@Chicago Bulls

MASSIVE Bulls Free Agency Update – DeRozan Contract Talks HAULTED | Bulls News

MASSIVE Bulls Free Agency Update – DeRozan Contract Talks HAULTED | Bulls News

back in April it looked like it was a foregone conclusion that the Chicago Bulls were going to sign Demar D rozan but a new report from Chris Haynes has come out that says that the Chicago Bulls are in fact not necessarily prioritizing Demar de rozan we’re going to be talking about what this means for the Chicago Bulls and what this could do for the team this is Rico greenhow and this is another episode of bulls digest and before we jump into it want to let you know that 77.9% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscribed to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can stay up to date with the latest news and happenings around your Chicago Bulls without further Ado let’s jump into the hot topic of the day which is Will demard D rozan be back with the bulls all right guys so look I I must say look when it first broke that the Bulls were looking to go ahead and resign him I thought that there was a high likelihood that he would be back um you know I did think it was a not necessarily strange but I thought that it was interesting that they were already arguing a little bit over the years and we shouldn’t say arguing but they were debating I think in the contract where demard de R rozan wanted some more years the team wanted to do you know just a two-year option is and that’s what’s reported out there and so you know right then and there I felt like okay the Bulls are certainly looking to think a little bit more of a long-term deal here uh for the team not necessarily for demard de R rozan when they’re not looking looking to come off the 2-year deal but I I thought that this was a bit telling with what Chris Haynes had to say and so for today’s pieces we’re going to break into what Chris Haynes had to say we’re also going to break into what uh AK had to say in a press conference shortly after drafting Montas billis and I think that both uh actually give us a little bit more as to what they want to possibly do with demard de rozan and also to what this team is going to look like guys and so first let’s go ahead and bring up what Chris Haynes had to say uh this is one of the articles that I took a look at here bulls not discussing contract Amit Zack LaVine trade rumors and uh this is what Chris Haynes had to say that he was on his podcast you can find Chris Haynes generally on TNT on the sidelines and then also to the bleacher report but he’s said look at this point now or at this point right now Chicago and the can work out an extension but uh you know he said I’m told there’s no talks at this moment on an extension the Bulls are trying to find a spot for Zack LaVine and that’s Mark Stein to go along with him and he’s saying look um you know LaVine is currently signed for the two more seasons which we do know with the option through 2027 uh D rozan obviously is hitting free agency now but he’s saying I’m not saying the Bulls are not going to take care of dear I’m just saying that the order in which they’re doing so leads a lot of speculations all right and this is what uh Chris Haynes had to say here and so look I I think that as time has dragged along I think that certainly yes it does lead us to a lot of speculation and the one thing that I said and I’ve said it a couple times when we brought up uh will gotlet and his article that he put on chgo about possibly rebuilding this roster he said one of the main domino pieces to make sure that we have money to sign uh players and such would be to move away from Zack LaVine so I still think that Zack LaVine yes he is one of the main domino pieces here um to to figure out exactly what we’re going to do how we’re going to allocate some funds and how we’re going to build this thing out so I think that they’re right on par uh I just think that the Chicago Bulls as a franchise I thought that they were really hesitant with the Caruso deal and then something I maybe it’s us like once we found out that Caruso was not moved for even better deals I think that that might have been a situation where we were pretty much like yo what are you trying to do here and I think that that maybe lit a fire under the franchise and then they finally moved Caruso but I think with LaVine they thought that they were going to get more than what they are getting back and I think that one of the things that we’re going to find out with AK is it looks like he’s airing on a side of patience but he is very aware of time and what is going to have to happen here guys so um you know I’m I’m thinking more and more every day man that Demar de rozan is probably not going to be a Chicago Bull I’m just like okay is he going to walk which I have no problem with him going out there and walking it just means that he’s not going to probably get the amount of money that he would get with us totally understand there or are we going to work together in the sense that we find a sign and trade situation where he can possibly get into a winning situation and we as a franchise win a little bit by getting some pieces back uh I would love to see that happen uh I think that Demar de rozan deserves to play for a winner and I will say this I don’t think that nothing that happened with the Chicago Bulls and the current situation that we’re in it has nothing to do with the way Demar de rozan showed up every day in fact if I had a basketball team and I’ve said this before I would absolutely want Demar D rozan on my team I feel like he is going to be a hollow Famer I don’t care what anybody says the numbers show that and if you go back to when he first came to us he said look the key piece for us is we are going to have to stay healthy he kept his end of the bargain up guys it was Zack LaVine and the others that did not so I I will put that out there but anyway Great Piece right there from Chris Haynes and that kind of leads us into the next piece of information guys and that is going into what um artorius had to say and you can find this particular one on Chicago Sports and it is talking about dear D rozen’s future will help finalize this um particular situation and the way the team is going to go but bringing it up guys he says here look when ask about it he wanted to reiterate as I said before we’re going to look at everything everything is on the table and no at the top he said he would not bite on whether the organization is headed towards a youth movement all right now look when we last talked about this we talked about him saying yes they want to go out and they want to resign him but at this point in time it looks like shopping LaVine is going to be the main piece before we go ahead and we do something with Demar D rozan and one of the things that found interesting about this is you know I didn’t even I didn’t put it up but I wanted to talk about it at the end of this article they asked AK K they said look you got bazus at 11 what are you thinking and how are you feeling and he said look one I had to be patient all right which leads me to believe all these trade speculations and stuff like that he’s hearing it but he just felt that he could get his guy all right two he said look bazis played against grown men didn’t he so he’s asking the media right he played against grown men didn’t he then he goes look they lost a lot of games there he came from a winning program he has a lot to work on and we’re excited for that ke peace he came from a winning situation in high school I’m sure he won just about everything he got to the ignite and they got beat up on that right there in my opinion one he’s saying that physically the fact that he played against grown men and he handled his own one I think he’s saying okay he’s ready for the challenge but two he’s saying they got beat up on that team they did they took a lot of L’s I think that AK is saying that if we are going into a rebuild this is the type of guy that I believe in not just physically but mentally he’s up for the challenge because we could take some L’s in order to get up there to where we need to go so that right there in the sense to me is telling me that I don’t believe that demard de rozan is going to want to sign up for that um I don’t think that since demard de roosan entered the league with Toronto I don’t think that losing has ever been anywhere on his list of in the goal sheet I I don’t ever think that that’s what he thinking I don’t think that Demar de rozan is going to just go ahead and say as much as the money maybe makes sense I’m just going to go with the Comfort I I don’t see that with demard de Rosen he is a competitor right he is a guy that literally I thought should have won the clutch Player of the Year award guys he was a huge uh uh piece for us down the stretch there’s a lot of games that we would not have won had he not kind of carried us down the stretch guys he’s a winner he is and I’m not saying that we’re not going to win but let’s be honest guys we are not going to be in Championship contention anytime soon right now now I’m not saying that it’s not going to happen within the next four or five years that that can happen right but unless we are going to get a Jolan beid unless we’re going to get the Joker over there unless we’re going to get Anthony Edwards unless we’re getting Shay Gillis Alexander we’re it’s not happening right and and on top of that those teams or players that I mentioned their teams they built themselves up right think about what OKC is doing they are building themselves up with the amount of talent that they got in the draft the strategical free agents that they have signed look at what they did by letting go of players before it was like dude you’re letting go of James Harden you’re letting go of Sergio Baka yes they let go of players at their highest value which is what the Chicago Bulls have failed to do look at what Denver’s done building around Jamal Murray and the Joker right even Philadelphia even though they haven’t won necessarily anything but they’re right there but they built around pieces and that’s what the Chicago Bulls are going to look to do guys and so with that being said guys do you think that the Chicago Bulls are headed to a full rebuild which does not include demard Rosen do you think we’re headed to a soft rebuild and a retool that does include demard de rozen for two seasons um and what do you think about ak’s recent comments do you think that he is telling us that uh yes we are getting ready to start the youth movement get ready for the rebuild this is what you wanted a reset guys so even though we don’t know what we’re doing and it looks like we’re getting ready to hit that patented Miracle I’m still saying go guys I appreciate you guys I’ll see you guys on the next one peace peace peace

In this video your host, Rico Greenhowe, breaks down Chris Haynes report about negotiations around DeMar DeRozan. Will DeMar DeRozan will sign with the Bulls or will the Bulls let him walk or is a sign and trade on the way? Are the Bulls going into a rebuilt this offseason or are they headed on the merry-go-round of running it back?

0:00 Bulls news
1:00 Will DeMar be back with the Bulls?
2:12 DeMar contacts stalled due to trade talks.
3:10 Bulls have a list of things to take care of?
6:08 What AK said about the DeRozan resigning ?
7:06 Ak tells the plan for the Bulls finally?

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. I like him but he's older. He may be worth signing for the intangibles but not crazy money. He doesn't play at the top of his game all of the time. He's really good for 1, maybe 2 quarters of most games. He can't be the number 1 on a good team. Signing Ball was the worst action this club has made. He's been paid about 1.5 million per game he's play for the Bulls. Signing a China doll wasn't very bright.

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