@Golden State Warriors

Uh Oh !!! Via (@antwells_thetrainer)

Uh Oh !!! Via (@antwells_thetrainer)

by bbcjay718


  1. george_costanza1234

    I know it’s general offseason content, but I will never be on board with trading this guy lol (unless it’s for Giannis)

  2. helloworldlalaland

    ah yes, practicing catch and shoot 3’s. very good

  3. roscochicken90

    Watching JK develop every year has truly been a bright spot I truly hope we don’t trade him

  4. Ok-Roof-978

    I hope we keep JK.

    All the posts hint to a PG trade.

    I’m more bullish on JK over the next 4 years than PG

  5. zdachmann

    Release is looking pretty quick. It’s obvious he’s working hard

  6. TylerDurdensAlterEgo

    Getting better all the time. I’d still like to see it become a catch-and-shoot and remove the shuffle step/bunny hop

  7. AMS_GoGo

    That jumper is so Kawhi coded it’s crazy lol

  8. andrewthedude101

    What Tems song is that? Playing in the background

  9. Redditforever12

    they should show the misses too, so people can see efficiency then all the highlights

  10. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Id rather bet on this kid than pay PG what he wants

  11. SlideLow

    This dude’s a cheat code, oh my goodness

  12. olskooldj

    Dubs better not blow it (like last season) with JK and Moody this upcoming season

  13. That release looks MUCH quicker. Cool to see some defensive work on camera, that’s not typical. Hope he’s spending time working on navigating over screens both off and on ball too.

  14. yeneralyoby

    Trade him for PG. He won’t be better than PG during Stephs last couple years

  15. alusnova415

    He can’t dribble this guy will never be an all star he probably will be a good player at best but nothing you can build around to. Send him away

  16. by_yes_i_mean_no

    Shout out to Kuminga for putting me onto that Wizkid song for his favorite song response on the first day of training camp whiteboard stuff last season.

  17. DWGrithiff

    Because we’ve been talking about Wiseman lately, one thing I’ll say about these Kuminga mixtapes is, sure, they only include the makes and other highlights, but part of what is coming through in these videos is the dude seems to really *enjoy* playing basketball–and pushing himself, and being fucking competitive. Those things aren’t a given. Add that to his freak athleticism and undeniable improvement, and I’m especially optimistic. 

  18. rikitikifemi

    Just last summer “somebody” tried to throw him under the bus and say he’s lazy.

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