@Los Angeles Lakers

[Woike] The Lakers have been expected to re-sign restricted free agent Max Christie, 21, who is said to have interest from rival teams, though the Lakers can match any offer he receives.

[Woike] The Lakers have been expected to re-sign restricted free agent Max Christie, 21, who is said to have interest from rival teams, though the Lakers can match any offer he receives.

by Proof-Umpire-7718


  1. He should still be on a rookie deal. Another Pelinka mistake special are these 2 year rookie deals where we’re forced to pay up for them early. THT another example

  2. No-Equipment-20

    If we lose Max I’ll be pissed. He perfectly fits the 3&D archetype we need

  3. KingWizard_IX


  4. AdvancedElephant

    Good. Keep Max and please give him more minutes. He’ll developing to a KCP/Hart guy for us

  5. Dj3garrett

    What’s up with the Lakers drafting players and only giving them 2 years? Seems like they don’t have any faith in them to become good so why are you drafting them in the first place? If they do pan out they hit the market sooner and now you have competition for them. Is 2 years for second rounders common? Why not 3 years with the last being team option?

  6. Players like Max who are controllable at a reasonable number are super valuable under the new CBA. I love his game and feel like he could be a 20+min player next year.

  7. wut_eva_bish

    Ballmer gaming on the Lakers again by drafting Cam.

    It’s obvious and plain as day.

    Problem is, now Cam will get to tell Max just how whack it is playing for the Clips and what a loser fucking organization it is (despite being flush with cash.)

    Fuck the clips and everyone that works for them.

  8. myelrecsy

    Watch the Flippers offer him money that the Lakers don’t want to match. Just watch.

  9. How good is DFS, is he better than RUI and DLo?

  10. CabbageStockExchange

    I hope we can bring him back. He has the right pieces to be a solid role player. He showed flashes last year

  11. randomhero_92

    The few minutes that Max was getting to begin with will likely go to Bronny James now.

  12. cuhman1cuhman2

    Dalton and Max as two rotational wings is really nice to have. If they can both develop our team is in pretty solid shape. Theyre both gonna have to play some good defense though with Reaves and Dlo as our backcourt

  13. randomhero_92

    Assuming Dinwiddie doesn’t re-sign, The lakers Reaves, Dlo, Gabe, Knecht, Bronny, JHS, and Max.

    Something tells me that Bronny will be getting meaningful rotation minutes, or at the very least, the garbage time minutes that Max was getting last year.

    Where would max’s minutes come from exactly?

  14. TheCarrTel

    Give him more minutes. Should’ve played more than Dinwiddie

  15. wholewheatcanuck

    Max has huge upside!!!! Not sure I like him sporting a Clippers hat. I know it was to support his brother but he didn’t seem too invested in being a Laker.  Even when asked who would win, his brother was quick to say the Clippers.  Max said it would be a win for all. Don’t like that laissez-faire attitude. Would rather have more killer in him

  16. Brokenbullet14

    Lakers have to trade multiple players for one player. they are close to max spots

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