@Detroit Pistons

Ron Holland Introduced As Detroit Piston, What’s The Future For The Pistons Young Core Now?

Ron Holland Introduced As Detroit Piston, What’s The Future For The Pistons Young Core Now?

the Detroit Pistons officially introduced Ron Holland today at the same time made a trade for Tim Hardway Jr sending out Quin Grimes we’re going to break all of that down in today’s episode of the lock on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the locked on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for making locked on Pistons your first listen of every single day reable all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already hit that subscribe button to the YouTube channel or leave us a festar review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to the sun that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode was brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code lock in NBA for $20 off your first purchase term Supply you’ll hear more about game time a little bit later so we are joined by friend of the podcast Bryce Simon obviously co-host of the Pistons paulse podcast as well you guys all know who Bryce is we’re gonna talk about the Pistons introducing Ron Holland I want to get Bryce’s thoughts on the Pistons obviously selecting Ron Holland um and then we’ll talk about the trade that sent Quin Grimes to Dallas if you guys listened to a few of the episodes last week when it was initially reported by Mark Stein that this is something that could happen yes probably know where I stand on it already but we’ll talk about it later and I want to hear where Bryce stands on it and also we’ll talk about expectations heading into free agency which just few days away H still have 50 plus million dollars in cap space we’ll talk about all that as well but Bryce first off how you doing man I’m good man it’s been a little bit of a marathon I you probably hear it in my voice just a little bit it’s it’s starting to go after all those hours going live for the draft I just uh recorded a little NBA draft uh you know recap as well I got some stuff tomorrow so my voice is trying to hang on here but it’s been fun it’s been a blast things are going well and it doesn’t stop right like you mentioned it I I was like okay deep breath the draft is over and then someone’s likeo NBA free agency on Sunday I like oh man like we’re right back into it then summer league and then after summer league I feel like we get a little bit of a rest and then that’s whenever people like me and you are just scaming for content and what to talk about yeah that time is not a time I’m looking for but at least at that time we’ll be able to go you know maybe part-time a little bit and kind of cool down and and relax but I was I was going to say the same thing the dra happens and has not stopped since then and you didn’t even mention the Pistons don’t even have a head coach yet so like that’s that’s coming I forget this part of it like it doesn’t matter it’s draft trades free agency oh yeah maybe we should hire the guy that’s GNA decide who plays and who doesn’t and how they play it’s it’s it’s a crazy it’s a crazy moment right now for the Pistons this offseason it’s just a crazy time there’s a lot going on um but obviously we’ll start off with Ron Holland um I was at the pressor today the Pistons introduced Ron Holland with Tran Lon I wouldn’t say there was anything really crazy said in the in this presser it wasn’t anything new that wasn’t said the night that they drafted him by Ron or trasan the only real thing that I thought was interesting at all that was mentioned um Sean Corp of Detroit Bad Boys actually asked um Tran langon about you know taking a home run swing instead of playing it safe and his response was I didn’t view Ron as a safe pick I’m very confident in him I don’t agree that he has a low floor I think he has a high floor I think he has a high ceiling as well I have the utmost belief in this young man blah blah so that’s the only interesting thing he said he didn’t look at it as a home run swing he thought this was the safe pick um which I think he might be doing a little you know quarterback speak with that but um so Bryce where did you have Ron Holland on your board because a lot of people I know on draft Twitter had him really really high um I it wasn’t matching up a lot with what the national media really it seemed like at least from my perspective where they had him on Mox and by know people on are people I respect that do coverage had him really high where did you have them yeah so R was Bobby there as part of that as well or no no no he wasn’t there I don’t think that trade can be official or finalized like July 1 2nd or some time around there okay I was just curious I want to know if it was just a Ron thing or if Clinton was there as well so I had Ron I ended up with number him at number nine on my board but I want to be very clear about something I had him as high as three four at times and I’ve said for a while that I thought he had the best potential of being a real two-way Wing in this draft in terms of a guy that can really score on the offensive end and then also being an impact defensively on the other end it just as I continued to do mocks I found myself having a hard time figuring out where to place him so I think this was one of those things where my doing mock drafts kind of skewed where I ranked him because I finally had to ask myself if I don’t think he fits here and I don’t think he fits here and I don’t think he fits here and I don’t think he fits here is he really the number four player on the board you know what I mean and then I did hear some things about maybe workouts were they going well were they not and some of those type of thing so I don’t want piston fans to be like oh he had him nine he must not like him at all all these dudes were in the same tier for me anyway so it’s not like it was three guys tier break three guys tier break and then Ron Holland I mean if somebody had him three or four I know what was it KOC had him one I mean I I see it I understand because I think the ceiling is really there for Ron Holland so before I ask you about you know him as a player in particular real quick I do want to ask what was your reaction when they select him at five because I’ve said it on the podcast before I was shocked and it was about I’ve said this numerous times I don’t want people to get confused I’m interested see where you’re at I wasn’t shocked so much because I think Ron Holland’s a bad player I had a you know I thought he was a bad Prospect at anything we didn’t hear about him really at all to the Pistons beforehand kinging fell the five and it felt like that was like the the what everyone was SE to happen the dominoes fell right into that and the Pistons were going to trade back like that my complete belief as soon as it happened I’m in The Press Room I’m sitting there I’m telling our guys are I’m like oh it just happened this is what they wanted they’re gonna trade back they’re gonna get assets this is what’s gonna happen so I was shocked they drafted Ron Holland what was your reaction when it came up that they drafted Ron almost exactly the same coup I I was the same way when Atlanta didn’t take kingan one and we knew that SAR was going to go two my thing with the Pistons was does Memphis trade up to three right does does Houston look to trade out so Houston takes Reed I was pretty sure San Antonio wasn’t going to take kingan so I’m like yep here’s the trade back Memphis is gonna trade I wonder if what happened little I wonder if Memphis just said hey we’re cool with kingan or Edy and so if kingan goes before us whatever we’ll take Edy at nine and we’ll feel good I will say to back up your point and I I did say this on the last podcast for those who listened um Tran did say after the draft that uh when he was asked about this he said that the calls did start to dry up once the fifth overall pick actually came on he said there was a lot of talk heading into it once the fifth overall pick actually came on board and it was their time he said that the calls did dry up so what it’s worth and that’s what I I understand the fan base yelling at you could have got him at seven or eight or nine or wherever I get it Tran has to have the offer on the table that makes sense because if he let’s say they really like Ron Holland he’s he’s the number one player on their board I don’t think that’s crazy at five by any means and if you even if you think you can go about to set what if you don’t there is a risk in trading back that you may not get him so I’m okay with them taking here but I was shocked I didn’t think it was gonna be him there was all the modest velis stuff there all of a sudden was some tjan Salon stuff I just Holland wasn’t the guy and I I want to talk about this with you because I’m curious to get your thoughts I had really harped on his lack of shooting and because of that you know does that make sense with everybody else on on the roster I had somebody that brought up a really good point to me who was the answer though coup with the shooting Reet and Shepard were the good floor spacers other than Dalton connect that were you know so Castle’s off the board those guys are off the board connect ended up going 17 and has defensive concerns buellis has shooting concerns topich has shooting concerns Sal Salon has shooting concerns Cody Williams has shooting concerns like it just all of even Devin Carter who shot well this last year was a one-year sample so I was curious what you thought in terms of just from that perspective was there a better option if they said we just want to address the floor spacing so that’s this point is exactly what I said on the night that they drafted him on the podcast I said that look people this was probably going to be a conversation that we had no matter what after the draft because whoever they drafted was probably not gonna be able to shoot it just they fell to five it was unfortunate and the people at five the prospects at five unless someone fell the prospects there all of them were going to have shooting concerns so no matter who they picked they were going to be fans saying this exact same thing and look like I said I on that podcast I get it I completely understand the fact that hey you need to eventually add shooting I get it I I completely understand my point isn’t like you just said there wasn’t anyone else at five that was like oh he’s a shooter you should have taken him if you take Dalton at five knowing that he was gonna fall the now we know he was going to fall the 17 that would have been a reach why do you want them to reach on a guy or would you rather them get who they think is the best player available I like it was a tough position or we’d be having a completely opposite conversation of is this team ever going to defend anybody because kade’s not a great defender J ji is not a great defender Dalton’s not a great defender Duran’s not a great defender good luck assar go out there and guard everybody and you know we didn’t know it at the time but then they trade for Tim Hardway Jr who also not a great defender so I mean it’s just like honestly these two moves now and I know I don’t know we don’t want to get into the trade just yet but you got a good Defender and Ron I I want to talk about his defense because I’m little worried people expect what we saw from assar and I don’t know that he’s quite going to be that at least how solid he is defensively at the point of attack and some things but then we’ll talk about Tim Hardway Jr later but like I just it wasn’t a great position the the easiest position was if rashay fell like that was it and I still had people coming at me hating Reet at five they didn’t like it I’m like no this is the best of both worlds this is a kid that can defend and he can space the floor even if there wasn’t real upside here’s the upside swing I I said it and I will say it again if you told me and I think this may be the most valuable position in the NBA coup is a two-way Wing if you told me one of these guys was gonna become that I think your best bet is probably Ron Holland now what is the percentage chance of that outcome I don’t know but there is a chance a real there’s a chance of him becoming that so let me ask you this do you want to you want back up the Grimes trade talk a little bit so we can talk more about Ron or do you want to get into the trade talk yeah no I I want to because I want to hear more about your thoughts on Ron Holland um we can do the comps thing like I’m com I’ve put it out there uh floor median ceiling I’ve I’ve thrown out the names i’ I’ve had the push back and all of that I’m curious where you’re at with Ron I talk about the defense whatever so I’m I’m cool with that saying on Ron for a little while I don’t I don’t have any crazy takes on the Grimes thj trade anyway I mean I have some thoughts obviously but okay so we’ll push back the Grimes and thday talk probably to the third segment we’ll just have this is audible we’ll call them live on the podcast we’ll go ahead and turn the first two segments and we’re gonna go for around 40 minutes um we’ll turn the first two topics into just talking about the Ron Holland uh selection then we’ll combine like the Grimes trade with the free agency stuff later on so everyone just stay tuned for that but so real quickly I want I want to get to the I want to get to the ads but I’ll give you my quick thoughts on on Ron here and then we can come back and get talk about some more but I didn’t know much about him at all pre-draft didn’t know much about him at all I knew a lot of people that I respect people like row who writes over at schwitz Theory really good stuff um Hal um there was a lot of guys I saw in draft T that had braon Holland really high on their board and thought that he was the best I saw some people like you said KLC who thought that he was one of the best if not the best Prospect in the draft so I understand that my thought pre-draft just thinking I didn’t really think about him at all because again it was wasn’t talked about much with him and I mean I said this before that like weeks ago I was really finding myself in a tough spot because my the My My Philosophy is always take best player available sure but the Pistons are in a position where I feel like they force you now to be like okay do should you consider fit at all at this point because usually I’m always best player available you don’t ever want to miss out on the best player but I feel like the piss is kind of forced me into being like okay you might need to like maybe move off of that and get a fit so I didn’t really think about him at pre-draft um but when we come back I do want we we’re going to talk more about this and we’ll go back and forth about Ryan Holland and his fit and his future with the team and what this means um so stay tuned for all of that game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seats and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying ml tickets game time is the best for me because look I’m a procrastinator I wait till the last second with quite literally everything and often times it screws me when it comes to buying tickets but with game time you got last minute deals you can save up to 60% off buying last minute tickets for sports concerts comedy Theater events near you and another great thing about game time you don’t get the tickets show up and you’re like oh man these weren’t the great seats no you can see at that point in the app what your seats look like you get view from your seat in the app before you buy so you know if you’re getting the 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like I I feel like it’s been a Non-Stop Civil War for like years now at this point but he he said some things about the pick on Ron um I don’t I don’t want to go to everything he said but there’s one thing he said that I really do agree with I disagree with it was a bad pick because again if they’re going best player available that’s usually My Philosophy I just can’t like I said before I was having struggle with it but but I can’t I I it’s going to be hard for me to ever fult anybody for taking who you think is the best player at that at pick it’s just it’s going to be hard for me to do it there’s one thing he did say that I’ve been saying for a long time and people have come at me because they don’t like the fact that I’m moving off with some of the young guys they don’t like the fact I want to trade the young guys but he said something that I he’s not the only one I’ve heard this from I’m telling everyone listening he is not the only National guy that has come up to me that I’ve talked with that has said this thing a lot of people feel this way and basically what he’s saying is people say you can stagger them you can bring some of them off the bench you don’t have to play them together when you take what five six players top five your plan with those players are not to well this guy will be a starter and the other guys would be bench players that’s not what your plan is like I don’t care what spin anyone tries to put on it PR the team whatever anyone tries to put on it when you are selecting that high and you continually draft that high the idea the point is that those guys will synergize together make each other better and can play play together on the floor and there are severe questions about whether that can happen with literally every player on this roster besides Cade like kade’s the one that you know he’s above everybody but everyone else there has questions about whether any of them can play together with Kade and I think that’s a fair point that he made that eventually they are going to have to choose like they’re gonna have to eventually move off with some of these guys and make it Tren spoke about this create an environment that’s good for the young guys is it a good environment if none of them really fit together and they’re playing out of sorts and playing out of position having to do things they can’t do what’s your thoughts on that Bryce no I mean we we’ve talked about this uh multiple times I mean the one reason I thought maybe they weren’t going to go that way is I feel like Tran talked about like this kji backt and figuring out what that is and you know like so it made me wonder if we weren’t going to see him move on from the young guys I think I W I would love to know these are the insights I would love to know is if they took a swung on Ron because maybe they looked at ji assar Jaylen what they could ever get in free agency and those type of things and said hey this might be our chance to get a number two guy this might be the guy to be our number and when I’m saying number two guy like number two scoring option like you said Kade is the dude with ball in hand and then Ron is this two-way Wing that can be a 20 point a game score that is you know really able to to be that eventually and it should be Ron is 18 years old right now doesn’t turn 19 for another week or so here and so like I’m not saying he’s GNA come in do that right away obviously now that doesn’t mean that assar can’t be a part of that picture doesn’t mean that maybe Jaylen can’t be a part of it or ji but to your point unless they figure out the shooting unless Fred Vincent is the best in the business by far it’s hard for those Five Guys to see the floor together coup it just really is and what I would love to know I brought this up a couple times how many top five picks have been second unit sixth men seventh men on the team that originally drafted them how often has that happened I would love I would be fascinated to know how often that’s happened because I’m quick to do that right like hey you can play Cade Ron assar and then three SP floor spacers around him right find a floor spacing big and then bring ji and JD Off the Bench but are ji and JD gonna do that and are they going to want to do it on their second contract with the team that drafted I I just I don’t know how that stuff all plays out I do you think they still move one like to me the Ron Holland pick makes me feel more like that they’re like I swing back to they are gonna move one or two of them this summer I I’ve I’ve been in the camp of you have to move them I I’ve been in that camp all summer that I if it was me I’d be moving ji and or and or durren I wouldn’t be mad about moving both of them because it’s this is how it’s been viewed for me Kaden the star from what I understand are like the guys they view very highly like those guys are and whether it’s because assar people think assar is actually better than ji or not or actually better than JD or not he was the one recently drafted he’s the one that’s more the most unknown at this point he has the highest ceiling so therefore and he has that two-way ability so that’s what I’ve understood that those two guys are Above the Rest you get Ron this is Tran’s Guy this is the Tran’s first pick Yep this is this is he spoke very highly of so obviously Ron’s gonna be above guys because this is Tran this is the other guys were not Tran’s pick so if those three guys are your core guys my this is just my thing I think people develop emotional attachment to players and I I don’t think anyone could reasonably make the basketball argument that if your three guys are K assar and Ron the best guys who surround them with is is Jaye Ivy Jaylen dur like if you just if they weren’t Detroit Pistons if they weren’t drafted by the Pistons if they were free agents would people come up to me and say I really think that ji and JD are the best options to really surround your main guys with no no one would say that so it’s like to kind of tie it back into just the Ron Holland pick if you’re going to go like tracon said in his presser after selecting him that assar having guys like assar and Ron are rare he said it’s rare to have these kind of players these kind of ceilings with each other he said he doesn’t think they can play together initially maybe but he views them being able to play together at a very high level in the future now I think the comparison that people have been making I think even trasan mentioned to it but like Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum two guys who are two-way players develop their shots and like you mentioned earlier two-way guys at the wing are probably the most valuable pieces in the NBA in 2024 having guys that can guard one through four switch across play defense attack gaps kick out make the right plays like that that is the kind of that’s the most viable player outside of just having like a top five player in the league obviously but like that’s what you want so I get why he took Ron if that’s how he views him as and if he views it as we have Ron and now we have assar if we can just get one of them to be a good shooter if we can get one of them to develop we really we’re set at the wings we and if you go back and look at tron’s history with the New Orleans that’s all he did he went out and just got Wings Trey Murphy herb Jones Dyson Daniels like that that’s what he went out and got I’m Brandon Ingram like there’s that’s what he does so that that’s long way that’s my answer yeah sorry no no you’re good like I I love it cook man it’s your show you can go the whole time if you want um I the one thing I will say is I wonder if you can do it initially though like if initially you could start I don’t whatever ji and assar and then bring Ron and durren Off the Bench or something like that you know what I mean like just for a year or so like I now the the hard thing is like is JD gonna go from all the games he started to now he’s going to be willing to go out ji is a little bit more realistic because it’s already happened to him once and so maybe he would be willing to do but you know I think Ron Off the Bench and one other of them opens up enough spacing where you could at least see it you know for a year maybe Tran would want to see I want to see ji with my own eyes watching day in and day out with whoever the new coach is I want to see this with my own eyes before I make a move I want to see why J not as good defensively as what maybe he could be with my own eyes and the coaches I’ve put in place I just wonder and I would understand that I would respect that for a year of filling that out before you made a decision on it or even if it’s 50 games and then it’s the trade deadline like what we saw with sadique Bay right you don’t have to make the decision on their contracts and those type of things and like I want this team to win more games but they’re not going to go get in the play in right now like I don’t think that’s what they’re going to do and so let’s work through this win 10 plus more games 12 plus more games and you’re still right there in the Cooper flag Ace Bailey all of those guys sweep Stakes to add to the roster so Bryce you know this there there’s two points I want to hit on real quick and get your thoughts on before we get into the trade that happened and in free agency the first thing I want to say is like you mentioned I think a lot of people just view it and this is not a disrespectful comment this I’m being for real I think a lot of people just immediately go to like treating this like 2K where you can just throw players at at this position position that position Sixth Man eighth man and just do it without emotion there’s no emotion without emotion it’s not going to happen I’m telling you it will not happen if Jaylen Duren I’m not saying that they would refuse to play Off the Bench but it’s just it’s going to be a tough sell to these guys who think my ceiling is way up here this team just won 14 games and you’re benching me yeah this this team has won 14 games and I’m the one getting benched I’m not playing you’re trying to limit my ceiling you’re trying to limit where I can become I’m 19 and you’re trying like people think you who cares what they think yeah well if you don’t get buying from them in that position what’s the point of even having them if they’re not bought into that then they’re not going to develop bad habits then it becomes issues so if you’re not gonna have and wor like then they’re trade value tanks right like JD goes JD goes and averages eight and eight because he’s unhappy well now you’re trading a disgruntled 20-year-old who’s not averaging 12 and 12 even if you want to trade him so like this could go a sppy slope real fast sorry I didn’t mean to cut you off no I no I’m glad you included that I just think people don’t understand that part of it is that you have to take into account the relationships and emotions too of what would happen What happens if this and will I get Buy in to essentially uh achieve what my end goal is which is they developing these limited roles like I just that’s the stuff you got to take into and then the next thing I want to get your your input on I don’t know if you heard it but did you see the quote Tran had about I want to create a good environment for the young guys that devote Vel did you did you hear that I didn’t I’ll be honest I don’t pay a lot of attention to pressers because I think so much it’s it’s lip service so so it might be you’re you’re right it might be complete lip service it’s fair could could be quarterback speak um but in he said in his initial introductory press conference he said one of his goals were that he wants to create an environment that allows the young guys to develop because he doesn’t feel like the Pistons have had one that has allowed young guys to develop after the presser one-on-one James asked you said this but do you think you can do that while having seven eight young guys you’re trying to is it can those two things do work at the same time and from what I feel like Tran kind of played both hands he didn’t really give an answer he kind of like played both sides he said you know I want I want these all these guys to develop but you’re right you can’t have too many because then it’s gonna be you can’t really do all like he kind of played both sides so when we come back I want to get your thoughts do you think they can do that do you think they can create create a good environment for the guys that they really value let’s say Kade and whoever else you want to throw in there is it possible to create a good environment for those guys while also keeping all of them together and trying to develop all of them at the same time we’ll get Bryce’s answer when we come back passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle 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no I think they’re G I think they’re getting really close to that and a lot of that is because there’s so many non-shooters in that group of players and I’ve said this we all want to see this team get better right now there are nine dudes that you feel like you have to give playing time to Cade ji assar Ron JD Sasser Tim Hardaway Jr I guess you don’t have to but if you just traded for him like I would assume he’s gonna be really pissed if he doesn’t get to play a little bit to buffer your point and then you go right back to it Tom did say Tom gor said at the introductory press conference he does not want to have any more money just sitting on the bench he said last year they had a lot of money that just was right right in the bench he said he doesn’t want that no more so I’d be shocked if TJ is not playing a big role fonio and Stu I’m pretty sure I named all nine I I think I counted right here every once in a while I’m a little bit off I think that’s nine guys with the draft pick and so you know like like Bobby Clinton’s a guy I like you you can go play in the g- league for a year like that’s fine second round pick I’m cool with that the two-way guys whatever my point is that’s already nine coup you got to build out this roster and make it better somehow you bring in two dudes that’s 11 I think Wes told me the other day he put out a depth chart and he had Sasser as like the fifth guard and he got people were pissed at him from somebody’s going to have to not play if you want to bring in they don’t they don’t understand numbers game it’s like it is what it is you want to bring in Naji Marshall and Isaiah Haren sign who’s not playing that’s 11 dudes that’s JD I think Isaiah Stewart should be playing the majority of his minutes at the five and Hart who’s not playing of that group tell me because it’s got to be one of them and like so that’s my thing is who do you move on from you know and it’s like I think it’s easy to say well just trade Stewart listen I know you’re not the biggest stew guy I will say I’ve become the big I’ve become a big St guy he impressed me a lot this I ate Crow I apologize impressed me and someone told me like put him back in the start like no do not put Stu back in the starting lineup leave him coming up the bench where he is in a role that is successful for him talking about this you know why I think Simone fonio looked so good for the Pistons because he was the one guy on the team in the RO that he should be playing just catch and shoot and make shots and be a neutral Defender everybody else is trying to play roles above what they’re really capable of this is why I don’t hate the Tim Hardway Jr trade listen Tim Hardway Jr can come in and take his many shots as he wants as far as I’m concerned because they don’t have a real bucket getter on the team anyway like let these other guys fall into roles that are okay for them um and we’ll talk more about that as well but you if you want to ask three real free agents who’s not in the rotation because that’s two guys of the nine that I named okay that that can’t that can’t get in the rotation you know what I mean so no I completely you’re making the same points that I’ve made on the podcast so I’m glad me and you are on the same page with this because I and like you said just to you know kind of buffer what you said you mentioned that you think stew is best at the five I think all of us agree with that I think even last year you started to see stew realize that I thought you started to see the Pistons realize that yep and I think that’s part of the reason like you mention with vono he started to play so well because he actually started being played in the role he’s in so if he’s the one guy you’ve actually paid and given a contract to who actually has gotten better why would you then move him to a spot as the backup four where you’re again not really putting him in the greatest environment if your goal is to put him in the greatest environment it would be the back of five so are you actually creating the best environment are you just throwing a bunch of sticks at the wall and seeing what sticks like I mean the guy I think think that is the poster child for this is actually assar at times last year assar should be your fifth option offensively right now in his career maybe fourth and then it starts to grow right but there was too many times where assar was having to make too many plays and take too many shots and and all of that at his age as a rookie with where his skill level and this is not me taking shots at assar you talking about having to eat a little crow I had to Le eat a little crow with a s especially on the defensive end that I I that was not who I wanted at five like straight up I hold my own receipts I wanted cam Whitmore he went 15 picks later so I look like an idiot but like I I this is what here’s where I’m at on on the offseason and this can lead into the Tim Hardway Jr stuff I have kind of Gone Away From the Star hunting I don’t know that I necessarily want them to go get Brandon Ingram but I do think they need to bring in guys that can take on some usage offensively they can really space the floor that can score the basketball because who’s the team’s second best scorer right now th probably right like but if it’s not they’re gonna ask jayi to do it J’s he’s not gonna be successful doing that now I’m not saying bury him and don’t give him chances I’m just saying night in and night out I don’t know that what he needs to be right now even if it is who’s the third leading scorer assar is that what we want assar to have to do I don’t I think that’s asking him too much so like I even you may hate this I’ve even warmed up to like a very short-term deal for Tobias Harris to come in I’m I’m good with it you know what I mean like I’m okay with it if they sign him for four years I will come on every podcast and say that’s an awful contract if they give him the Bruce brown one plus one I’m okay with that it’s a position that they need to fill like him and Stu Off the Bench of the four and five or you know whatever like maybe Tobias wouldn’t come off the bench but you know what I mean like I just I am leaning a little bit more towards those type of guys some veterans that can take some usage they can score the ball they can space the floor ideally there’s some defense in this as well right that’s something thj doesn’t do that’s something Tobias doesn’t do but that’s kind of where I’m at now like Naji Marshall again I’ve said it multiple times uh is a guy I’m really intrigued by he may not take the high usage but a three and D Wing that can come in and do some of these things so let’s go ahead and segue that like you said um into the offseason so the offseason is started head of free agency about two days away they’ve made a trade they trade Quinn and Grimes or thj in three p three second round picks I’ll let I want to hear your thoughts on because on the last podcast I read Mark Stein substack I wasn’t happy I I did not think this would happen I was not wanting this to happen then it actually happened I wasn’t happy so I want to get your thoughts and everyone to hear your did you like this trade do you think it was a good one do you think I’m off where you at with it no like as much as I just said like Tim Hardway Jor is probably their second scorer I don’t necessarily want that to be the case going into the season like I know I just went on a rant about that I hope that’s not the case like they need to sign somebody and and that’s where the counter is like I still don’t think it’s bi but they need to get somebody that can really get some buckets that’s why I kind of liked Malik monk the idea of that where he could just come in and take that usage I hated it initially like hated it the first time I had somebody text me about it I hated it I’m a little more okay with it the overall process of this sucks and it’s not even Tran’s fault because it goes across two front offices of how they handled Buon and Burke’s Grimes if anything was going to be positive out of that trade it was gonna be Grimes now you move Grimes for you know one year of thj in the three second round picks um I would just like to know the injury stuff with Grimes and is there just a complete lack of faith of him being able to be what he was his second year in New York because I actually thought that he made sense like he can space the floor and he can defend and that’s where I’m struggling with this a little bit and the other Factor here is like maybe Tran just isn’t a fan maybe he doesn’t trust the Medicals and maybe he doesn’t want to have to pay Grimes and make a decision on that here in the in the near future and so he thought it was better to get some future assets and then potentially get a guy in Tim Hardway Jr that can come in and just really space the floor provide some bucket getting that this team needs needs to help these other guys fill into roles that they should be in so I agree with you I agree with you I initially hated it um I still hate it though I wish I could warm up to it but like I think the value is the the asset management of it I didn’t like I know they got three second round picks but like you said it part of it isn’t Tran’s fault because basically what this has now turned into is boan Burks in a second for thj in three seconds yep like that’s it’s just not happy about that but the first end of the part like you said is not really on trasan that’s on Troy for waiting so long to move on from Bon and Burks and then like you said the key piece of that was Grimes and now you’ve done move Grimes for basically to fill up your cap space for cap space basically you trade him for that in an expiring contract and three second round picks that I just don’t I know some people are trying to say that second round picks will become more valuable with this CBA I’ll believe it when I see it like I see teams buy second round picks all the time like until I see that actually happen I’m not going to move my opinion on it so I just don’t think it was a good value trade but I don’t want to spend too much time on it but yeah I just it is what it is thj he can come in and score he can face the floor for sure but I just I think the Pistons might have literally I think they might have gave up the better player just for an expiring and I just a younger player the the defensive side of the floor for sure I mean if I was getting the first four months of last season Tim Hardway Jr I would be all over this he was incredible for four months and then like I don’t even care that he couldn’t play in the playoffs because the Pistons aren’t going to the playoffs that doesn’t matter we all know the game changes anyway he wasn’t good the last two months like his his season 40% from the field 35% from three not bad because it’s crazy volume from three his last five seasons 15 on 42 38 81 from the free throw line I do think he’s played quite a few games so like over the last Five Seasons so like maybe he’s able to come in and just do that so again I like the idea of this type of player coming in like Tim Hardway Jr has no conscious like he will come in and he will Jack and shoot and miss and keep shooting I don’t mind like a volume floor spacer kind of bucket getter in this mold I don’t mind that I just really like the idea of quitting Grimes but like I said here’s the thing with we cannot judge Tran based on anything other than how he valued Quinton on his roster because he didn’t trade for Quinton he inherited Quinton and if he says listen I don’t trust the Medicals or I thought I don’t think this kid’s that good or I’m not even GNA come close to paying what his representation wants then this is probably a good move to go ahead and get rid of him and there’s gonna be some of that right coup when you bring in a new guy and he inherits this roster he’s not gonna like every player especially on a roster that just won 14 games if he did like every player he probably wasn’t the right guy guy to hire and I think we might see more of that we might we might see more examples of this um I will say before we’re getting close to the end so I do want to get your thoughts on the off season what you expect to happen in free agency what you want to happen moving forward but I do want to say this at the end um I’ve heard from multiple people that that Grimes want to be here was part of it as well that I I’ve heard for a while that there was a lot of Whispers and mumbling about him not even wanting to be here for real so and that’s the side of it we don’t always know right I mean uh you know to equate it to what just happened yesterday right was the draft just yesterday second round yeah yesterday with the like whenever you look at those second round picks you have to take some of that with a grain of salt because guys maneuver bronny James isn’t the only player that’s ever maneuvered his way to a specific team I mean his teammate Austin Reeves did it so yeah they like that’s the textbook example I think Jay Jay Jay Williams called it out on ESPN or somewhere today so people do it all the time and you know what happens once guys get into the league right and so if rmes isn’t happy move him right like I assume Tim Hardway Jr might be I don’t know like I guess he’s leaving a team that just played in the finals but if he wants to get a bunch of shots up he’s gonna get to do that and coming off the bench maybe maybe he’ll be happy and can maybe he’ll raise his value right and they’ll get a couple more second rounders for him and now it’ll be five second round picks which we just learned can get you back to what 24 or 26 or something like that in the first round so um I don’t know like I I I’d like to think that Grimes was exactly the archetype of player this team needed and I think that’s why it’s a hard pill for me to swallow all right so we’ll wrap it up with this so Bryce just I know you have to get out of here so you don’t have to take too long with this answer what are what’s your expectations from here on out we’re recording this in the 28th freen season like three days what are you expecting for the Pistons to do are you expecting them to make more trades are you expecting to see some young guys go who are you expecting them to make some signings in free agency what’s your expectations moving forward now that they’ve selected Ron Holland yeah I feel like my one signing I’ll just stick with Naji Marshall that they bring him in I kind of wonder if there’s one free agent signing like again if they sign sign hartenstein who I think is a little more open after the Knicks trade I don’t know what their cap situation is now I know they’re up against the first apron now you know what does that mean for JD what does that mean for Stewart I think that would be the name like do you go after a guy like Gary Trent Jr or somebody like that I also want to hate them like some of these restricted free agents Patrick Williams Isaac aoro looking at those type of guys and just like hey you you guys going to be willing to match this or not I expect at least one more trade of a similar type contract not a complete Joe Harris sin contract but a Tim Hardway JR this guy’s making too much money for the team he’s on but on the Pistons there’s a rooll and a path to him coming in and and helping them I would like to see some sort of real bucket getter added to this SE team in some capacity right like we kind of joked about the Tim Hardway Jr thing I would I I think they need that because I think they need a number two scorer so then whoever can fall into number three and then four and then five if we’re asking somebody currently on the roster on June 28th to be the second leading scorer it’s not even about wins and losses coup I just don’t think guys are going to be in the roles that they need to be in to be successful at this point in their career all right quick answer do you think they trade one of the young guys yes okay we’ll wrap it up there you guys hold Bryce to that clip that and hold and bookmark it and hold aggregate it tweet it on tweet it all all I appreciate you Bryce you guys can go follow him on Twitter at motoc City Hoops find him on the Pistons pulse and also his podcast with Sam Vini appreciate you again Bryce for coming on man I appreciate all you guys for making it your first listen of every single day avable podcast platforms hit that subscribe on the YouTube channel leave us a festar review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on till next time enjoy your guys’ week might some more stuff might happen over the weekend before free agency who knows but I’ll be there to cover it I’ll catch you guys later Bryce will too obviously with the Pistons Pauls um but until then I’ll see you guys later peace out

Ron Holland was introduced as a Detroit Piston today with Trajan Langdon and the question now turns to what else is next? What’s the future for the Pistons’ young core now that you drafted Holland?

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  1. I think its reasomable that hollands defence is bettef than shown with the ignite because he has an almost 30% useage as an 18yo in his first year in a mens professional league.
    I expect his D will be a lot better in a simplified role with the pistons.

  2. Ku ,you keep lifting Cade up. I like Cade too and I think he will be a very good player. I can't say great yet. But let me ask you this question. If you think Cade is the man and with him being a point guard. Why the hell hasn't he helped make the other players around him better? That's what great players do. Make others around them better. The reason I said that. It's seems like you keep putting Ivey down without talking about the fact that Monty screwed with this young man confidence. By most metrics, he had a good rookie campaign, then Monty came in and played sorry ass Killian over him. Yanked his chain when he felt like it. How many young men could handle that situation, not knowing of he made a mistake he wouldn't play.

  3. What the heck are you talking about if Ivey and Duren are going to be ok coming off the bench, going into a second contract. If you don't think they southland be starting, what team in the league will want them start?

  4. I can't wait until Ku realizes Cade is getting trade in a few months. Hopefully Langdon can turn nickels into dimes, and then dimes into quarters.

  5. The more I hear this talk about nobody fitting with Cade, I can't help but think we need a real PG. Team ball over Cadeball. We should have gotten Dejounte.

  6. If Trajan uses desire to be in Detroit as a factor, for which young guys to trade, I think that puts Duren at the top of the trade list. Ivey makes the most sense if you keep Cade at pg though.

  7. This Cade hate is asinine. He's the only piece on this team that has All-NBA potential and people act like he's expendable or even the problem with the team. That shit is crazy to me

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