@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Trading Nikola Vucevic ?! | Is The Youth movement Beginning For The Bulls ?

Chicago Bulls Trading Nikola Vucevic ?! | Is The Youth movement Beginning For The Bulls ?

[Music] [Music] God I wish y’all could see what we talk about when we not on this one man what’s good it’s your boy P the designer back at it again as always and we got the squad in the building here Jordan JC Mr medium s up front what’s going on there uh always in the building as always the super producer Joel Holt and the domican style you know I’m saying oh SN poy always show love man hit that like button subscribe to the page leave that five star review y’all know what to do we got a lot to get into on today’s show because the Chicago Bulls may be doing the fullon reset about dang time it’s about dang time we’ve been talking about this for a while is Vu gonna be on the Move also got a report from Darnell Mayberry that the Chicago Bulls are open for business when it comes to demard roseen and Zack LaVine as well and got to talk about the Bulls youth movement that could be coming all that more today’s episode of the Wy City Bree Sports Talk daily hit that like button subscribe to the page leave that five star review y’all know what to do what’s going on boys everybody good everybody good yeah I’m feeling good feeling great optimistic optimistic optimistic how many games will you watch this year over under Joe over under over five I will watch what five games massive up ticking games for Joel should have the number I watched two games last year that’s horrible Joel that’s not even improve I even go to the games last year cuz I went last the year before that I went to games you did go to a bunch of games I went to a few games yeah so you know there you go I I I I’ve been there I know what’s going on I’m he sound like k y I know what’s going on hey man let’s uh let’s jump into this opening topic because we do have uh interesting report from Matt Moore uh as I had this tweet pulled up here here it is Matt Moore uh talking about the Chicago Bulls said the Bulls are known to be looking to move Nicola vich along with the NeverEnding Zack LaVine Saga the Caruso trade both helps and hurts those efforts because Caruso’s contract was a quality lubricant don’t like that word for teams willing to take on those contracts that’s nuts which is not which Now isn’t available is V going to be on the move and I think this is the re the reason for this question that I think that you know the the Bulls want to do a lot of stuff yeah they want to make a lot of moves they want to add to a lot by the way Matt Moore from the Action Network they want to add to a lot of uh um assets that this team has by going in a different direction but you got to have a team on the other side and more than likely you’re in a position where teams on the other side don’t want to sit there and give you what you want because they now know you don’t want those players so I’mma give you whatever I feel like giving you and you’re gonna live with it basically do you feel like the Chicago Bulls are going to be able to move niik lausevic well I mean you got the ball rolling already with Caruso right uh even though a lot of people didn’t really feel that happy about that trade but I personally think that yeah you can get something done with v i mean he just is coming off of a another double double season he’s always good for double doubles 18 points 10 and a half rebounds per game last season so somebody obviously is going to want that kind of production on a a probably more playoff ready team or a championship CH contending team uh I wouldn’t see a reason why if you’re trying to move him that you can you can get them off other other than his contract yeah I wonder uh what teams will have a need for V um that’s a good question as well because the thing is he is like you said he is a double double like you know you’re getting 18 and 11 minimum out of them there is a need for that in the league yeah you’re walking in the door with that yeah I mean you you are the thing is is that like you said earlier I think or or like the report said earlier the Bulls are tipping the hand as to what they’re doing and it’s like that lowers the value of the potential trades because if I know what you need to do I’m not about to budge and give you what you need which is more pick I think I think here’s the tough part about that what you got there Jo we have over 100 in a ch0 so we’re probably gonna be second no I I think here’s here’s the thing about what you just said right tipping your hand as far as moving on from B tipping your hand as far as moving on from uh uh um right Zack LaVine and demard de rozan that’s like the Lakers draft in brownie James right it’s been the worst kept secret for the last five months like we knew what was going to happen I think you knew when the season ended that the Bulls wanted to change directions AK said as much we want to change this core up we want to put our this core didn’t work for three years so we have to put our core in a position where it’s going to work for us you didn’t you you didn’t have a choice put the tip your hand because the rest of the NBA you have to realize the rest of the league has been looking at the Bulls for two years literally going well of course they’re going to trade their assets they’re not going anywhere why would they keep these guys wait they’re keeping them so I think that to me that’s why like them tipping their hand I don’t think it helps or hurts you in any way V is under contract Vu is a solid big man I wonder I do think it’s very interesting when you talk about what teams would want Vu I I my biggest question is what role would Vu be willing to have on those teams because I think there are teams I I I I’ll give you one team that I think would have an interest now I don’t know cap wise I’d have to I’d have to dive into the cap and see uh um where they sit at MoneyWise and they just paid a bigname player today but if you can move some pieces to even some things out we already know that Nica yic and Nikola vich are good friends the Nuggets I would I I think that is a that’s a team that’s already you’ve got your big as one passing now V probably is not a starter on that team if you were to bring V Off the Bench as a backup big like you you’ve already got a system with a slow-footed big man yes he’s a dominant slow footed big man but you’ve got a system that already works for that at age 33 I could see them trying to get in on something like that I could see a team like uh Orlando who’s got a bunch of guys there already saying we’ll take V back we’re not gonna help you out but we’ll give you a little bit of something but we’ll take him back as a backup option to come off the bench and be a solid piece like I think that’s really the role that you’re looking to trade Vu into at this point he he’s a starting Senate still no you put him on a winning a good squad that that’s the issue like you said what we gonna get back that they’re willing to trade for so like okay you say go to Denver the first thing to popped in my head is Michael Porter Jr you know but getting back J that ship is sailed man his value is way up here now but my point is just that he can contribute right away to a a competing team they’re not you’re not building around him at 34 years old no but the problem is he hinders your offense right he’s not a big that comes out and he shoots the three ball efficiently the outlier season is the one that the Bulls got Bamboozled into believing was real when he started knocking down to three at I believe a 37% clip yeah you also look at him still as a double double player but guess what Andre Drummond was a double double player if you can’t shoot the three guess what you are yeah Off the Bench his first season here he shot about 38% from three so you know you kind of got tricked with that but to your point Joe I I kind of disagree I mean if it depends on the role that he has on a specific team like here on the Bulls he’s obviously the starter because who else is who else is going to start over him but if you put him on a championship team in front of obviously the three-time MVP yeah you’re gonna expect him to come off the bench and he has to accept that role if he’s on the Warriors he he helps them if he’s on the Knicks but he’s but but he’s if he’s on the Warriors he doesn’t help them in the starting lineup if he’s on the Warriors now we’re playing four on five because I gotta wait for V to get down he’s got to be the trailing three-point shooter on this teamability that that kills your uh uh your pace of play you got to think about all the teams especially if you trade to the team in the west they want to run yeah so you got to trade them to teams that have bigger bodies on them I would say maybe even if Philly would be interested I could see V backing up Joel embiid because Joel embiid a little bit slower I I’m not as worried about Vu if he’s having a hot day from the three-point line Off the Bench he’s that trailing big that’s what Joel embiid is he knocks down the three he can also still drive to the off of that three right like I think that you’re looking at teams that have those bigger guys already because you know they’re running a system for a slower big that can be dominant B can still be dominant in the paint B can still be dominant down low and if you need them to because you the teams that I’m mentioning have other bigs on them that can shoot the basketball at a higher percentage you feel a little bit more comfortable saying okay maybe we run him at the four him at the five and we just dominate the boards for this quarter yeah yeah I just love the fact that we’re having this conversation overall because and I know we’re going to get into this topic later but pick a direction bulls have been horrible with picking a direction it seems like their footage in on both sides of the fence where it’s like okay youth vets old guys that’s running into teams that are stars of the league and then you got these guys that are hindered as the young guys that you want to see develop so I’m I’m good with this discussion of Vu leaving and going somewhere where he could be more useful with the last couple of years of his career yeah uh that that that’s what you want to see here just pick a direction pick a Direction no facts I I think I think the fact that to me the fact that we can find teams that I mean listen have some assets that I wouldn’t mind sending back you know what I mean if we’re talking Philly if we’re talking Denver those are nice pieces off your bench that you’re able to get back and something and maybe right maybe you get smaller pieces but you’re able to get some draft capital for next year some second round draft capital or with those teams right they expect to be further down in the draft maybe they’re willing to give late first round draft Capital with protections on it and different things like that like there’s ways that you can work yourself into a good position with this and and listen I I know a lot of people me and hay said this yesterday though I don’t think it’s a lot of people there is a loud minority that is in a lot of these chats so when we read the comments and it’s like this is terrible like me and Joel was sitting there yesterday when they drafted uh uh Matas buus and You by looking at the chat you would have thought what he we made the worst pick of all time most people probably didn’t even know who he was Lally was like oh my God like they hate this pick like this is nuts and then literally I put a poll in the chat and it was like Hey like do you like the matis billit pick yeah and everybody was like it was like 79% yes oh we we got 200 in the chat and 300 in the over in the in [Music] the oh snap hey but what do you think about one we had when when Demar D rozan hit the game winner we went from 300 to a th lit wow so I had to so I had to go from 300 to a th000 I did every single one all right hey what do you think about if okay so Victor wi beana is a center yeah what if we move him to the four I mean Victor basically could play point guard if we being honest you can move them wherever you want Vu and Victor on the floor vuin Victor who you we need a big take you’re not going big I’m I’m not even worried about going big for big to be honest with you at this point because it’s like like what we’re gonna talk about with the youth movement to me you’re you’re just trying to get the best package Back available right like I I don’t care if it’s big for big I don’t care if it’s I I don’t care how it how it works out you know what I mean but well well if that’s the case can I interest you in MO bomba no no yeah no anybody all right Mo been on the League what 6 years at this point the best part about moom is the song that that was a s part about MO is the song bro I got call a young sha West phone I don’t NE where’s I with the mother [Applause] sorry sorry sorry I apologize hit that like button subscribe I think my brother said he helped put that together oh I think yeah Jack won really that song A bangger that song’s a banger he’s a trash player though he’s horrible oh [ __ ] he’s Horrible no he’s not good at basketball you know well never mind yeah vot is what number 28 so he’s number 28 in PR and for centers yeah uh which is which is pretty bad and so you theoretically have the SEC third to the worst center in the league as your starting center so you’re not really going to get True Value but but here but here’s the thing that’s why I said you you have to trade him to a team that feels he’s more of a backup that feels he had he puts you in more of a position to uh um I I’ve already got my starter in place I can build this up I’m building out a a a stronger lineup I’m giving because what Vu brings is what Andre Drummond brought Joel and beat that I think people underestimated that made me tired I ain’t going to lie anybody else anybody else get a little got go work I ain’t going to lie I was a little a little a little wi I’m wor I start a cleanse tomorrow an eight we cleans Mr me’s working on his health right now so you know I gotta I gotta watch how many Stakes got no none you can go full steak and go next Friday we’re gonna probably break the steak you could go full steak and go into ketosis You’ be good but uh V for eight here’s I saw that too I was thinking about that that here’s here’s the thing well yeah I guess I i’ take a chance on it but I don’t like him Portland doesn’t have anything to play for you’d have to send Zach and V to Portland perect for Aiden and somebody else perfect perfect kill two birds one St I why am I fighting this uh but no it wouldn’t work contract wise no I think here’s the thing though you want you want a team that’s looking to do and I don’t know people remember this when when Andre Drummond was the backup on Philly yeah Andre Drummond was giving Joel andb 15 minutes of real time not game time but real time breaks yeah like there were games where I’d watch and I’d be like did Joel embiid get hurt because embiid was on the bench that long and when you have players like that a lot of times you do have to sit there and say okay we know that this guy can get hurt we know that this guy has a propensity to get get tired later in the games we want to keep him healthy we want to keep him strong all of that so we’re going to go out here and we’re going to get a a a starting big that basically comes in as our second unit starting big and plays real minutes I think that’s the type of team that you that that you’re looking for to move niik lavich to if you’re going to move you you you’re right you’re right I am I’m kind I’m not gonna lie Joe you kind of intrigu me though with this Portland TR lasers roster they got a lot of they have a slew of big man over there they got Jeremy Grant I mean they got uh who else is I just saw they got Blanton they got a few names actually you’re probably holding on to Jeremy Grant you’re probably holding you know they which means I’ll say this I’ll say this they’re probably out on Aiden I just don’t know if I’m in on Aiden well you don’t need you just want something but you know I think but you’re looking at him to be a Defender you don’t need him to be like but he’s that’s not his skill he’s not good at he like a jump he’s a he’s an offensive player he’s an offensive big that can’t shoot well we got the new guy we got masas but he’s like a three a four four3 dude what do you want me to do man no I’m just I’m just saying what you want me to do all Weist this this the thing bro like you you tell Joel no that ideas not going to work for these reasons he’d be like well I thought of an idea Ain nobody else put no ideas out there I didn’t hear you throw a fit you know what actually I like I didn’t think about this Robert Williams the 30 is on that team that’s a pretty good guy I know he’s injured but I mean you talking about 26 years old really I’m Co is that Robert Williams thir basic that man’s foot Decay I give up Robert Williams I third is basically de I’m good on anything on Portland I’m sitting here I’m sitting here looking now like hey s maybe no no nope nope Malcolm Brockton just got there like I don’t know like see and here we go we going back to the theme AK steady gets fleeced in all these trades every trade he’s made from vot to Demar to even the giddy trade I was telling Jordan honestly I think I like giddy as a potential player but man if we had a waited bro and now we see what what OG just got and we see what what these three and D players are getting yo we could have gotten at least one or two picks you should have changed my mind on that because I know initially we were talking about the fact that that age Gap probably made the reason why you didn’t get nothing back other than just person for person but uh yeah I feel like maybe if he would have done a little bit better of of a of of a job he probably got some picks back just wait a week I don’t know I I I I just think that if and here’s the thing here’s here here’s a scenario that maybe we might want to consider what if DeAndre Drummond stays DeAndre I wouldn’t mind him being to start put people together now huh putting people together now DeAndre drum I said Deandre he did you think about DeAndre Aiden with Andre Drummond’s on the brain right Andre Drummond if he stays here where the flags at man almost made it I think that was a pause but all right yeah you never know on the brain brought up the reiterated what we talked about you know trading Kesler for Vu trade with Utah to Kesler for V 4 CH I think the problem with that is you you you’ve got a oh oh by the way 4 CH 400 in the CH uh the problem with that to me is uh now they’re doing what you what you did with giddy or now you’re trying to do what you did with Caruso with Giddy and what are they playing they I don’t think V is that level of player I don’t think they’re gonna go for that I don’t think UT would go for that I like the idea of it shout out to PBA NBA Watcher I pulled up I pulled up some information let’s see what did I pull up here uh I wanted to show the roster as it stands and I have that information Daman while Joe’s looking at up Daman I’ve been seeing these trades that you’ve been putting in the chat man you’ve been having some dream trades first you said V for Luca now you said V Lonzo and DeMar if you look at roster as it stands so like Zach is old he’s got a $43 million contract hit this year coming up lonzo’s 21 million uh you got Vu with 20 million he’s under contract until next year for 2025 2026 uh Kobe White’s under contract he’s that’s his rookie contract so he’s going to end up probably getting resigned after in what two years who what’s his rookie contract Kobe white Kobe White’s already resigned just kidding so Kobe White’s already resigned there a $12 million cap year uh thanks Joe Josh GID gotta Reign JH giddy gotta resign him so I mean that’s the big you know those are the big contract numbers and then there’s a it showed also a cap hole for uh Demar so he’s what is he third uh they didn’t 42 million for Demar Jesus Patrick Williams would be a restricted free AG but they got an extension what was it $4 million extension or something they trying to they got an qualifying offer for 13 M and then you got the Rook M by the way I wouldn’t go over mates buellis a $5.2 million capit Drummond is 4.4 million so I mean the big ones is DeMar but but this the thing you’re not resigning Drummond Drummond’s leaving um Tory Craig is opting out you’re stuck with Javon Carter unfortunately like there there’s some names on there that right now you know cap wise things may end up working out stuck with Javon Carter that’s a guaranteed contract baby that is a fully guaranteed contract D but think I think when you when you look at uh trying to move Vu right like you’re just trying to create more I I think like we’re going to talk about the youth movement but you’re trying to create more opportunity for your young guys I don’t think you’re looking to get back a starter like you probably want to Star her back but I think what you’re looking to get back is possibly some draft Capital more than likely late first round early second round draft Capital yeah um maybe some role players that are going to be easy money to get out from under heading into next offseason right like you’re you’re not looking to sit here and and trade Vu away and recoup a 21y old starting center that you’re like get out there and play yeah like you I shouldn’t say that you are looking to do that the likelihood that it’s going to happen is very yeah I’m I’m I’m not seeing that happen at all unless can I interest you in Ben Simmons No all right don’t even got a song about he don’t even got a song about all right yeah well that [ __ ] been said a long time ago well actually he might have a song written about him can we count that Kendrick song for him as well they not like us instead instead of instead of fan we call him a ban oh hey let’s keep it moving along appreciate y’all tuning in and show love hit that like button subscribe to the page leave that festar review y’all know what to do if you haven’t hit the like button over on the YouTube side please do so we love the push that uh it gives the show when you hit that like button if you haven’t hit that retweet button over on the uh Twitter side come on now y’all already know can’t can’t let them likes dictate where this show goes because we never know with that it’s it’s a dangerous place over there man stay safe in these Twitter streets or X streets or Rex Street Sounds worse and worse sounds worse and worse uh let’s keep this thing moving along man the Chicago Bulls are open for business per Darnell Mayberry of the athletic the Bulls are looking to change things around and I mean listen that’s pretty much what the entire first conversation has been around the niik lavich trade but we haven’t heard that the Bulls are just kind of trying to get everybody out here uh Darnell Mayberry says that the Bulls rber for business with demard de R rozan and Zack LaVine emerging as free agency wild cards he quotes a couple of things that uh uh AK said yesterday in his postgame press conference talking about you prepare yourself but you just don’t know who’s going to be available in free agency once we know that we’ll be able to tell teams more he also said that he takes his role of reshaping this team very seriously and tonight was an important step in that direction as I’ve said everything is on the table I want fans to know that we’re committed to the process of building a team for long-term success we’ve made some initial changes this offseason and now our focus is to Shi is uh Focus shifts on Friday I said shifts said shifts s h i ft s uh on Friday to free agency we can’t predict exactly what’s going to happen but we’re determined to strengthen our roster my question to you boys is is what is the likelihood that you place that we see a full on rebuild is or re retool I don’t no it’s probably a rebuild be re no it’s a rebuild you trade all these Ms away this a rebuild because you probably would 30 Games next year um what is your what is the likelihood that we see a full-on rebuild from the Chicago Bulls where they blow the entire core up that space on that was crazy the space on that was crazy I will admit to that I will give me a second oh boy yeah you gotta go pick that up yeah go ahead and throw it throw it on your tail double double FL oh triple flag all right okay yeah so uh I only got one question to that is uh is Jerry rorf still the owner of the Chicago Bulls J rorf is still the owner of the Chicago Bulls we probably going to see one of those three guys still on the team that’s all I’m gonna say somebody didn’t listen to Daddy yeah what somebody listen to their father the dad somebody listen to daddy told them they wanted to say competitor and someone’s like no we’re we they making some changes why is your hand up back there what’s going on 500 in the chest oh oh over 500 in the chest appreciate you I thought I thought you were uh thought you were like asking for help like I got I got I got answer to he called himself Daddy I don’t like that thought going yeah I’m sorry that’s that’s that’s a little questionable Jo he put your hand he put his hand he put his hands on you he just like me up like like like this your shirt off you know hey but you know what man this is what I’m thinking like all right we know what’s gonna happen it’s the same run-of the- Mill we need to sell tickets that’s it yeah we don’t care at what cost it takes I don’t necessarily care if you win just sell out my Arena this is Jerry reinsdorf talking to to uh to to the team this is your conscience this is your conscience this is what he wants you to do he just wants to F the Seaton it’s all about the money and at the end of the day we’ll never be fully competitive because of the fact that they’re too afraid to tear it full down the only time that’s really happened is when cross was here and he tore down the dynasty that was it but are you in a position where you have to tear it fully down that’s the question it’s about selling hope that’s all it is and the thing why they could afford to tear the Bulls down P post Michael Jordan was that they already had the sellouts for like they were they were sold out for like 10 years so they could afford to do it so now it’s like the money’s already in so the whole point is that’s the model even with the Cubs the Cubs stay you know they were making money and they had sellouts for forever because it was just one a good time yeah and then but if you can sell hope they still sell what you mean it’s team ain’t no good right it’s a good time hey you’re right I I can’t even argue how you feel about that you good I’m okay no but I think for them the Bulls mentality is that you got a youth movement I mean technically I’m excited just to see the young guys I’m excited to see Josh giddy yeah and if this m mat hopefully not outside of high school yeah such a jerk uh even with the way I get away with that on the Bree see what doing though I mean if he’s a rim protector and he’s he’s I didn’t say nothing just immature go ahead if he’s a rim protector win he he jumps around the basket he does very well you know defending the basketball hoop oh sln and uh a lot of eggshells today Co but the Ascension of Kobe white I mean you have something to actually look forward to versus I mean you I you would know that this team is probably still a first round if maybe even a playing team but at least you know that there’s growth you’re disappointed that this team has practically with two or three Allstars on the squad yeah and you can’t even make the eighth seed you can’t even get in the playoffs that like that to me is deflating why personally why I didn’t want to watch the games I didn’t want to go and see them because it’s their Underachievers at least I got a chance to see this team might do something I think I think this is this is the part where I say do we need to see a rebuild though versus a retool versus a retool if Kobe white continues to to make strides in the right direction are you rebuilding well you get fortunate because you’re building around Kobe white now yeah but that’s not that’s what I’m saying this is not a rebuild Kobe White’s gotten to a point where you say okay we believe in him enough to build around him you have Josh giddy on the team I think I think that Josh giddy is a no because a rebuild is like you’re tearing it down you want to lose next season the the same starting five is not the same team that’s a rebuild that’s a retool no retool is you you’re you’re rol is you take some of the players off the team that don’t fit and you put other players on the team that do the guy the guy that you were building around was Zack LaVine he’s leaving the case the rebuild started three years ago there okay but we’re rebuilding because now you are no you’re not retooling because now you’re building you’re talking about getting and of course you I understand a worried about it but the three you’re talking about moving on from your big three right behind you and the new guy now is going to be K C white right so that happened last season though right so already made building the squad but and now we got a new rookie retooling around and we got a new point guard you’re putting already in the end career he’s already been good in the league that’s what I’m saying like the the piece you’re building around now is the new guy is Kobe white correct so that’s a rebuild so Kobe no it’s not he’s already on the team how’s that a re all right I’m I but anyway your the whole thing out that’s called rebuilding rebuild is what San Antonio is doing wmy yeah what San Antonio is doing is a rebuild the Bulls AR going to do that the Bulls are going to try and put new pieces around what Kobe white the step that Kobe white took last season what you’re GNA do with that is you’re just changing the pieces around like that would be like saying when the when the uh uh Cavaliers swapped out the the whole team halfway through the season they rebuilt like no we knew we were building around LeBron and they put different pieces around LeBron and he end up taking those pieces to the NBA Championship that’s they just retooled the team you’re still building the team around the same player you were building the team around last season no he’s no nobody knew Kobe Cody white Kobe white was gonna be that guy he took he took off last year right right so now the new focus is him he’s the new guy it’s not Zach anymore but he’s already he’s already here is what I right well they don’t have to go out and get him because he’s finally AC it’s like a Dan orlovski segment I’m arguing words with this man like it’s like Dan orlovsky say is it is it voluntary he said mandatory don’t mean it’s mandatory you ain’t got to show up if it’s mandatory you’re challenging the it’s we’re pratically saying the same thing Joel versus everyone fight back Joel fight back my chat’s not even working anyway I had to refresh mine too I ain’t going to lie to you but no I I think that I think uh stream is tweaking right now but I here’s the here’s the one thing for me the reason that I say this is more of a retool because you have a piece that you know you’re building around yeah and I do think that you’re still going to keep some of the same pieces that were on this team right you’re gonna keep a you’re gonna try and build around out you hope you’re gonna keep I I don’t know I ain’t gonna lie to you like that is I’m not I mean either way I’m not here’s my thing I love IO but I’m also not overvaluing IO I just watched how the Bears built their team I’m not overvaluing anybody on this bull sitting there he’s a nice player to have but I I I’s your next Alice cruso to me that’s how I feel he’s your next Alice cuso to me but which is a piece you need on your team if if there’s something that gets you off of money if there’s something that that allows you to finally move on and start to get into the next gener if there’s something that brings you back more value and it cost you a dumo in the in the making of that I just want I watched khil mat get traded away just so that we could clear money I watched roquan Smith get traded away just so that we could clear money sign two pieces I watch the Bears move on from Justin Fields so that we can go get the next guy I watch the Bears move on from Alan Robinson so that we can clear money you don’t football squad though it’s easier to build football than it’s basketball yeah but the not really no it’s hard it’s it’s way easier to build a basketball basketball is more in basketball if I find one star which is very hard it kind of not you you know what P kid yeah you’re right a lot of great basketball players out here let’s just call it changing stuff how about we just call the bus are changing stuff make this whole argu with me I’m saying tomato tomato they’re rebuilding the squad around him no my my thing is I’m I’m just I’m not overvaluing any piece that’s on here and to me the the fact that the Bulls are open for business I think you’re gonna see more of a retool which is why I was why we were debating this because I don’t think you’re tearing everything down I don’t think you have to tear everything down I think that you’re in a spot right now with the pieces I think in the the spots right now with pieces that you have you come in with a mat sabonis who to me I I think he’s probably going to find his way into your starting lineup but the time this season gets started or like I would love to get de deont no that’s a lot of is huge deont sabonis is freaking 71 260 poundy so I got a question for apologize I think he finds his way into the starting lineup at some point okay I think that um you you’ve got Patrick Williams on this squad I’m not a fan but we know that we know that AK is a fan of him I think you’ve got Kobe you’ve got Josh giddy you’re gonna have to add a big in there probably that’s a little bit better than Adamas Sago even though I do love Adamas Sago but I think he’s probably more of an off the- bench Center um hey our pick this year is it protected top 10 yeah well no it doesn’t belong to us it belongs to this person but yes it is top 10 protect a minute before we can control a lot of things if we’re too decent then we’re we have all our picks except next year except next okay like everybody’s freaking out about bulls have no picks I’m like what are y’all actually looking at like the bulls actually have all of their draft Capital except next year’s so I know we talked about this the other day uh on Tuesday uh out of these three guys just throwing it to you all in in in the chat if they were to keep somebody let’s just say they don’t go full rebuild with letting all three of these guys go who would you keep that would actually complement the young Core V see contract I was going Z because of the addition V is the V is the cheapest contract Zack to mean here’s the thing I I keep I keep tell telling people this right Zach is perfect for this team in a perfect world I don’t know if y’all been outside lately yeah it ain’t it ain’t a perfect world perfect world yeah I saw two Asians today this is a real story I saw two Asians today in downtown Chicago passing crack n I didn’t know Asians smoked crack like be real be real you’ve seen a lot of crackheads in your life wait in daylight in daylight you’ve seen a lot of crackheads in your life have you ever seen an Asian crackhead no I don’t hang around those type of environments it’s downtown Chicago I was sure you do I wouldn’t know sorry but but I I say I have to say this is not a perfect world yeah to me Zack LaVine in a perfect world fits perfectly with this team but you’re dealing with the fact that the relationship doesn’t work right now you’re dealing with the fact that the uh um that the money right now is kind of holding you back I don’t think it’s crazy money but it’s kind of holding you back and you’re also dealing with the fact that Zack LaVine in the two years that he’s uh been into this fiveyear contract um he’s been hurt both seasons so is he going to get healthier I mean I mean that’s the hope I mean listen if we selling hopes and dreams Jerry rydor is keeping Zack LaVine around ability is the best and Zach was healthy two years ago kind of he played I shouldn’t say he wasn’t healthy he had the thumb injury he had the knee injury he had the knee injury that turned into the back injury because the knee wasn’t healthy and he wasn’t able to land right on his jump shot like we’ve been talking about at this point we can say it it’s okay he’s a injury-prone player yeah yeah I mean he kind of forced he’s a little bit healthier like well his he surgery was forced he kind of made that happen he still injury PR play the last couple of years I don’t know I mean I give I get what you selling I get what you selling and and it makes sense and it’s not crap theam montis is 16 but I would I would rather keep Zach that’s wild and I think I’m going based on the fit of the team I know it’s not a perfect scenario the contract the relationship Billy Donovan I get all that but and we’re talking about if we got to let two go and keep one and you want this team to be the most optimal keeping Zach because you can replace vots easier I feel like as far as talent wise than you can of Zach if Zach is healthy of course the cave out of Zach being healthy well I don’t even think that right how many players do we see in the league that can actually score 25 plus when given the opportunity quite a few there’s a lot of them there’s quite a few of them now it’s a different world like we’re asking Zach to be is a scorer we’re not asking Zach to be the leader of this team we’re not asking Zach to be the best player on this team and the problem is there’s players out there that can do that now you do have to find those players you have to acquire them you have to give them the opportunity you may have one on your team in Kobe white while everybody’s trying to hold on to Zack LaVine remember what happened when Kobe white and Zack LaVine were on the court together when he came back from injury last time there was two games of Zack saying nope Kobe this is your team now here we go yeah I mean I got the defense I’m passing the ball we doing this and then there was five more where all of a sudden Kobe white started to regress because Zack LaVine tried to turn back into Old Zack LaVine and it threw off the chemistry of the team like you also have to think about how it affects the players around him the Bulls won how many games in a row was it last year I don’t remember I think I think in the month of December no in the month of December I want to say we won 15 now I wasn’t in a row I shouldn’t say that but we won 15 out of the 18 games that month and then I want to say in in no maybe was the bad month maybe in in uh uh November we did that one of one of the months we had a great month but then Zack LaVine came back and the team fell apart the team started losing again team started struggling again you have to think about the team chemistry as well you can’t just think about well we can’t find a dude that can jump out the gym and shoot threes and and possibly play defense you also have to think about okay like this team also didn’t play well around Zack line well I at to your point I say we keep Vu contract wise he’s a center based off where the TEAM stands now but I don’t know I’m looking at some teams and I do feel like the eighton the the eighton move would be the best move to get something back he’s 26 years old no 25 still in his prime you you they just picked up the big boy from uh Connecticut if you trade yeah you know they have a team where like if you look at their squad I mean it would help Portland because they’re talking about having they got what uh Anthony Simons and Jeremy Grant that’s your two guard and Grant power forward so scoot you got scoot as well yeah and Scoot is your point guard so I mean you you put Zack and Vu on that Squad they got I think a decent team with all those guys around there but uh Aiden owed $34 million this year and 35 next year and he’s unrestricted free agent in 2026 so there’s some contracts in there that you can move to make it fit because you’re talking about moving with 43 million for Z and 20 million for for vot so there’s some room you know that could work Dam mantis is 610 he’s not 7 feet so I bonus some bonus yeah but you know I don’t know about that I just looked it up I feel like he’s 7 feet okay you you know what P you’re right hey hey after after after yesterday I don’t know what sizes are anymore I ain’t going to lie to you bro they said they said that’s the other thing too right like the the young man we d uh uh mat bazus bazus billus uh it’s gonna take me a minute to get that one y’all y’all bear with me I ain’t had to call games in a while uh that they they uh they list him at six foot n based on the draft combine which probably not shoes on right um six foot n 195 but everybody else keeps talking about he’s uh 610 yeah 210 yeah 610 those two very different players reference got so I need to know which weight he really is those are two ridiculously different players yeah 69 195 you’re a three 610 210 I can play you with the four pounds yeah yeah because now it’s like oh well if he had 10 pounds he’s 65 or he’s 610 220 now you’re a solid power forward you had 10 pounds and you 610 205 you still a three would you say that Zach is a top 15 shooting guard out of all the shooting guards in the league yeah last year when healthy say say he’s healthy say he’s somewhat healthy 65 games Zack 65 games is he top is he a top 10 shooting guard sh 15 he said 15 top 15 shooting guards top 15 definitely I feel like he cracks top 10 no he don’t top 10 he don’t crack top 10 to me I I’ll give you 15 yeah I give you 15 but if he’s if he’s considered 15 and and we already said base on perr PR V is 28 I think Zach is if you got to go with you’re still you’re still just thinking about the skill set dog you also I’m telling you like the relationship is so important if I hate being on the basketball court with you we’re not gonna play well well I think he noro hates the the coach more than I don’t think the issue is tarnished with the players listen if I hate the dude that’s telling me what to do on a basketball court it’s probably not gonna go well oh by the way we got 600 in the over 600 in the chat what we sitting at right now 328 over on the YouTube side 275 over on Twitter shout out to y’all half let’s go yeah yeah a little half and half in my car I am half and half technically you are you are I mean that’s uh that’s kind of how we got here kind of how we got here uh but no I I just think to me like you you have to you have to speak to the fit yeah you have no choice yeah is and I’ve said it Zach’s a phenomenal player when healthy phenomenal he’s a phenomenal player when healthy but you haven’t seen him healthy not recently and you haven’t seen him fit the only biggest argument I have against that is the fact that Zach has not played and we talked about this but the Zach has not played with a viable point guard since Chris dun and and if we want to go further than that since Lonzo I mean we talked about with with the assist numbers but with Lonzo now we have a guy who seemingly looks like he could be Al Lonzo type I’m not saying just like Lonzo I’m not going crazy I know he’s not good on defense he doesn’t have no you can’t you can’t back off of that you said that man is Jason kid look here man say we have had some hor basketball Tes on this show over the last few that was a crazy right once he turns this man oh you he he went home with an Edy yesterday boy I’ll tell you that right now he said Zack e Tim Duncan then he went ninth overall he was like I told you take that you power forward ever to play the game said was he reminds me of the Tim Duncan like the story arc of not he started playing basketball later and then he’s gotten better every year in college and he is very uh accomplished he had a lot of he was a college basketball player I ain’t gonna lie when we got to like really go into detail and explain our point pretty that’s pretty that’s because you can’t jump on him you flag All Flags everywhere happy Flag Day that’s but you know what J kid ain’t worse he said he said Zack reminds me of the greatest power forward of all time Jason kid is a phenomenal point guard but nobody would say he’s the greatest point guard of all time hey but you know what to Jordan’s point if if Zach is healthy and giddy is the type of point guard that can do the stuff on offense that uh you know that ball was able to do yeah push the Ball Z was a top five shooting guard when that happened yeah top top three really if you all right around that hey around that time go hey we argued not really good takes can’t say kid ain’t got bad takes either now come on now kid a lot better on basketball takes than than all give I’ll give you that kid does have we kill we can kill kid for his uh for his football takes I will he will be slandered for the rest of his day Mo on that last topic hey man appreciate that’s the wrong topic there hold on a minute we just got stuff popping up out here appreciate y’all tuning in and showing love hit that like button subscribe to the page leave that festar viiew y’all know what to do what a terrible finish to a topic that was that was three of the worst takes I’ve heard in my life and his is the least of the egregious ones like see dub G with the least B hey that was a decent one I mean he the third best shooting guard in the whole NBA at that time before Lonzo got hurt before Lonzo got hurt he was top three you can argue you can argue top three who are the other two uh at that time what was it uh that was 2021 Brad Bill Donovan Mitchell uh Brad Bill all right let’s get a i me this final topic honestly at that time was cold that’s nuts that’s absolutely nuts bro okay all right all right that’s Insanity what else we got uh I don’t even know anymore do what chat agrees with me the chat agrees youth mov uh for some reason rra is tweaking so we can’t put the super Chats on the screen but I do see it uh oh apparently I can like a super chat that’s pretty cool uh I and a first round pick swap for gaav thj and Hardy no that is not uh I would love Dan appreciate that is not appreciate the super chat but I’m good I am good Daniel gaffer is good for one reason and we know it right he’s with Luca oh yeah Luka makes like like Luca’s making him phenomenal wait a minute now was nice here listen listen turn into Tyson good player but L exactly Luc is turning him into exactly what Tyson Chandler with Jason kid was yeah that’s true you’re gonna kill me that’s true Jason what if giddy turns into Luca magic come on man okay that’s the worst one that’s the worst one I’m just I’m I’m trolling I’m trolling I’m trolling I’m sorry to roll with you oh God now you know it’s a bad take never mind never mind you’re still talking about a 6 foot eight point guard that’s a triple double meas but I’m joking he’s not a good shooter he can get better like LeBron wasn’t a good shooter when he came in the leag he got better he became a killer actually I’m joking year he am I mistaken on that did Luka average 27 his rookie year but there’s a spectrum of trip no no no you in the Spectrum do no there’s no Spectrum there’s Luca and there’s the rest of these man 20 seven and six how many guys I know I I got you but Luca is also bigger than that I mean he’s Luka weighs a lot more L got man that came into the league P said I get sick one day and y’all ruin the basketball that’s right see get well soon bro oh God y t been so bad we lost 20 people 30 people God dang it all right let’s finish this show off man appreciate y’all tuning in showing love uh Jesus Christ help me uh what do we finish oh the youth the youth movement in Chicago we we’ve talked about a lot of these trades we’ve talked about people uh the Bulls looking to go out there and at um move on from some of the bigname pieces on this team are the Bulls fully committed to going all in with the youth movement and and that’s the biggest question with all of this right the conversation that we’re having and I think the youth movement right now talking about Josh giddy you’re talking about Kobe white you’re talking about P will Mattis Sab oh Jesus Christ I don’t know why I keep going sabonis because it just sounds like de you’re saying all lithuanians saying are all equated to being European I don’t think he’s Lithuanian damont sabonis lithu you you are lumping all of them together and that’s wrong Pat he just wanted to be mad at you actually he’s Lithuanian America he is Lithuanian yeah I didn’t remember where went to the same school with uh Kieran Karan amagi you would know that I don’t know that’s he did that’s saw a picture of they were Damas no Matas oh mat he did he did yeah he did they both went to hensdale um man hensdale putting some players in are are the Bulls ready to go all the way in on a youth movement though that’s the real question that I think we we got to ask because realistically speaking right we could talk about trading all of these pieces but what you get back in that trade is a big part of this right you could get back pieces where right you talk about a guy like DeAndre aidon is DeAndre Aon come in he’s a starting center does he come in he’s the four like what what do you put eight in that how how think he’s got to be the four right do you try to get back a guy like Jeremy Grant who steps in front of a guy like uh uh uh uh buus or or Patrick Williams right like do you think that they do you think that the Bulls go all the way in on the youth movement and just let it play out let it play out well I I I love the D I’ll say this I love the direction that we’re going in I I I feel like it would be a good idea for them for them to go full on youth uh you love the players I feel like they they complement each other well you’re talking about the Ascension of Kobe white you talking about the Ascension of AO probably filling that that defensive stopper role that Caruso had you’re talking about giddy needs to be that that that you know tall point guard that we probably haven’t had in a while that can distribute and you know get transition buckets you’re talking about uh Martis builes who I almost said de demonus too uh who by the way I had no idea ESPN have had him projected number one pick uh recently as last year he was supposed to be a top five top five this year no he was gonna be the number one overall pick last season number one uh he was on uh um I’ll take it uh what What’s the what’s Kenny be’s uh show the new show they got run the numbers or something like that I no disrespect to Ken I love I love Kenny show and and uh peee the plug and all of that yeah um but he he said uh that on there if I shot the ball better I’m the number one overall pick absolutely yeah he took a dive when he was with the G League this year uh that’s great the team fall 11 that I think the team was bad G League at night was terrible this year they were they were horrible was horrible yeah so I mean that kind of took a dive on but hey what I’m saying is you have have the potential to have a really good young core that you can build off of you have players here that have already taken a Ascension in the league um like GID and Kobe who have shown that they can actually you know make Improvement so yeah this youth move I’d say keep it going trade all these old guys out if if if Jerry allows and my question is what oh forgive me even for asking but what is the actual scheme that we’re supposed to be running like what is what is what do Billy Donovan doing is it some type of well he’s always said push the ball keep like like so just Up Tempo push like what is like it’s not the triangle it’s not the this it’s not the prin like what is what is his scheme that that we’re supposed to like the players have to fit what he wants what does he want I think he wants exactly what he got he wants a point guard that can run his off he wants what we had in the beginning they kind of play a little he wants the running gun he wants to take it off of the rim he wants to get downhill he wants he wants the the offense to be fastpaced the offense is 28th in in Pace of play last year the Bulls were um he he wants a point guard that can run his system think about every system he’s had right when he got Russ out of there they got Chris Paul when he got Chris Paul out of there they had Shay for a year and then I think they drafted giddy his last year there Josh giddy you mean uh no gidd gidy was drafted when we got here so his first year he was gone they drafted gidy uh but Shay was there right like he always he wants a point guard that can run his system he wants he wants Shooters on the wing he wants to be able to a small ballish kind of squad I think like a team like Indian Indianapolis the Pacers I mean which but I mean you’re talking about a team like that where clearly the point guard is is that guy and he’s you know this is turning into a tall team here I mean if you got gide at 68 we getting some height on the squad I mean the only what the short guy would be Kobe at 66 right 65 65 66 I mean is his hair out with his hair out is 68 69ine that’s not bad I I I would see to me then you go for Aiden you know at that age you really want Aiden now all of a sudden he he get a name and he attached to it Zack I wanted Ed I wanted Ed I I wanted my double Bulldog when you get a name no because I mean sabonis would work but then he’s you’re looking for a center because we got a yeah detis sabonis would but they not trading damont sabonis no I’m saying the wish L of getting some also he he’s a center though he is a center he’s a 610 Center I mean yeah there’s a lot of 610 centers yeah but you knowf footer I think the I think s Sacramento is definitely building around him the issue is who would be available that you get something what Sacramento is building around building around damont sabonis yeah he was a big part of that trade we got him and dearon Fox right yeah and they were in the playoffs of the playing right they they building around de Fox they bu around fo I love I love what Ace is saying in the uh in in the chat real quick uh talking about small ball is slowly dying that’s another thing you gotta you got to kind of keep in mind you know I’ve been calling for the death the small ball for Years bro it’s just it it’s mindblown to me and I love that I love that the Bulls are kind of finally starting to figure this out and they’re putting players on the team that work for this I don’t know if y’all know this right but in the game of basketball where the goal is to put this round ball in this round hoop that’s 10 feet off the ground tall guys can do it easier I don’t know if you know this or not like well the Knicks figured it out the Knicks Pacers like and here’s the thing the the state of the league is changing you saw it yesterday in the draft Yeah like the first 15 picks nine of them were big men yes yeah like the league is going back to where centers have to be cers where cers have to matter where tall guys have to matter they overcorrected when Stephen Curry came out everybody was like oh we could just get small dudes that could shoot the ball from a million miles away and that we need to do that all over the place and then all of a sudden it was just like hey dummy he’s the best shooter of all time time that’s an outlier you’re not gonna be able to get that guy every single time I think that’s just the lack of creativity and patience it comes for building teams it’s it’s like doing the copycat League Thing versus like if you’re the originator of something and everybody else is trying to copy it and making a carbon copy you know that that that that just shows how some of these GMS just don’t do a great job you know I I was thinking about you know like Julius Randall for example is another guy but he’s more he’s power forward def he’s a scoring on that team no Center on that te for minute Mitch Robinson is definitely the center yeah but Mitch Robinson was HT Julius R would be Rob be dead half a season so we’ve seen Julius play to five but Julius is a very undersized he’s an undersized 68 69 6 maybe 69 yeah no he’s more of a power forward that was the other guy that’s that was thinking of like how do we to move to get someone else semi young and and give the niick somebody I mean or give the team some competent players on the team that that that can help them I think here’s my thing the the fact that you’re starting to go out and and if you need to you know have a year where you trade for a random big or you find a big that just kind of fits that could stand in there a Robin Lopez type of player when the Bulls had him for a while right like like one of those guys that could just stand in there because what you’re trying to do you still can accomplish next season if you make trades the right way if you’re able to get 2025 draft Capital you can go out and get a center if you need a center you could have got one this season if you needed one right I think there were a ton of centers that were out there if you if you operate the right way you can move certain pieces to maybe bring back somebody who’s hopefully just an upside piece that you kind of got to figure some things out because this dude right here uh uh buus he’s two blocks a game if you get him comfortable he works if he is 610 if he is in fact 610 I don’t like three fours something like that bro I’ve seen all kinds of sizes on no for real he’s like he’s like 6 eight and change and eight e of an inch hey he he got some bounce to him regardless of what he is he he plays above the BR I likees yeah I like but but to me you’re you’re you’re talking about having an opportunity to go with the youth movement figure some things out it doesn’t mean it’s over this year that’s the thing about this this doesn’t have to be the end of the rebuild this doesn’t have to be the end of the retool the end of what you’re trying to put together this just has to be a step in the right direction this season I think you have that by going with the youth movement and guess what if the youth movement works out and these guys are great and you win 45 games this season yeah and people are gonna look at that and be like it’s not a lot of games it’s a lot of games for this hey it’s a lot of games that maybe he actually develops into something maybe he turns into a 25 to 28 point per game player maybe he can stay out of high school I’m I mean maybe he can get you know be a triple double threat stop hating on that Manan on the man that’s my new point guard leave alone that’s nuts leave him alone feel like you standing on the wrong side of the fence all right now game over bro I want I just I don’t want him emotionally damaged that he gave everybody teas I want him to get his confidence I’mma tell you this right now if he’s emotionally damaged by these jokes he ain’t gonna make it in Chicago I know but it doesn’t you it doesn’t but it’s not relevant anymore like I’m being very nice it’s over it’s a w this the city of Chicago do he’s got to the store I’m not thinking about it like that I’m thinking of a new point guard that we have that can do it give us a triple double but no I just I just think right like if if you develop those guys into that and they become a 45 win team boom perfect let’s keep adding on let’s go out here and find some pieces that we can add to help this team if they’re a 30- win team and you get a top 10 protected pick you don’t send your pick to the San Antonio Spurs you end up winning out that way maybe you see some small development but they end up losing and you got some answers do we know who the top is there a top prospect next year flag we going flag well I mean listen if we get the first overall if we get the first overall pick we can get that’s the perfect but if we get the first overall pick but we got to tear it down that means we have to get that pick in the in the trade for the one of the Three Vets we have to got way we get the first the Bulls can still the Bulls still have that pick it’s top 10 protected it’s top 10 protected so if the Bulls suck they can get their pick but if they keep I’m thinking about the backwards way I thought it was top 10 where if it’s in the top 10 we we don’t get it if it’s out of top okay think that back okay so Cooper flag hey and I think here’s the thing this is a year and that’s that’s what I was going to say this is a year for you to try and see what the youth movement is because there’s going to be more teams than ever trying to be out because they believe in Cooper flag that much race to the flag the race to the flag I said it that could be taken the wrong way but hey yeah uh Hey listen I’m I’m in on on uh investing in the youth movement I hope that the Bulls are as well I hope we see some trades come down pipeline man because I thought we were going to see some I thought we were going to see some kind of trade during the draft even if it was something small signing trade for Demar something like that I’m surprised that we saw nothing that’s AK um I I don’t even know if that’s a AK thing I think that that’s just a they’re they’re gonna wait until the ninth hour to do anything well maybe that is an AK thing like they’re gonna wait till the last minute but here’s the funny thing about this right like and before we get about it like that’s how we grew up it remember like the baby bulls yeah the baby bulls were together for like five years before we were like we might need somebody else which baby bulls either on we didn’t call them the baby bulls we called Jamal Crawford Jal Gordon were also I’m saying it wasn’t five years that’s all before they got D got D Ro was that the Bulls or was that I’m saying that was the baby bulls as well that wasn’t the baby bulls that was that was Kirk H I’m just trying to help wasn’t the baby bulls baby bulls was it was Tyson Chandler and and Curry because they were they also the baby boys those were the baby boyss hey which one had the slogan uh hey the kids can play is that the white so that’s the white sock this man in a whole other sport I couldn’t remember I couldn’t remember what slogan it was that was the white sock but no I think I think here’s my thing like this is what we grew up watching teams weren’t built in a day that’s true D like we we Marcus fizer was not good oh boy trash and we reigned Marcus fizer just to be sure that he wasn’t good we were like we played him at small for you realize we play him it’s about growing with the team we don’t have a problem growing with the team if there’s like potential to your point so the first the first iteration of baby bulls and the second uh set of you included Tyson Chandler in it Tyson Chandler and Eddie Curry were the baby they played with Eddie they played with Kirk Hinrich and LU all dang andan CH I think Eddie got traded they got traed later to the Knicks no Kirk HR was drafted in 2003 y yeah Ben Gordon was drafted in 2004 Dwayne Wade and all them was he was in what year was Curry traded Curry got traded in like 2006 yeah because Jay Williams got hurt I and Jamal Crawford and all those guys it was that was that iteration of baby bulls EI either way that’s not the B but because that’s the Brad Miller Ron arz them wasn’t the baby boyss no Ron Mercer Ron arz Brad Miller Jay uh Jamal Crawford uh um Jay Williams Eddie Jay Williams only for one year Jay Williams was only there for one year he got drafted in what 2001 one that was that was two years yeah one year he was done after no I’m saying like those Bulls were together for two years they broke that team up in 03 right that’s how they got all the picks for 0 that the bab right but my point is that either way it’s watching a team that you want to grow with I mean like we grew up with the Michael Jordan Bulls of from all that time and then they grew to and they became Champions yeah we didn’t get chance I mean the the kir Hinrich Squad did pretty okay they kind of fizzled out and then they got Derrick Rose and then it became a rebuild they got der Rose off look didn’t we get D Rose off season we won like or was planned 45 games or something I think it was planned oh for sure 8% no the NBA gave him to us sure 18 years to the day though 18 years ago yesterday the Chicago Bulls drafted The Chicago Kid I was picking up yesterday the Chicago Bulls drafted The Chicago Kid so 18 years apart so are you saying so what you trying to say so what I’m saying is who’s for Chicago that we gonna get that’s what they did for Cleveland Cleveland there’s a chance d r 2.0 no no I’m not saying Hey listen listen I just hope he’s as good as jok like like give me that’s the CE I don’t have star I don’t have star I don’t think anybody 11 pick like he’s the top 10 I I I said I you can work with 11th Pi that was Klay Thompson was 11th pick sure I’m just saying the expectation shouldn’t be a top 10 if he was potentially here’s the thing I was looking up the Big Board number I’ll say this if he can find his shot he’s a star oh 100% they had him number three on the tangon his intangibles his intangibles gonna make him top he’s at the end of the day he’s going to be like the top three player in this draft because his intangibles the stuff that’s built within you can’t teach look at this so the big board for tangon they had Nicola topic number one he ended up getting hurt re re sheeper was two he went three three mates Bellis was three he dropped to 11 Stefan Castle was four Donovan kingan was five Ron Holland six yeah and then the two French guys Zachary rer r re was seven and Alexander SAR was eight and then your boy D you can’t even throw a French accent on Alexander SAR like he talk like he from the hood yeah that was your top 10 Rod Dillingham but our guy was number three yeah he has potential no here’s the thing if if he can find that shot if he can knock down his shot the sky’s the limit for the kid sky is the limit like everything I said like me saying like I’m just I’m basing it off of what I see now I don’t know if I see a star I still think you need a star but if you go with the youth movement Kobe white can be a star the youths honestly and you ain’t gonna like this one you’re not gonna like this one I just know it’s not true Patrick Williams you dog all right Calvin thank you say it louder for those in the back like Pat Williams can possibly be a star no man why why because you no longer have Zach and dear holding on to the ball for all the possessions of the game and not the credits not the credits listen listen I got a valid point here honestly every time you seen Pat will speak on it I got you back double credits is nuts double credits is the same in this show right here here oh now here’s here’s my here’s my problem with that tape yes if was was Patrick will put in a position I’m with you bro was was Pat well put in a position where he instantly became the fifth best player on the team 100% yeah the fifth best player yeah well for sure like he he got he was the fourth overall pick and then they was like let’s bring all these other dudes in but where’s the dog had to say I’m I’m a step up but but but this is my problem everybody always says well he don’t get shots and yet every time we replace him in the lineup with somebody else they impact the game more they get shots why do they get shots cig yeah yeah they don’t get shots cuz somebody calling plays for them they don’t get shots cuz somebody running the offense to them they get shots because they’re following the shots up they’re doing whatever they can to make an impact so that they can prove that they supposed to be on the floor why do we love Jimmy Butler Jimmy Butler got on the floor for the reason of everybody else was dead honestly but Jimmy Butler got on the floor and literally was like I’ll guard LeBron yeah defense yep I ain’t worried about it oh the ball the ball’s in the middle bow there it is let’s go fou oh throw the ball up in the air I can jump up and go get it Jimmy used to jump out the gym Jimmy Jimmy used to jump out I I’ve never taken credit for this publicly but I remember like when Jimmy Butler caught an Aly hoop one day on and he dunked on so I I forget who he dunked on I think I want to say it was Tristan Thompson think he dunked on Tristan Thompson the heat like Robinson was it it might have been he actually because it wasn’t the Cavs yet Tristan might not have been in the league yet but he caught a oop vers somebody and I remember watching it live and I said I think Jimmy Butler might be one of the better players on this team and we not playing him like it was like he caught he had had it was his best game as like a second year player like he had like 11 points he played phenomenal defense like he was balling and then they threw the ball up to him and he went up and I’m talking about he sat on buddy head like it was crazy to O caught and I literally went he might be he might be one of the best players on the team was that on Chris Bosch was that on Chris Bosch I literally went he might be one of the best players on the teams that we never play him you say his rookie year or his second year I think it was his second year because I don’t think he played at all his rookie year a fact he played 42 games as Rook it’s so sad when you think about it because Derrick Rose never got hurt saying Chris Bosch yeah it might have been Bosch but I remember I had the picture like when he did it I I this back in the day when you had to like go find the picture on Google say that M email downlo make it a screen I had that picture on my for like a year and a halfz I was like Jimmy Butler be and then all of a sudden he started being the defensive dog and then everybody left and it yeah it is what it is but one handed oop on that was the one-handed yeah everybody remember it I I see see that’s funny is at that time everybody kept saying the Bulls need a shooting guard that’s all we needed so we got so we got so we got Rip Hamilton that’s all we needed that’s all we need bro and that was bro and the thing that was the thing we kept bringing dudes in and I was like yo I think we just need to play Jimmy Butler no no we didn’t have them yet and then they finally got him but then our team started getting no but we was still Jimmy was on the bench TBS wouldn’t play him at all Jimmy was at the end of the bench I’m talking about he wasn’t getting no tip your point we talking about 201 salm was in front of 2011 2012 that was the year Derek to John Salmons yeah I remember that was salm was nice he was okay I think he come from Philadelphia joh Sal John salons had a hot a hot month and a half two months I ain’t gonna lie John Salmons had a time where he was on fire they traded John Salmons before D roll won the MVP year before no uh 2011 2012 2011 Bogan was our shooting guard bog the year R in the Boston I know Salmons played in round I know he did and that was 29 209 season no yeah he right we had Keith Bogan after that we didn’t get Jimmy to that the team was already pretty much peaked because 2010 is when we were what number one in the East Jimmy comes in 2011 and then Rose is hurt what what 2012 2012 yeah yeah but we still we still he came back we made the we still made the playoffs that’s the game versus the Cav but my point is like like the peak the strength of that Bulls team at that time we have been trying to find a shooting guard by the time they almost had it figured out we had Jimmy is when we and our guys get hurt because we didn’t have a long run with this but the but the problem is instead of rebuilding around Jimmy you would have got him dwed and freaking Rondo like instead of rebuilding around like the actual shooting guard that you need it the guard you want like they said they didn’t think we could build around no they literally that was one of the dumbest moments ever we I don’t know why we went down this memory land but we l they literally were like we don’t know how to build around here they said we want to go younger let’s get DW and run they literally just like we don’t know how to build around Jimmy Butler so we gonna go a different direction so because y’all suck we gotta get rid of a dude that went to the NBA finals twice trash and went to the playoffs every year since he left you it is what it is uh let us know in the comments below do you feel like the Bulls should build around the youth movement do we got a Jimmy Butler on this team uh do you we we do not uh maybe I maybe not really hey I think he a dog how you say his name how you say his name Matas billus yeah mat oh you think he a dog oh he got dog he got some dog in he got some dog might hey this could be one of them some of the parts like a old Pistons Squad even the old three Pistons don’t really work good teams yeah I mean they’ve won those teams have won that that once even the each one of them have won one oh no the Pistons won twice Pistons won once no I’m talking about the Isaiah Pistons won twice that wasn’t a sum of the parts team that was a yeah it was isaah Thomas is arguably the third greatest point guard of all time point guard uh I just just will you work with me here I’m just saying that we have a you got you have a player and then everybody else is around no but I’m just saying even the Warriors in the sense are built kind of like that Squad great point guard great shooting defense I mean you got a guy that that that would s sacrifice offensive game to play defense and block shots and be a disruptor my point is it could be one of these type of teams that you’re building a team that’s a greater of the of the some of of the parts but two of those teams had superstars on them they had eight Superstars you you still need a superstar iy I want one you still need a superstar that’s my thing but was the was the Pistons really uh the the chy bips Squad that’s the only one I mean but it can be done yeah and they couldn’t repeat it that was Larry Brown Larry Brown qu hopefully the youth movement can manufactur that was coaching that from Larry Brown to phlip Saunders that changed that whole thing yeah you know but it can be done I prefer a superstar of course but give me give me the Superstar it could be done hey I I I go based on uh the the 10e stretches of the NBA where the same dude continues to be in the NBA Finals usually like we went it how long did what and joic is it till joic we basically had four teams in the NBA finals and Curry and uh it was the Warriors Cav the Warriors the Cavs well I guess I should say we we had the same players in the NBA Finals oh yeah because LeBron was switched teams a couple of times but he was still in the NBA final man Rondo was like my is one of my favorite point guards of all time Ronda was a dog love Rondo hey man we appreciate y’all tuning in and showing love hit that like button subscribe to the leave that five star review y’all know what to do I was making a point Joe cut me off I don’t remember what it was so we going to get me I would never cut you off right you bastard uh for the Miss for the man Mr meia himself Jordan JC the super producer Joel Hol and of course C dub on the ones and twos it’s your boy P the designer back at it the again y’all stay safe out the Chicago C red ban go white socks uh they actually won today Patrick Williams for MVP baby Dam oh that’s the point I was making I made that point already I was talking about uh

On Todays Episode Pat The Designer & The Breeze Crew Talk About The Chicago Bulls Looking to trade Nikola Vucevic Before The Start Of The Season . They Also Talk About The Bulls Looking To go With The Youth Movement and also Move On From Demar Derozan & Zach Lavine

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  1. The bulls been getting younger since Michael Jordan retired. Oh well, we will never be a playoff team Nor a team that can contend for a championship.
    Get rid of that sorry front office and all those that don't know talent and then the city can become a future bright star. Bad coaching as well

  2. Next Year Future Chicago Bull Will Be Jamon Kemp To The Chicago Bulls Wearing Number 40 In The Chicago Bulls Jersey Becoming Rigen Bull Jamon Kemp Will Check Out And Work Out With The Chicago Bulls And Getting Drafted By The Chicago Bulls Getting Number 40 In The Chicago Bulls Jersey What Will Shawn Kemp Will Say About Jamon Kemp To The Chicago Bulls

  3. 39:45 if you keep Lavine – you have to s&t demar and trade coby. I dont think Lavine can coexist with either demar or coby. Is jerry gonna pay coby ? Its not worth paying DeMar (he isnt taking a chicago discount). Have to get a 4&5 in return. But im all in on needing to move all 3. I dont have any desire to keep 1 of em.

  4. Considering we got giddy and Buz fell to us, I feel like our luck for the next 17 and a half years is maxed out. We stuck with vooch 😭😭

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