@Indiana Pacers

NBA Rumor: The Indiana Pacers Looking To Get Tyrese Haliburton Help 👀

NBA Rumor: The Indiana Pacers Looking To Get Tyrese Haliburton Help 👀

[Music] what’s going on Pacer Nation welcome back to another episode of Bring the juice Pacers guys we are officially to Draft Day the Indiana Pacers as it currently stands do not have a day one round one draft picked as of now now could that change it very much could but guys I want to address this because this just came out a little bit earlier today uh on the Pat McAfee show so Brian windhorse who is uh covers the NBA for ESPN um he was on Pat McAfee show earlier today was kind of talking about the NBA draft talking about specifically the Indiana Pacers and this is kind of what he had to say he said I think the Indiana Pacers are active from what I understand he said you know that they have obviously Tyrese they have you know Pascal cakam locked in he added that TJ McConnell’s pretty much Untouchable for them he said I really do feel like the Indiana Pacers are wanting to get Tyrese halberton some help right they’re trying to get Tyrese some help back there right because obviously they were in the Eastern Conference Finals you know you see some of these teams like the New York Knicks making that Mega trade and so you see all this stuff kind of happening and the Indiana Pacers are a team that is looking see some opportunities that are on the horizon he said I think the India Pacers are interested in some names he said I don’t think it’s going to be like an Allstar level player but the Pacers are definitely in on a few different players now obviously that begs the question which type of players are the Indiana Pacers you know interested in you know when it comes to that and so you know a lot of people are kind of throwing out the idea of potentially a wing type of player you know kind of a guy out there that can help out with Tyrese obviously talking about a guy like an Andre Drummond who’s a big rebound guy know there’s a ton of different names that people could throw I know I saw Lori Markin marinan from uh the Utah Jazz I mean there’s just so many names that Chad Buchanon and the Indiana Pacers could go after right so you could just go down the list and name all of these different players that the Pacers could go get you know and and obviously they could trade up as well you know in the draft they have you know multiple second round picks because so could they trade back into the first round that’s a possibility for the Pacers but there’s definitely some opportunities here for Indiana to add another really key piece to this roster or a couple pieces to this roster to really help them moving forward um when it comes to that and you just don’t know which route the Pacers could go could they trade package some of those trade up for a player could they potentially you know trade some of those picks or you know sign a guy in free agency right there’s a ton of things Indiana Pacers could do and again OG anobi I know is a big name right now that a lot of people are talking about actually from the New York Knicks um you know who is going to enter free agencies so could that be a possibility I don’t know it depends on your definition do you think OG is an All-Star type of player or not how do you define that right there are just a ton of different options uh for the Indiana Pacers right I’ll run down the list real fast just so in case you guys are curious um some names that I know kind of been thrown around for the Indiana Pacers right now um you know these are just I mean there’s just so many different guys right that the Indiana Pacers could be interested in so guys there’s just a ton of ways the Indiana Pacers could attack this right now and obviously it starts with the draft first and foremost we’re going to have to see what they do you know which targets which guys that they have identified as some guys that could potentially really help them or who’s a player or two that Indiana potentially can trade four so guys curious what your thoughts are here on the Indiana Pacers on some guys the Indiana Pacers should be targeting via either the draft or you know trading during the next couple days so let us know your overall thoughts in the comments down below but just wanted to talk about this since it is very recent type of thing that was brought up regarding the Indiana Pacers trying to get help for Tyrese halberton and kind of re continuing to stock you know the cupboard when it comes to their roster in a very tough East um and it feels like the New York Knicks about every year are just you know continuing to make these big splash moves so does Indiana do something like that we shall see when it comes to that but guys let us know your thoughts that’ll do it for this one thanks guys as always and as always go Pacers [Music]

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  1. Ty needs to become more consistent instead of only scoring 10 points and then scoring 30 points another game he needs to average 25 to 30 points a game

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