@Toronto Raptors

Immanuel Quickley inks 5-yearr/$175 million deal with Toronto Raptors | Decision time on Brown & GTJ

Immanuel Quickley inks 5-yearr/$175 million deal with Toronto Raptors | Decision time on Brown & GTJ

on your Friday episode of Locked on Raptors Emanuel quickly gets the bag will anybody else get a bag from the Raptors this weekend we’ll get into all that coming up on today’s show thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it is Friday June the 28th and I’m your host Sean Woodley I’ve been coming the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the really bad website at Woodley Sean you can find the show on Instagram at locked on Raptors and of course you can join us over on the locked on Raptors Discord server great place to come hang out talk ball it’s going to be uh wild in there this weekend with the transaction season very much in full swing so come be part of the Discord and our listener family over there Link in the description of the podcast free to join as always of course you can find the show for free on your audio app of choice please follow subscribe rate review tell a friend to support the show on the audio side of things you can also go to YouTube and subscribe to the lockon Raptors YouTube channel lots of new Subs lately hi new people we love you you’re the best if you haven’t subscribed yet please go do that when you do it also hit the notification button you’ll get a heads up via push notification every single time the show is about to Premiere or go live you can’t beat that baby actually you can beat it with today’s sponsor which is game time down the game time at create an account use the code locked in NBA for $20 off your first purchase on tickets to the events of your choosing go to game time right now terms apply all right let’s get to it on today’s show whole lot to dig into as the free agent season is upon us the draft is now in the rear view the Raptor roster has uh 10,000 guards now we got to sort out what they’re going to do with that uh we will get into the offseason shopping spree if there is one to be had the Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr at all but of course we got to start with Emanuel quickley who reported this morning via Shams terania Adrien Ro narowski the whole crew uh five years $175 million to stay in Toronto for uh a very very long time five years that’s a while and here to talk about that and the off season as it looms is our pal Jamar Hines from raptor Republic the god of the game recap Jamar uh the the news it’s been Fast and Furious ever since about 3:30 yesterday with that trade with the Kings it’s wild stuff how you doing man I’m doing pretty good obviously no game recaps um the quickly news just dropped what half an hour ago so that’s good I’m a fan of that contract considering the contracts people are getting nowadays so I think that’s a solid contract and yeah uh this is one of the most exciting times of the year I’m still getting used to that CU I’m so used to the basketball being the most exciting time of the year but like off yeah the offseason’s like the Big Show so yeah the Boston Celtics sure did a really good job of making sure everyone wanted to move on from the finals as quickly as possible thanks Boston um yeah let’s get into it Emanuel quickly again five years $175 million to stay with the Toronto Raptors and you may say oh that’s a lot of cake that’s a lot of money can you really afford to go and do that like that’s like he’s not maybe proven as a starter he’s only had half a season as a lead guard uh just we got to I think start off today by squashing any Notions that this is some kind of gross overpay by the Toronto Raptors this is 2024 this is the new NBA where the salary cap is $141 million and it’s going to rise 10% year-over-year maybe in perpetuity we’ll see but at least for the next handful of years and the breakdown of what Emanuel quickly is going to be making as part of the salary cap going forward here is just it is beyond reasonable I have it here from Anil Goa NBA uh who’s a great salary cap expert over on the hell website uh the first year of his deal is going to start around 30 million bucks it’ll go up a couple million here and there until it’s 39 just shy of 40 in the fifth year of the deal in year one it’s 21.4% of the cap which is well below a 25% Max which is what Scotty Barnes will be on when his contract starts a year from now uh Beyond on that 21% 20.5% when it’s this the third year of the deal the cap by then will be at like $170 million and it goes down to 19.9 and 19.3% what he’s making 39 nearly 40 million bucks in the fifth year of this deal which is a year that I can’t even comprehend 28 29 I guess it is my God uh will we be playing organized Sports by then who knows but for me I think Jamar this is a home run deal I think it’s going to age beauti and I think just any deal that gets signed this summer by the Raptors or any other team by virtue of being signed this summer on the cliff just before I guess not the cliff at the base of the mountain before the cap goes up all of these deals are going to age really well for the teams that signed them the players themselves will probably be underpaid by the end I would imagine that’s why they had to go to 35 million to get the fifth year on this deal doesn’t sound like there’s a player option in there the Messi special is dropped that’s wild but this is the price you got to pay as the cap is going up and in 3 four years time we’re going to look around at the best guards in the league making 50 6070 million at the at the low end of the high-end guys like it’s shil just Alexander is gonna make like $80 million on his next contract this is just what the new NBA is this is Jeremy grant money Jamar do you think Emanuel quickley is worth Jeremy grant money yeah 100% And you have to I remember the first time one of the first times like one of the first big cap spikes and people like went nuts I remember the uh 16 off season uh Demar got resigned that that year but it was the Mike Conley deal it was like a fiveyear 150 Mill and people like oh my gosh Mike Conley for 30 million a year and now like eight years later quick Le’s contract is not that much more and you’re seeing the cap go up every obviously like you said the cap is just going to keep rising and Rising Jaylen Brown has a $300 million contract you’re GNA s see guys with like $400 million contracts and stuff like that so the number looks huge especially when you compare it to some other sports the number looks huge but you have to like look at the overall big picture of the the cap just keep going up and the TV revenue and all all that type of stuff keep going up so you know when you when you put it like that and I like how you based it off the uh percentage of the cap yearby year and it it’s going to dip to under 20% of the cap in like five years from now so I have zero problem with the deal you’re getting you’re you’re establishing your core which is obviously important between that and the Scotty deal which is what 225 220 if he doesn’t make all NBA and if he does it’s 270 so um and then you have Barrett for a couple more years left on this contract three more years three more exactly so basically your top three guys are locked in um it’s interesting to see if they uh keep the yako contract because that one is basically just started as well uh what they decide to do with that but that one I feel like that one’s a relative Team friendly deal as well totally 20 million bucks for yaka purle in this economy that’s nothing man level money exactly and if you look at the three Raptors that recently left the team Fred OG Pascal Fred’s making 40 OG’s like 43 and Pascal’s like 47 Mill years so basically this is the ballpark you have to look at it’s you can’t just look at the numbers anymore and be like oh my gosh that’s so huge you have to realize that these contracts are just going to keep going up and up totally uh Keith Smith another great NBA draft and sort of more cap follow uh noted it is the 14th highest aav for a point guard in the NBA today let alone what it’s going to get pushed down to over the course of the next many years yeah maybe quickly is not the 14th best point guard in the NBA right now but I am a big believer in quickly people who listen to this show know that obviously I’ve been B pounding the drum for the Raptors to get him since June uh and it’s very exciting that he’s on the team and now paid to be around for five years he to me the thing Jamar is he adapted so quickly last year to pardon the pun get used to it for the next five years I was gonna say was that intended but yeah go on it’s always it’s never intended but always has to be commented upon because it just as too on the nose but like he he adapted so fast to the job that is being the lead guard and he did that within a positively garbage team context down the stretch with rotating in andout pieces core players not available uh players missing time for personal tragedy quickly himself and the way he adapted to that lead guard job I I’m only optimistic about what he’s going to do when actually playing real team basketball with real basketball players around him a full season of pick and roll chemistry with yakob purle massaging that chemistry with Scotty Barnes going forward I I just think there’s so much upside possibility to this to this deal the downside feels very low um he was he was like 216 and eight down the stretch like in the last 15 20 games whatever it was after the injuries to uh Scotty Barnes and yakob purle he’s he’s got the juice as a lead guard man maybe he’s not uh you know an all-nba level guard or anything like that but at the money he’s making going to be totally worth worth it for the Raptors and I think there’s a real chance he’s giving you max value and you know by your two or three of the deal like I I really think that’s on the table for Emanuel quickley considering how fast the transition was taken up by him when he was asked to just go and lead the team as the lead guard um very exciting stuff to me any uh quick parting thoughts here on quickly any last sort of notes here that you’re excited about with this deal before we move on to the rest of the Raptor have to do this offseason there’s still a whole lot left on the table for them but I want to give the quickly thing it’s due because it’s a really big deal yeah the only other thing I have to say is like just basically piggybacking on what you were saying about him just blossoming into the role despite not having the role play the desired role players around him at the end of the season this is a guy that only started a handful of games for the Knicks mostly he was their sixth man so to transition into the role of a league guard I think he did that pretty good last year um obviously want to see him and Scotty gel more to like they didn’t get that much time together but sure now they’re both going to be around for quite some time so they’re gonna have every opportunity in the world to gel along with RJ and the other guys the core is locked in we don’t got to worry about pending ufas what a wonderful wonderful thing that is yeah totally different vibe from last few years yeah 100% no doubt certainty uh you know who the team is going to be you’re not openly chastising your best player at the start of Camp it’s all a whole new world the Raptors are back baby they’re drafting weird toolsy Wings in the draft it’s fantastic we’ll come back on the other side and carry this excitement into a conversation about what comes next Quickly’s locked in Barnes is locked in Barrett’s locked in we know that’s the core of the team will they make any other additions to the core of the team around those guys this weekend and what happens with Bruce Brown and Gary Tren Jr we’ll get into all that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our good 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day two of the draft leave the Raptors Jamar with 10,000 guards on the roster you’ve got Davon Mitchell added to the mix you’ve got Jamal shed they of course took jacobe Walter with the 19th overall pick as well they’ve got Grady dick for the Long Haul they’ve got of course Emanuel quickly for the Long Haul the guard core feels pretty crowded and of course Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr while Bruce Brown can do some weird forward big things at times they’re both guards as well do you think the moves of the last couple days here Jamar have spelled the end of the Bruce Brown Gary Trent Jr eras in Toronto is it one of them who’s going to stay it feels like something’s got to give the roster doesn’t seem very balanced at the moment um they haven’t really addressed the wing thing although we’ll talk about this maybe a little bit later on they did talk about Jonathan mogbo as though he is a wing and not a big which uh really interests me and boy oh boy am I gonna talk myself all the way to Jonathan MBO very very quickly uh as someone who loves Big 4 Ry combo type dudes who throw cool passes and play defense I’m all in but we’ll talk about that and about Jonathan mogbo in a little bit Bruce and Gary what is your read on the situation now the Bruce Brown guarantee date is tomorrow it is looming and it has all sorts of ramifications for the cap and everything like that we’ll get into what the cap space options could be but what’s your read on the situation now a final temperature check if you will on the Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr of at Alamar I’ll start with Gary well first of all I think both of them are going to be gone but starting with Gary it just feels like The Pick of jacobe Walter also a 65 guy I just feel the writing on the wall is for Gary to be gone um I mean I don’t even think he would I don’t even think he would command that much money but it’s just the fact that all these other guys are either new or locked in when like when you look at a guy like quickly and so it just it just feels like he’s the OD Manel um we’ve been wondering this for probably a whole year by by now because even last year he was one of the guys we were talking about in terms of expiring contracts and stuff like that so it just feels like he’s on his way out um his skill set can be replaced obviously his defense left a lot to be desired so it’s not a situation where it’s like oh Gary needs to be on this team um I could easily see him elsewhere uh the Bruce Brown thing is kind of funny because on draft day uh was it hoop Goose shout out hoop Goose where basically he’s like yeah he tweeted uh this the last day Bruce Brown’s going to be on my on my team and sometimes players see those type of tweets so he they’re online too they’re all terminally online yes so he quot tweeted that he’s like y you guys really don’t want me don’t do you so he’s kind of aware um he knows he knows the deal um and obviously the Raptors have been kind of like fishing the market to see what they could get Bruce uh get for Bruce Brown for a while so I wouldn’t expect him to be on the team either um I would expect them to get bigger on the wings and maybe another big to be picked up uh you saw obviously I mean and I’ve ranted about him at nauseum but obviously jayen McDaniels I’m surprised they got so much back for him to be honest it was purely the Kings needed to shed a bunch of money to have the mid-level exception available to them and they had to dump some stuff they didn’t really want to do it so yeah okay but it’s second a baby the new world yeah yeah unfortunately I I I hate the second apron but as a you oh yeah the new CBA sucks by the way it makes being a fan homework and that stinks yeah so yeah I just I just feel yeah they they’re goingon to need to get bigger on the wings and I just yeah those two guys just feel like the odd people are I can’t really make a case for either guy to be on the team in the in the future I really I don’t I don’t have one yeah I kind of ran through the options uh on my draft recap episode yesterday but just to sort of refresh where things sit that basically there’s I think there’s three ways this could go one is they and this is maybe the least likely Avenue but there still is the brief tiny faint glimmering hope of a Bruce Brown trade um I don’t know who that would be too you have to find salaries that match and all of that two teams come to mind and it’d be kind of different situations different team build situations and it would require the Raptors to also sweeten with some extra draft Capital now it happens they got that extra Blazer second rounder for next season in that Kings Trade they also have the extra Pacers picked down the line if they wanted to go and make a slight upgrade move with Bruce Brown I think they could do it the guy who comes to mind for me and I mentioned him before during you know the sort of leadup to this process is Dylan Brooks the Rockets seem to have 10 million basketball players on their roster maybe Dylan Brooks is not someone they view as sort of a long-term fixture there he was sort of a stop Gap he would be a perfect Wing defender on this team and a decent enough three-point shooter I think you could get by with um I wonder if you could offer up Bruce in a pick or two and see if you can get something done there Bruce could obviously help the Rockets this season as well um as they try to go win games maybe there’s something there and cam Johnson’s the other guy who comes to mind it’s hard to find other possible matches you know Bruce Brown would just be sort of a guy who gives them cap relief in Brookland down the line and cam Johnson is a fine player who’s maybe a little overpaid who brings a lot lot of shooting and functional size to the table those are the kind of two guys I have in mind if you do that you could bring back Gary Tren Jr as well um but that would also mean that you don’t really have the full mid-level exception to work with because of the situation where uh they brought in the venkov and Mitchell deals and the it’s just they’re going to be right up against the apron if uh if they you know try to they won’t have access to the full ml without going over the apron I guess is the sort of quick Cole’s notes way of saying uh what their situation is the second one okay yeah yeah are you having fun yet doing transactions yet yeah I’m happy to have you breaking down all the math because I I don’t tot I’m just going to be honest I don’t totally understand all the the cap information so yeah look I barely do either I always send my cap queries to cap dad Daniel Hackett from Raptor’s HQ to make sure I’m not doing the math wrong the second option is you just keep Bruce Brown you pick up the option you try to trade him in season and instead of trading him for a player you keep him around and then you can either let Gary Trent Jr walk have the full mid-level to work with or you go and uh you just bring back Gary Trent Jr and say we’re not going to use the midlevel not the best option to me the third option is you decline Bruce Brown you renounce Gary Trent Jr and have about 20ish million dollars I think Daniel hacket had it at about 21.7 million doll in cap space this year to go and offer someone a deal you know you could do that a couple ways you could split it between two guys maybe a Nai Marshall and a googa batad to give you a wing and a big something along those lines Jaylen Smith’s name comes to comes to mind as well and then there’s also the sort of offer sheet route they could go I want to get into that route in just one second here specifically through the lens of a guy named Patrick Williams and where he could fit into the Raptor Wing core talk about him we’ll talk about the wing situation for the Raptors which feels like the most dire thing they have to address right now going into the offseason we’ll get to that coming up in just one second today’s episode is brought to you by friends over at eBay Motors 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zerar uh um picking up the thread of the offseason shopping if that’s the way the Raptors go here um I’m sorry I kind of breezed through all of the boring cap minutia I wanted to get to the fun stuff here in the in the back part of the show um Patrick Williams is the name who comes to mind for me 6 foot s he’s 22 years old he is a prospect who these Chicago Bulls have mismanaged we’ve seen guys mismanaged by the Bulls find success elsewhere in the past shout out Larry marinin one of the more recent examples um I I am kind of troubled by how quickly I’m talking myself into just going the cap space r route declining Bruce and Gary and throwing some money at Patrick Williams and hoping you get the Bulls to Bo at matching an offer sheet um what do you make of Patrick Williams is it insane to be talking myself into a guy who’s basically been the same 10 points four rebounds guy over the last four seasons in the NBA I I am uh I’m having a hard time with this one but he does feel like the best option if you’re going to go throw some money at a guy who would be on the timeline of the rest of this team to get in the door this summer I don’t mind that idea at all to be honest um I’ve heard that name kicked around quite a bit um I like I said in the last segment I don’t see the point of having Bruce and Gary around I wouldn’t mind taking a shot at Patrick Williams uh he showns he he’s shown some range he can he’s had Seasons where he shot basically 40% from three uh he like you said the Bulls it’s the Bulls situation continues to be weird over the last few years I I don’t quite understand anything that they’re doing but he shown flashes of defensive ability shooting ability um versatility um another guy from Florida State um ironically the number four pick before Scotty Barnes was the number four pick um I just I wouldn’t mind taking a flyer I I think it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a area of need for the rors I wouldn’t mind it at all so I actually think that’s a a pretty good idea to be honest yeah the thing with Williams is like you know he maybe is just a 10 points four rebounds shoots 40% on stationary 3’s guy um maybe hasn’t been the defender that he kind of has the tools to be I just I kind of believe the Bulls ruin players a little bit Yeah you feel that there’s potential there yeah I understand yeah yeah and you know the the problem is with RFA in order to convince a team to not match more often than not you kind of have to make a pretty prohibitive contract right that said we just talked about the riseing cap environment the Raptors can get to about four years and 93 million as an offer for Williams if they use the full extent of their cap space and start at that $21.7 million clip um that we kind of outlined as their cap space number they can get to 493 for Patrick Williams like I think that probably ages reasonably yeah go ahead no no no sorry I didn’t mean to cut you off I’m like yeah at the base that again for like similar to the quickly at the base that kind of seems Hefty but you have to think of as it as it goes along and obviously Patrick Williams has proved less than quickly but yeah if you can knock a little bit off that I don’t mind it at to be honest and like the fit with him on the Raptors he addresses I think their biggest need I I think they definitely need to get a third big in there just to soak up some minutes behind yaka purle and provide some injury insulation as we saw without purle last year they were basically a rudderless boat stuck at Sea um so you know that’s why I mentioned a guy like Goa batad or or Jaylen Smith that’s probably more attainable if you go the route of either having your mid-level exception available or um you split up cap space between a couple of guys if you’re burning all your cap space on Patrick Williams you might not be able to go and bring in a guy like Smith maybe you can’t get him on a minimum maybe it can’t you know it’s you know Eye of the Beholder probably but Janes Jaylen Smith a little bit but um and Goga batat as well it’s just if you’re looking to add talent and sort of upside to this roster Patrick Williams feels like the best bet there are other RFA guys notably like Isaac aoro but he also is a six foot five guy who I just don’t know if he brings the size you would necessarily want and Williams again like at the position of wing where right now their best hope is roll out Scotty and RJ as the two3 and Hope they can defend that feels dicey to me it would be great if they did figure out how to kind of recapture the magic as perimeter Defenders I mean it’s not like Scotty’s ever captured that magic RJ did briefly early in his career with the right with the Knicks but you know Williams I think would give you another chance of having a true Wing Defender that you can throw on the best guy in other teams is he good at it who’s to say I think there’s a lot of unknown with Patrick Williams given the time he’s missed and the situation he’s played in but uh I think as a sort of high upside use of your cap space if you can get to it I think it’s like let’s put it this way would you rather Patrick Williams or Bruce Brown plus Gary Trent Jr I think I’d probably lean just Williams for positional diversity sake yeah and obviously Bruce has a little bit of Versatility when it comes to that where he can essentially you can kind of ask him to guard one through four one through three like 6’4 he’s like 6’4 but he’s done it we we’ve seen him we’ve seen him like be the undersized Defender on a lot of different players so I’ve seen him do it like especially when he’s motivated to do so whether it be in Brooklyn or in Denver I’ve kind of seen it so it’s not like out of the realm of possibility for me but it’s just for me it I just kind of wanted to see a core gel together this year and it’s just the elephant in the room where you know that Bruce is just not going to be here that much longer it’s just a matter of when not if so that’s why I was just kind of in the boat of you know just make this happen sooner rather than later that that was kind of my line of thinking yeah for sure I I think you know I’m not as concerned about the elephant in the room stuff with Bruce as I was with say oh them openly maybe not wanting their two of their three best players going in yeah that’s that’s a whole different level that’s a whole different it’s a bit of a different I don’t think it’ be quite the sort of cloud hanging over over season that that was last year but yeah I think the point just wanted to clear it up and and get it some clarity there is a good one and I do think just looking at the roster man it’s so guard heavy right now and there are a lot of bigs but it’s a lot of like sort of one-dimensional wings bigs who you know there’s not a ton of like stylistic diversity I think within their big group um fascinated to see if Jonathan mogbo plays at all this coming season it seems like you know he’s 22 he’s got some skill in size like he’s a functional NBA athlete maybe he does get in there for minutes right away it’s took him at 31 for a reason um and so maybe he slots in to get some small ball five minutes here and there but I I got to tell you man if they’re if they fancy him a wing I Le let’s wrap here we talked about the shopping uh I think Patrick Williams is maybe the best outcome for the next few days here and again it we’ll see what the Bulls want they’ve said they want to maybe start a full kind of re restructuring tear down whatever it is and maybe that involves just kind of cutting bait on Patrick Williams and not investing that money it’s worth a shot considering it’s the Bulls and the Bulls are kind of baffling um but beyond that I I think we should maybe wrap here with uh just some quick thoughts on the draft from yesterday any quick Davon Mitchell thoughts really good Defender uh obviously has that reputation struggles as a shooter but for a team that kind of gets killed on the point of attack from especially last season uh I have no problem with it obviously I didn’t expect the them to get anything for Jaylen McDaniel so so whatever you can get I’m okay with um the V venkov though is he even gonna play here I I feel like he was gonna go back overseas that’s what I was hearing so I’m not I’m not even well he was gonna go back because he didn’t want to be on the Kings anymore um I don’t want to be here type of thing there there are uh venkov and dark or yakovich have a pre-existing relationship he also shoots the hell out of the ball I wouldn’t be surprised if they give him a look off a bench in bench looks I’m not sure he’s here’s the thing this is my Takeaway on the trade from yesterday is I don’t know if the players actually really matter here um right I think it’s just getting a couple of picks frankly and getting a look at Jamal shed who’s probably the guy I’m most excited about among the three Davon Mitchell you know off night great nickname all of that he like there’s it seems to be we got to dispel this notion as well as much as we’re dispelling the IQ is overpaid thing we have to dispel the notion that Davon Mitchell is a point guard he is not a point guard he is not a backup point guard for this team he is a undersized two guard who doesn’t really shoot and you know In fairness he shot 36% last year maybe that’s a sign of you know trending towards League average maybe this is the bet the Raptors are making and his perimeter defense is very good but um he he doesn’t have point guard skills he’s not going to run offense for this team and we got to sort of I think nip that one in the bud before we run away with that um overall though I I am I’m pretty excited about the moves of the last couple days it feels more sort of in line with the Raptor’s philosophy that’s worked in the past it was reminded me of Raptor’s drafts of yore it’s uh it’s quite a nice thing um one guy one guy one guy we didn’t even factor in like the depth chart is aaji I’ve been saying it the last couple podcasts man he has to play extremely well in Camp and in the first couple months of the Season otherwise I think he’s getting buried quick um it’s a big big big stretch here for oai abaji big summer for him again another one of those Raptors bets they’re making a lot of bets some of them presumably are going to pay off one would think you would hope that one of those bets that pays off is 175 over five for Emanual quickly um and we’ll continue to examine the oxies and stuff as it happens we’ll have more podcasts over the weekend surely as things happen but Jamar we’ll leave it there do you have anything you want to promote for the good people out there uh just follow me j m- a r BH on Twitter Jamar BH um I am going to update my wall here um if you if you obviously people who have been watching for a while know I have the Vince the mar K everything uh WNBA season is going on I got this sweet Jersey from uh Casey bman the uh Skyler Di and Smith crossover I love the sonics back in the back in the day so I’m gonna replace the Rosen because I mean he’s my f he’s still my favorite Raptor but the whole I’m just joking but the whole Kendrick thing is on the stage you know you know what I feel like he I feel like he’s anti- Toronto right now so I feel like I got to replace that one and then other did you know that dear Rosen was really upset about the trade to the Spurs um yeah that’s yeah he’s still talking about that years later so yeah that would probably be the one I take off and then if if I were interested in other WNBA jerseys I’d probably go into fisa col or AJ Wilson Angel re probably in that order but yeah other than that that’s what I got so the next time you see me it’ll be schyler Diggins instead of DeMar rosen got mix it up a little bit the next time you see me I’m gonna have a Jonathan mogbo Jersey behind me I’m I’m I’m I’m pitching my flag I think I might be doing it the same way I did with Terrence Ross and Emanuel quickley I think mogbo was a guy for me and so I in he just it’s like the Raptors knew I was crushed by the loss of Pascal cakam and said hey Sean we’ll throw you a bone this guy might be new Pascal SE AUM but rice is thick have fun I’m in it’s like Vladimir Guerrero Jr met Pascal SE yakum um having a great time and I am very much looking forward to uh watching him in summer league and all that good stuff forward to having you back on in due time as well Jamar uh we will wrap it there thank you so much for hanging out and we will talk to all of you again uh probably on Saturday or Sunday we’ll see what kind of news breaks between now and then but you can follow subscribe rate review tell a friend all that good stuff always appreciate when you support the show and we will leave it there we’ll talk to you again very very soon thanks so much for hanging bye-bye that was a loud Miss

In Episode 1668, Sean Woodley is joined by Jamar Hinds (Raptors Republic) to react to the Toronto Raptors signing Immanuel Quickley to a new 5-year, $175 million contract to solidify the Quickley-Scottie Barnes tandem long into the future before digging into the looming decisions on the futures of Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr. Off the top, Sean and Jamar detail why the Quickley deal is a great one for the Raptors even with the sticker shock of a $35 million AAV. The deal is almost guaranteed to age superbly well in a league where the cap is set to rise 10% every year for the foreseeable future. The Raptors don’t have major player contract uncertainty hanging over them anymore, it’s a beautiful thing! Next, Sean and Jamar lay out the options the Raptors have when it comes to Bruce Brown, whose contract guarantee date is Saturday, and Gary Trent Jr., who looks set to his unrestricted free agency without a new deal from Toronto. Lastly, they discuss some of the potential options for the Raptors if they opt to open up cap space by declining Brown and renouncing Trent’s Bird Rights. Patrick Williams feels like the move if there is one to be made, unless of course Jonathon Mogbo is the

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  1. In 3 seasons if quickley is an All star he might be worth 35 million. But has this what the cap has come too. Is gradey dick gonna get 30+ million a year if he plays like he did the last half of the season. When he's up for contract. I thought quickley was worth more around 25 honestly maybe I'm just underbidding according to sean. But outside of OG the raptors have payed jacob and other guys too much.

  2. 141 million in cap sounds like a lot but 141 divided by 5 is just 28.2 and you still need 15 players lol. Regardless quickley got every penny he was worth he probably won't be underpaid at any point of this 5 year contract unless he makes consecutive all star teams.

  3. Bro, its an over payment. He is only $3-6 Million under Morant and SGA. That is a joke. Should have been under 30 for 5 years as other teams couldnt offer more than 4.

  4. To say davion Mitchell isn’t a point guard is insane.
    I’m used to woodley saying stupid stuff. Like Jaylon Tyson is the best chance at a scoring league leader out of the draft. He says stupid sh it.
    Davion was in the kings rotation for multiple years. The kings arnt known for development. Careers go there to die normally. Not thrive. Let’s give this POINT GUARD a chance. He’s still pretty young. And there’s more upside here. He was in a really
    Bad environment. Davion mitchel and shead will battle it out for the back up point guard duties. It’s Davion’s to lose. And my guess is maybe we bring in a more veteran PG still in free agency or in a sign and trade for Gary Trent. Shead is prob the 905 starting PG to start the year

  5. And great sign and trade for knicks, they have 2 ,2way wing player og 6,7 and bridges 6.6,what perfect defender size

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