important to get minutes you guys probably can’t hear that hold on let me turn it up a little bit I can hear it but I know it might be hard for you all right let’s try it again uh to get repetitions to get experience in Europe and that’s what gave to me a lot of minutes a lot of experience a lot of confidence and I’m really thankful for them because that’s a big reason why I’m here today what do you see there I see the do you remember that I see that he’s way taller than me yeah did he show him a picture of wimy I guess he showed him a picture of wimy it was a nice experience I remember in Italy 5 years ago when we played the European final under 16 and by the way I think he’s talking about Wim he’s definitely talking about wimy by the way let me go a and bring this up uh right off the bat and I think this is something that’s very important that we should we should keep in mind I am a firm believer of this okay I I it has not been publicly confirmed at all but I truly do believe this I bet you wimy had a say so in a lot of what the San Antonio Spurs did right um the fact that wimy was on the phone with Stefon Castle right after he was drafted uh the fact that he has connections to Nunes I I I I just have a hard time believing wimy wasn’t directly involved in the picks that the Spurs made right I I have a hard time believing now was he the the final say probably not but I I will be I’ll be hard pressed to believe otherwise it was great it was great they saw me that picture before and it’s a funny one yeah um what’s what are your feelings right now you going to play with him you going to play with this franchise like what do you think about that um what do you think about playing with the San Antonio Spurs what do you ask I don’t know right now I’m I’m just trying to enjoy the moment this only happens once in life and let’s see what happens but I’m really excited to to have come to this uh organization which I think it’s uh similar to my identity he basically doesn’t know if he’s going to be on the roster right now if he’s going to be a two-way player or on a two-way contract that is or if he’s going to play overseas for a season or two how could you describe your game to someone who doesn’t know you um I think I’m a creative player I like to to make my teammates better to get near the rim and make the right decision and yeah that’s and be drafted by the Spurs is a surprise for you or not really well uh it’s a it’s a nice moment I don’t know if I would call a surprise but it’s a it’s a really nice moment uh it’s the franchise where I wanted to go because I think uh it’s where I can fit the most and that we we Ser similar as I said identity so I’m really happy really really happy to be should be his per all right so yeah definitely fits I mean it’s it’s a it’s a position of need um we have to just kind of wait and see uh what comes out of it but him as a player man he is very creative when it when it pertains to passing to basketball um great off the pick and roll and at the very least you know I can see him down the line being a very effective uh backup uh point guard if if need be but uh right now I’m I’m happy with them you know I’m I’m like I said I I don’t want to lie to you guys and be like oh yeah I watched plenty I haven’t I haven’t um but all I all I know is my boy uh Swiss Hill uh loves him loved him way before the draft and I do trust his judgment um on things quite a bit so uh yeah yeah I I think it was a pretty solid decision from the San Antonio Spurs and I be very shocked if wimy didn’t have a say so uh in grabbing this player now one player that I do know a little bit more about okay is this man right here Harrison Ingram and this is what’s this is what’s messing me up right now right cuz I’ve seen some people ask if if he’s so good then why was he in the second round and I’ll be real I I don’t really know but I have a theory um so this is not a strong draft by any means right but when you have a draft that’s not that strong uh teams are going to be you guys like this that you already know what he is silly I don’t know how high it actually is right but you know he’s pretty established in what he is teams are going to try to take um guys that might have more uh potential that aren’t as good but might have more potential or you’re going to gamble a little bit more because it’s just not a strong draft right I mean what do you have to lose but I think one thing with Ingram that’s strange is back when we talked about him two years ago uh one thing that I brought up was his three-point uh percentage I was like man I mean 31 isn’t good and looking at his free throw percentage that’s not good either and it’s not like that’s improved uh that much but back then it was like okay he still has to come into his his his body but if that were to happen if he becomes um stronger if he’s able to um even improve his defense a little bit more if he’s able to improve his three-point shooting a little bit more he could be something serious but back then what type of player he was then versus the player that he showed with UNCC it completely different um my comparison for him when he was at Stanford was something close to maybe like a Tyreek Evans Kyle Anderson type um where you know he’s he’s a point forward essentially right but at UNC that is not necessarily what he was uh so I’m I am a UNCC fan if you guys if you guys didn’t know I’m I’m I’m new I’m new to the fandom but I am a UNC fan um and one thing that I’ve noticed was what he was in Stanford completely changed when he went to UNCC I think that not only they help develop him a little bit better as you can see his three-o percentage jumping from a 32 to a 38.5 which is insane um but I think the big the the bigger difference here is that he was not necessarily playing as a point forward at times he did at UNCC but that that was his main that that was his main uh role with Stanford uh so I think maybe team saw it as when he was at Stanford he just wasn’t ready right like he he didn’t he didn’t have the three-point percentage where he needed it to be um he didn’t uh come into his body yet uh he was a little he was a little slow you know laterally he was a little slow he’s never been the greatest athlete in the world or anything like that he doesn’t jump out of the gym but I I think that that was what was holding him back but then once he got to UNC he wasn’t necessarily able to show the bag that he truly does have and at UNC he played more of a off ball uh three-point shooter you know defense defensive hustle guy and at times like I said he he was uh he showed that passing uh versatility but it that was not his role and you can even see it with the statistics um the the big switches here where his assists went from almost four to two uh his rebounding you can see that that changed it went from 5.8 to nearly nine uh so yeah you you you can see that there was a huge difference um but his field goal percentage is still not the best he’s still going to have to work on uh finishing a little bit better uh at The Rim uh having a more in between game cuz he’s not super quick so he has a really hard time uh creating his his own space but here’s the thing okay here’s the brilliant thing before we start looking into uh all of these interviews or I brought up quite a few different things before we look at that I do want to say this about him I think and this is going to be very mean I think I think some people are going to take issue with it one person in particular that’s always in chat I know she’s going to have an issue with this um but one thing I can say is I think that he will be a really good replacement for Kellan Johnson because I think that his basketball IQ is a little bit better much better I’m sorry uh his his defense is is definitely there um he can play as a catch and shoot three-pointer uh a three-point three-point player if you want him to be a point forward at times he’s capable of doing it but most importantly he has High basketball Q plays tough fans are going to love him immediately and I think that he is a perfect backup small forward Spurs still have some needs okay we need a backup uh center with some defense we need a three and D small forward that can start I don’t think that that’s what Ingram would be I think he’ll be more so a backup uh um a small forward there but I think he is perfect and if the Spurs were to move off of Kellin this was the perfect type of player um to add to this roster um and another thing too is I think another reason why he might have landed a little bit late as well is he’s a little older but that’s okay you know you you want these players that um are a little bit M more mature and that you don’t have to sit back and and work on work on his game tirelessly I mean you’re going to work on his game but you know he he’s he’s going to come into the league uh like he should be there you know it’s it’s not going to have the bright lights on them um like a lot of younger players might have uh so I’m really excited about Ingram as a player uh I think he has a lot in in his bag and I think because his role changed so drastically that might have hurt his stock as well maybe teams weren’t necessarily sure what he is but just letting you guys know my evaluation of him before was you need three-point shooting you need to uh gain a few pounds you need to uh uh become better laterally and I think he improved all of that uh but you know him changing his role from a a primary you know point forward into what he was with UNCC that that might have hurt a little bit but he he is a baller I really like him he plays really hard um and I I can see him being a a really winning player he’s he’s a winning player uh for the Spurs all right let’s go ahead and take a look okay and if you’re not bought on any of that you don’t care about any of that well listen to him talk okay he sounds just like Tim Duncan who’s your favorite musical artist oh Rihanna did your dream vacation destination Bora Bor who’s your first celebrity crush milakunis do alien munis Muna I I think M I think mine was Alicia Keys munis huh maybe it was Mariah K exist I think so and other than basketball what you say you’re the best at chess who’s your favorite musical artist o Rihanna dream his favorite musical artist was Rihanna I missed that part before all right that’s that’s a that’s a nothing interview here’s some highlights you can kind of see his his uh hustling mentality drastically improved his shot like I said where he’s going to struggle really being honest and there’s that passing ability from you know Stanford when he was a point forward so he he definitely has it in his back here’s his passing ability again I mean that that’s just beautiful I mean o just not get in trouble that’s just beautiful right there look how quick he found that was just beautiful right there here you go showing that basketball IQ a little bit more to back beot Bott sorry here it is again that basketball IQ beautiful yeah so so he he has a lot in his bag and I think that you know unfortunately I I don’t think that was that was shown a lot and he’s he’s gotten way big maybe I should bring up a a photo of what he looked like before versus now um cuz he definitely came into his body cuz that was one thing I was worried about but good for him you know going to the draft combine uh everyone telling him what he needed to work on and and him coming out and working on it three-pointer bang all right and let’s see here so here’s an interview this was pre-draft workout with the Portland Trailblazers and if you didn’t believe me that he sounds like Tim Duncan you’re going to believe me now high above it the intensity of the workout I mean there’s a lot of energy in this workout you know I knew these guys before so you know we we were friends and it was competitive you know we played hard you know I thought I did a good job I I dove on the floor one time I was hit him open shots you know find my open teammates finish get the r we’re winning so was fun how would you describe your game to someone if you were if you were going to make a case to to draft you what would you say you do well and what do you bring to to you he better say versatility he better say versatility say exactly what I said I would say my adaptability is the number one thing I any role you put me in I can be Excel in whether it’s a three-point shooter Defender rebounder I mean Creator pass up post on the bench clapping I mean whatever you want I feel I’ll do I guys I’m trying not to geek I’m trying my best not to geek but I need to I need to emphasize this he is the he he is a perfect fit for the Spurs This draft was a 10 out of 10 perfect perfect perfect fit for the San Antonio Spurs I don’t even think we need a second guess that uh like I said he could potentially come off the bench be a three and D um be a versatile point forward what whatever like he said whatever you need him to be he can be that but the thing that I care about the most and this is all I would need can you be a three and D player and can you have high basketball IQ make the right passes and that’s what he is and that’s what the Spurs have been lacking players that make the right passes do to the highest level I’m a good locker room guy and I feel like you just can’t really go wrong taking me what kind of feedback have you received in terms of what you need to work on the most mostly for me is just uh getting more athletic was the first thing is you know lateral quickness I didn’t pre-at I did not pre-at I did not pre-at all right yep that that was my critique two years ago all right so he needed lateral quickness please say three-point shooting and really just guarding one through five and proving that you can guard one through five and hit open shots at a uh consistent level how much hit shots at a consistent that counts that counts that counts homework have you done on the Blazers and what kind of fit do you think he would be here I mean I think I’d be good it’s a young team up and cominging team you know they got scoot you got shayen you they got enery they got DeAndre Aiden a lot of good players and you know for me it’s about just one team giving me opportunity um you know I feel like doesn’t really matter where I go I could care less if you want to draft me please please do you know what I mean how much do you pay attention to that especially a year like this where there’s no consensus around the draft how much do you look at the mock draft and where different places have you going and different going is that something you actually look at and pay attention to or is that something you kind of try to tune out I mean any players is lying they say they don’t look at it every once in a while I mean we see it we’re on Twitter we’re on Instagram like I see it I mean as much as I don’t really care about it but I see it and I look at it and I watch it by the end of the day you know I know what my game is and if you look at any draft just cuz someone goes ahead of you or someone is behind you doesn’t mean they’re a better or worse player than you I mean that’s just maybe how you view and you know for me it’s just about taking my path and I’m going to work as hard as I can and whatever happens is going to happen and I’m know try to get there do you feel like the fact that you’re a little bit older and you’ve had a little bit more experiences that kind of helps you in this kind of process understanding what teams are looking for because you’ve been in different roles North Carolina kind of I I said that I said that I I think I think that that not only hurt him but that also helps uh him coming to the Spurs because we we want to win as soon as possible but we also don’t want to skip steps and that that’s a really that’s a really tough you know a tough way to to to gauge how how you’re going to do that right um but this is a way of doing that you get a rookie that’s already pretty established or not established but pretty experienced um mature enough where you don’t have to worry about any of those aspects uh of the person and and yeah that’s that’s how you do it you do it in the second round as your as you progress through your career 100% I mean going back to my freshman year I tested the waters too and I just didn’t feel like I was ready mentally or physically and I wanted to go back and you know know now I feel more than ready physically mentally to be on my own to be in a pro I mean I know it’s a business it’s professional he’s grown man I feel like my body’s ready my mind’s ready and know he grew into his body for me it was it was really different going from Stanford All the Way North Carolina I mean the roles are so much different yes I said all this I feel it gave me a lot of confidence knowing that I can adapt to rooll really really quickly yes yes I guess that was it yeah good stuff man good stuff good stuff great stuff so yeah overall guys I I think that this was the perfect fit um I’m not going to sit here and act like oh yeah I know exactly who uh juon Nunes is but I do believe in the in the franchise and uh I believe in my my good friend switch Hill uh saying how how good he is and and he he he was really excited about him like a long time ago um so I’ll sit on that you know I’ll I’ll look into him a little bit more but right now I’ll tell you this with all the confidence in the world this this this man right here Harrison Ingram he is he is going to be a he’s going to be a fan favorite the fans are going to absolutely love him okay uh he he brings so much uh to a team he will fit right in I’m not sitting I’m not going to sit here and say he’s going to be a star or Superstar or anything like that I don’t think that that’s the case right uh but I do think that uh with his basketball IQ with his experience with him improving his three-point shot to that degree he’s going to look really good uh with the Spurs and his defense um improving as well so he this is this is nothing short of hard work he’s a good he’s a good kid very smart uh th this this was perfect case scen scenario for the Spurs in the second round and you guys we we got to get ready okay this this going to be nice um but anyways I will give it to you guys later man um that’s all I really have uh for this video please please go subscribe to Spurs Invasion I will do a video or soon I’ll be doing a video on um Stefon castle and then I’ll be doing one on Jeremy Sohan unless something else comes up and we need to hit on that but as it stands right now those those are my plans so yeah go go check out the channel man all right I’ll give with you guys later till next time bye bye bye bye m


Grabbing Harrison Ingram and Juan Nunez is a W!

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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

0:00 Intro
1:46 Juan Nunez Stats
4:16 Juan Nunez Interview
8:26 Harrison Ingram Stats
14:52 Tim Duncan?
15:31 Harrison Ingram Highlights
17:01 Harrison Ingram Interview
21:32 Final Thoughts

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. Im obviously biased because Juan Núñez is a spaniard and from Madrid just like me, but I really do believe he is the best passer in this draft and an amazing playmaker with a great feel for the game. It is true that he needs some work on the defensive side and on his shooting but if he gets better on those aspects, he is going to be a great pick. I really do believe he has a really bright future.

  2. Bruh two of those guys ain’t gonna see the court anytime soon lmao take it easy

  3. I hope Houston trades for a BIG name and has to ship RShepperd out to get that BIG veteran player…and then sas swoop in to make a deal with that new team to get RShepperd… Unfortunately, Charlotte will have no reason to trade Salaun…. too bad.

  4. Hey clan, something I haven't heard ypu mention yet is castle and Nunez have ties to the original big 3 too…castles dad played with Timmy at wake forest and Nunez was scouted and was manus guy/pick…found it interesting and exciting

  5. I can't wait to see Nunez play at Olympics…. we will be able to see more than just highlights.

    The Spurs are making good decisions.

  6. Nunez looks lik an AI face mashup of zack efron and wilder valdarama 😂 .. dude looks like Manu 2.0 whith those whip passes 🤔

  7. CLAN! Here in San Anto guey, all we wanna talk about Juan Nuñez ese! We finally have a "New Ginobili" for Latin Spurs-Nation to love… Get used to future post game interviews in Spanish homes… Im telling you guey, when we drafted Nuñez the tequila was flowing here on the West Side in the 210 !!!!! Viva La Raza Guey!!!!!

  8. I'm watching Nuñez since 2022… a very very very very good player. His IQ is insane. ❤

  9. The reason the 2nd round started so early was because of the Presidential debate. I love the picks for the Spurs. From what I see, Nunez is a little slow on the court, but he definitely has a feel for the game that helps negate that somewhat.

  10. this happens every year after every draft for every team. I remember thinking Nando De Colo was the next Manu.

  11. The security the Spurs have made for Wemby for the next few years is probably the biggest flex. They have so much draft cap space and picks to keep them relevant for a long time. Pop is gonna be 97 before he retires lol.

  12. Núñez es una de las mejores promesas del baloncesto español, para los que no los conozcan diría que puede llegar a ser la continuación de Ricky Rubio, Raúl López, o Calderón. Bases muy apreciados en sus respectivos equipos de la NBA.

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