@Sacramento Kings

Bobby Marks on where the Kings stand heading into free agency & why Malik Monk re-signed

Bobby Marks on where the Kings stand heading into free agency & why Malik Monk re-signed

ship of the Sacramento Kings sa Sports Jason what were we saying earlier said you know this trade yesterday little underwhelming as far as didn’t quite understand it didn’t get it yeah know it has something to do with money and stuff there’s some future moves so it could set up but math is not our strong suit not at all so what we say we said if only there was somebody who was an expert on this there is there is and we mentioned it if only we could get him so we said let’s let’s put the word out and you know what we put without the Bobby Mark signal which uh I don’t know what that would be just a spotlight with the dollar sign yeah absolutely it usually works and a basketball and he and a basketball he’s nice enough to join us right now Bobby thanks so much welcome back it’s DAV it’s Jason I know you’re Slamm we just saw you on two different TVs at once which is amazing good morning funny what’s funny is I like I wanted just to go get a cup of coffee like I walked out and then all of a sudden there’s a trade right like just figures you know just I just wanted a cup of coffee and uh happy to have uh beond with you guys how are you guys we’re great and as we uh tell for example our friend Sam amch and anybody who is uh on on the level you guys are obviously we’re happy to have you and also uh not that you wouldn’t anyways but if something breaks and you got to take off we fully understand you know what who cares all right good answer that’s a great just kidding so uh help us out Monty McNair went to Princeton he’s far smarter than we and uh you guys can think on the same level we’ve got yeah Davon Mitchell Sasha venkov the second round pick the Portland second rounder for Jaylen McDaniels there’s a little bit of money difference there what what’s bnie thinking here yeah I think you know certainly when you agreed um you know with the the bque mon contract for you know four for you know $78 million it pressed you right against the luxury tax you you were actually over the luxury tax threshold and and certainly you had a little bit of wiggle room uh below the dreaded first apron um that we’ve been talking about as far as really limits as far as how you can continually add to your to your roster here so yeah I think you know certainly when you draft Devin um Carter um on on Wednesday night um I think that gives you a uh you know I know he’s coming out of provin I think he could play right now for you and I think that certainly made um Davon Expendable here um and then certainly you know there have been you know Rumblings with Sasha as far as was did he want to go back but did he not want to be there anymore and but yeah so it’s it’s it’s probably more of a um I guess it is a financial move because it does it gets you below the tax it gives you some wiggle room to maybe do some other things maybe make a trade take back salary um you know McDaniels um you know had a you know it’s been kind of an uneven you know three or four years there were some good moments in Charlotte he goes to Philly goes to Toronto doesn’t work out here so he’s a big you know a big Wing here but um but yeah I mean I think um you know that’s that’s you’re to see these deals I mean we just saw the Dallas deal I mean they trade Hardway junor so they can go get Derek Jones so these new rules are basically forcing you to choose right like you can’t have you can’t have all the nice toys in in the toy box here you can have five or six but you can’t have eight or nine of them Bobby just on the surface like you’ve done this you’ve been in a front office now you’re a front office Insider as you kind of look at the chess pieces for the Kings the way their roster is constructed what their future assets are what money they have available are they good position great position okay position just kind of what would be your assessment of where the kings are they’re probably in the middle you know they’re hey they’re not where they’re not Where Brooklyn is but Brooklyn’s you know rebuilding Sacramento is not rebuilding you know I mean they’re not where OKC is and I don’t think anybody is but you know you still owe that um you still owe that protected first to um to Atlanta um that’s that hopefully you know um it comes to fruition next year I guess um you know you you still have the ability to trade out first round picks you can still do pick swaps um you still have Harrison and and Kevin’s contract if you wanted to you know that’s 34$ 35 million right there if you wanted um to go out and do a deal so yeah you’re not you’re not stuck um I don’t think you’re you know you’re not you know where where Phoenix is and basically you’re you’re trying to PC mail um a bench together here so I would say they’re probably somewhere right in the middle you mentioned the apron and the new rules you know just just an overall question with free agency coming up do do you see and if so what kind you know but do you see this having a an effect on free agency more or less indifferent are we gonna have some fun yeah no we will but it’s gonna make me think harder and that’s I don’t want to do that you know you know it’s like I think what I think what the before this the apron and everything came into play and we’re we’re seeing the harsh restrictions start right now it used to be like if you wanted to go into the luxury t you just went to your owner um you know M went to and said hey it’s going to cost me $20 million can we go into the luxury tax and you would say yes or no now it’s like besides going into luxury tax okay is my first round pick going to get Frozen in 2032 is it GNA hard cap us can we go out and make like there’s like a six-step process here so I think it’s it’s it’s fun because it really makes front offices become creative and how they go about doing things I think it spreads out the um the wealth of of players here like we’re going to probably see Chris Paul wve this afternoon because you know um ownership has kind of have said that we don’t want to be in a luxury tax we don’t want to be in the APR if they want to bring back Klay Thompson or maybe make a trade um they won’t be able to to do that with u with Chris here so um I think it’s more players that will be available to you know to go out and sign or maybe to you know trade for here and I I think we’re we’re a little bit impacted this year is because the cap is basically staying relatively flat once we get to next year when this new TV money comes and it increases 10% then then the apron increases 10% so you do you will have more flexibility but you might have to just wait another year talking with Bobby Marks here Bobby if we go back to Malik monk uh we were thrilled it was a week ago today basically that uh the news came out that he was going to stay in Sacramento getting paid well but we were all hearing reports where he could be close to a hundred million do guy besides maybe doing a solid for the Kings why do you think from his Camp he already signed like he he could be a he could have been a big player this weekend I just think free agency is the land of the unknown right we have um five teams that have cap space Philadelphia um uh Detroit they made a trade for Hardway Jr today Orlando Oklahoma City and Utah Oklahoma City doesn’t go out and spend on free agents Philly is in a holding pattern hopefully waiting for Paul Jor so you’re kind of waiting yeah you could have Orlando say yeah we like you but let’s see where we are our first day of free agency and then when you know when someone puts close to $80 million guaranteed in front of and you’re coming off a contract where you I think you made total 16 total it’s hard to P pass on and he likes it there um there’s the quality of life and you know it’s you know you know you can make as much money in the world but sometimes you’re not as happy as as you want to be and I think he’s carved out a really good role there and um so yeah I think it works out you know certainly works out for both both sides and Bobby you know don’t expect you to know the answer but you again as Jason mentioned we all know you’ve been in the front office before you understand how they work one one thing that I as a Kings fan I I don’t care how it happened I’m just glad monk resigned but they they knew it was gonna be 478 they they knew it was gonna be 478 all year and also also his agent isn’t allowed to talk to other teams and gauge interest by by rule so then I found myself going well when monk has his press conference and we ask him like well why didn’t why didn’t you just do this a week ago why didn’t you do this the day after why did they wait a week to announce it what was there to discuss if they ended up taking the deal without testing the market I I think in this day and age I think you have to be a little bit more careful as far as you know they put in the rule that you can negotiate with free agents um the day after the finals um I think you have to be careful I think that date is a lot different than June 30th when the floodgates open and we see like all these signings here I just think you have to be you’re not going to put it out at 12 you know it’s not going to come out at 1201 it’s going to it’s going to be a red flag right were you guys talking beforehand well you know so I do think listen like you know like we might hear Donovan Mitchell extend um you know in the in the near future here and that might have been done a week ago and everything like here so I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I get caught up on the on the timing as far as coming right off of yeah they knew what the number was going to be and and everything here and I think certainly you you know they offer you you look at what the other scenarios could be would it be maybe Orlando here and then you just basically you know you you figure that that’s the best thing for you Bobby as far as the we talked a little bit about the king’s cap situation with yesterday’s move giving him a little more freedom to your knowledge did that help them get to the full midlevel exception range this summer yeah they’re like seven I think below the tax so I don’t think you probably want to go into the tax but they do have you know you don’t want to hard cap yourself because if you use your fa if you use more than 5.2 of the 129 you hard cap yourself so I don’t think you want to do that but but it you know you could certainly make another move and it gives you a little bit more flexibility it’s not it’s not the greatest free agent class in the world um you know there’s a there’s a significant drop off there’s not that there you know I call them cap space free agents there’s not that many of them um so I think if there’s a guy Hey listen if Klay Thompson you know all of a sudden decides that he wants to come playing Golden State you’ll find money to sign up to the non- taxman level exception so I think um you know I think it certainly uh it certainly gives them you little little more flexibility if if they have to use that Bobby Mark’s joining us front office Insider and of course knows everything there is to know about the the cap situation um you know a lot of folks here Bobby are I think Monty McNair’s overall approval rating is actually very high here but there are there’s some impatience missing the playoffs last year last big move was sabonis you’ve been there before you know that moves like this obviously they’re not pretty uh but they’re necessary uh does this strike you as a was it difficult sometimes for you when you were involved to you know you don’t want to pay attention to what people are saying but at the same time you don’t want to make a move to make a move is being patient one of the most difficult things to do in a front office it is but I think this CBA makes you make makes you become patient and this is not the CBA that I worked under in Brooklyn in 2014 or 2015 um one wrong move could cost you 10 wins 15 wins you might be uh back to winning 25 26 games here and I think that’s the biggest thing and I I get it you know you were three seed you Ling the first round and you get the plan last year in the Western Conference as a bear you know the the um you’re not going out and getting a third Max guy like that you can’t do that under this Collective bargain agreement it makes it extremely extremely difficult here so I I get it um I I certainly understand where the fan perspective is here but yeah I think you know Mon’s looking at for what’s the best interest of the group right now and then certainly you have to you have to have a kind of like a two to threee window um as far as what the roster looks like that’s what I wanted to ask you like how far do you work ahead and how fluid would you say the plans are so if we take the Kings for example obviously there’s intentions here with sabonis with Fox you resign monk now Keegan Murray at some point will come up it’s not now but like how far ahead are you move are you looking at all these pieces yeah that’s the big thing so like let say if you moved um oh just hypothetical like Harrison and um Kevin for Zack LaVine just throwing it out there hypothetical then you you know you got a guy that’s got three years left and then you gotta pay Keegan so it like so yeah you’re looking at like three to four year window especially when you have young players on rookie extensions that eventually that you’ll have to pay similar what Oklahoma City is going to go through soon and what Orlando’s going to go through soon they got two guys Sal and Paulo next year so you got to be careful as far as you know how much you’re willing to kind of commit long term and certainly to to the dollar and then when you look at you know for example the Knicks have really me made the most noise here uh in the off season and it seems like that front off they really seem to be all in on this thing now trying to keep up with Boston they’re all in yeah yeah I mean they’re all in I mean they’ve they’ve pleaded their their draft picks they’re right up against this their hard cap themselves um they kind of know what um you know what they want to be I think that’s the biggest thing I think if you’re in a front off you kind of have to know what you want to be Minnesota knows what they want to be you know you don’t trade a 2031 unprotected first um because you want to just get into the playoffs you want to try to get out of the Western Conference Bobby marks with us finally uh you know here in Sacramento you’ve been on this Market quite a bit for years uh for good reason fans get very very nervous about many many things it was uh reported last week that dearen fox uh is is is declining his an extension or will not sign an extension I should say right now uh the thought is Bobby that you on the positive side is that hey why would he if he hits certain goals he could make a ton more money do you see it as that simple I do it’s a business decision I would be um nervous if Darren had one year left he’s got two years left uh he can extend for three years 166 million I believe um that certainly could increase probably over two I don’t know 280 I think if he it’s all MBA um so I I do understand it’s it’s a business decision um you know from him um as far as I wouldn’t I wouldn’t take much into account you know may if we get to next year and he’s got a year left and he won’t extend because he’s still waiting to earn all NBA then I think I would probably be a little bit more nervous about it that is super expert extremely smart guy Bobby marks who really needs a coffee and he deserves that take the next hour off Bobby on us have fun and we again we saw you on two different TVs at the same time we know how busy you are you obviously have clones out there thank you for joining us and have a great day appreciate it guys thank you thank you that’s Bobby marks there you go nerds that’s that’s that’s good stuff yeah I mean you know there’s a lot of detail in all this stuff I I I mean I really I I think one of the things that fascinates me I some of the money and the I I don’t you know fully grasp all that stuff but I I get caught up in the paths and and you know literally you know I we’ve done this example before and I know they do have uh whiteboards or whatever just different you know diagrams they may have in an office but like I just go to the draft the other night Dave I’m sure there was like okay let’s run through some mock scenarios did they ever in any of their mock scenarios have the exact 12 players that went before now I’m sure they had a possibility if Devin Carter is on the board this is what we’ll do okay but you know sometimes how you get there is different like wow we thought this player Also may be there I can’t believe that team took that um okay now we’re here if we do that what’s next and I just you know signing Malik not signing Malik uh making this trade what does that do it just it’s such a you know fluid situation but you got to be you know there is some sense of patience yes but yeah you’ll get critiqued you have to know and you don’t always get it right look we’re going to go over Monty’s draft his and he’s been comfortable enough drafting players he’s moved several of them already yes so it doesn’t mean you got it wrong but it also means well what did that player turn into and halbert’s case it turned into sabonis davon’s case just the trade it’s like but what why did you do it what else can that create

ESPN’s Front Office insider Bobby Marks joined Carmichael Dave and Jason Ross to discuss Sacramento’s financial flexibility in free agency, explain why Malik Monk chose to re-sign with the Kings for less money, and much more.

NBA Free Agency begins on Sunday, June 30th at 3 PM PDT.

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  1. Monte version of a splash is getting a bench warmer and stacking the g league team with a lot of developmental guys and hope they workout.

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