@Cleveland Cavaliers

Let’s Talk about Jaylon Tyson and the NBA Draft – Cleveland Cavaliers, Cavs News (Junkyard Pod)

Let’s Talk about Jaylon Tyson and the NBA Draft – Cleveland Cavaliers, Cavs News (Junkyard Pod)

this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for for the thousands independants and the millions watching around the [Applause] world let’s get ready [Applause] [Music] for Welcome to the junkyard pod today we will be talking about the newest member of the Cleveland Cavaliers Jaylen Tyson who was selected 20th overall in the NBA draft now we have a lot to discuss today and joining me to break all of this down is nobody uh it’s just me my usual co-hosts are absent today so recording this one solo and in doing so I want to start off with a massive shout out to any Creator who does this on their own because it is not easy and that means a special shout out to Mac Perry of the its Cavalier pod he’s been holding it down solo all year and he deserves a ton of recognition for that I actually just joined Mac to discuss the draft yesterday so if you want a little bit more of a back and forth discussion on any of this stuff I’d recommend you go check his channel out and watch that because today I will plan on hitting a few different topics rather than just repeating what I said on Max show so that episode is still worth checking out on its own Merit uh for today we’re going to talk about Jaylen Tyson as a prospect uh my thoughts setting real expectations on how he fits into Cleveland as as well as the Cavs choosing to stay out of the second round uh Missing on a few interesting prospects who I think might have been worth a look but before we officially start today let me just say if you enjoy the junkyard pod please consider hitting subscribe and dropping a like that support really does help the channel and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it and stay tuned later throughout this weekend because I will have some other NBA offseason stuff to look forward to it’s just a fun time to be talking Cavs so stick around uh now getting into today’s episode the Cavs select with the 20th pick and I think it’s important to start by setting realistic expectations and what it means to be the 20th pick in the NBA draft because I see people saying oh who cares it’s the 20th pick he’s never going to play for the team anyways he’s going to be in the g-league he’s going to get traded and then I also see people who are Furious that the Cavs didn’t select a wing who can come in and save the day right away uh so I’m seeing all the Twitter discourse and it’s as contradictory and insane as usual uh I’ll just start by saying this let’s not be angry at imaginary things okay look at the prospects who were available at 20 now maybe you preferred someone like Don Holmes uh which I did personally but it’s not like the Cavs passed up on some generational 3 andd Talent here or even someone with a real shot at being the starting small forward that didn’t happen so let’s calm down uh let’s not be too angry about this pick it’s the 20th selection in a draft that isn’t exactly loaded I mean even at the top the top pick of the entire class Zachary race he’s a guy who projects to be a three andd role player that’s some of the best options they had in this entire class so you know when you fall all the way to 20th if you were expecting a Magic Bullet to save the Cavs and address their need for a legit Wing that was just never going to happen so I think it’s silly to be upset over that focusing on the other side of things this pick isn’t exactly a wash either uh this isn’t something that we should just dismiss and ignore uh you can look no further than the very players on the roster right now Max Shu Dean Wade Carris lever even Jared Allen Sam Merrill Craig Porter hell even George neang were all selected 20th or later in the NBA draft some of those guys went undrafted altogether and that’s half the damn rotation I just named Jared Allen was the 22nd pick in the SE 20177 NBA draft uh he’s one of the most important players on the Rost so let’s not pretend that a the 20th pick is completely meaningless or B the Cavs can’t upgrade because the supporting guys who are currently playing minutes they weren’t exactly lottery picks either so I don’t think this is something that we should completely ignore but I also don’t think it’s something that we should get too excited about there’s a healthy medium that we should look for and that’s what I’m going to try and do today by talking actual expectations when it comes to Tyson uh look I don’t expect him to be a guy who moves the needle in his first season maybe he never moves the needle at all but I also don’t expect him to be in the G League that much either uh now I’m sure he’ll spend some time there but at least in my estimation I think Tyson is likely going to see plenty of opportunities to play for the Cavaliers this season and I actually think his path to getting into the 8 to 10 man rotation is more clear than people think and that’s mainly because he brings something the Cavaliers desperately desperately need and that’s offensive versatility uh so who exactly is tyon as a player will he average roughly 20 points seven rebounds four assists and a high usage role for the University of California last year He’s listed at 67 with shoes although he did measure 65 and a half without them in the draft combine now it’s worth noting that uh that’s basically the same size as Mel Bridges and Jaylen Brown so even though Tyson doesn’t have that insane go- go gadget arms that brown and bridges have he still does have a plus wingspan at 6 fo8 uh he’s not a jumbo Siz Wing but he’s certainly capable of playing the position and he’s an NBA level athlete he’s not as athletic as brown or Bridges I don’t want you to think that I’m making a onetoone comparison but when you look at the current Cavaliers some guys such as Sam Merill and George neang you can see how it’s worth noting and so what are his strengths well Tyson excels as a space Creator he has a tight handle he’s really good at shifting his body and using momentum as a weapon he’s got great footwork and a feel for manipulating Defenders uh and he can shoot the ball he shot in his 76th percentile on pullup jumpers last year and he shot 37% from Deep throughout his collegiate career while being a 78% free throw shooter so I feel confident that this dude can shoot he’s not a great playmaker but he has some potential to be a connective piece for the Cavs and he’s been a solid rebounder in college so that’s something that could help him tremendously when it comes to earning minutes on this team and okay so you might say he’s not going to play with the ball in his hands that much so how does he really help this team uh to that I’ll say two things first we just saw the Boston Celtics win a championship behind the idea of having every player on the roster being capable of dribbling the ball uh so we need to get rid of this 1980s mentality that oh there’s only one ball to go around like yeah we know there’s only one ball it’s why it’s really important that you don’t have players who don’t know what to do when they get the ball uh think of the freeze frame moments we have seen from a cororo or Dean Wade where it’s basically just five seconds being burned off the clock because you know neither one of them is going to create an advantage or attack with the ball and now that’s not a complete stray at my beloved aoro because I’m still a Believer and but it’s just the truth uh there’s only one ball to go around and so it’s actually better if everyone on the team can do something with that uh and and I would just rather load up on as many guys who can pass dribble and shoot as possible that’s the thought process be behind drafting Tyson you look at the current roster outside of Garland Mitchell and Levert who else is capable of doing all three of those things passing dribbling and shooting I mean seriously that’s three players on a modern NBA team that can actually do modern NBA things that’s a problem that’s just as much of a problem as their lack of a wing Tyson is a guy who can do all of those things at least he projects to be a guy who can do those things again he has the size to play the wing even if he isn’t that jumbo siiz Wing we’ve been looking for certainly big enough to share minutes there and also he’s not a frail guy either let’s acknowledge the frame he has the muscle to play this position compared to someone like Levert and again I get it we’re we’re tired of the Cavs taking guys who probably should be shooting guards and trying to force them into that Wing position but you got to be real with what was available in this draft what was on the board a a true Wing a true generational three and D Wing that just wasn’t there and so you take a guy like Tyson who maybe he isn’t the perfect fit maybe he doesn’t have the size that you’re looking for but it’s not an egregious fit either he he genuinely I think can play the wing and he he brings that offensive versatility and the shooting that should translate to the NBA level and that brings me back to my second Point here in regards to Tyson uh not getting as many reps on the ball in Cleveland as he did uh during his junior year at Cali and the good news is well he has experience playing in an off ball role his sophomore year with Texas Tech Tyson played more without the Rock and he finished in the 97th percentile as a cutter and the 90th percentile as a catch and shoot threat again take all of this with a grain of salt it’s impossible to predict how a prospect any Prospect will translate to the NBA let alone the 20th pick in a relatively weak draft but these are all things to consider and keep in mind Tyson has the skill set of a player who can really really help this Cavalier team both with the ball and playing without it he brings a lot of value offensively that I don’t think we should overlook if you want me to balance all of this out with some genuine concerns we’ll hear you go here are the questions that I have for Tyson as a player at the NBA level first and foremost will his shooting and three-level scoring translate that’s basically a non-negotiable here uh if he can’t score at all three levels or at the very least be a knockdown three-point threat then he’s not going to see many minutes in the NBA I do believe in his ability to do these things but it’s of course something that he has to prove and then there’s his playmaking he showed some connectivity but can he put it together at the speed of the NBA and actually be a competent decision maker that’s going to be key in his development think of someone like Max stru and a secondary playmaking that stru can offer that’s something that again it’s close to being a non-negotiable for Tyson you have to be able to trust him with the ball in his hands uh even if he won’t be playing in a in such a high usage role like he did in California you’re gonna have to be able to trust him to make the right decision that’s something that might take some time and finally the last of my concerns but it’s still worth mentioning the defensive side of the ball uh he’s not a great defensive prospect from basically everything that I can tell the key here can he develop into a player who can hold his own defensively uh can he do just enough to fit in a team system and avoid being a black hole again he’s the 20th pick in the draft so there’s no guarantee that the Cavs are ever going to rely on him for key minutes in the regular season or in the playoffs but if Tyson is going to reach his ceiling and become that type of pivotal player who can really move the needle he will have to develop into a competent Defender uh you have to be reliable on both ends of the floor in today’s NBA if he has such a weak point that teams continue to attack him and he’s just completely vulnerable on that side of the floor it’s going to be hard for him to reach his ceiling and Hey listen the dude said he plans on being on the all defensive team as a rookie uh which is ludicrous but I respect the confidence being that High guys have been lacking players with delusional confidence for a while and as crazy as it sounds you know what they could use a little Dion Waiters on the roster they could use that mentality with some of their guys so those are my thoughts on Tyson uh I like the pick I think he’s an intriguing fit with this Dynamic offensive skill set that he could potentially bring when you pair it with Kenny ainson entering the fry and potentially bringing a motion offense with him I think Tyson is a pretty good fit in whatever ainson has envisioned and so I’m very excited to see how they develop him if I had to guess I’d say best case scenario iio in his rookie season Tyson can get in the eight-man regular season rotation and then maybe See Spot minutes in the playoffs that’s where it gets a little dicey I think he’s a guy who might be able to help throughout 82 games but then once you get to the playoffs he kind of gets faded out of the rotation as the stakes get higher you can think of someone like Sam Merrill or even Craig Porter Jr as what type of role Tyson could play with the Cavs this year I think maybe even slightly above that in the best case scenario but either way I’m excited about Tyson I think the Cavs can afford to develop him even if he doesn’t make an instant impact this season he’s worth keeping an eye on for a team who they have little Avenues very few Avenues toward improving The Fringe of their rotation and so even if it takes a couple years for Tyson to fully develop into a helpful NBA player I think the Cavs they can afford to wait a little bit in that regard moving into our final topics here and I I just want to go rapid fire on some of my thoughts on the second round uh I know the Cav were reportedly aggressive looking to get a second round pick uh guess they weren’t aggressive enough because didn’t happen they they remained out of the draft while guys like Kyle filipowski who I don’t know if anyone has seen what’s going on with them I won’t get into that right now but that is one of the most strange controversies I can remember in quite a while for an NBA player uh and then there was Tyler Smith as well going off the board that’s the one that really stung me the Cavs have had this Gap in their rotation since losing Kevin Love they’ve been missing that stretch four who can stagger minutes with Allen and Moy open up the floor for them they tried Nang they paid the price for trying Nang and so I would have loved giving Smith a chance to fill that position uh he’s just a lights out 610 shooter with athleticism and the potential to be a versatile Defender so I really do wish they would have given him a chance assuming the price to get into the second round wasn’t anything crazy I would have really liked to see them take a chance on Smith or even filipowski to fill that role uh with that said though I do understand not wanting to bank too much on two different rookies this season uh you are trying to win as soon as possible and you don’t want to conflict your timeline too much uh especially when you have already invested some time into Craig Porter Jr and ammani Bates who and I’m sorry if this comes off as a stray and I really don’t mean to be a hater but let’s be real about ammani Bates at this stage in his career okay I I see the comments and tweets all the time why isn’t ammani playing ammani should be starting let’s let’s relax a little bit guys uh watch him play pull off the rose tined glasses and look at how much how how far his game still has to go uh he he is not quite at the NBA level yet the kid can shoot there’s absolutely no doubt he’s a lights out three-point shooter but he has a lot of work to do uh basically every other facet of the game and look he’s only 20 okay he’s 20 years old it might take him some time before he gets to that point I’m certainly rooting for him but he’s just not there at this present moment so I I think we need to stop I think the the frenzy about ammani Bates needs to cool down a little bit uh the last thing I want to say here Ronnie James being selected by the Lakers just an awesome incredible moment objectively one of the coolest things in the history of sports not just basketball but Sports it’s completely unfathomable that LeBron has been this great for this long and now he gets to do something just completely unheard of uh so I’m very excited to see that the complaints about nepotism and stuff is is super silly I’m not even going to argue about that listen Luke Walton is currently employed by the Cavaliers so what are we even talking about what what are we complaining about and and to round this out I’m glad the Cavs didn’t select bronnie because one LeBron’s not coming back guys I’m sorry we just have to be real it’s not happening and two as much as I think Brony is a worthy NBA PR ECT and the nepotism stuff is a little overblown who cares why would the Cavs draft bronnie he he’s not a fit for this team and using it as an attempt to lure LeBron back that’s just an unserious move that would have been disastrous for a team that if we were a lottery team sure but this is a team that has genuine Championship aspirations and pulling a stunt like that especially when Rich Paul is telling teams not to take Brony it’s just not a move that I would have been happy with so I’m very glad that they didn’t uh and it’s okay to move on at this point and just let it go I think it’s awesome to see a father and son who are going to play together in the NBA regardless so there’s nothing to complain about Dad that’s going to do it for this solo episode of the junkyard pod thank you to everyone who watched or listened to this one I really appreciate it it means a lot to me if you hit subscribe or drop a like and leave a comment as well what do you think of Tyson as a pick do you think he can help the Cavs uh share your thoughts I would really love to know and stay tuned because this weekend I will have another episode where me and Jackson plan on going rapid fire to discuss a list of potential free agency targets for the Cavs uh free agency starts on Sunday so you don’t want to miss this preview of the craziness that is sure to follow so stick around and hit subscribe and go Cavs

The Cleveland Cavaliers selected Jaylon Tyson with the 20th overall pick in the NBA Draft.

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  1. No one complaines about Thanassis sitting at the end of the Bucks bench. Bronny being on the Lakers is fine.

  2. This kid will be in the G league for at least all of next season, so anyone winning about his positional rotation value are kidding themselves if they think he'll be a contributor anytime soon.

  3. LeBron already had the greatest sports story of all time imo and this just took it so far beyond that. Pretty amazing tbh.

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