@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks DRAFT GRADE 2024

Bucks DRAFT GRADE 2024

so now that the draft is done and the Bucks have made their pick I want to give my overall grade for the Bucks draft and just talk about their both their picks and also just the lack of moves outside of that so we’ll start with uh their first pick with AJ Johnson obviously if you saw my video did not like this pick at all and there’s always a possibility obviously when the draft that you could be wrong a player could just take a leap randomly in the offseason he’s 19 he could grow four inches you never know so I’m not like saying for the people that are like these GM’s know better than you I’m not saying 100% he’s terrible I’m just saying as a fan there’s nothing that I could get excited about with this guy like I’m looking for something to get excited about but he’s 6’4 for a point guard it’s not like he’s 6768 po kind of tall but not enough to really get me excited um he was ranked 47th out of high school so that’s not even a player ranking that would probably normally get drafted because you’re also competing with guys that are not in American high schools that are or from different draft class or High School classes as well so I’m not excited based off of what he did in high school and then he went overseas and averaged less than three in every category shot poorly from the free throw line from three and from the field uh so there’s just nothing really I could hold my head on getting excited for him in the first round so with this pick I I grade this like a d there’s just nothing for me to get hopeful about um but that kind of leads me to I guess talking about the lack of moves otherwise because the only reason I wouldn’t give it a complete F or maybe I could even give it like a D+ is because the three guys I wanted the Bucs to take were already gone khil Wear donon Holmes and Mei those were the guys I wanted and they were all gone so I could cut John hor a little bit of a slack for of slack for taking a player that I don’t see much in in Aj Johnson the only issue is for the bucks your plan has to be winning the championship in the next few years um winning championships hopefully and if you’re gonna do that if you don’t have a pick that you love that’s going to help you right now or very soon or that you have or you have real B reason to firmly believe they’re going to be great um then in that case you should probably ship off your pick or try to move up to dra draft a player that you think is like that because if I’m the bucks right now what I’m trying to do is either a move like a Bobby porise to get more picks so I can get make a deal at the trade deadline to go get next year’s version of a PJ Washington a guy that teams willing to get rid of that could help you make reach the finals like the Mavericks did or what I’d be doing is try to move this pick to go get future picks because right now they have just a stockpile of young guys but none of them are really worth anything to any other team because we’re in a win now mode and not really playing young guys and especially with Doc Rivers he’s very much not going to play the young guys so their value is only going to go down with the Bucks whereas if you were to ship off these pieces to get future picks you could then use that in a package to go get a player that could really help you later in this offse or at the trade deadline so that’s why I was an advocate for maybe moving Bobby poris for Davon Mitchell plus a first round pick or plus a couple second round picks and then looking to swing that again to to improve somewhere else in the roster those are the type of moves that I would have been interested in um you never know later in this offseason the next coming days something like that could happen but the fact that they didn’t move up to draft a player that could help them now or um make a move to just get more assets that’s really what bothered me about that draft day outside of just drafting a player that I’m not a big fan of but what really brought it back around for me was drafting Tyler Smith he’s one of the guys I didn’t want to draft for that first round pick because I figured at least one or two of those three I mentioned earlier would be available but getting them in the second round this is dude has the potential to help the Bucks those other three I felt like they almost can’t they could miss they players always could miss but there was a high it was unlikely that they wouldn’t be able to contribute at all Tyler Smith could be a bust but there’s a real chance that he actually get up the bucks right away his um height is anywhere between 69 and 611 depending where you look and this guy was highly touted to come out of high school he was ranked eth in his class and his numbers in the g- league were pretty solid as well I think defensively he wasn’t as great as his tools suggest that he can be but in a winning situation maybe they could um maybe their defense is better next year with Doc Rivers getting an off season and he’s going to be able to um raise his level on that end of the floor he has the tools he has the athleticism worst comes to worse he’s a tall guy that can knock down threes that’s probably a guy that can find some type of role in the NBA and getting that in the second round a guy that has a high ceiling and a floor that’s unlikely to not be a contributor or maybe not unlikely but this floor is likely to still keep him at a contributor in the NBA so um I like this pick a lot in the second round I would have loved to have gotten one of those other three I mentioned a big man that could definitely come in and help you but seeing as those weren’t available and knowing that they didn’t make any deals getting this guy in the second round it saved the draft day from being um the two draft days from being a catastrophe for me so overall didn’t get any of the players I really had my sight set on but they did make a very strong second round pick and a weak draft class they got a guy that could be a big piece in the second round um first round we’ll see I have nothing but doubts right now um overall I’ll give this draft like a BB minus if you’re doing it just based off of what they had available to them maybe it’s like bb+ but given the fact that they could have made some deals and I kind of wanted them to try and make some deals I’m going to give this a B minus overall but let me know what y’all thoughts were on the BCS moves on draft day and the two players they drafted drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Giving a rating and review grade of the Milwaukee Bucks 2024 NBA draft. Talking AJ Johnson and Tyler Smith.


  1. I think when you get to the part of the draft where the bucks were picking is a crapshoot anyway and it's not much difference between the 20th to the last pick in the second round in some ways. In fact, no rookies are going to play on this Bucks team. The Bucks are trying to win a championship, and usually, rookies don't play on championship teams unless they are elite.

  2. Idk what people were expecting with picks at 23 and 33. Admittedly, I had an eyebrow raising moment with AJ Johnson, but Tyler Smith at 33 certainly improves the draft grade overall to a B- for me. I think some fans are overacting a bit. At the end of the day, these are rookies, and should NOT be expected to have immediate impact. If they do (Tyler mostly), then great! I'm more concerned about the level of production from our year 2 guys and Beauchamp. I'm actually looking forward to summer league..

  3. I’ve come around to the AJ Johnson pick. Realistically, who were we going to pick at 23 that would be a playoff rotation player right away? Sure, Shannon jr was on the board (and in hindsight I still wish we’d taken him) but is he really going to be better as a rookie then another year of development for Ajax, AJ green, or beauchamp? I’d say he’s got a shot to be better than beauchamp, but he’ll still be prone to rookie mistakes, and I’d rather play a slightly worse player who has 3 years of NBA experience and has been in the playoffs every year than a rookie

  4. AJ Johnson is going to be a stud – easy A+

    Tyler Smith is decent, lacks an edge – B-


    As an 18 year old playing against grown men in Australia away from your family for the first time with no support, not everyone will instantly blossom. His play here is what matters the most, and he always shows out against his peers, that paired with his two elite skills in his handle and speed, he will be a big piece as soon as 50 games into this season.

    LASTLY – FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE NEED TO STFU WITH THE HORRIBLE TAKE THAT DOC DOES NOT PLAY YOUNG GUYS. Tyrese Maxey was grown by Doc, Rajon Rondo was an impact player under Doc, Embiid grew and became something under Doc, he played Ajax and Green in big minutes in the playoffs. STFU with these crap takes Doc won't play youth, he plays who is ready and actually almost always leans towards youth once they earn it.

  5. Am 58yr old. Born raised milwaukee!! This dude a joke..knows nothing about basketball period.. i wasn't going to say anything until he makes a comment about a second round pick being a Damm Bust 🙄 also he didn't like the Bucks pick..but gave it a B.. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP LOL😅

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