@Charlotte Hornets

Everything Charlotte Hornets Fans Need To Know About Tidjane Salaun

Everything Charlotte Hornets Fans Need To Know About Tidjane Salaun

what’s going on everyone Dr the buzz here if you’re are new to the channel I made Charlotte Hornet content so if that interest you make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you cannot tell by the thumbnail title of this video in today’s video we’re going to be talking about Tan Salon the number six pick in the 2024 draft by the Charlotte Hornets so my initial reaction to this pick was it was it was I was a little confused because if you watched my big board before going into the draft J Johnson Lon was on there he was someone as a tradeback candidate as in a guy I like I would just prefer as a tradeback so when it was reported by Jake fiser who obviously he’s off my list now he’s off my list of trustworthy s sources he messed up like twice last night uh when it was reported by him that we were looking to trade back and then we didn’t and then we picked him I was a little confused just because I felt as though that was a little early for my liking um I don’t really have a problem with the player himself he has like the physical like basically the physical outlook on him is what we wanted from Cody Williams as far as being that tall Cody Williams is not 69 but I’m just saying 69 2 207 210 wherever you you know see different things 71 wingspan which is a very similar if not the same wingspan as Cody Williams but he shot better than safan Castle while providing Ron Holland esque type defense I don’t think he’s the smotherer um that Stefan Castle is on defense but considering you know he he is someone that is very has a High motor plays good defense in my opinion he gives a lot of effort that’s what you see from Ron Holland when he’s locked in but he’s not just quite the the the fundamental Defender the way I believe Stefan Castle is so he brings a lot of aspects of a lot of different players that I initially wanted he has some of you know the pull-up ability and three-point shooting ability that I wanted from montis Bella so he he just does a lot of things of a lot of different guys in his draft now some things he does better than some of these guys some thingss he does worse U I’m so I’m not comparing them one for one but I’m just saying that he is a good combination of a lot of guys we wanted um I I know one thing that people talk about is his shooting he is a better shooter than giv credit for at some places you’ll see that he struggle shooting you’ll see the healing shot 31% from three or 30% from three but looking at the stats if you look at uh I’m I’m using pro ballers and I’ll probably put it up on the screen somewhere but I’m using pro ballers and his stats are not bad through 20 games in 2021 2022 for the sh the sh is the shet under 21 he shot 37% from three it doesn’t exactly say uh how many attempts but considering the number it had to be a fair amount of attempts and then also uh for the next season with the same team he shot 34% then going into Charlotte the main team he only played three games in 2022 2023 didn’t I he either missed all his shots or didn’t take any um and then you go on to this past season where he shot 33% he he’s a he’s a decent three-point shooter and considering the other guys that were around him outside of the Devin Carter outside of the uh Dalton connects Reed Shepards he was a pretty good he was better than all the other guys that we were looking at so I know some people are going to sit here and say that you know charlot horns fans were looking to be positive our coping but no there is a lot here there’s a lot here uh knowing the direction of this team I feel a lot better about the choice that was one of the biggest things I’ve been asking for for years if you’ve been on this channel you you know that this is what I’ve been asking for we need a direction I’ve been asking us to tank for years now and and tanking doesn’t necessarily mean we bought them out for the next 5 years yeah I think some it has a negative connotation which the NBA has kind of provided it to give a negative connotation but I would say more so look at it as the NFL tanking NFL tanking you’ll have team that and we not necessarily this team but you’ll have teams that go to the playoffs two years in a row have one bad year then boom they’re you know they’re going and not only are they in the wild you know they make it to the wild card they make it to the conference Championship or whatever they just it’s a quick jump back and granted a lot of different moving Parts with the NFL so it’s a little different but that’s kind of a rebuild I would aspect um I’m expecting with this franchise I I’m not expecting a quick you know retool in year I’m expecting a real rebu but I’m not expecting it to look the way that typical NBA tanking rebuilds look not not to me I think you’re putting your best players out there you’re getting you know maybe some veteran players and seeing what they can do but not assigning them to these egregious deals to where you know they’re you have to deal with their contract for four years I don’t think you’re getting any of that I think we’re doing this to he’s a high high upside player but to me he’s not a guy that’s really going to impact winning right now especially considering what we have if we had some better pieces around maybe but I still have very I have huge concerns about our bench but we needed tize um he’s another you know one thing I said about mon buzel is that we need you know siid that can handle the ball that doesn’t grow on trees one we have another player here with size that definitely needs to improve his handling improve his passing improve that part of his game but it’s there I I really like the upside I don’t think this is going to be a quick turnaround which is why I like guys like Maus which is why I like guys like Ron Holland because of the fact that I didn’t think those guys will be able to hop in right away I think they had some qualities that I allowed them to but I didn’t think for Major Impact I really don’t expect that with Dean but I do think he has the he had to me he has one of the highest ceilings in the draft and that’s why I lik him I just thought I’m about to trade back speaking of the trade back bringing that back up the biggest thing about that is the reason I feel like the is because is well documented now the Memphis Grizzlies and the Trailblazers were kind of bidding for the six pick Memphis Grizzlies I believe were giving up a lot more than what the Trailblazers were giving up or maybe just more we’re not going to say a lot more and the Trailblazers felt as though even though they’re bidding against another team we’re only going up one spot why are we trying to out bid this team and I think the Charlotte Hornets realized that the Spurs are more than likely going to pick tan and that’s that’s a big reason why I end I think I believe the Spurs traded their pick so the horns were like well we don’t want to even though the Memphis gri are probably giving the better offer we don’t want to trade back to nine because then we’re not going to get our guy but you know nothing at seven is really like what’s the point so we’re just going to go ahead and take our guy we’re not going to give you know anybody the chance to take our guy so I think that’s what happened I think that the trail boyss weren’t really looking to give up enough uh and consider even though they were bidding against another team because they felt like they were going up one spot and I also feel like the trailb might have backed out once they received wind that maybe the horns were looking to get tan because it was reported early early early on that tan was going to uh be the pick for the Charlotte Hornets by Yahoo sports so over all with ton you get a guy with size you get a guy with excellent motor you get a guy that does a lot of good things on the court honestly it just needs to be refined it’s I’ve seen people comparing to Kai Jones and JD Thor he’s much he’s probably better both those guys combined Kai Jones to me one in his college Years he he really didn’t have a position the coach used him as small forward Center power forward so he really thought he was a guard he he came onto the scene thinking he was a guard and we we saw that that play kind of imp Implement that JT Thor didn’t really have much going on outside of his physical profile he wasn’t really putting the ball on the floor there was a reason he was a second round pick this guy to me is a lot better he has a lot better natural Talent you could tell just by his his demeanor that he’s a guy that’s looking to win he needs to work on his English a little bit but he’s he’s looking to compete and we didn’t really have that with those two guys I think that his G like his game is fit for more so of what we bring forth in the NBA today uh Kai Jones as much as I liked him coming out as far as a prospect or not necessar Prospect board a Pro um he there was some things he needed to work on physically as as athletic as he was he still needed to gain a little bit more weight he needed to show that he can shoot the three which he really wasn’t showing um and then those things really never develop with his weight being what it was he was never going to be the enti center so you need to develop a shot he didn’t have the basketball IQ and I think tan struggles with having a basketball IQ at times it’s nowhere near as bad as Kai Jones he’s not going to be I’m not going to pass the ball and try to run the ball up the court and show everybody what I can like he’s not that kind of player he’s a guy that he definitely believes in his skill set definitely believes in things he can do but he’s not going to be a detriment to the team in doing so there’s there’s often times where you see him and he has guys closing out on it you would like prefer you prefer for him to pass it to the open corner it it’s just going to happen that’s what young players do but it’s just not to the extent of which we saw from Kai Jones I I know y’all remember seeing Kai specifically in summer league it’s just not the same JT Thor was a little more passive he so tajon has him beaten that aspect because JY Thor at times looks like he’s scared to do anything on offense tajon is just a motor he’s a motor he’s going to give it 110% every time he’s on the floor uh I like his touch he he a lot of things he attempts he can do it’s just a matter of refining it I really believe that he has all the natural ability he has he’s shown flashes in each and every way you want him to show flashes it’s just a matter of we want to see him kind of refine that game if you are instead of cutting in in the open corner where it’s an easy cut for you and you’re going to try to take on a Defender and do a step back well instead I need you to make the shot he shows that he can do it the shot was just a little off so he creates a lot of space he he I think he’s a tremendous player I really do um and I and for me this gives a direction this shows that we’re trying to build for the future I’ve been wanting this maybe it just didn’t come in the way I thought it would but i’ I’ve wanted this and I I really like toan um another French player that you know I know European players get to stick especially now that there’s a yic in in EM beads of the world so everybody wants another one of them uh but I think that he’s a guy that really he doesn’t play like your typical European player um he’s a lot more aggressive he has he has a higher motor he he plays and I hate to say it like this but he plays more like an American player as far as have finding those guys that have that really you know High motor really athletic uh he plays more like that but he has the touch and the Finesse of the European players you can tell you know how his game was molded so very very excited to see tan play can’t wait to see him play in Summer League um and then I can’t wait to see more of what we see today because I believe later today he will be in Charlotte so just can’t wait to see just press conferences and stuff like that um I would for for the sake of kind of them trying to take clips from him and then it not coming out right because of his English I would I do hope he has a translator and let him say what he really feels and not try to change it into English say it in French and then someone can translate it to English uh because you know I feel like people have been picking on to me too uh about things that he’s saying that just quite doesn’t make sense but it’s okay uh I really like this pick he’s more of a four and I think that’s going to provide a lot for us he has stuff he needs to work on but having that athletic four having that guy that can uh contest shots to what he does having a guy that Wings Span play alongside Brandon Miller play alongside lamelo ball play that fast-paced offense that we’re looking to play and then also be a high motor guy on defense is exactly what we’re looking for at at worse he’s going to be this guy that I think will always have a spot in the league because of his def defensive ability and every now and then he might be a guy you know like I said at worst every now and then he might be a guy to get you 20 points 30 points in a game that maybe maybe it’s a playoff game uh but he it’s not you know you can’t rely on it he’s just going to be more of a Defender that you know will also take advantage of mismatches and things like that so overall really like to pick um and I hope that we give this guy time I know I’ve been picking on him uh just because I was shocked and honestly the biggest thing was the the trade back the trade back was the biggest thing about it I I really wanted us to trade back if this was our guy I really liked this game just thought six was high but now that I know more about the situation Spurs were going to take him more than likely uh the whole bidding thing between Memphis Grizzlies and the Trail Blazers and how they all panned out if this was your guy taking him at six I like it and the biggest part about it is once again we’re seeing a disfranchise cuz I believe if I’m not mistaken the owners had a had say so in the Brandon Miller pick as well we see that these guys are going to take who they want to take I think in years past the Hornets were they were really just reactive they were doing what the media was saying they should do uh they were I don’t feel like they were doing their own due diligence um I really like that they was said that he didn’t work out and then boom he gets drafted there’s him in a workout I they were they they played this very well they played this very well and if this was your guy I’m all for it I’m I’m all for it I don’t want you to draft nobody you don’t want to draft I don’t want you to draft anybody because they went to UNCC Duke Kentucky whatever if this was your guy then get your guy and I believe they did that anyway thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you guys next time peace

The Charlotte Hornets selected Tidjane Saluan with their 6th overall pick. There was a lot of controversy for this pick now that the dust settled, it is easy to see what the Hornets were thinking. Pairing up Tidjane with LaMelo Ball and Brandon Miller could lead to a very exciting future for the Charlotte based franchise. In this video, we go over everything you need to know about the French forward.

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  1. i like the pick, it just shocked me a lot. i really didnt think we were going PF even though we need it bad. people were talking about knecht age, and cody williams age, and then we past on matas, but it was honestly between clingan and Salaun if we were to go big. I'm happy with either one, especially since Salaun speaks as if he doesnt care we suck, hes going to play 100% no matter the outcome, thats what i ultimately want.

  2. Spurs were gonna pick him at 8… so there wasnt a chance to trade back and get him. Lee worked with Giannis and Tatum… we will try and build him in that mold. Better shooter than Matas, Castle, and Holland. Peterson liked the talent. Its a good pick. Miller wont have to ask him to get back of defense. He has a want to get better and work. The fit is seemless. Give it time. This pick keeps us in the lottery for a BIG draft… then in year 2 BOOM. Play in or offs.

  3. I called it!!!!

    I was on Ron Holland team but dropped him for Salaun.

    Youngest player in the draft. Has all of Hollands physical tools but taller, better shooter and has Mamba mentality and free throw percentage is 83%.

    And if you're to believe Wemby, who said, there's no one that works harder than Tidjane on his game.

  4. Love this pick man, taller better shooting Aaron Gordon, and will do all the dirty work for this team.

    Perfect role player if we develop him properly.

  5. This guy is trash D, go head and admit it, this draft is a joke we're was all the brothers in this draft ? This is pathetic…..

  6. I wanted Matas, Holland, or Williams. I’m a big Matas Buzelis guy. But I’m very intrigued by Sulaün. 6ft9, 9ft standing reach, solid athleticism, and good promise as a shooter/scorer. I’m excited. He has a really high motor and puts in great effort and energy on both ends. I want the team to be “bad” for one more season since the Cooper Flag draft is coming up. But I’m very excited to see how Tidjane Sulaün develops in a couple of years.

  7. We were trying to trade down for him but couldn't. Watching it live I thought we were going to draft Matas, I was shocked and a little mad lol but he turns 19 in August and has loads of potential, we can mold him. I like the pick, it was just early.

  8. Hornets needed to draft size. Salaun is potentially a bigger "PJ Washington" that can catch more lobs. Good pick. Young guys who can finish in the paint can help your team immediately, as their other skills develop.

  9. Remember, this was the player that supposedly got injured during a Spurs workout and cancelled his remaining workouts, including one with the Hornets. I think the Spurs guaranteed him they would take him at 8 so the “mysterious injury” happened.

  10. Everybody in France who knows basketball will tell you Tidjane Salaun is our best prospect right behind Nolan Traoré. The best player in this class.

  11. NFL teams and players and fans don't like tanking. A player isn't even a full 1/22 of the team (special teams) compared to basketball where you are 1/5. Winning culture is huge in the NFL

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