@Detroit Pistons

NBA Draft RECAP for the Detroit Pistons and Bronny James

NBA Draft RECAP for the Detroit Pistons and Bronny James

NBA draft in the books finally uh they did the two-day one Pistons got two guys hopefully they’re going to be good Kool-Aid down at the practice facility right now because uh my man Ron down there uh what’s his name Ron Holland the second he they’re introducing him and then last night they got a kid from Sweden who played in Australia his name is uh Bobby Clinton what do you guys know about Bobby clintsman well he played a year of college before going back overseas to play he’s a project he’s a long guy that can affect the rim but he also has a semblance of an outside shot uh somebody that should be able to extend our offense and ex extend opposing defenses but you know we we really did get three guys we had two picks going in over these last two days obviously we took Ron Holland at number five and made a move to get this Clinton but we also moved our late pick in the second round to go get wend Moore who’s going in do his third-year deal listen the Pistons are going to be as Trent langon said basically a wasteland correct of contract of contracts here so we’re going to be seeing guys that that are going to be kind of locked into one twoyear deals they’re going to be brought on and hopefully we can acquire additional draft picks we also got another guy in the last 24 hours too I’m sure that we’re going to get into that Tim Hardway Jr comes on over come on down you just went to the NBA finals now you’re going to Purgatory yeah congratulations yep uh poor Tim Hardaway Jr comes over here to Detroit uh from the Dallas Mavericks we also get a second round pick two second round picks and what from what I’m understanding what I’m reading is obviously he’ll be a trade piece at the deadline they want to turn those number two picks into some number one picks now the NBA is it’s completely out of hand with all these picks going everywhere I remember when Oklahoma City had like 25 picks yeah at one time and uh I don’t know how they do it but they turn that team into a a championship contending team we can only pray that the Pistons can get there eventually because right now they are less to me worse than an expansion team yeah and you talk about OKC Thunder this is a team on the precipice of a dynasty what they’ve done is is they they didn’t settle for just a player to build around they kept moving assets they went in out and got an SGA and they still have a lot more draft Capital they have one of the best trios of young players in the NBA hands down but they are built right they’ve got a bunch of guys that like to contribute in defense they’ve got outside Shooters and again they’ve got a tremendous amount of capital so this is a team that is one player away from my in my opinion absolutely dominating the NBA from the rest of this they were the number one seed in the west this year and what are the two what’s the two things that that have the Pistons and the Oklahoma City Thunder what do they have in common do you know what they have in common um well it’s not Trey Weaver yeah they both fired Troy Weaver okay so they do have that in common so I’m going to pray that in a few years the Pistons can be up there in the East so that that’s what I’m going with man okay I mean I got nothing else yesterday Ryan Armani’s on the show and he brought this up and I want to hear from you guys too Justin Joel hear from you guys matter of fact we’ll open the phone lines we’re going to talk to everyone today 313 552 6322 give Joel a call he’ll put you on hold whoever wants to call today we got open for him today but I want to say yesterday Ryan armman said what the Pistons should have done with their 35th pick or 37th pick whatever that that pick was in the second round was to draft LeBron James Jr 100% you know him as Brony James and hold him captive that’s right and hold him for kidnapping that’s right because yesterday Rich Paul and his gang over uh you know agents run the league right we all know that he told everyone in the NBA do not draft bronny James if you do he will go play in Australia so he puts that EDI out there and the kid slips all the way through like we said number 55 matter of fact let’s go to the tape pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Los Angeles Lakers select Ronny James from the University of Southern Cali there he is congratulations there’s LeBron James Jr and his family finally welcome in heard his name called the next audio you’re going to hear is from Rob pinka calling bronnie just moments before this R you got Rob pinka here and Coach reck um I think first and foremost uh you’ve worked incredibly hard man you put in a ton of work and you know when we had lunch up at the facility for your workout we talked about your work ethic and that means a lot to us um I think second to that you know you’re a a player of High character and a person of High character and that is valued at the Lakers and so it’s important for coach reick and I to let you know those qualities really stand out um and so the Lakers are going to draft you um with the 55th pick in the draft and I just wanted to let you know Ronnie this is JJ I just wanted to say congrats man um your hard work’s paid off you’re going to have a long NBA career and I can’t wait to coach you man congrats we’ll see you soon Bonnie the work begins yes sir all right with the 55th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Los Angeles Lakers select bronny James got it confirming bronny James great thanks Chris thanks Rob all right all right [Applause] that’s how it happens folks Rob pinka calls NBA headquarters you heard what he said and you saw the charade hon MZ was that not the most patronizing draft call to a prospect you’ve ever heard well you know you’ve worked really hard every single kid that’s on a sheet that could be picked over the last two days has worked his butt off his entire life his entire career but this was a foregone inclusion I love your take I love Herman’s take we’re Detroit we don’t like LeBron throw fly in that ointment force him to give you two three second round picks do something listen he’s not the goat but he is the king he has a strangle hold on this league both domestically and internationally and the fact that this guy can just basically go out and dictate what the L what the the Lakers do front office moves what they do on their roster what other teams do and who they can draft hogwash them so tired of the king treatment this would have been great payback even though in a small dose for the Pistons to just not make things easy for the Lakers and the the James clamp this is why I’ve never liked LeBron James and I’ll continue to never like him I just don’t like what it’s done but it makes me angry at the NBA too it is a game I used to really love I still love it but I’m angry I’m sick and tired of it and I cannot wait till he’s gone and that’s how I felt about Tom Brady back in the day you guys know that I don’t know what it is but this guy man he just rubs me the wrong way Justin I want to ask you your your opinion you’re a young basketball fan I know you’re a huge sports fan even though you got that eyes or plan going we’ll get to that don’t worry what’s your take on this whole I call it a charade I it’s a total charade I think it’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen my life honestly like I don’t even understand how it can even have sports credibility it is so clown the way give him an espie while they’re at it while they make a make an award and give it a father son espie exactly it’s absolutely ridiculous and then Rich Paul forcing him to the Lakers is even more ridiculous he shouldn’t even be picked in this draft no he should have went undrafted see if you’re telling me he would have went undrafted and then sign with the Lakers sure that’s different but telling teams to specifically not draft him and then just drafting him pretty much using a pick that should should have went to someone more deserving it’s just it’s just not not not to move now W goes on and he says listen this happens all the time in the NBA LeBron’s not the only one that pulls the charade sure uh just to to let you know they’ll be the fourth Father’s son to play in a major sports the first one were the how Brothers play with their dad Gordy with the Hartford Whalers after that it was the Griffies they met in Seattle griffy senior and griffy Jr matter of fact they hit backto back home runs in one game and lastly was Tim Reigns and his son Tim Reigns Jr that was on a lesser plateau in baseball Tim Ray Jr barely made it to the majors but he made it to play with his dad so now LeBron and son will play together and now this is what I hear who’s the next son again R he actually his game he’s two years away right he’s got game two years away going into his senior season in high school good numbers but he’s still still played on the bench but this is a kid that’s going to be 69 maybe even 610 not the physical specimen that LeBron is but he could become that I think that Bryce has a great opportunity to be a first round pick um now I’m not mad at the bronnie LeBron thing like I’d love to throw that fly in the ointment especially here in Detroit but people say that Brony had no business being drafted now if you take away his whole heart attack and you give him a full season at USC the kid was solid he came back in halfway through the year not much conditioning not much understanding of how to play Within that the team scheme but there’s only four freshman last year that with 500 minutes or more had 100 points 50 boards and 50 rebounds bronnie can shoot he can play and he’s a highly cerebral player I am a massive fan even though it’s the James gang I like both the kids I’m not a LeBron guy I love this for the NBA I love that those two I mean LeBron’s been saying it for a few years he’s going to play with at least bronnie I think he sticks around to play with all three and he’ll hold the league hostage again he make sure that Bryce ends up on the same team with him but I like it this is something that we’ve never seen it’s going to be super hard for us to see ever again because guys in basketball just don’t play till they’re 40 the time that their kid is getting out of college it just bugs the hell out of me I don’t know why but I do know I just don’t like LeBron I don’t like the charades I don’t like all the crap he’s pulled his entire career how about sticking with one team and like like like like most of these guys do so we’ve tapped into your papa bear when it comes to miss Caitlyn Clark yeah now let’s flip off the basketball fan and the anti LeBron as a father yeah just looking at it from that point of view it is isn’t it yeah it’s cool it is it is I mean Gordy how hung on yeah into his 50s uh I I forgot he he might have played in his 60s Pete did he did Gordy how last until he was 60 I mean I think he could play now God Rest of Soul he could come out and play now that’s how great Gordy how was but I thought that was cool obviously Ken griffy Senior was barely making it team to team the Reds cut him Seattle signed him so he could play with Ken Griffey Jr and they back they hit back toback home runs together and then the Reigns uh fatherson combination in baseball so look I got no issues with that I just don’t like how it all comes down and I don’t like to tell you the truth that these agents run this league I I don’t like it yeah and you know what that’s okay it’s the N my Knicks are going to be ready for everyone next season I don’t care go ahead Joel I’m saying well one I would say I would say getting drafty or getting Bry drafted I would say yall looking at it kind of wrong more so it’s not like the Lakers drafted him with the 17th pick and he took like a spot from like a first-rounder Bron’s been always red high amongst his class for like his whole life so he’s already been a highly regarded player he had like you said the health issue uh with his heart which uh derailed his freshman season and he was on a terrible team so I don’t know how you really expect him to stand out on a terrible team and I was watching a video where he was playing against a number one pick and like one of those like USA select games like I think it was like 9 and they were looking very similar skill set and this was the number one pick and this was bronnie so it’s like I don’t see people going all up and arms about him getting drafted number one and plus nepotism runs the whole world so yeah I know it’s like you’re right might as well use it in your favor and plus at that point of the draft too the it’s ran by the agents anyway like I remember watching a video where Lou Will was talking about like he’s saying like once you get to like 54 like the last 10 picks he was like if you if you like have a agent that’s plugged in good with teams he was like you’ll be he’s like you’ll get a spot over a player who was better than you just because you have that connection well in a few minutes uh our number one draft pick is going to talk Ron Holland the uh second or is he the Third Ron Holland the second anyway the night he got drafted ESPN had him on and uh this is what he’s bringing to Detroit looking forward to the most about playing for the Pistons um I’m looking forward to really just changing things around um I know they have a a stigma on them when it comes to a lot of the losing and I’m I feel like I’m a huge part of a huge part to be able to start to change that around um I have a a willingness to win and I feel like me going into this this franchise being able to help them out with this this good group of guys good group of young guys that they have I’m definitely super excited to get down there and get to work hey look I know they drafted an 18-year-old kid they didn’t talk to him and you heard Tran Langton he’s like agents wouldn’t let people come here they wouldn’t let players come here and work out for us the pisses have been obviously black balled here so it’s going to take him a while to get out of this so they take this kid who’s got supposedly a huge upside J langon knows more about basketball than I’ll of know so he knows that but the more I read about this kid and I like him I mean give him a chance see how he grows he’s going to grow up with all these other young guys I hope they stay together they find a couple of Veteran pieces they draft some good players maybe they get lucky in the uh Lottery one of these years I know they got lucky once with Kate Cunningham hopefully they can get lucky again and grab another player I mean obviously Victor would have put this team on another Plateau but we were cheated out of that so nonetheless I wanted Dalton connect and because I I got to watch the kid a few times uh especially at Little Caesar’s Arena when he was here with Tennessee and in the final eight the elite eight I thought he was a terrific player SEC player of the year he could shoot the lights out everything about him said oh man Pistons should take this guy I just want to get your opinion on him first and would you rather had a kid like Kim or would you rather have a project like you gu you’re comp oh and don’t connect um so I’m glad you asked that because I I had a list of Five Guys when you look at Alexander SAR who for many many months was listed as the number one Prospect in this draft he’s never been on my top five he’s a clone of Jaylen Duran I think that Jaylen Duran had a more advanced game when we drafted him and this is 20124 you can’t have multiple guys like that on your team and expect them to get minutes so he wasn’t even in my top the Yukon Center what’s how about the Yukon centerman I likeing you can’t have him uran either right together if I think that if Weaver was still here klingman’s a guy that we would have gone after um I’ve been saying for many many months that I thought Zachary uh risse was was the best guy in this draft he went from the five6 prospect on most draft boards to going number one Reed Shepard is a guy that if the Pistons had him here they could have done a multitude of things in terms of trading I and possibly even exploring traits for for Kade which I don’t think that we should do at this point now when it comes down to Howen the guy we ended up with your boy Dalton connect yeah and then my guy Cody Williams Dalton connect is a guy that can come in here and play an NBA brand of basketball immediately he’s very ready but the Pistons are not um you also watched him slip to number 17 this the guy that on most boards was around the top seven or eight so guys around the NBA weren’t as high on him he can shoot outside he’s got an NBA body but I think that his upside is limited there now when you land on Ron Holland but he’s still a shooter right and he can still put the ball in that AB absolutely isn’t that what you want no matter how young or old you are they said the same things about Keegan Murray even though Keegan Murray was a more complete Prospect and was younger that’s a that’s a very interesting comparison I think that Keegan coming out was a better player with a higher upside um but those two are very very similar in comparison I want to compare Cody and Holland because again I’ve been screaming for Cody Williams Jaylen Williams little brother for many months but Holland was on my list that right around the four or five category on Twitter I hit up Kool-Aid when he was talking about you know he was 50 to1 to be drafted in the first round who’s that Holland Holland 50 no that was in the top five oh top top five yeah this is a guy that was going in top 10 this is a guy that has massive massive upright side I’m going to just focus on him right now 28 plus per usage and now that’s important at the g-league level a because guys like Cody Williams weren’t getting usage even at a place like Colorado where he thought he was going to get a high usage level you put in a guy like Ron Holland who is known as a high energy off ball player who provides with his work ethic with his speed with his absolute highlevel athleticism you put him in that situation you ask him to not only bring up the ball and handle it but also to score create shots off the dribble and to get to the Lane none of these are his strengths now when you come away with you looking at his season last year in the G League he’s got good numbers but he’s shot not at a great clip couldn’t hit the three very well turned the ball over a lot and looked like he didn’t have great vision but again you’re asking a guy to do a bunch of things that he wasn’t used to doing when he comes to Detroit he’s got a bunch of players that are going to take those responsibilities off his shoulder and allow him to be the athlete on the wing that he truly is and he will be able to evolve into more of a of a distributor and a guy that can allow these next few years to let the game slow down for him and come to him he definitely has one of the highest ceilings in the game but when I compare him to the the film I’ve seen on Cody Williams I see super similar guys Holland’s a little more athletic but Williams just natural feel for the game and his ability to score at three levels is something that the Pistons just don’t have outside of Kade Cunningham and with me I love Holland because again he’s he’s there’s nobody else after that pick that I would have taken over Ron Holland aside from Cody I just think that Ron Holland is a whole lot more of what we’ve been drafting over the last 10 years except with the exception of Kate cunning okay how much time is he gonna get how I mean how much playing time can he get on this team well first of all we don’t even know who the coach is yeah I mean it’s probably the kid the guy from Dallas yeah and and that’s a great question because really don’t know what we’re going to do when free agency opens up next week uh if we can get a strong three or four a guy like miles Bridges or somebody else it’s going to knock him out of the starting lineup but we’re so thin right now I don’t see AAR ascending to that starting lineup this is a guy that um is very similar in the things that he can do athletically and in the high energy aspect of basketball but I do think that his offensive game is more polished so if the if piston strike out in free agency to land that legit 3 four combo player this guy could be starting he could be seeing 28 minutes a game how about around the room here guys uh what’s your thought on on the Pistons draft and at whole who wants to go first Joel you can kick it off I would say I really can’t complain with the draft well I I mean you know you really can’t complain with the draft because like many people say who would you rather had and then I do have options that I would have rather had but it’s all like speculation right now so you don’t know who’s going to be good you don’t know who’s going to be bad like we don’t know like in two years not even two years from now we could be looking at halfway through the season like oh we could really see like a real real high ceiling for Ry Holland or even um Bobby Clinton so it’s like we don’t know how it’s going to work out I’mma just Whata call try to keep a positive mindset since this is TR and first draft let him come in with a clean slate and not really try to put any too much judgment on them before I really even see like how the players play all right I’m on the save W wavelength uh two high upside swings I cannot get mad at everyone hated The Cider pick when Eisman came to town so everyone hated the Gibbs pick last year except for some people I just think that it’s too early to tell they took High swing upsides upside players and there’s there’s potential with both of them I I love the athleticism that both of them have and Ron Holland seems like a dog and I’m really excited about that this team need some dogs he’s a good dresser yeah he’s got sty he’s got he’s GQ Pete put up the uh while we’re chatting put just put up the draft recap so we can just take a look at it go for a player it’s funny you talk about how he dressed I saw a couple things on Twitter one guy said this is the first time in my life at looking at the entire draft class I feel like I could beat all of them up isn’t that something yeah I saw that tweet too pretty ridiculous I saw that tweet too hey guy that got uh didn’t get drafted but got got signed was a guy I brought up yesterday Sharp Shooting Jack GOI from Oakland University now Ryan and and uh briland both told me m he’s not NBA player he’s never going to play in the NBA but he got signed Yesterday by uh the Oklahoma City Thunder does he get an opportunity to be on that team or does he is it just a showcase congratulations kid for what you did in the NCAA well you we might not see him in in a an NBA game but what we could see very much like Matt mclung yeah is him in the three-point shooting contest Matt mclung of course in the slam dunk contest King two years in a row right that’s right now A guy like Goki he can’t there’s no possible way that he can make an NBA team oh the way he shoots if he continue to shoot the way that he does and and and develop as a ball handler to where he doesn’t become a liability with The Rock in his hand because if you watch the U’s run the guy didn’t dribble a whole lot he’s coming off screens all the time he’s a defensive liability he’s a ball handling liability if he can sure those things up I could see him getting a couple 10day contracts okay [Music]

Tom Mazawey, Anson Wells and the rest of the crew discuss the Detroit Pistons results after drafting Ron Holland II in the first round as well as a couple of trades and a pick in the second round. Are you as upset that Bronny James got drafted as they are? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Let lebron play with his son people he sucks and he is going take a rooster spot which will make them that much worse.

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