@Chicago Bulls

Matas Buzelis Film Breakdown and Analysis | TheSlamDuncan

Matas Buzelis Film Breakdown and Analysis | TheSlamDuncan

what’s going on BS Nation this is going to be my Matas buellis breakdown video I’m going to be showing you in this video what excites me the most about buellis on both sides of the floor and stuff where I can see him having an immediate impact for the Bulls this upcoming season like right off the bat I I think this is going to be stuff that’s going to translate immediately to the NBA and then towards the end of this video I am going to show you a few things that where I am concerned about um when it comes to balis and St stuff that he just very clearly just needs to work on um to for him to become like a more complete player in the NBA but before we get into it all make sure hit that like button if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button thank you guys so much for 1,000 subscribers you guys are truly the best community in the world I I am like internally grateful that you guys are showing me the support um and I’m just so grateful for you guys and I can’t thank you guys enough so I just want to say thank you so much for the Thousand subscriber Mark uh that we got in our past video all right so I’m going to be starting on a defensive end for this video and I’m G to show you stuff that I this is the part that excites me the most when it comes to balis I think this is we’re going to see this like immediately um in like almost every single game next season for balis and um I’m just excited to see how the bulls actually work with them on a defensive end and I’m aware in the G League it’s a little bit harder for him to like kind of get defensive schemes down so I’m really excited to see how he works within an NBA level defensive scheme so first play here is just showing his s defense okay and this is the part of bal’s Defense I think is is the most impactful and is it’s his best attribute right off the bat so right here this is buellis I’m going to circle him for you and you’re going to see him this is just him watching the other side of the floor where the ball is and he immediately recognizes oh well these two Defenders with the ignite just completely had a miscommunication they both went with the ball handler that leaves the big man or the screen screener or wide open and so buellis has to go from here all the way to here to contest this shot and he does that in just a split second there probably could have been a foul here on this play but there was no foul call but just that itself where he’s able to cover that ground and get a good contest off that’s impressive to me like that right there is extremely impressive so I’m expecting to see stuff like this uh already for the for next season and I’m very excited to see this cuz the both have needed a a good help Defender for a long time um on their team so in this play here we’re going to I’m going to point out that buis is like the main guy back like he’s the like the first line in defense back okay and he has to basically stop the ball so this has the ball running down the middle of the floor right um and balis is the one in front of him so his job is to either make him give up the ball or stop the ball don’t let him get to the rim and he forces this guy to basically shovel the ball over to the wing and so now buellis recognized okay I’m no longer in position to be the main stopper of the ball I got to change my defensive positioning and you see already starts retreating back towards the pain which is such good defensive awareness because now he knows that he’s the help Defender he’s no longer the primary defender or or the on ball Defender so he recognizes that he gets back into the paint this guy goes up for a layup and he’s right there with good positioning to block his shot which is just again fantastic defensive awareness and instincts from balis on a transition opportunity for the opposing team here’s balis here and how many times have we talked about week side rotation with this Bulls team okay well let me show you some good weak side defense because right here he sees that oh well the guard rejected the screen and they were clearly preparing for the guard to take the screen because the the the the big man is all the way over here so they are trying to force uh the guard into an ice type defense and instead he rejected the screen and now this guy with the ball has a wide open Lane to the rim so buellis again defensive awareness he’s already looking at the ball is well where okay I need to come over and help on this sort of play and he sees okay he has a line drive to the basket I’m going to come off of my man over here go over and contest this shot and does a one heck of a job contesting it gets the block shot just again like this is stuff that like you can’t necessarily teach and you obviously can’t teach his length and his uh his good footwork and just his leaping ability like that’s just stuff that you can’t really teach um and I’m just so happy to see that already he has these defensive instincts okay now in this possession it’s not going to be like a block shot at The Rim like right off the bat I’m going to show you I’m going to show you his just good defensive awareness and how he has to move move as the weak side Defender okay cuz right now he is Shifting me from being on the strong side to the weak side as the the the ball is going this way but you’re going to see he’s going to recognize okay well this guy has a bit of a line drive to the basket because his man’s on his back and he’s rolling hard okay so you’re going to recognize or bazus is going to recognize that he’s going to have to slide over here to take this away immediately and he’s going to have to recover okay so you see he shifts down just a little bit to take away this this little lot pass in the paint and he says okay the ball is now coming to my man so I have to go out and recover now to to my man and don’t come out on roller skates he doesn’t he’s able to stay in front of him his his guy does get a step on him but his great length is able to recover from him and he gets a block shot out of it which is just crazy to look at like that’s awesome and I’m I’m just so excited for it all right another now a lot of people have been talking about okay with buellis some people are already saying like he could be like a good perimeter Defender I’ve been pretty adamant that I think he’s a he’s a power forward or like a for um and the reason why is because what I’ve shown you in these clips is his help side or his defensive instincts from being a help Defender okay I haven’t really shown you much of him being on ball defensively and I’m going to show you the example where he does good on ball defensively but I don’t think that’s his best attribute I actually think his best attribute is been him being that help Defender that can run out and recover onto his man pretty well but also then be the help Defender to take away passes to the inside big man um and then obviously be blocking shots so here’s an example where he does you know he’s like the main eyeball Defender and he stays in front of his man really really effectively and completely just locks him up here so he has the ability to do this but I just think that he he’s just at his best where in the clips that I show you where he’s not the main guy uh defending the ball and him being the help Defender um and this is an example why so I’m going to show you in this play right here of why I personally don’t want him to be running around trying to Gar in the perimeter as much let me just show you okay so this is so obviously this is his man I don’t know who this is I I apologize but it’s a simple little handoff play here and the ignite decided to switch this which is fine okay so now lalis is now guarding the screener who’s the big man and you’re going to see here um buellis is going to have to roll with him as he his man rolls to the paint and then his his guy that initially had the ball also goes to the paint so bad spacing overall but now you see that they kick it back out and because buzell started on the guy on the perimeter in the first place he’s now also the main rotation guy to this guy and so he has to then run out all the way to this guy and try to contest his shot and to me that’s just not using Buel to the best of his abilities cuz you’re forcing him to stay on the perimeter and then run around and try to rotate to guys on the perimeter instead I just think he should be just more you know just near the paint or being in a weak side position to help um cuz I think that’s just going to put a lot of problem give opposing teams a lot of problems if he’s the weak side help Defender um but again that’s just me personally and I’m aware that he’s going to have to even if he plays the four he’s going to have to guard guys in the perimeter but I would try not to have him in that position as much as possible so for example here he’s actually now guarding the the M the main big man here and there’s clearly a switch because this you saw that there’s a switch in this possession but I’m going to roll it back sorry I meant to pause but on this play here so this is this is the Big Ben and he’s usually guarding in this guy but there’s clearly a switch happening but on this play here just watch like you see that him being the guy that’s in the paint here he’s able to absorb this guy’s drive and completely just mess up his shot at the basket right okay I mean this guy had no chance of of making a shot over him near the rim that’s why I’m like put him as much in in in the paint as much as possible as the weak side help Defender cuz I think that’s really where he’s going to thrive on a defensive end then here’s just an example of him locking up a guy where there is no screen and he is coming back out and this is a you know typical spot for a four to be guarding in the corner the guy catches the ball tries to do a spin move on him just blocked straight up and also I don’t want him guarding guys are pretty small in a sense because while his length is helpful I do think that smaller guys can probably get past them with his with their speed so having guard guys that are a little bit more slow footed would be a good idea in my opinion just in general cuz his length is very very good so that’s my biggest things in terms of buus on the defense end that I’m like really really excited about and now I’m going to shift over to the offensive end and the main you know idea of this of these clips is to show you he is not what we like to call on this channel a catch and thinker okay how many times have you guys heard that term used on this channel catch and think um the main culprit of the catch and think on the Chicago Bulls is Patrick Williams cuz he just catches the ball and instead of shooting it or making a quick decision to drive or making just a quick pass he decides to take a second and think what to do and suddenly then he has no Advantage okay so let me show you just some examples of buellis just think not even thinking about it just straight up I’m going to go hard to the basket right when I get this ball so a little screen here that um his his guy kind of rejected but you see here this is a cut but even if let’s say Buel didn’t you know like was not in cutting motion he just he just would have went right to the basket no no no thoughts about it and he just finishes this strong and I’m like yes this is what I want to see of a forward on our team because yeah I think you guys know what I’m talking about but here’s an example here where he just is coming off of a little of a screen so it’s a little down screen it’s a little handoff play and instead of him taking a second to think about it he just goes okay handoff and just left-handed dribble automatically I am going right to the basket these little live dribble things from buellis is very very intriguing to me and I already think that he’s going to have this in his game on offensive end and he’s that that itself will fit you into any sort of offense in the NBA let’s watch this example so this is a little transition play and you see balis is coming up here in transition so now it’s like not transition anymore um and so he could shoot this but quick decision right fake pass go right to the basket boom no one’s going to stop that I love it this is awesome a guy that is 6’1 that can put the ball in the deck and doesn’t have to think about it yeah I like this a lot okay and I I truly think this is where he this is his strength right now in the offensive end so in this possession here okay you see that his man got double teamed here um or his the guy with the ball got double team and his defender came in to come over and double team so he’s like all right go to the corner I raised my hand the pass is a little bit low so I have to go go down and get it and even though the pass is low he doesn’t stop and think he just FES the shot and goes right to the basket is able to finish over the defender again it’s quick decisions this is what I want to see and I just hope this doesn’t go away cuz that will be very very sad if this does so let’s watch this play the defense as you see here because this was a pick and roll so there was just a simple like pick and roll action uh his he’s the weak side um on on on the offensive event and so his his weak side Defender comes in to help guard the pick and roll so buellis is wide open so buellis what does he do doesn’t even stop and think about it catches the ball and shoots the three I love it and I’m aware of his three-point percentage but I do think that’s going to first off he he’s going to have to work on it but no hesitation on that shot like I can’t ask for much more honestly and if he just becomes like a respectable shooter not like a great shooter just a respectable shooter yeah we’re we’re doing things here with him at the four in this possession here um it’s just again simple how many times have I wanted this guy here for the Bulls the guy that’s like the first immediate pass out to shoot the ball okay I mean this is not even that long of a pass and his Defender is not that far off but he just shoots it and hey look good things happen when you just make quick decisions with the basketball okay and I’m even going to show you some possession oh actually say this is another make I I believe maybe not but this is like a a little like stagger screen set here that I I I like uh one one guy rolls hard and you see buzas goes back out to the three-point line and again just no hesitation just no hesitation whatsoever yeah he misses this one and just launches it and good keep doing that and another another example of it his Defender paying no attention to him currently so buzos is say hey give me the ball look look he wants the ball he’s like give this give it to me and he is so confident that even his Defender gets back out to him he just shoots it like this again is all I could ask for for a dude that is 6’1 and has good length and can put the ball on the deck and just make good decisions like that’s that’s it I just need this and he’ll be very very solid like a very very Sol player just from this alone in my opinion um obviously for him to take the next step is something different but this is really already promising um because I I think we kind of know some examples of where guys don’t shoot the ball when they should or just don’t make a quick decision when they should okay now moving into some stuff where I I am have some concerns but I’m also putting this in the category of like this stuff needs to be kind of on the back burner for him um not necessarily this right here but a little bit later I’m going to show you some stuff that should be his you know not as much of a priority for his development so the reason why he needs to develop a shot though and this this should be actually main priority uh for him is just develop a good perimeter shot is because of this because you see here it’s like a little pinch post action he just decides I’m going to fake the shot and look his Defender jumps at it which I don’t know why he did that that’s just a bad decision but if he actually has this jump shot and the Defenders are scared of it look what it does like no one’s going to stop him if the defender falls for the for the pump fake so him getting that perimeter shot is just going to open up everything else for the rest of his game um so that should be priority number one but now I’m going to show you some examples here where uh it’s it’s his ball handling where I think this should be more on the back burner stuff that should be worried about a little bit later when it comes to balis um worry about your three-point shot first and just getting stronger which he said in his interview interview after he got drafted which I’m very happy that he he said those two things worry about this later um I think bal’s handles is is they’re pretty solid for a dude that is 6’10 6’9 um but they are I what I would call kind of stale um he doesn’t really have much creativity with his with his uh with his dribbling so you know nothing too you know nothing too much to talk about but you see here in this possession I don’t really know what he’s trying to do with his with his handling so this just a like example of like bad handling so this is the right to left crossover doesn’t really create much separation then between the legs and again not much separation here um and he’s kind of forced to take this really awkward shot I think with at least buellis the first thing he just needs to work on when it comes to his dribbling just have like a like a solid crossover we don’t need to get like Fancy with it just have like a solid crossover um if he’s going to try to take the next step um when it comes to his ball handling and here’s another example or actually know so here’s an example of something that is actually in his bag already um that we see a few times that he tries to tries to do which is he has this a little behind the back with his with his right hand that he’s able to go ahead and and use to help you know create a lane for him to finish which that’s pretty solid like I I won’t lie and I hope that he can maybe work on this a little bit more cuz that would catch a lot of Defenders off guard but as a as I said he needs to work on it a little bit more because he tries to do it again in this clip right here and yeah so you know I like the idea if he has that that’s fantastic cuz it’s going to really freeze a lot of Defenders but just stuff that he just needs to work on and again don’t take this as like major criticism I’m not trying to be like hypercritical of him I’m just saying like hey if we’re going to really truly talk about him becoming like a complete player this is going to have to be that major stepping stone in my opinion um obviously the three-point shot is going to be huge but that’s main priority okay and that’s just for him to become like a really solid player but um for to become that like really complete player this is going to be the next step in my opinion um I’m just showing you why okay again don’t take this as like hyper criticism of him just saying hey I’m just pointing pointing this out this is something that he needs to work on and he has played time to work on it but for him to take that next step he needs to work on this sort of stuff so example here this is where um they run a pick and roll for him and he’s the ball handler and this is just an example of him kind of dribbling to No Man’s Land um again not not a lot going on with the basketball or with his handling and he just kind of dribbles to hear he’s able to make the shot so good for him but not that great of a possession honestly um and the reason why I’m showing this also is because if you think that he’s going to come in next season and have the ball in his hands a lot I’m going to say that he doesn’t um at least he shouldn’t because if you’re going to be asking him to initiate offensive sets you’re probably going to get a lot of this that I’m showing you right now okay which again I don’t want him to be thinking about initiating offensive sets next season that again secondary thing to think about first thing is just getting stronger three-point shot work on that first but this is the type of stuff that he does need to work on and the reason why I’m saying that he needs to work on this sort of stuff is because if he does have this in his bag where he’s able to create separation with his dribbling you get stuff like this okay look just that simple little left to right crossover created all this space and this time he actually did it pretty well and suddenly now he has all this space to shoot okay obviously shot needs to get better but you see here he gets a shot off out of it and he misses it but that’s okay so you know again not not saying this needs to be priority just saying that just if he’s going to become like that complete player this is where he he’s going to have to really take that major stepping stone because I think this is the the area that he needs to improve on the most um and I’m aware that the G League gave him a lot of like time on ball to try to see what he can do and I appreciate that they did that but that’s not something that I think should be really heavily focused on next season next season it should be him focusing being a great help Defender working on his three-point shot and how to fit in within an offense and not try to do too much with the basketball so that’s all I have for you guys in this video for the bz breakdown hope you guys enjoyed make sure hit that like button if you’re new to the channel hit that subscribe button I’ll see yall in the next one peace


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The Chicago Bulls traded for Josh Giddey for Alex Caruso last week. I wanted to look at Giddey’s playstyle and breakdown his strengths, weaknesses, and how I think the Bulls should be using Giddey within the halfcourt offense.

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Music from Free To Use
Drifting Away by shandr
A New Day by shandr
Awaken by shandr
Calling by shandr
Coastline by shandr
Crashing Tides by shandr
Island by shandr
Set Sail by shandr
Sunshower by shandr
Waves by shandr

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  1. also the way he shuffles his feet to position reminds me of a volleyball player that is a really good thing. Pwill moves like he has bricks on his feet when positioning

  2. Great analysis. Agree with strength and 3pt shooting being priorities. Can work with dribble2much later. Also agree that he shouldn't have the ball on his hands that much this season. Now with Giddey probably handling those duties he shouldn't have to either, just focus on help def, cutting and catch and shoot, spacing the floor, etc…

  3. Love the breakdown. I think Matas has a little bit of everything. In this case I believe he forced a shot despite not having enough space is because he’s expected to be a go to guy on the team. But overall I think making the right play will be something he leans into especially playing with Giddy who will set him up anyway

  4. I think on the contrary he’s quicker than he looks this past year. I think that ankle zapped him of some of his quickness that we seen in HS

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