@New Orleans Pelicans

The Pelicans Traded For Dejounte Murray

The Pelicans Traded For Dejounte Murray

what’s the word yo another Domino is falling the Jon Murray just got traded to the Pelicans about two hours ago but I’m finally here to record a video now originally I was out playing some golf and I saw this first tweet New Orleans has landed the jonte Murray to Anchor the Pelicans back court and I was like whoa that’s huge because I feel like for the last month or two everybody had been mocking Deon to the Pelicans but it was more like a win-win thing where it was uh Brandon Ingram going back to Atlanta Trey young has a new running mate and Brandon Ingram and the Pelicans finally finally have a real point guard but instead that that’s not even what the package is it is Larry Nance it is Dyson Daniels it is a 2025 first round pick via the Lakers that was a pick that they deferred they could have took it this year they decided to better againsts LeBron James and stuff his old age and maybe next year they missed the playoffs completely and that pick is a little bit more valuable um and then a 2027 first round pick that is the least favorable of the Bucks and the Pelicans one so it is not the trade that we mocked up but is a trade that we like man the Pelicans um have been in interesting team let’s say that because WS also hit this one and I knew it was bad we had made videos about the Pelicans how they as a team didn’t make sense the fact that they were good but also awful in the clutch and also never won fourth quarters it made zero sense for them to be a playoff team but they they thugged it out it also made zero sense their starting five hadit a negative net rating but somehow they made the play like it is a team with a bunch of improbable circumstances that still led to W’s and that was one of the reasons why I really enjoy watching them play but WT this tweet cuz I saw a lot of things cuz again I was a little bit late to the party here where um people were saying oh I guess that means that the jeante m is getting tra I’m sorry Brandon Ingram’s getting traded in a different deal and that’s still possible but wal said that the Pelicans are trying to keep Brandon Ingram around here’s the actual tweet New Orleans was 0 and 24 when trailing enter in the fourth quarter 2 and4 in close games and see Murray is a player who could generate offense late in games Pals remain committed to the court that includes Zion CJ McCullum and they’re trying to find common ground with Brandon Ingram on the contract so it’s still possible that Brandon Ingram could get traded but they’re trying to run it out and whoa what a pickup man considering the price that you paid I I love it uh I still don’t know what that lineup looks like assuming let’s say they do figure something out with Brandon Ingram because in my personal opinion when I when I looked at the Pelicans going into the off this offseason I thought there was no world where herb Jones and and Trey Murphy I third weren’t the starting Wings on this team and if you extend Brandon Ingram here there’s a world where neither of those two guys are the starter for the team I don’t I just don’t know I I just don’t know again this is a good G given us the price that you paid you’ve been looking for a point guard you’ve needed a point guard and Deonte Murray is a let’s be Real’s a point guard the experiment in Atlanta him playing off ball full not fulltime but him playing off ball just didn’t really work out and it felt as though when Trey young went out his went down with his injury and they really allowed de Jon to be the point guard things looking a little bit better for him specifically he even had so he had a lot of game winners this year so he helps that with that 024 with TR in the fourth quarter but you you have so many starter quality players and the Pelicans I I think earlier in the season on the keny beach podcast we were ranking teams in their depth the Pelicans were so high on the list because they had players were like oh Brandon Ingram is injured oh that’s cool we gonna have we gonna have Trey Murphy the third jump in oh CJ mccullin is injured hey let’s have Dyson Daniel start oh you have this guy injured oh Larry n is here to play fulltime five minutes like they just were a really deep team and they continue to be that because like I don’t know what this lineup looks like it said they’re committed to Zion and CJ McCullum as a core so that means that you’re not sitting CJ McCullum to the bench so this jeon Murray CJ McCullum Brandon Ingram Z and fiveman to be named later is is it Eve Missy is that how you pronounce it Mei is that your fiveman because Val is a free agent I don’t think they’re going to be bringing him back but that means that herb Jones and Trey mord the third are delicated to the and Herb Jones of the best defensive players in basketball y’all so they have a lot of decisions to make and maybe that does mean that they’re going to gear themselves up for a different trade with Brandon Ingram where maybe they’re not getting back now talent but replenishing some of these draft Capital picks I don’t know it’s a worthy bet just because you desperately needed a point guard and I remember when they traded for CJ CJ McCullum again I thought it was a good trade on paper but it didn’t answer a lot of their questions and CJ did a fine job an okay job translating from a full-time two to mostly a one it just didn’t work out I did enjoy Point Zion too but you really needed a guy to get things going and again it was one of the worst clutch offenses in basketball the jant is a guy that can settle some things down let’s talk about the other side of this trade for the Atlanta Hawks I’m seeing people clown the Atlanta Hawks for this trade I don’t hate it given the given where the league is right and given that we all do if you watched more than three games of the Atlanta Hawks this season you know that they had to make a decision between those two guards right so you knew and if if we knew at home the general managers across basketball knew that the jante merge value wasn’t as high cuz you weren’t going to bring both of them back together right so I think a lot of people thought that because it wasn’t Brandon Ingram this is an L TR I don’t I don’t feel that way this is a team that does that that traded a bunch of picks to get to jonay Murray and if I’m not mistaken one of the picks they traded away was their own 2025 and the 2024 draft is over and everything and everybody has shifted gears to 2025 and my God the way people are talking about 2025 draft class it’s it’s worth having a pick that is a Lakers pick and let’s be real the Lakers still have LeBron they still have Anthony Davis it’s probably not going to end up the first overall pick in this draft but it’s still a pick to attach yourself to for 2025 Dyson Daniels is a worthy bet he’s not much on offense other than him being a positive passer he’s not much on offense but if you’ve been watching he is one of my favorite defensive players in basketball he’s going to get DEF flexs out of this world and I think Atlanta Hawks fans are going to like him this is kind of like sometimes especially this is kind of this is a new regime for Atlanta right this is a new regime this is uh Landry Fields making these decision he made a decision yesterday trading uh Adrien Griffin AJ Griffin for what the 40 something overall pick in his in his class he’s obviously trying to shape the roster to his liking but I think this could be can be an addition by subtraction type of thing again you’re obviously losing a lot of Talent with the jonay Murray going out of the door but I again I don’t hate this this gears you up from a couple different options obviously you continue to play alongside Trey young and try to build a team around him if that’s not working in February you just replenish two first round picks for Deonte Murray and you can also get more first round picks for Tryon so this is not one of them trades where I’m immediately looking like oh my God this team’s super finessed because there is no leverage from one of the teams like we all we have to continue to think about that like a a a true talent for talent trade objectively the Atlanta Hawks lost a trait talent for talent but that’s not what trades are in basketball all of the time you got two first round picks for a guy that you knew you weren’t going to bring back feel like that’s a win I don’t know exactly what the starting lineup looks like for Atlanta this means that that you’re pairing Dyson Daniels with Trey young in the back court because I think it could work out if it’s a big F if you feel like Dyson can develop his three-point shot a little bit more but having an defensive minded guy to play alongside Trey young in the backourt makes a ton of sense to me I I think it will be looked at a little bit differently if like the first overall pick in this draft was somebody that everybody was in love with because then you look at the Atlanta Hawks core and you’re like okay like yeah Trey young is is still a young player Trey young is still a young player I know that it don’t feel that way CU he’s been in our lives for a long time and he had a Conference Finals appearance at once upon a time he is still a young player it’s just more a matter of fact for him is he okay and willing to maybe have a season or two where a team is not competing for playoff spots but brother that’s kind of what the last couple Seasons feels like so take a take a small step back with the idea of redoing the team around Trey young or again making a decision down the line that Trey young is not the guy you want to build around I if I’m great in this trade for the Pelicans based on today I’m giving it like a smooth a not an A+ but a smooth a because I do believe they still have more decisions to make on who’s starting or who’s staying and for the the Atlanta Hawks maybe it’s a C+ like it’s a it’s above passing grade for me personally um and maybe I’m just a big Dyson Daniels fan maybe that’s maybe that’s really what it is but I don’t hate this as much as what seems like the consensus is on Twitter um good good trait good tra fun trait fun trait I feel like there’s more dominoes to fall everybody keeps talking about um what’s going on with Paul George in the next 48 hours so once Paul George makes his decision I feel like a lot of other things is going to happen what’s happening with Demar de rozan Zack LaVine because y’all know that’s where my head is at um other guys like like Tobias Harris there are so many wings out there that maybe won’t help you go over the top but people are going to be interested in and once PG is making that decision then it is what it is um try to think about if there any other wrinkling in this trade this worth talking about not not really all right we’ll just leave it at that I again I hold the right to change my opinion about a trade but right now it’s a fun one it’s a fun one

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  1. Problem with Atlanta just trading Trae and getting worse is they don't own their own first Rd picks so it's possible they gave SA a #1 pick. They need to be focusing on building a good team not blowing it completely up

  2. I’m not exactly sure how it works, but if demar decides to leave are the bulls gonna do a sign and trade or he’s just gonna leave for nothing

  3. Does and Ingram for KAT swap do anything for anyone? Have a floor spacing center next to Z and Ingram runs the 4 at Wolves.

  4. First year coach, aging LeBron, forcing to play his son, often injured AD –
    Lakers will be a lottery pick next year

  5. I havent watched much atlanta basketball but i feel like trae shouldve been traded just cause murray offers more on defence whil providing playmaking and offence all be it not to the same level as trae but i feel like the positive on defence out weighs the other losses

  6. I don't think that having leverage is important, just because people know the hawks dont want both guards doesnt change the fact that objectively the value sent out was far higher than the value received. The hawks were absolutely fleeced. Two rotation pieces and two kinda bad first round picks for a starting quality PG, getting sent to a team that desperately wanted a younger starting quality PG.

  7. i think there are a few options pels can take from here. 1 is trade CJ to Philly or Orlando as they have the cap space and need 3pt shooters. 2nd is trade BI to Cleveland for Jarrett Allen or what I want IMO is a 3 team trade with raptors and magic to get both Wendell Carter Jr and Kelly Olynk. If BI goes and CJ stays, the starting 5 should be DJ, Herb, TM3, Zion, and whoever that 5 is with CJ and Hawkins as first 2 guys off the bench to bring in shooting. if CJ goes then we can either run a small ball death lineup of DJ, BI, Herb, TM3, and Zion or sadly TM3 has to come off bench which I think is a waste for his talent and fit around zion. If somehow both BI and CJ stay then I think this team is going to have to commit to running small ball lineups and have CJ and Hawk off the bench still. CJ needs to take the humble pie and realize he can be 6MOTY.

  8. "i was out playing some golf" is such a douchey and corny thing to say considering you havent been playing for even a year. Relax Kenny youre just another sport fanatic dude lmao

  9. I can't see Herb getting dropped to the bench. No way he goes to the bench, he's too irreplaceable on defense. I think CJ will either go to bench or get traded. I think a 3 of Murray, Z and BI is better than one with CJ if I'm being honest. If BI signs on, I think Pels have to move on from CJ.

  10. every team that wants to compete in the west getting better except for the nuggets lol cheap ass franchise, wasting Jokic

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