@Sacramento Kings

The Handoff: Kings next moves after adding financial flexibility

The Handoff: Kings next moves after adding financial flexibility

and off Kenny carway in the building I like that I like having the flexibility I like all that that’s what he’s been preaching for since he got to Sacramento it’s been his word literally his word absolutely this is the last summer to have that it’s time to cash in on all that I don’t I if we’re here next year and you know may the playoffs and all this other stuff you know we want to we want to maintain our finance no bro it’s going it’s going all bad we’re still trying to maintain our financial flexibility this is the time to cash in tell yall man there’s a chance though here’s my only here’s my only way th those are yours by the way those that’s all you um so the only way that I’m cool with with this is if they’re looking out at next year and where certain teams are going to be and there’s a player out there that they think they current War chest of assets it’s all NBA caliber player and they’re like hey we really think next year with these assets we can go get this player so they don’t want to give up a first or even two for Kyle kma right now because they think okay he’s a he’s a tier three player uh but we think there’s a tier one we can go get and that and that’s fair and that but but to your point up until next June like what do we got yeah you you gotta you gotta win first of all you gotta I don’t really care how it gets done but if if they had some deals that didn’t work out or they got too rich right or they didn’t have the assets right like I I I draw the line at Keegan Murray right like if New Orleans is asking for Keegan if Washington is asking for Keegan and all this other stuff yeah you got to draw the line there but anything out anything outside of those four that we talk about like I’m not I’m not worried about future contracts I’m not worried about you know being on the first apron none of that this is this is it this is the time I feel this is the time to cash in on the flexibility that you have maintained for the last three years but you you I mean I maybe I’m wrong but you can’t just be having Financial flexibility Forever at some point you got to have some players that you’re like all right we’re locked into to these guys and this is what we’re trying to do well through Monty’s own words too like the whole reason he wants flexibility is to be able to move when the time is right I mean those are the word like when he came to Sacramento he did not bring or adopt the Sacramento mindset which is oh this player available oh but we’re the Kings so we have no shots so we’re not even going to try like Monty came in with the belief that we’re going to put ourselves in a position to where if some move becomes available to us we’ll pursue it and we’ll explore it and I think he’s been consistent with that from the Zack LaVine situation right Zack LaVine doesn’t really necessarily make sense in a lot of ways financially or otherwise but here’s a player who was is a star caliber player who might be available on the cheap because of circumstances okay we F we’ve maintained flexibility to put ourselves in a position to consider this as an option but like you said you can only do that for so long at some point you have to strike right and I still think like I still think this Kings team believes that they are in a position to where they can play the long game and I don’t mean that’s a the right way to handle it but they might look at this offseason and go we can get away right now with just a cam Johnson move or a Dorian finy Smith move which would help improve the team but is not going to cap them out on assets and money and go let’s see where this goes and then see what comes available at the trade deadline my reaction to that is you’ve had two trade deadlines you didn’t do anything so why should we trust that the third one you’re going to do it and I think a lot of fans kind of echo that but I think what Monty wants to avoid is going all in now when you’re still a long ways away from truly contending go all in now you’re stuck and now you have to probably move Keegan or move one of fox and sabonis just to get something different like that’s if in in the case of Zack LaVine this is why I’m super hesitant on Zack LaVine you go for LaVine you bring him in I think it could be exciting maybe it could work if it doesn’t nobody’s taking Zack lavine’s contract you’re stuck with it for the next three years so now in order to financially get out from under that to have flexibility to make some moves Keegan’s probably the guy you have to move in order to do that and I don’t think Monty and the Kings feel that they’re in the right spot now to go all in and run that risk without feeling that they’re in the same position that Knicks are in one piece away from truly contending I I’ll real quick I’ll put it to you and everybody else like this though if if you’re in a like I’m looking at the timeline and and people might get upset for me saying this or feeling this way or whatever they may have different expectations the the the the must is the playoffs like you have to be there that’s it those are’s own words have to be in the playoffs and to your looking forward point three straight years of the playoffs and maybe like a series win here and there and everything else like that I actually think that’s fine and the only reason I say three years is because that’s when lavine’s money will come off the B sure sure so I like three years you maybe gotten to the second round twice it’s not going to work with LaVine he off the books you ain’t got to move Keegan you you don’t have to move him now now you’re looking at it like all right free agent wise we got lavine’s money’s coming off the books who’s going to elevate us to a championship I think three years from now two to three years from now that’s when they should be looking at what do we need to do to get to a championship sure I feel that two to three years the only hesit Championship level now we’re talking about sabonis and Foxy in their 30s or getting to their 30s that’s the only hesitancy that but I hear exactly what you’re saying I don’t think like v v was upset that they missed the playoffs after making it one year I think the Kings would be thrilled and Kings fans would be thrilled with knowing they have a playoff team start there but Mike and dear they’re all the ones talking Championship so if that’s the bar they’re holding themselves to well and that’s why that’s why I think that there’s a middle ground Jaylen McDaniels is not gonna cut it God bless him sorry Jaylen McDaniels is not gonna cut it but I also don’t think it needs to be Zack LaVine Brandon Ingram Kyle kzo because we’re just running through this starting five right now Fox Keon Murray Barnes domas yeah yeah uh monk Off the Bench ly’s Off the Bench Carter Off the Bench and then herder land TBD right M if you take out Kevin herder from that and you plug in cam Johnson or Dorian Vinny Smith and you can even plug them into the starting lineup for you if you want and bring Harrison Barnes Off the Bench now you’re ve you’re there that to me is a playoff team for sure for sure but but right now when you just it’s like dude they are they are like one quality rotation player short for for me from just being a yep that’s a top six team so that’s why I I I kind of land in the space if I’m with you if there’s a big move to make if the Clippers are like yeah we’ll trade you Paul George we love your assets uh here you go here’s Paul George then great then then go for it now you’re all in right but I don’t think it necessarily has to be to get to that playoff level if you’re talking about Championship contention in two to three years then okay then then yeah hold on to the assets if if Washington wants a couple of first go get Dorian finny Smith and cam Johnson instead and be cool then you need a I I I hear everything you’re saying I think I just think at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it’s kosma cam Johnson uh finny Smith is a little borderline but Oni Smith well no no I like him but to my what I’m about to say as my point is sure sure sure you have to get a starter you have to get a starter a guy that is starting on every single team in the league and that’s why I say finy Smith who I like I don’t know if he fits the category of fitting starting on every single team in the leag AG I think cam Johnson it does fit that category think that’s that’s that’s what you need for this roster yeah I think if you can get them both start one have another one your wing dep is so much now you’re cook I’m into that more than I’m into kozma not gonna lie is a fantastic compromise because you talk about a middle ground okay let’s go out and add something to the starting lineup but don’t you don’t have to swing all in yeah I love cam Johnson and and like you just said if you get Cam and and Finny Smith now you cooking yeah I think I like that more than kma too because and you know I love kma that’s my number one but I mean that just you’re adding to the roster being able to get those and so much of last year was you would watch the Kings play and Anthony Slater brought this up the other day you’d watch them play and toward the end of the season it’s like man they just need more dudes like God they just they’re not enough guys you you trust on this team yeah or Jordy goes to Brooklyn is about to lose damn sorry Jordy well JJ gets LeBron so that’s fair and bronny yeah what what do you guys are coming up on d uh man a lot of lot more King stuff I don’t know if you guys got into the Jake fiser stuff but there was there was something in his article that really stuck out to me we probably G to dissect that a little bit and we’re gonna figure out what’s going on with Monty now after he had try Davon let’s do it can’t wait I’ll be joining you guys at 12:15 that’s Kenny carway he’s Matt George Matt thank you so much for hanging out pleasure guys you can catch Matt on ABC 10 as well as uh lock on Kings lockon Kings the podcast make sure to check him out there as well appreciate everybody have a great safe happy weekend and we and we will be back on Monday James ham back on Monday as well until then drink water and be nice people

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  1. 0:40 what!? So they let go expiring contracts, that maybe could play and help us this season, for mythical/imaginary player they can sign next season.

  2. I honestly, for the life of me, cannot figure out why we are still talking about Monk coming off the bench. Why in the name of God do you guys want our 3rd best player sitting on the bench? I'm not buying the whole "he plays great off the bench" thing. Yea, if Kobe or Lebron were 6th men they'd play great off the bench too, but you START your best players.

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