@New Orleans Pelicans

Pelicans Draft BIG DUDE | Biggest Remaining Roster Needs For New Orleans? Trade Brandon Ingram?

Pelicans Draft BIG DUDE | Biggest Remaining Roster Needs For New Orleans? Trade Brandon Ingram?

let’s ship things over to the NBA Draft before we get into the pel’s pick like I just it was a tough watch last night on the draft um I had uh I had laundry and Myers bath duties last night for the beginning of the draft and then had to put him down so then I got out to watch and I it were like three picks away from the Pelicans and I fired up Twitter and I was looking and I already had the Pelicans pick when they were on like the 18th pick I don’t like that at all and so I was like well this is one like ridiculous on the Twitter side of things and two um like there are so many foreign players which I think is great for basketball globally it’s not great for me watching the draft I don’t know who these people are and so like I I find I feel like I’m a reasonably informed college basketball Watcher I’m not going to tell you that I’m grinding the Big East every Wednesday and I’m packed 12 and at midnight every Saturday night but like I watch a good bit of college basketball and so I feel like I know a lot of the college guys there are so many guys they are drafting that I don’t and so that’s great when they get on the floor because they’re awesome players and it’s like oh I love I love watching Luca but if he gets drafted I don’t know who this is so it’s hard to it’s hard to watch the draft honestly well to make you feel better you’re not alone with feeling that way because I’m usually I I kind of felt washed last night cuz I’m watching I’m like who are these people they’re all from French it’s a bunch of French guys I’m sure they’re great players I just don’t know anything about them no man when I was a kid I used to be able to tell you like the whole lottery I used to be able to like Kimo Walker and you know just names like that now you got got uh shagi Buu from France and I’m just like who is this kid probably a heck of a player great grb but I I don’t know who that is so we sat there and waited for for the pells the first question is okay are the pells going to make a move are they going to move up are they going to move Brandon Ingram and you figured that’s probably not going to happen last night but you got to at least have your eyes open and see if potentially something could happen and some guys are sliding and and Dalton connects sitting there waiting in the green room and you’re kind of looking around like what’s what’s going to go on inevitably the Pelicans did what a lot of people thought they were going to do prior to the draft if you looked at mock drafts a lot of folks had EES EES I think it’s EES Mei um either way he’s a center from Baler and that’s the guy that a lot of folks had targeted to the pels and they end up taking him uh he is like most of the draft picks once you get past like seven where he’s a kid 19 18 20 years old he’s raw and needs some time to develop not going to be plugged right into your starting lineup uh but he’s got a lot of ability and that’s kind of what everybody’s Tak past like the first seven picks and so for me and I’ll get your thoughts on this Jordan in a second here um I I feel like the pel’s front office wants to change the way they play at the five um I thought that jonis Val junis had a really nice run in New Orleans but he is what he is he’s a skilled offensive player who can score around the basket who does not help you space the floor and is not a good pick and roll defender or a rim protector and they wanted to change that they wanted to get more athletic there they want to protect the rim and they want to be able uh to space the floor a little bit better and so as far as Mii goes like he’s ridiculously athletic and he’s ridiculously long he doesn’t really do anything on offense except dunk and rebound um but he can move and I think will grow into a plus defender on the perimeter guarding mobile fives which is what you’ve got to have in the NBA so I understand the pick I think he’s probably ticketed for Birmingham quite frankly because I don’t think there are minutes for him right now they’re going to have to deal with that at the veteran level so is it super exciting if you’re a Pelicans fan probably not but you are a pelic fan so you tell me uh so my problem I don’t have a problem with getting a big man we needed a big and I actually feel stupid because for months I was on here talking about we need a rip we need a lob threat we need a you know we need somebody’s gonna catch lobs and then I sat back for a second I’m like wait a second we have Zion Williamson lob threat is there not a bigger better lob threat than him so it’s not the live threat we need a point guard well so like you just said you gave like you said about him he has no offensive game but catching a a pass and dunking it we don’t have a point guard to hand feed this kid so he can succeed to do those type of things so that’s why I’m like okay that’s why I wanted the bi trade so mate Trey young de Jon Murray the table it’s not off the table but cuz yeah hany had to C me off hany had to talk me off the ledge CU this morning I was hot I was hot this morning well look to me like yes you’re right they don’t have an elite level point guard right now and they don’t have anybody to feed him the ball he’s not not ready to be fed the ball like he’s not ready to play he’s been playing basketball for like 5 years he can’t go out there and play right now against the Thunder it’d be a nightmare so the point guard that will eventually be playing with him if he becomes a starter for New Orleans which we certainly hope he does isn’t on the team yet and won’t be for another you know some period of time so a couple days you can hope if you if you hope they they move Brandon Ingram and go ahead and get some valuable pieces there and and and fundamentally change the way that they want to play basketball that that could definitely happen this is you know one of those picks um it’s like baseball like you’ve got this guy and he’s probably going to help you in a few years like yeah you you can be if you’re Nationals fan and and they take Dylan Cruz like that’s super exciting but you’ll see him in three years eve Mei is not going to be a guy that you’re going to see as a a force in the league for another 12 24 months that’s and and the the problem I have with that is because we’re not like a rebuilding team okay we’re not we’re necessarily in that win now mode but we’re kind of trying to make the playoffs so you’re drafting a guy obviously you know he’s 18 matter of fact he’s born in 05 man what is going on I was a senior in high school in 05 yeah I was 5 years old’ 05 so it’s like what is going on but like you draft this this kid it’s all potential so we it’s all potential exactly and the deal is like you’re not gener I mean I could pick every single pick in the draft by the number and find you a stud that was drafted there I can find you a stud that was drafted 21st I can find you a stud that was drafted 58 I can find you a stud that was drafted 11th in the history of the league you can find the number whatever you want but the fact of the matter is once you get out of the lottery and you get into the 20s you’re really not going to find a generally speaking a great player at that spot you’ve got to go ahead and find your great players on your team if you get high lottery picks or you make trades and sign free agents the pel pels can’t sign great free agents it’s not going to happen so what they’ve got to do is draft potential where you can in the draft hope you hit on some of those as far as role players and I think some of the guys that they’ve drafted I mean Trey Murphy looks really really good herb looks really really good like and of course you drafted Zion and now you’ve got to go work the trade market and make that click it’s clear they want to go a little bit of a different direction and I think if you listen to what you heard from the Pat Uh the the Pelicans front office like they want to move Brandon Ingram if he wants the max deal I don’t think they’re going to pay him the the 40 plus so like it’s it’s got to be either he takes a little bit of a discount or they move him um and that’s where you got to get your next role that’s where you get your next big piece if we give Brandon Ingram $200 million I I might just enter the transfer portal I might end up like one of these college kids I need to be in the transfer portal because 200 all right I love Brandon Ingram $200 million that you don’t eight points in elimination game last year is is not $200 million and yeah I mean him and Zion were good this past year were they a threat to make the Conference Final I don’t think so so um youve kind of seen what those guys are they’re not pups anymore like they’re not 21 anymore they’re in their Prime they’re in their mid 20s and it looks it looks okay it’s not a complete failure it just looks okay and that’s not going to get it done like okay is is not good enough okay is good for the East we’re in the west right West that’s not that’s not good enough that is you’re correct and so were you surprised to see dolphon connect slot as much as he did I saw a bunch of NBA draft guys that were just living over it a little bit because of his age but the team he went to was probably the best case scenario he could I’m sure he’s ped yeah oh Lakers JJ you know JJ R gonna draw up a nice play for him so I think he’s gonna yeah but he’s I mean that’s one of those deals that was such a crazy story because he goes to Junior College and then he ends up you know he’s ends up um at at Northern Colorado and then he ends up in Tennessee and you hear some Whispers in the fall like this dude’s getting buckets in inner squads and you’re like well how good is he he was real good he was the SEC Player of the Year and was a spearhead of a nice tournament run and everybody kind of thought he was going to go in the top eight and then all of a sudden he’s slide and slide and it happens every year in every sport somebody Falls further than you thought they would but he did the the positive though when you fall like that as you generally go to a little bit better situation and seems like uh seems like he did so EES Mei to the New Orleans Pelicans Baylor Center 611 235 TW excuse me 21st pick we’ll see what the Pelicans do this evening if anything here in the second round by the way NBA draft two days I don’t think so let’s go ahead and pack that into one we can make it happen it should be one day it we can make that work but we’ll see we’ll we’ll see what the pels end up doing this evening we’re going to take a time out when we come back new Baton Rouge Community College head baseball coach uh that is

On The Hunt Palmer Show, Hunt Palmer recaps day 1 of the NBA draft. With the New Orleans Pelicans drafting Baylor C, Yves Missi, in round 1 what positions are left for the Pels to fill?

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