
I Took 100 Shots vs World’s Tallest Basketball Player and Scored ___

I Took 100 Shots vs World’s Tallest Basketball Player and Scored ___

today we will be taking 100 shots against the world’s tallest basketball player Oh I got this come on no chance we’re going to be answering the question how many shots can two amateur players make against the world’s tallest player and me and James are also competing to see who is the best basketball player in our family whoever does better in this video gets the title there’s going to be 10 Rounds in each round it will get progressively harder to score we’re going to Nerf you so for the first round you have to have your hands tied behind your back he’s still probably a great defender okay wow each round will’ll be getting five shots James you can go [Music] first damn I wasn’t thinking bro I wasn’t thinking oh hey good defense let’s go dude I was just so discombobulated you know the check thing threw me off falling oh yeah you almost blogged out with your head oh oh all right I have to score here this is going to be the easiest time in the whole video to score let’s go man you got it oh yes let’s go my first bucket God D dude that was actually great defense too shot number three good defense yeah lock up dude James you got to start scoring bro it’s going to get way harder no I’m good I’m good I’m getting warmed up I’m getting warmed up check up okay hey let’s go my fourth possession okay I can still catch up okay o good [Music] defense hey let’s go I I got to get points while I can this is my last chance to get a point I have to get one here James you need to score here I really do good luck it got my first point of the video Let’s Get It D that te is kind of funny the hard all right last one hey you know what they say bro hand down man down oo now ready no in round one we made four shots I got three you got one you thought we were only going to score 22 points we’re on place for 40 okay it’s going to get so much harder so you’ll be able to use your hands next round and we’re low the rim to 9 ft finally finally I’m ready let’s go what’s the plan on 9 ft high floaters high high floaters off the glass you have to try to go for a dunk right that would be on nine I will try to poster him that’s my plan for the round all right check up check up let’s go time I shoot this was my okay wrapping around jump shot everyb come on I’m trying to shoot it extra high is that happening again [Music] oh God I’m stuck no how do I get blocked on a fadeaway a real G now let’s get it I’m back I cannot pick up the ball that is mistake number one against him okay good cross good shot oh ah I can hit this how no way bro I just told him I was going to shoot it I’m the stupidest basketball player ever all right so to recap Jesse gets blocked every possession and I airball every possession that’s where we’re at right now okay I’m going to I got it little guy let’s do it oh good PP oh only down one now he’s not happening again top of the key top of the key I don’t know what to do what do I do there bro it’s getting good looks I’m getting decent looks I think Jesse got blocked all five times hey block him block him posting up I learned is an automatic block twice you get blocked twice I had to try to establish some big man dominance but it it didn’t work so far we made a total of five shots you got one that round I got zero but I’m still up one point five block you did have a lot of blocks we’re going to mix it up for round three this time we are doing free throws but madoo is allowed to contest them and he has to stay behind this blue line right here to be honest I might not even be able to see the rim with him standing there James how many you think you’re going to make five five out of five you’re so confident absolutely should not making five I think I’m going to make three I’ll be happy with three ready yeah let’s get it he not making NY all right are we ready oh yeah oh he Che no no no no distraction no no no no oh oh oh he got me this time you need to have crazy art he a it doesn’t count come on that’s my routine bro I always do you haven’t seen my game footage [Music] okay okay that’s BR that’s BR yes you got me because you don’t look at me you don’t look at The Rim that’s why I get confused okay yeah okay no hey I’m happy I made too okay I got to get points here bro this has been bad yeah oh my God he didn’t even know bro I no oh he’s scoping Jesse now he’s coping Jess I know what you’re doing wow wait oh good Shob that was a good one that was a good one 0 of five though you mean 0 of five all right I can get to my three prediction right here bro oh come on you’ve been sitting there for a long time come on hey that’s what I do man no refs in the building dude they call him californ Yannis exactly californ yanis you damn right so right now we have made eight out of 30 shots and I have six points you got two points right now yes sir mama do I think you’ll be happy for round four we’re going to mix it up we’re still doing the 100 shots but you’re going to be taking the shots and every stop that we get counts as a point for us oo okay we all know mamad do is an elite Defender but let’s see about his offense okay oh my God this is hilarious yeah barbecue chcken I’m just going to Waddle back to the sideline I literally don’t want to go bro your jump shot is broke it’s broke it’s so broke oh no no oh my God all right okay James you got this clamp up oh he picked it up stop hey I’ll be happy if I can get one stop I’m there Dam easy let’s go James get a stop oh my God have you ever felt more useless on the basketball court no bro you got no step back three game oh really yeah damn it yes he keep talking insane oh I got my hand on that yes all right I need to stop come on barbecue ticket look oh come on that is clamps good luck good luck good try every time you get a stop he comes back with Fury hey that was vicious I so glad that round is over we are now 11 for 40 I got seven you got four for round five we’re just doing normal basketball we each get five shots against you the tables are turning bro I’m going to get my revenge for you dunking on me it is I want to see that come on I’m ready you’re going to see it during this round I want to give a big shout out to the sponsor of this video seek and seek was the first brand to ever sponsor me so that is so cool that they are back hit it James and guys summer is officially here so it is the best time of the year to go to a concert go to a sporting event get out of the house and that’s why SEI got you covered oh good shot James in our video The Defender gets better I think it took Johnny like 17 attempts to score on you only took me like three don’t forget about that we were talking it wasn’t fair well the talking is my number one ability yeah I need to get better at talking see bro I’m not deceptive I know yeah I’m an honest good one you’re honest I can tell everybody on seek I got a new code jsr 10 and that’s going to give you 10% off whether you’re an existing customer or a new customer it always works That’s My Boy J oh oh good [Music] shot it ah almost I’m make him work fellas MLB is back and the NFL schedule is released artists like Luke Holmes and Blink 182 they are on tour right now and you already know that se is the best place to get tickets I’m so excited to go to a Cowboys game dude you were right there I know I keep getting good [Music] looks oh how do you block that I don’t know what’s worse I keep airballing and Jesse keeps getting blocked I don’t what is comment what’s worse oh I’m taking fade way no matter how many times you bought tickets on seek you will always get 10% off with jsr 10 James oh oh my God so yeah I know I know I know I kind of feel bad today no at least I got the attempt up what are you guys waiting for take out your phone open the SE app you can download in the description or the App Store and make sure to use code jsr 10 make sure you do it now because this offer is only available for a limited time you got this James do it for SeatGeek step back oh we got it off a between the legs sight oh back oh pump [Music] no that should have gone in all right so J you made zero on that one let’s not talk about it I made one so we at 12 total I got eight you got four wow surprise thought you guys get more damn the thing is that was the first half now we’re warmed up so for round six we are doing five shots against you but we are going to the post you know that’s my game that’s my game d is a post specialist his fadeaway is unmatched if any guard was posted against Victor they would instantly pass it out oh dude I can’t even get the ball post time oh good fade good fade that’s his game that’s his game no way that’s my game I’m a post god no way come on hey oh that would be sick by the way sick move it would be how many you think you’re Mak it in the post let’s find out that’s his move that’s his move honestly I’ll be happy if I can make one one in the post dream stake you got this James yep oh yeah oh oh good pum let’s go you’re cooking that’s what I do bro I’m a post god Jeff move Jeff move yes no no no bro that was a Jeff buoy if I’ve ever seen one unlimited pump fakes oh good move oh step back cook okay I hate you now no way last shot in the post okay oh yeah post him up no way no way now away come on bro Jesse has all these crafty street ball moves I got none of those yic Jer dude that was close a phenomenal round but I’m still up 9 to7 great round for me though I really you’re almost there yeah I’m almost there almost there for round seven we are doing a three-point shoot off we’re going to get one shot from the five spots but Mama D can close out on us so how many do you think we’re making two two we can beat that we could beat two better pass better pass good shot oh okay okay I still get it oh oh good shot oh you’re so close all right come on you got this yeah I got to make at least two for us I don’t know if we’re going to get to two that’s scary oh no oh he got luy down stop it dude my bad my bad that was my fault that’s on you no way we make zero it none dude that is tough that was very tough that was the first zero of the video wow we did not rise to the occasion for round eight we’re back to playing against you but this time we only get three dribbles just three we got to be efficient I’m predicting me and James are actually going to pop off we’re scoring four against you absolutely not maybe one I think three dribbles three points okay I’ll go first one two three okay oh my God I airbed that that was literally open oh good move oh how that was a good move how bro ah I’m doing you know what that mean block again we went my fingernail all right no more hook shots cuz they literally never work I don’t know why I keep shooting them all right [Music] oh bro that was again fingernail I was so close all right Jesse this one’s for you bro this is for the fanse I got you dude come on I’m getting good [Music] looks I usually always make that 9 you know he’s not working today [Music] I think I need to start using dirty tactics I’m going to try to distract him you ready wait let me check my mic oh he is so deceptive it no nothing’s working I couldn’t see the rim when I took that shot bro I literally I didn’t see where I was shooting all right last attemp Jen set the tone we got to get at least one [Music] it only gets more difficult see I was like What if I just jump right at him but then after the first dribble I remembered I only had two more and I was like I’ve committed to the plan we have made 16 out of 80 shots so far I’ve got nine points James you got seven remember this is for the title the best basketball player in the fam we’re going back to defense but this time we’re going to play on a 9ot hoop 9 foot yeah know what that mean walking dunk walking walking D let’s we got to strategize the internet is not going to like this but mama do you know when he throws his little arm bar it’s time to flop all right you do it I’ll call foul yeah yeah yeah okay all right let’s try it on the first one all right we’re ready walking charge that’s a charge absolutely not charge bro no way he was standing still I him I went like this and I waited that’s charge bro no way that walking D you’re not scoring this travel but you couldn’t even dunk it though that’s crazy you don’t need it remember what he did to you in the post godam yeah I know it oh oh yeah that’s a stop I’m out that’s a stop let’s go easiest point of the [Music] video oh good block just don’t not take your anger out on me oh that’s you come on no more settle down come on hey shattered backboard collection too coming soon good stop let’s go that’s two stops that’s two all I’m saying if we were playing on the jesser over the door Mini Hoop I would get five stop absolutely not bro I’m nice on that I would with my head if you guys want to get your own mini hoop you can get it at your local Walmart in the trending section man pick one up and let me know tag me oh no jump shot yes yes yes Fade Away bro he misses open ones vers you and hits Spinners vers me crazy no no oh that’s basket good shot oh come on come on that’s a g time yep come on do it again no cap you got clamped that was our best round of the video at round nine so we’ve officially gotten to 22 out of 90 let’s go I got 12 points James has 10 points this is the final round of the video and this is probably going to be the hardest to score yet I’m back so for round 10 we’re both getting five shots against you but if you weren’t tall enough you get these and since it’s the last round and the most difficult it’s going to be worth double points let’s do it bro I mean I might just take this no way you blocked that oh I like that that’s so smart wait no you got it tried to go Speed Demon and I was too fast for myself dude I might have to take that that was inspirational nobody can this C today hand down man down facts bro hand down man down let me see what you got you been talking let’s go let me see what you got it absolutely not definitely not a layup it has to be a jump shot that’s the only way good shot good shot James oh everywhere come on [Music] the side fade away that’s in fudge as my last attempt if I score this I guarantee myself a w no send you out any time not getting anything all right James this is for the tie got a bucket bro I got a bucket I I would see if you make this we go into overtime a good neither of us scored I made 12 baskets in the video James made 10 so I’m taking the W big shout out to James and mamao their channels are linked Down Below in the description if you’re not already subscribed hit the Subscribe button and if you want to see us do this with the NBA’s Defensive Player of the Year jiren Jackson Jr it is popping up right there not going to lie we went kind of crazy in that one you should check it out peace

Thanks SeatGeek for sponsoring this video. Use code JSR10 for 10% off tickets on SeatGeek.
*Up to $25 off

Today my brother @Jiedel and I attempt to make 100 shots on the World’s Tallest Play but how many will we score?!

I Took 100 Shots vs the NBA’s Best Defender and Made___

I Spent 50 Hours with an NBA All-Star during Playoffs


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★ Follow me on social media @Jesser ★



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