@Detroit Pistons

Ron Holland II Introductory Press Conference | NBA Draft 2024 | Pistons TV

Ron Holland II Introductory Press Conference | NBA Draft 2024 | Pistons TV

well good afternoon everyone thank you for being with us here inside the Brinker family Loft at the Henry Ford Detroit Pistons performance center as we welcome those who are also joining on the live stream it’s great to be here today today’s an important day as we introduce the newest member of the Detroit Pistons who will no doubt play an important role in the future of the franchise joining us for the introduction and press availability we’re pleased to have Pistons president of basketball operations trajan langden we’re also joined by members of the Pistons front office our basketball operations staff and I want to extend a sincere welcome to the friends and family of our newest piston Ron Holland let’s give them all a nice welome as part of this press availability we’ll have some brief remarks from Tran and Ron after those remarks I’ll open it to a question and answer period for our new president of basketball operations it’s been an extremely busy couple of weeks since he has taken over as our lead basketball decision maker we’re excited to have him with us as he begins to put his imprint on this team and the organization Trent thanks thanks for being here and I’ll turn the conference over to you thanks Kevin and again thanks for everybody for being here good afternoon um Ron welcome to Detroit yes sir appreciate also want to welcome uh his family his father Ron Senor his uh his mom tarasha and uh his sister Ty so Mom told me that that’s the best way to introduce you so we’re excited for all of you guys to be here in Detroit um when when thinking about Ron and when we scouted Ron and watching a lot of tape um and studying him Ron embodies what we want all of our players to be here in in in the city of Detroit for our fans and for this city um hard work highly competitive and a High character young man that comes from a great family um we feel he has the ability to impact both ends of the floor um at a high level and um he’s scary in transition and I think all those qualties really have the have the ability to move our team up in the future um and it’s what we’re looking for from our players and what we want to add and who we have as well and develop those guys into um I think the thing too that really impressed me about Ron and impressed us was he knows who he is the people that you speak about that you want to play like um you know you’re a defense first guy team first you want to win um those type of things and then you build on that as we get better in that and those are the things things that really intrigued us about adding you to our organization and uh for us and for me you becoming our first pick so congratulations again Ron and welcome to Detroit yes sir thank you um first I want to say I appreciate y’all for really just welcome welcoming me um super excited to be blessed for this opportunity and get here and help this franch franchise turn things around I think me bringing my winning mindset and mentality here um I feel like like he said before it’s going to help this franchise out a lot and I’m super excited and just ready to get things going well at this time I’ll open that panel to a question and answer period uh to our media members here in in attendance please remember to identify yourself with name and affiliation uh and state who your questions for uh we have some microphones floating around and uh we’ll take a hand raise and with the first question we’ll go to Omari sanova hey Mari Sano for the second for Detroit Free Press uh Ron welcome to Detroit uh just can you walk us through the last 24 hours obviously there was a shock of going fifth overall just you know have you been welcomed by teammates and what are your initial impressions of the franchise and city as well uh the last 24 hours just been a roller coaster of emotions um being that I heard my name call I was super blessed about that and having everybody in my table that’s been through this throughout this whole process and journey throughout my whole life um standing up and seeing them shed tears and just be able to be excited for me I was super words couldn’t even explain how emotional I was after I heard that but I feel like um like I said I’m super blessed for this opportunity um and after everything all the media everything calmed down going back going back there and just being able to talk to everybody that’s been with me throughout this whole process I mean I I was just super excited and the the the some of the team teammates that I have now texting me or welcoming me here and I can’t wait to get here and just be be I’m super excited for it I’m ready Keith langlo for Ron Tran mentioned that you know who you are um and you talked the other night about the guys that you try to emulate there was a lot said and written about your experience with the ignite and how you had to like step outside of that a little bit because of things that happened with the roster around you I’m just curious how did how do you feel having to spread your wings and do some of the things maybe you didn’t anticipate to how how did that affect your development either positively or negatively um I think I’ve been put in a a bunch of different situations throughout my whole basketball career so it was it wasn’t new to me just being able to do something different but it was definitely a challenge for sure being at coming out of high school I’m stepping into the professional side of the game and like I said it was really challenging but I had the right the right group of people around me and the right circle around me and it wasn’t it wasn’t easy um it was it took a lot for for me to get through that um and I I said definitely grew as a player and as a man um I came a long way but I can’t wait to see where else I grow I’m I have a long way to go and I feel like I’m at the spot to do it uh Ron James Edwards with the athletic welcome to Detroit sir I know it’s been a while 48 hours but between getting drafted here and and right now have you had time to even learn about like the the history of the franchise teammates you weren’t familiar with um did you do a deep dive at all just on the place you were coming to um I’ve been getting told like just really small small amounts of information but I mean I haven’t really had time to just deep deep dive down into that but I mean once I get down here and be able to get settled in I know I’m going to learn a lot um being that um I like music a lot I’ve heard a lot about the music out here I can’t wait to really experience that for sure so yeah I’m super excited about that Ron Cory Woods M live welcome to Detroit on the day we talked to you after you got drafted you said that you’re a previe experience specifically the G League T night prepared you for coming to a team that’s trying to rebuild and turn things around can you elaborate on that um coming from ignite um I mean it’s no secret to the world we did a lot of losing over there and it was kind of difficult just because of all the young players young talent that we had um couldn’t really figure things out and I think it helped me really just mentally being able to being as me being one of the leaders on that team I had to I had to self-reflect a lot and really just deep down deep dive into my game and what things I should change about myself and how to lead this team to not only Victory but just taking steps in the right direction every single day and then coming to a franchise that’s had similar qualities to that um I think it prepared me for that as well just because it it it just simulate um with with within each other and I think I mean with the guys that’s here um like it’s the same thing young Talent um young minds but really good players and I think I’m a I’m a huge part of why this um franchise is going to turn around just being that my winning winning mindset is going to be here and I’m going to take take things to the right direction uh Vince Ellis uh and this question is for trun Tren uh you admitted uh when you were introduced that you still had some homework and some uh uh catching up to do uh when it came to the NBA draft considering uh you were just hired I guess a month ago now sure uh speak to your comfort level making this pick and the second question is give us an insight into how you run a draft room since it’s really your first time is being the guy in the first chair uh running into things so anyway that’s the question I have all right well I think you guys will get to know me you know me already I’m a man of few words so I don’t know how I’m going to Deep dive into that second question but I can definitely attack the first one for you um obviously the majority this year I was in New Orleans so we were in the top four or five in the west the majority of the year so I really wasn’t scouting high-end Talent um and I happened to see the ignite twice and was intrigued by their high-end Talent the whole year so I just I watched a lot of tape because it was fun to watch you know these these young guys running around and I think trying to understand how these young guys will translate as always something that’s uh fun for me and challenging for me so I watched a ton of Ron watched a ton of his teammates watched a ton of g-league obviously um but my focus for the majority of the year was basically players that were 16 through 26 in the draft that we projected and so you know the compressed amount of time coming here with three four weeks before the draft um I kind of let our my group run with it and um only you know I had Staffing and obviously the coaching thing came up we talking about free agency we’re talking about a lot of things we had to get online and process oriented things over the past few weeks so it’s really over the past week that I I personally really had a chance to really hone in and figure out what our our group was talking about and over the past you know four or five days film Intel calls um talking to our group really led me to understand that this was the guy for us um understand his impact his force on both ends of the floor the human being the character and I just felt all he checks so many boxes here um that what not only what we’re about but what the city of Detroit is about as well I’ll try to rephrase a second question okay sounds good hi Ron Brandon Dent Woodward Sports and hello again Tran welcome to Detroit Ron and to your family uh hearing everything that tran values in a player what does it mean to you to be the first addition uh to this front office um it means a lot um it means that I he sees a lot within me potential potentially um just being able to help this franchise out and it shows that um I get to come here and be myself and be myself to the best of my ability and that’s not really I mean hard to do I’m a hard hardworking person um passionate about the game passionate about anything I do um really into the community can’t wait to really get into things when it comes to the Detroit Community um but I think it says a lot about who he is who I am and really what this um what I’m going to turn into as a basketball player and as a man one right here Sean cor Detroit Bad Boys uh this is a question for Tran because you had so much catchup to do this draft had a lot of players that were sort of high floor low ceiling they were thought of as maybe contributors but with Ron you took a big swing on what could be an Elite Talent so um can can you just talk about your comfort level in making that big swing and and how important it was for you to uh not play it safe um I’m very very comfortable with this young man to my left we talk about um the things that are really important to add to this culture to add to this organization to bring to the city and whether that’s through free agency whether that’s through trade whether that’s through Direct draft I think we went through an internal process on what’s important and as I said before he checks a ton of those boxes um so I think there’s a lot of things that he brings at an elite level um to us right now and so yeah he has a high ceiling but I don’t think his floor is that low I think he’s going to be a hell of a player in this league and I know he’s going to reach his potential because of his hard work and his character and the resources that we’re going to put around him so I have a high belief in this young man to my left that he is going to really really impact this organization at a high level for a long period of time oh the last one we’ll go back Ryan this is Eric Vincent from clutch points uh you talked about the support that you got from your family on the way here do any players like around the league or anybody else in the NBA that kind of gave you some support through the process a big person I could say is Anthony black connect with him a lot he played with at Duncanville when I was a junior in high school he was a senior um him being at Orlando um him not really playing as much I got to really pick his brain about mentally he approached the game and just how he felt about that and just staying confident um being always being ready when your name is called and just always staying in the gym so you’ll be prepared when your name is called and get your moment and you go out there and show why you you should be out there and should be playing um he definitely had a lot to do with a lot of the uh knowledge and information that I’ve got from him and about the NBA um and then tyres Maxi Dallas dude I’ve talked to him a few um just how his confidence just been up there a lot um really just I’m watching the player that he has has became for the NBA has been I mean tremendous it’s just uh loving what he’s done doing within the NBA and just how he’s carrying his team um just really those two guys I’ve talked to all right well with no more questions uh we’ll end the Q&A part uh tran I’ll ask that you come up front with Ron and we’ll take a celebratory photo with his new Pistons jersey and if I could have our audience still stay seated so our TV camera is in the back and get the shot still phogs hold on one second still phots can I get you guys down so the TV’s in the back can get their shots everybody good all right let’s give Ron one more round of applause

Introducing the 5th overall draft pick, Ron Holland II.

#Pistons #DetroitBasketball

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  1. cade leading the break, duren, ausar, ron, ivey running on the wings. i hope we get a fun coach, since we're not winning anything this year anyway.

  2. I liked the pick. If nothing else Langdon and them seemed to pick who they wanted and what they thought was best not what experts/mocks said they should do.
    Who knows if it will work out but it's not like there's much worse it can get…

  3. Oh we can hear the Pistons reporter questions just fine. Never the Lions. We have to guess smh

  4. I know this young man personally and was at the draft live to support him on his journey. Shout to the family and all the ones who traveled out to witness this life changing event. I have no doubt that Ron will be a huge contributor to the organization. Love ya bro and congratulations!

  5. Hi. Ron welcome to the D. You need to talk to the Lions' DB Arnold about his suit tailor. ๐Ÿฅฐ

  6. I like Langdon already. No more listening to โ€œ uhโ€ฆI..uhโ€ฆdonโ€™tโ€ฆ.uhhh..nvmโ€

  7. Welcome to the D baby, this team is the next Detroit Lions, Trajon has the same build as Brad Holems, very methodical

  8. That was such a second class presentation from a second class organization, which all stems from Tom Gores. Good luck to Trajan and Ron.

  9. Anyone dogging this pick, who else did you want?! This might be the lowest stakes draft pick the Pistons will ever have. Just enjoy and hope the guy blossoms into who they think he can be. They're clearly not close to competing. This will be a Lions-esque roster overhaul IMO, particularly with a lot of the previous GM's picks. Cade excluded, and possibly Duren, no one on this roster is a lock moving forward.

  10. Anyone else hear a clicking sound when Langdon speaks? I am not sure if itโ€™s his jaws/cheeks or what ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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