@Golden State Warriors

Warriors ALL-IN on Paul George?!

Warriors ALL-IN on Paul George?!

deadline back to Sunday to decide whether they’re going to guarantee his 30 million or not what does that mean well that means clearly the Warriors want to make a deal and according to Mark Stein he uh has covered the NBA for decades and decades and I’ll also add he’s got a good relationship with the Golden State Warriors he is reporting that Paul George is the Warriors number one priority above all else at this point Point Paul George the Warriors are all in on Paul George and it’s probably a big reason why they pushed Chris Paul’s guarantee back to Sunday uh Paul George tomorrow has to decide whether he’s gonna opt in or opt out if Paul George opts out the Warriors are out on him they can’t sign him as a free agent news but it looks more and more likely that he’s simply going to opt in and then try to get traded or the the Clippers clearly well I don’t know if they clearly do but if he Ops in then the Clippers can get something for him as opposed to if he walks and he just walks they won’t go uh they won’t get anything back for them yeah and that makes all the sense in the world and that’s what I expect to happen tomorrow on the Paul George front but that’s Stein news steiny uh that he is priority number one PG-13 I get it I understand it and if you’re a fan and you’re on board and you think Curry and Dre need help I mean we we’re going to we’re going to know something here soon so again it would be crushing to me if we find out tomorrow somehow and again I don’t expect it to happen he Ops out yeah I I’m when you hear something this concrete Warrior fans and it’s Mark Stein and you don’t have to trust me but trust me Stein’s a big boy and he he’s tapped in and he’s reporting golden state has this week prioritized the trade pursuit of the LA Clippers Paul George above all other business and uh if you want to check out Mark Stein you can check him out on Twitter at Stein line 888- 957 9570 so what do we know we know the golden State Warriors are serious they want Paul George I mean they want him they want him how much do they want him what about man do they want him Jonathan kaminga enough what can they I don’t know I don’t know I mean the one thing that I think we’ve we’ve forgotten a little bit here is if the Warriors find a way to acquire Paul George and extend him for 200 million over four years what will that mean for kaminga who would love to get his extension this summer for 30 plus million over four years now the Warriors pg-1 13’s money sty if you decided you had to use them to get them well exactly exactly the Warriors could probably kick the can down the road one more year because kinga’s extension will not kick in next year it’ll kick in the year after so I mean we can ask that simple question would you give up Jonathan kaminga as a in a package that gets you Paul George that’s pretty much the question I gotta believe that the Warriors are going to have to answer and maybe they’ve drawn A Line in the Sand where they say we want Paul George more than anything else but we won’t go there meaning Jonathan kaminga 888 957 95 70 is the number goo you know me I’m I’m ready I’m ready ready Mo Kingo yes and I’m I know you don’t care about feelings but you do understand these guys have egos let’s be honest if Jon if you’re Jonathan Kingo or you’re his family member or friend you don’t want to see PG-13 come in here it’s your time and I think a great comp for kaminga in a perfect world would be able to have the skill set and the natural polish of being able to create off the dribble step back and shoot like a PG-13 Donnie so I think it’s a perfect fit and again to me I think just talking thinking of what Kirk Lup shared with us yesterday it’s about hey we could hit the fast forward button and get a kaminga version of a polished NBA guy in Paul George that can help us win right now yeah we don’t want to lose them uh kaminga but we kind of are getting him in the trade and he’ll be ready to hit the ground running and I heard the great Eddie Johnson on with Bon and shasy this morning sty he thought if the warriors were able to pull this PG-13 trade off that there a problem in the west with George Dre and Paul George and I agree to find problem a threat you know round two or even get to the Western Conference Finals well that that’s why you’re doing the TR I love Eddie Johnson I love Eddie Johnson Keith Smith joining us at 11:00 that’s in 20 minutes Keith Smith works for SPO and also at front office show uh on YouTube he is tapped into the NBA he knows money inside and out we’ve had him on before and uh I guarantee you after we talk to Keith Smith we’ll have more to talk about but the question I have for Warrior fans now is is it’s pretty simple would you give up Jonathan kaming as as part of a deal that involves Paul George it got to feel like that’s a part it would have to be a mandate right could you imagine the Clippers not hey you know what we give us Wiggins man kaminga I mean his upside is I get it sty I just don’t know if he he’ll ever meet it but dude is a a physical specimen you know the other thing that can that could theoretically happen is the you know Paul George Ops in the Warriors say you know we want Paul George we’ll give you anybody but kaming gen Curry and maybe the are like we’ve got to have kaminga well you can’t all right then what happens well you know what happens we move on and we run it back or try to get something you know somewhere else Donnie but it won’t be as big as what Paul George uh represents uh 707 you aren’t trading kaminga kaminga was our second best player last year calm yourself Guru we want both kaminga and Paul George together trade Wiggins what if you can’t get Paul George and kaminga what if if what if dun leevy knows that you you can’t get Paul George without coming off of kaminga yeah push coming to shove yeah no doubt and I’ll say this about that I just go back to what was what you talked about yesterday in regard to uh Joe Lake up um you know early on in the season calling the Lakers to see the availability of one LeBron James steining you don’t think they knew that kaminga might be if if they were really to get down and get busy like Aro Hall and and pull off a deal you think the Warriors don’t know that kaminga would have to be a part of that package I mean I’m sure they’ve been wrestling with this idea uh for a while maybe it hasn’t come this close though and that’s what exactly to getting done but now and now they’re like you know what if we want it we got to do it here’s why I here’s why I would be here’s why I’m I mean this is one of those things like I don’t want to trade kaminga but I also don’t want to sit PAT stand Pat so we’re getting back to me believing that making a great move is going to be hard but all that said the reason I probably have to say no uh why I wouldn’t give up kaminga I I think I might be able to give up kaminga but it’s what it’s all the stuff that’s going to come along with it like Paul George getting 210 million for the next four years and then I think if we’re honest with ourselves the Warriors are going to have to give up a couple first round picks and you see that deal for Mel Bridges four unprotected firsts they got and I mean look the Warriors have three things they got to try to figure out do they want to trade kaminga do they want to extend Paul George and clay for four years and then three actually Clay’s not in this one well uh will are they willing to give up future first round draft picks that might be unprotected and I also think what’s obvious is if they get Paul George Clay’s not coming back that’s just I I I agree with wholeheartedly with that part and that’s probably why Clay is upset knowing I mean this is what that signals is they’re trying to they’re trying to go big big game hunting steiny right and that would end the tenure of one Klay Thompson in the Golden State Warrior uniform I’ll tell you what I’m excited that Chris Paul we’re going to find something out by Sunday because that could be the tea leaves to let you know the reality of the Warriors being able to pull this off right and then also Paul George doing what we expect him to do just tomorrow and and that’s opt in I mean if you’re a Golden State Warrior fan you absolutely want Paul George to opt in yeah to his contract with the Clippers absolutely doesn’t guarantee he’d be a warrior but if he becomes a free agent they can’t get him what scares me about him steiny is uh Wendy reported he wants to stay on the west coast obviously coming here he he does that is why would he want to leave you know he’s at home he’s from Palmdale why would he want to leave that is what you know is he using this is he wants four years yeah and we don’t know yet if the Clippers don’t want to give that to him exactly may this could also be one of those things that what leads it up the Clippers May say you know what the hell with it we’ll give him four years and Paul George just stays um a Clipper unless they get a deal they love uh let’s go to Dr Z in San Jose what’s up Dr Z how you doing what’s happening gentlemen nice to hear you guys thank you I got a question for the president of the PG fan club in the Bay Area Guru himself go ahead he used to be the president of the kuminga fan club and he used to be the president of the pool fan club but now he’s with PG I got one question for you why exactly do you think Mr Balmer doesn’t want to give him a Max contract well we don’t know that for one that he doesn’t want wouldn’t be any question if you didn’t want to give it to him well would be any he’d be already be signed for Life I’ll say this why do you think he doesn’t want to I I’ll say this because I’m not operating on the premise that he doesn’t want to but the great BR Bob Meer shared with us you don’t have to make a decision until you have to and that could very well be what’s going on and he could get that extension that you talk about bomber doesn’t want to give to him but to answer your question I don’t care why he doesn’t want to give to him one man’s uh junk is the next Man’s Treasure and Paul George can steal ball and he could help the Golden State Warriors Guru I love you I listen when you’re heal on your game but s you tell me why Mr balber doesn’t want to pay I can tell I can give you a reason why everybody’s just everybody is just trying to leverage their negotiation that’s all this is I can’t even believe that we’re still talking about this well so yeah but there’s clearly something there with Paul George and the Warriors okay he wants he wants his max deal and bomber doesn’t want to give it to him right and somehow the war there’s a report well the Warriors will give it to us correct who who who would want that information out there it’s not in the Warriors interest to say they would give it to him well first of all do you believe that the Warriors would give it to him I think it’s an insane thing if they would I’m hoping they’re not that foolish I’m I’m I’m kind of with you I think it’s an unbelievable risk but read the scoreb would they do it I wonder is is is the question thank go ahead Dr Z one more because I love listening to you you’re the man go Dr Z appreciate it so he’s out he I I mean and I I just real quick sty I disagree that his tenure in LA and him getting the four from the Clippers is over I think this is just part of this could be part of the you know well my understanding is the dog and pony show right here well my understanding is if they get if Paul gets the second apron’s in play for the uh Clippers too and and even though it’s Balmer it’s We Got Deep Pockets the problem with the second the problem with the second apron isn’t the money penalty it’s the it’s the the Handcuff that it puts you in with other moves down the line this is Brian windhorse uh ESPN uh he’s reacting to Chris Paul and the Golden State Warriors pushing back the guarantee uh the deadline for his guarante I just think to point out the Warriors even though they had a very disappointing season and missed the playoffs they are not giving up they may be trying to rein in their spending a little bit but they’re not giving up we know this because they tried to trade for LeBron last February so even if it’s not Paul George they’re going to be taking big swings and where Klay Thompson fits into that is still a little bit of a mystery so very big important days for three or four major contenders coming up real soon here there it is I tell you what big SW things I’ll tell you what to the last our guy the last caller how much mileage is lob going to get out of that phone call to La oh man I mean geez but it would have shifted the basketball World from LeBron and even play together they said what are you even talking about well you’ve played poker what it signaled to me is uh Joe didn’t like his hand what it signals to me and now here we are to me is Joe lob must have felt like it was fourth and 25 at the trading deadline and he needed throw a Hail Mary and it was batted down just batted down right but I’ll tell you what it also see that’s a one what it also signaled is he’s not in the garden like hey let me show you my my they’re growing look at these seeds that that’s what he’s not doing that’s what this the big swings that Wendy talks about those are already ready made sty you know the other no fertilizer you know the other thing I want to say is talk to me Joe ler bought the team in uh in 10 I think 2010 was it 2012 I always get that mixed anyway from the day he started owning the team The Warriors have been linked to everybody it’s something that they’ve created it’s something that it’s hey it looks like it might be true but the reality is is when when these guys say oh the warrior are going big fish hunting right well can somebody that’s no different than Lake’s been talked about for 12 years they went big game hunting for Dwight Howard in 2012 they they they’ve been linked to Giannis they’ve been linked to embiid they’re always a team that’s mentioned when a star becomes available so that’s where I’m thinking that part’s not much different you know what if Jimmy Butler is available in Miami the Warriors will be linked to Jimmy Butler it’s just how much of it’s true I I do think the Warriors are making calls on everybody but I think they’ve made calls on everybody for 12 years well I’ll say this during that 12 years I don’t think they’ve been the Warriors operating from a place of desperation I think there’s some desperation in the Warriors admitting and knowing you know what the end is near we’re not this thing is going it’s coming to a head and let’s maximize it so sty I bring that up because the energy and the urgency of trying to land another big fish it just feels different now because you know time is running out and you’re coming off a year where you didn’t qualify for the playoffs here’s uh Anthony Slater on uh why he’s a little bit skeptical of the Paul George situation the ath maybe it’s the skeptical side of me I still kind of think this ends up with Paul George going back to the Clippers at a number that they probably agree on it kind of seems like it’s a large leverage poker play that’s going on and there’s you know and they’re taking it kind of to the buzzer that would be the Aaron judge model right using the Giants or PG just you know using this podcast and doing what he’s doing sty knowing him and the MS don’t really want to come to the Bay I mean my uh and get bipped yeah I mean that if I again if I had to bet if I had to bet I I’d bet Paul George is back in LA but the only reason I would bet that is because it’s hard you know it’s hard to make trades most trades don’t happen some do and I would just go on uh kind of the percentages there but I’ll be shocked as hell St if he decides to take his services and they and they trade him put it in the you ready to put something else in the cap put it in the cap that uh uh Late July podcast Draymond Green Paul George and they’re both say oh it was close no it was close I hope you’re wrong no it was no it was close I want to hear that I would have come to the Warriors but I’ll bet anybody question that caller was I love the caller to said he loved me and I was the president but he didn’t like what you said well I’m I want him to call back if bomber gives Paul those four years cuz I believe that could like if the Warriors can’t pull this off it’s because they said you know what not they gave in here you go Paul we want you to be a Clipper going to this what does that say what does that tell you though that Paul George believes the Clippers are better than the Warriors well yeah and he’s comfortable would that hurt you

Steiny & Guru debate how badly the Warriors WANT Paul George and what they’d be willing to give up, consider the superstar market is barren (at this point).

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  1. Kuminga doesn’t need to be traded.. if Paul comes it’s his choice sooo the clippers would have to choose nothing or a little something….. this shows kumingas potential caa his names keeps getting said

  2. What a terrible choice to bring in PG.
    Are you serious?!!

    He is too old
    Always injured
    Just like wiggs does not want to work hard

  3. I don’t get it why would you want to pay Paul George max salary. He’s old at 34 and on the decline. He is often injured

  4. No Kuminga for PG, no way. PG has never showed up in the postseason, injury-prone, can't defend, can't pass, and isn't worth a 4-yr max deal at his age.

  5. Can't get Paul George If he opts out? Wouldn't we be able to do a sign and trade? I'd assume that's better for the warriors considering he is for sure to stay the year after….

  6. Even if the Warriors trade for Paul George, they still have one huge hole and his name is Draymond.

  7. Get PG13 send him to Phoenix for KD. We need a familiar splash cousin since Klay removed himself from all conversations… KEEP JK, Wiggs can go take time away from another team. Draymond needs to get in line, Joe paid him now step up. Podz and TJD will be ready when called, Moody, if Kerr's not going to play him, why keep him? Its not fair to him he's been professional and patient. We have a 7ftr. TJD, and JK, get Loon off of the books, keep CP in an Iggy type role. Just hoop, Steph is on limited time, so is Dray, Klay, KD, even PG, we need athletic and younger ball players to even out our seasoned players. And Kerr MUST ABSOLUTELY find a plan and stick to it. It's hard to get consistent results when your not use to playing with the other 4 guys on the court.

  8. It's not over; we're now simply in the real transition.

    Steph/Klay are no longer carrying the offensive load for the Warriors, whether or not Klay comes back.

    As scary as it is, it's getting to be Steph and Kuminga doing that, with this season being the first year to start in fitting that.

    And eventually, if the development goes the way that folks expect, it'll be Kuminga and Steph carrying the Warriors (with Steph Curry being the 2nd option).

    The "two timelines" is finally done and dusted; we have Steph/Draymond/Wiggins as our vets, with Kuminga/Podziemski/Jackson-Davis/Moody as our contributing young guys, with everything else behind that.

    Bring back Klay and it's a blend of 4 young guys and 4 old guys, with a possible Big (Looney/Post) as the playoff rotation.

    Looney and Payton II are free agents next season, with another $17m in team salary coming off of the books, with that going back into settling in the team (Kuminga and Moody both looking at their rookie extensions)

  9. Guru don’t be like that. Kuminga is ready, Paul George is injury prone. One day Gu, you say this, then you make a 90 degree turn. I don’t understand who you are.

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