@Miami Heat

Are Trae Young or Brandon Ingram REAL Possibilities for the Miami Heat? | BLEAV in Miami Heat Ep.180

Are Trae Young or Brandon Ingram REAL Possibilities for the Miami Heat? | BLEAV in Miami Heat Ep.180

what’s good y’all welcome back to believe in momy heat brought to you by believe Network as always I’m your host Anthony dinardo and uh yeah my watch says that it’s yappy hour so we will be talking about a lot today but including a lot of heat stuff like Brandon Ingram Trey young Jimmy Butler Josh Richardson but timestamps are down below if you want to find the topic that you’re interested in because a lot happened today now I guess I should start for the people that are new here which there is a lot of people because the channel has had great growth in the last few days since the draft but this is my long form podcast I have an audio version on all your platforms Spotify Apple pod Etc I put the videos up here on YouTube and once a week or so I like to do just these no edits or low edit long form podcast where I just get to sit down and talk to y’all have an engaging conversation about all things heat and just everything else going on and I guess I should say it’s technically a podcast with Mario chamers we had a couple episodes one on Zoom one in person it was really dope but he’s just a busy guy but maybe we’ll reconnect one day uh but yeah I had a very busy day myself and I promise I will get the Zion pulling video out I know a lot of people have been asking for me to talk about the other two-way player that was signed today because I did get a video out on kashad Johnson which I am super excited about him if y’all haven’t seen that go check it out but he is basically a PJ Tucker with drik Jones Jr aism that’s how I describe him but I was sitting here and I was working on you know some videos and scripts and stuff but we had plans to go hoop at this indoor gym at 8:00 every time I’m back home in Fort Lauderdale over here me and the boys we like to rent out this indoor gym and we just get like our own private runs cap it at 15 it’s a good time right and today was actually really fun there I played pretty well it was good maybe I’ll show some highlights while I’m talking here so if you’re on the the audio side this is a good excuse to come over to the YouTube check out the video as well and at least hit subscribe but yeah I’ll probably make some hoop mixtape some some small YouTube short hoop mixtape that y’all may see in a in a week or whatever but anyways today was was good but there was this one guy there that was annoying though the living hell out of me he was one of those dudes that likes to play very physical every time he drives he drops his shoulder into you every time he tries to get around your screen he’s shoving you and he just plays very physical but here’s the thing though I’m cool with that if you want to play physical I am down I think it’s fun you play physical you bump bodies and at the end of the game you dap each other out that’s what basketball is it is a contact sport but the people that I don’t like is the people that like to drop their shoulder into you and then when you do it back or try to defend yourself they cry and whine and call foul a thousand times and that’s what happened today with this dude it wasn’t my homeboy I had only seen him like once before at these runs that we do someone else invited him but y’all know the type of dude I’m talking about I’m sure you do there’s one at every core but we ended up we ended up ligh H his ass up I’m not going to lie to you I think I dropped like eight points in a gamewinner on his head so it was a good time it was also a good time because coincidentally I met a former Heat player there and if I give y’all a million guesses you will never guess who it was go ahead try comment down below the most random Heat player that you can think of ready you were wrong it was Henry Walker formerly known as Bill Walker now it’s not surprising that I ran into him there because my boy will that plays at this gym more often saw him there earlier you know a few few weeks ago because he actually coaches a team that trains there so I was hyped that he was still there today when I was there because I wanted to say what’s up to him and of course if y’all don’t remember Henry Walker only played like 24 games for the heat but he had one of the most memorable games you can ever remember some crazy comeback versus the Orlando Magic where he like went off in the last 60 seconds some of y’all may remember what I’m talking about but anyways so I saw Henry Walker there and I went up to him and I said hey yo I’m a Heat fan you know I appreciate what you do and I I dapped him up and I said I will never forget that Orlando Magic game and then Henry started dying laughing and I’m like you know which one I’m talking about and he’s like yep I do and then I told him I said now correct me if I’m wrong but I think you also killed Miami when you were with the Knicks one time too right and he looked at me and he’s like yeah I did and then he started dying laughing but I told him you know I mess with him uh you know he’s a cool dude I appreciate what he does you know enjoy your night uh so it was like a minute interaction but he was smiling you know ear to ear he was laughing the whole time I could tell that I really made his night by one recognizing him but also remembering some of his work uh because I did like Henry Walker I felt like he had a pretty nice stin uh here you know as a m Heat feel like he was a decent enough shooter but it was a good time good runs today and uh that’s why I’m coming to you I’m literally recording this at 1:00 a.m. on I guess technically Saturday morning that’s why I wanted to come to y’all with more of a chill episode so I have some more time to work on my script for like a Zion pooling video and some more KH wear stuff that I have going on uh but yeah the reason I should say that I did hoop so well today it’s because I got a fresh haircut man I don’t know if y’all noticed man but my my looking right you know the the side looking the fade is clean and I have to shout out my boy Frankie AKA cut SES who who cuts out of the Players Lounge and Davey so listen if y’all are in the Broward County area and you need a cut I know you do cuz I know a lot of y’all looking musty I’m kidding I should not say that about the people watching this but hit up my boy Frankie AKA cut says she is the best barber in all of Brower County once again cuts out of the Players Lounge in Dave Florida so shout out to him make sure to hit up my boy if you want the best cut and you want to hoop on the court like I did today cuz that’s how good a barber he is he got special powers but all his stuff is linked down below so make sure you reach out to him and set up an appointment if you are in the brow area Frankie shout out to you my boy because now I can at least go a couple days without getting a comment about my mustache I know my mustache is not good but the reason I don’t shave it off is because I literally look like a child without facial hair and plus like I said after Frankie lines it up it looks pretty good for a couple days until I screw it up myself by trying to trim it and I’m just not very good at cutting my facial hair which is patchy as is but anyways before I was actually getting ready to hoop today you know we had a 8:00 reservation for the court that deante Murray news broke essentially that happened like right around 7ish p.m. and obviously the big news is that the jante Murray was traded from the Hawks to the New Orleans Pelicans for Larry Nance Jr Dyson D and I believe two first round picks now I wanted to get a video out about that right away and stuff but posted a couple YouTube shorts to kind of share my thoughts but I feel like I should kind of explain more so that’s kind of what I want to do here right now now a thing I saw a lot of Heat fans you know saying I even tweeted it out myself is the Miami Heat could have beaten that and yes I certainly think they could have beaten that because I do believe now they have two tradable first round picks again because since the 2024 pick was made I believe now 2031 now opens and I think that is now a tradable pick but either way you could you still could have sent Tyler hero you could have sent khil wear who I know we like his Heat fans but he just got here yesterday literally his introductory press conference was today seems like a great kid by the way I I really really do like KH wear but I would have sent khil wear Tyle hero in a first- round pick or Tyler hero in two first round picks I think that’s better than Larry n Dyson Daniels in two first personally obviously if the heat really loved dejonte Murray they could have attached yic or Jame but I might have did it for Deonte Murray I don’t know I’m just kind of at the point now as a Heat fan where anything is better than running it back and I love Trey young but the fit with dejonte Murray might also be better so I don’t know it’s it’s a bit of a dilemma but that does beg the question kind of my an instant reaction when I saw the deante Murray Trading news is what’s next for Brandon Ingram and what’s next for Trey young because those are two guys that we’ve heard a ton of trade rumors about over the last several months really the last year or so and my first my my initial you know kind of thought when I was thinking what’s next for Trey young is either the Hawks now want to build around Trey young or trading Dante with step one of blowing it up completely and step two is is now trading Trey young to get even more assets and kind of what that reminds me of is I remember when the Jazz traded Rudy goar I said oh no does that mean that they they picked Mitchell and they want to build around Mitchell and that’s why they got rid of goar and then of course very shortly after they traded Donovan Mitchell to the Cavaliers so I do think that there’s potential that the Atlanta Hawks might be doing the same thing and that that means that Trey young could be on the markets very very soon especially since you consider the package that they got for Deon Murray they got a young guard and picks those are not win now moves so to me that kind of portrays the direction that the Hawks want to go in and if that’s the case the Miami Heat should be calling Landry Fields right now yes Landry Fields is the GM of the Atlanta Hawks the uh the old player that played for the Knicks he had the cell or the pregame ritual with Jeremy Lynn that Landry Fields so the heat should be calling his line right now saying what do you want for Trey young here you go because as a Heat fan I would give up quite a bit for Trey young I’d give up Tyler wear all the picks definitely one of jameh hakz or Nico yic maybe both probably not both listen before you comment I know you’re not going to like I said that I take it back I’d give up one of the two kids I really would probably Jame hakz just because and I like H love hak y’all know I love kame hame hakz Jr but if you’re getting Trey young you’re obviously getting pretty small and I would like to at least keep the side eyes that Nia yovic brings even though yic is a ball handler and so is Trey young but yic could spot up better for Trey Young’s passing there’s so much to love about jameh hakz and ni yic deciding which one to trade is literally like picking which one of my kids to send away like I you know it’s it’s tough It’s a really tough decision but point is I really like Trey young and his fit on the M heat he has been very polarizing I think you either hate it or love it because the Heat fans that love it like myself say hey this Heat team can’t score Trey young has led a top 10 offense almost every single year he’s been in the NBA last year they the Hawks were 12th but he was hurt a lot of the season but the years before that they were like fourth seventh eighth sixth so every year he’s L top 10 offense and for a Heat team that was scoring under 90 points the final three games of the season I want to see this offense get better and I think that’s something that we can all agree on and Trey young brings that he’s a guy that can score 50 points on any given night allowing Jimmy Butler to kind of do what he does and Coast in the regular season let’s say preserve his body that’s the nicer way to put it although Jimmy Butler’s in a contract year we’ll talk about that later but still it allows Jimmy Butler to not have to go balls to the walls every single night because Trey young can score but more importantly Trey young is an elite with a capital E facilitator so he will make everyone else’s jobs easier especially your franchise Cornerstone and Bandit a bio who you’re now locked down for another 3 years at almost $60 million imagine what Trey young is going to do for him being able to finally have a guy that can do picking rolls that can do picking lobs I know Terry oir is not bad at it but Trey young is Elite there is levels to this he will find bam in the dunker spot find him mid-range find him at the three-point line for God’s sake because he is that good a passer with that good a vision and he knows how to run an offense and the people that are against Trey young say well he’s not a heat culture guy cuz he’s one of the worst defenders in the entire league and that’s also not an exaggeration but I would like to believe that Trey young in this heat system with the defensive coach of Eric spola and the schemes that he’s ran for Tyler hero who also was bad at defense mind you it’s not like they’re sending out a great defender for a bad one no it’s you know pretty lateral there I do think sper could do a good enough job hiding Trey Young on defense especially if you were ever going to put Trey Young on a team that could help his defense it would be a team that has Jimmy Butler that has bam that has if you could resign Haywood heith that has Delon Wright already they just you know Josh Richardson just picked up his player option that’s another very good point of attack Defender so obviously the Miami Heat have guys that can play defense that can cover up for Trey young and I just think it is a perfect perfect fit so I would absolutely love Trey young in the team so bad and I hope he’s on the team by the end of the week I would rather go all in on Trey young right now and scoop him than wait and sit around and see if Donovan Mitchell’s on the move or not because that seems to be the plan at this point now to the other side of things you also have Brandon Ingram because there’s been a lot of trade rumors about him that the Pelicans might want to let him go but then I saw they they traded for the jonay Murray so to me that signal a win now move so in my head I’m thinking well the Pelicans don’t want to trade Brandon Ingram anymore they got a core four they got CJ they got deante they got Brandon they got but then W puts out the tweet that says the Pelicans are committed to building around CJ McCollum Zion Williamson and nobody no mention of Brandon Ingram so it still does sound like that team is looking to offload him and I would like Brandon Ingram on the heat obviously skill-wise he’s great because he is also a great scorer and provides size and the heat are still obviously looking to get bigger that just started with khil wear but the injury concerns are pretty big and for a Heat team that already led the league and missed games you know due to injury last season and sending out Ty hero who’s very injury prone and getting Brandon Ingram who’s even more injury-prone that’s something that does slightly concern me now Ingram hasn’t been a guy that’s always gotten hurt like Zion even though Zion was actually healthy last year coincidentally but there is still you know lingering injuries because Brandon Ingram was not hisself last year he was dealing with a lot of injuries and obviously wasn’t all that great so that does scare me but at the end of the day my mindset this off season is anything is better than running it back so if you can get Brandon Ingram especially if it’s for a package similar to the value of dejonte Murray one young player in two picks Tyler hero two picks oh I would do that all day now if you’re saying we have to trade one of the kids hakz or yic specifically I’d be a little bit more hesitant so kind of summarize everything Trey Young possibly be on the Move we’re waiting to see if Atlanta wants to blow it up or build around Trey I would go all in on Trey pretty much you know for all intents and purposes Brandon Ingram it does look like he’s on the move I think his value will be less so for that reason I do think he’s maybe the more realistic option and I suppose I kind of do like that as well the other news we got today almost at the same exact time is Josh Richardson picked up his player option uh for a couple million bucks like 3 million not surprising it kind of does suck for Jay Rich because he he took less money last off season to sign with the Miami Heat in hopes of rebuilding his value on the market and then obviously opt out of his player option this summer and you know sign Elsewhere for more money I think that was the goal with J Rich but he did deal with some injuries early on in the season then he you know broke his shoulder to end the season didn’t play the rest of the regular season missed the playoffs and for that reason his market value is kind of the same so that’s why he’s going to kind of opt into the final final year of his deal here and then basically run it back I know those words scare Heat fans the phrase run it back but I think Jay Rich is going to try to have a contract year himself and then likely resign elsewhere next season for more money obviously we love Jay Rich I’m very happy that he’s staying they can use what he brings because when he was healthy last year he was hitting his mid-range shots he was hitting his three-pointers he was bringing the defense that you like to see not as good as you know rookie Jay Rich and year two Jay Rich but he was still very solid on that end and obviously as a Heat team that might be losing cayb Martin maybe Hayward heith you could really use Josh Richardson so that’s kind of the plan with him now speaking of Caleb baren he’s one of three guys that’s actually on Sunday or Saturday at 5:00 pm. they have to decide if they want to accept their player option with Miami so by the time you’re watching this maybe we already know I mean the first guy is cayb Martin obviously we kind of know he’s going to opt out his player options only for like 7 million I think he can get at least 15 on the open markets I really do it depends because I think most contenders would want him and those are the teams that don’t have cap space so now maybe you’re talking about a signning trade whether he can get some assets and maybe get a a piece in return that’ll be something that I’m very interested to see but I think we’ll find out very soon like I said maybe even by the time you’re watching this another guys Kevin Love he is a player option for 4 million I think he either one accepts it or declines it and resigns with the heat kind of the same deal 2year $8 million seconde play opt player option essentially what he did last year I could see him re-upping it and for that case the same with Thomas Bryant who also has a $2.8 million player option I don’t see him getting more on the open market so he will either accept or resign a similar deal with the Miami Heats and obviously I want to keep K LOVE I like what he brings to his team veteran leadership hits the three rebounds I think he had a good season last year went healthy and Thomas Bryant as a minimum big I’m cool with that too you know you’re still gonna need like a third string big I know they got Orlando Robinson who who I think is okay as well but Thomas Bryant was fine people that were mad at Thomas Bryant last year they just had two unreal unrealistic expectations I mean you know who you get with minimum bigs you get Cody Zeller you get Dwayne deadmond you get Omare yvan and he was way better uh Thomas Bryant was way better than those three so I’d be cool with Thomas Brian being you know your backup big if he has to play when guys get hurt get in foul trouble I think he can contribute we’ve seen him bring energy for 10 minutes a game you know in in certain Spurs I do not mind if the heat hold on to Thomas Bryant and lastly here we got to talk about Jimmy Butler because the big news broke a couple days ago now essentially saying that he is not going to sign an extension with the Mi heat or any other team everybody freaked out thinking that means he’s going to walk for nothing you got to trade him but now you can’t trade him because other teams are not going to give you good value because they think he might just walk in the off season that’s not what’s going on here essentially what happened is kind of what I hoped I’m shocked it happened but it sounds like it did is the heat told Jimmy Butler hey we got concerns about your health we don’t want to give you this money now and I think Jimmy said you know what you’re right I did Coast last year I did miss the playoffs the least I can do is ball out next year and then instead of signing a an extension for another year I could sign a 4-year contract now which I think gives him an extra two years if that’s correct maybe if the years aren’t the same I do know he would get more money that way so essentially to to kind of recap his options are you know sign an extension right now or finish out this season he also has a player option next year technically so if things go very bad he could just opt into that player option but the more likely case scenario now that we know he’s not getting extended is he will play out this season decline his player option and then resign on a three or fouryear contract whatever the maximum years is that allows him and the the point is though he wants to resign with the Miami Heat he just wants to bet on himself bet that he will have an amazing season and that way he can get more money next season and I like that approach cuz if you’re the M heat there was a lot of concerns on how much Jimmy Butler has left in the tank because of the injuries because of the lack of days AAL play last season so but at least now we get to see if that was a fluke if he can bounce back if he can get back to playoff Jimmy form and carry this team I mean if they win a championship give him whatever the hell he wants I don’t care I’ll bite the bullet but even if he’s still very great in the postseason that makes you feel a little bit better as a as the Miami Heat to give him his money and extend him until he is 38 years old there’s no debate that by the time he’s 38 it’s not going to be a good deal but sometimes you just got to do what you got to do to lock the guy in right now but at least at least if they wait this season out maybe they feel more confident that Jimmy has another year or two left of his prime so that’s kind of all I got to say related to the Miami Heats I think that pretty much covers all the news I do want to say y’all see I got the Florida Panthers Championship shirt on for all the people going to the parade on Sunday make sure y’all safe make sure y’all have a great time I know the Panthers have been lit as heal I saw the Stanley Cup at the club 11 in Miami I see kachu going crazy barov starting barov chance in the club you love to see it I’m in Fort Lauderdale I thought I might go to the parade I don’t think I will I it’ll it’s just going to be so hot I told myself the next Heat parade I’m definitely going I’ve been saying that for 10 years now cuz I I didn’t go to any of the last Heat parades cuz I was pretty young but the next Heat parade I’ll suck it up I’ll be hot outside I’m definitely going to that the Panthers one I I’ll probably pass for now but if you are going have a great time be safe and I think that’s pretty much all I got to say for this video make sure to like And subscribe because I do greatly appreciate it we are on Pace to smash that 5K Subs by the start of next season but let’s not take anything for granted make sure y’all sub because that’s still is the goal here uh and if you made it to this point of the video which is now almost 23 minutes in go ahead and comment comment kashad Johnson is the goat let’s do that then uh I I’ll favor your comment and let y’all know that it lets me know that y’all real ones man and uh so extra appreciation to you anyways I’ll see yall next time peace [Music] out I don’t need no dead we had to kill them off yeah I need a head space you know this homegrown [ __ ] don’t offend m h

Talking Miami Heat rumors, Dejounte Murray, Trae Young, Brandon Ingram, Josh Richardson, Jimmy Butler, Atlanta Hawks, New Orleans Pelicans, and more. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Kel’el Ware, Pelle Larsson, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news
#miamiheat #nba #miamiheatnews #jimmybutler #tylerherro #bamadebayo #nbadraft

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Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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0:00 Intro
0:25 What is BLEAV in Miami Heat?
1:08 Zyon Pullin Video SOON
1:36 Pickup Hoops Clips From Tonight
2:14 Most Annoying Type of Pickup Player
3:16 I Met a Surprise Former Heat Player
5:20 Shoutout to my Barber
6:41 Dejounte Murray Trade, Could Heat Have Beat Pelicans Offer?
8:24 Is Trae Young Trade Following Soon?
9:50 Should the Heat Trade for Trae Young?
13:38 Is Brandon Ingram Trade Following Soon?
14:14 Should the Heat Trade for Brandon Ingram?
15:25 Summary: Impact of Dejounte Murray Trade on Miami Heat?
15:49 Josh Richardson Staying in Miami
17:09 Caleb Martin, Kevin Love, Thomas Bryant Player Options
21:35 Florida Panthers Parade
22:22 Closing Thoughts
19:13 Jimmy Butler NOT Getting Extension, is He Gone?


  1. If the Heat play all the young guys and teach them then it can prevent injuries. If they add a true center like Jonas, add size, have players take 3s, and Kel'el Ware plays mins at the 5 they can prevent injuries. I would try to trade herro for cam Thomas, try Lauri, and call for Fox. Sign John Wall or Russell Westbrock. If not then then next year if they don't sign their extension then you could sign Donovan Mitchell and/or De'Aaron Fox in free agency who is friend with Bam. They can easily create cap space with all the young talent they have now. That's probably their plan. Imagine Fox, Donovan, Jimmy, Bam, Ware next season Also, next year Duncan will be on expiring, Jimmy is a free agent, hopefully more cap space.

  2. Eww I rather run it back than sign Trae but i would like bi but I think we should just keep building have Jimmy and Tyler actually play

  3. Tbh I don’t see us making any big moves, I’m okay with trading Herro for Schroeder and DFS and then shipping DFS and a FRP to Phoenix for Grayson Allen.

    Rozier, Allen, Butler, Jovic and Bam

    We need to surround Jimmy and Bam with shooters and we need a 3 & D shooting guard, Allen is perfect. And Schroeder is a pretty solid back up PG.

    If Ware starts I’d like a lineup of
    Jimmy, Allen, Jovic, Bam, Ware.
    And a second unit of: Rozier, Robinson, Jaquez, Highsmith, Love

    I’m intrigued by the possibility of Point Guard Jimmy

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