@Utah Jazz

Question of the Day: What’s your grade on the Utah Jazz in the NBA Draft?

Question of the Day: What’s your grade on the Utah Jazz in the NBA Draft?

djpk it’s 975 The Zone David lock is going to join us in the next segment to talk about the draft what is your grade for the Jazz draft Mark I love all three picks not sure the Jazz could have hit any further out of the park a plus well it’s farther but you know what the heck Ryan will not give them the plus he simply gives them the a the a not the A+ the big a the big a yeah fabulous Stadium right off the 57 undergone many reserv Renovations Tony says I like the Cody Williams pick uh then he mangled something here if he’s half as good as his brother it was a steal at number 10 I know a lot of people like Collier but new highly title coming out of high school in his freshman year at us USC was not on inspiring don’t know much about her s round pick but I hear he was good at 32 considering the draft wasn’t supposed to be the best compared to last year and next year i’ give the Jazz a B+ for their three picks well I don’t think Cody Williams freshman year was all inspiring too you want to go down that road too many starts and stops too many injuries yeah and he was playing with two seniors at least uh draft eligible dudes and uh they got themselves drafted D Silva went in the first round and uh yesterday Simpson went and they took a lot of the shots so there was something there that had to be factored in plus he was sick he was injured so I don’t I don’t think you can say wow that was and that and you’re actually glad that happened because if it didn’t he probably would have gone higher I think plays better makes a bigger Splash and someone grabs I mean if you’re going to go on college stats filipowski blows them out of water right but he goes in the second round and they go in the first because they don’t go on college stats they go on potential well they go on everything and David lock will be on in the next segment telling us that the college game is very different and not a good measure of who is going to be awesome well I mean that’s why they go by everything although who was it was it uh uh what’s his face Brian what’s his last name uh from uh Jersey who was talking about you look at you got to look at the college season more than ever was it him talking yeah was was yeah was it him who was talking about that when we were interviewing a bunch of people on yesterday’s show talking about probably was yeah that he puts more emphasis into the college game now and uh Kyle played two years as opposed to the one started every single game I think they were I looked it up uh 72 games he played in college I think he played 36 and 36 started every game so there was some even though he almost died on that one when that that cheerleader or somebody bumped into him in that one what was it Wake Forest it was a scary moment scary moment I thought I was watching soccer there for a second Court storming here we go and they made such a big deal about it one of these days something’s going to happen one of these days something’s going to happen one of these days something’s gonna happen Okay um and didn’t miss miss game obviously so had some durability showed some physical skills obviously to me he did and I think he will I mean I have a wooden award vote and he was on the list when they they sent out the first list in the beginning then they narrow it down then now it down right to the finals and you vote for 10 guys and I think maybe they have 15 and so I mean obviously I had to pay attention and his numbers were like 16 and eight which isn’t bad in college you know I mean you’re only playing a 40-minute game and all that stuff uh so if you went from that perspective man this guy’s what a second round pick that is whether it pans out I I think he can be on a roster and maybe contribute yeah if you can pass the ball can you defend people can pass the ball and defend are going to be be in right I we’re not worried about his shooting that seems like a given right and the passing but he’s in the second round because is he going to defend I think you had about three assists last year big man if you can get anywhere from three to four to five for a big man you’re jumping at that yeah that’s good I like to pick uh on potential and you’re going on name too you’re going on well he played it Duke well not just Duke all three guys go they had a name you know what I mean there was something about them nobody from a random school right and most of them probably all of them but uh most of them Elite recruits I mean Coler number one yeah yeah they they were I mean I followed these guys I’ve well not followed but I’ve heard of them it’s not like they were 16 it’s not like connect coming from off out of nowhere you know JC guy to Northern Colorado to blowing up in Tennessee so these guys have had success everywhere they’ve gone and that g no there’s zero guarantee here but they think they’re good when they walk out on the floor and they also know that they have to prove it each kid I would think probably thinks he should have gone higher there was talk about all of them coming going higher in the draft and certainly earlier in the year there were projections so I mean you can literally track that stuff for whatever it’s worth but that discuss but it gets in there head that hey I could be a top five pick in the case of Cody what I think it can get into is I was to a degree disrespected and then they get the chip on their shoulder which always good hopefully provides the jet fuel to some random day in August to put in extra work that it has to be shows up in some random game in January this is your job people are paying big money and these two I think all three knew that there was going to be a time they were going to leave early and enter the draft yes because of the projections of who they were at 16 and 17 so in a sense they’ve been a pro for a good while and I think we’re seeing that more in pro sports that seems to be a thing and people seem more prepared I mean doesn’t it feel different than when you were interviewing people when you were at the Watchdog yeah they know this is what the opportunity is once the system allows to have that opportunity and you covered a lot of lottery picks and NBA draft picks at the U but they weren’t at 17 and 18 preparing mentally like I’m going to be a pro at 19 right it was a different deal absolutely yes people matured at a different rate and there were different expectations and now I do think these guys are high school juniors walking around thinking and when I’m 19 I’ll be in the NBA and I got to carry myself like that yes to all that DJ PK when we come back David lock joins us next radio voice of the Utah Jazz what do you think of the draft and the Jazz 3 selections we’ll find out in a minute stay with us

DJ & PK talked about the Utah Jazz and the picks they made while allowing fans to have their say on what they would grade the class as.

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