@Memphis Grizzlies

Grizzlies Pick Edey: Beginning of a Great Chapter

Grizzlies Pick Edey: Beginning of a Great Chapter

good morning it is Friday June 28th at 10:46 6 a.m. hope you’re doing great uh hope uh hope your week is ending out well um Central Indiana has been dialing up the perfect perfect weather last few days I’ve been out enjoying it with my wife played some pickle ball my kids are at Camp can’t get better than that um so we are uh um uh we’re we’re enjoying a a Southern California type of uh couple of days here in Indiana um if you’re from Memphis you’re from the Memphis area and you want to learn a little bit at zachi about zachi you’re in the right place if you’re uh a Purdue uh loyalist you know you’re in the right place already you know you’re where you need to be let me intr myself I’m boiler out if you are from Memphis if you are an NBA fan and you want to get a different view than the national media is giving you about Zach eedi we’ve got it here we’ve got it here um we’ve watched Zach Ed play a lot I’ve talked about Zach EDI as a player a lot I’m a massively biased fan of Zach Edy but I think the Memphis Grizzlies absolutely got the right pick I’m a fan of certain areas of the NBA I’m I don’t love everything about the NBA right now I’ve been very open about that one thing I can tell you is the idea the concept of a big three seems to be about perfect with Zack Edy being added to the mix in Memphis so let me uh Purdue fans let me tell you something um if I say the words gritty determined and unshakable I think you would probably think of zachi you would think about the way he approached this season in the wake of what happened last last year or two seasons ago I guess now you think about a guy who uh didn’t back down from anybody uh you think about um a player with a tremendous work ethic who set the tone for the rest of his team but the Memphis fans that are watching right now they know gritty determined and unshakable those are the things that defined that defined Memphis that’s that’s kind of the motto of the city and just like Edy seems to be the perfect fit for that City the perfect sit for th uh fit for those those words those descriptors he is the perfect fit for the Memphis Grizzlies if you didn’t get a chance to watch Chris kleim and the um Grizzlies GM talk about The Pick of Zack Eed I’ve got some some info here and I’ve got my synopsis of what I saw and the things that really stood out the main thing that stood out I’ll talk about last as I go through these things but uh the first things that he said said we’re all so good he he said the draft went perfectly it went exactly the way they wanted to in spite of the fact that there were rumors that Memphis is trying to trade up to get kingan from Yukon before I dig in any further thank you to our friends at AJ’s in West alette if you don’t know it uh AJ’s catered uh Zach’s draft party at coach paint’s house if it’s good enough for those guys it’s good enough for you head to AJ’s when you’re on campus the next time go right to the fire station and then get yourself something delicious and a pint and um enjoy the best staff on campus or just off campus uh also uh if you are in need of a Purdue hat t-shirt sweatshirt whatever and you’re a you’re a Grizzlies fan and you’re like I want something to show that I’m a big Zack Ed guy you should probably go over to HomeField in boiled 23 at checkout you’ll get 15% off but they got a new they got a hat it’s a new old hat a retro hat with the the last train the last real train on it that I really like a lot it’s a retro look it’s two-tone kind of a cream or natural color with a black Bill trains coming at you uh looks really really good and it’s more my style I don’t like the Nike train as much the one that they designed for Purdue um and if you’re a couple years older you may like it too and if you’re young this is the ’90s Retro stuff it’s big right now so head over to HomeField apparel and you’ll be happy but so uh the Memphis Grizzlies we all know we talked about it in the handsome hour basketball beat Mega show after the draft the Grizzlies got the guy they wanted and why does it make sense well let’s look at one thing right away why it makes sense if the rumors are true that the Grizzlies wanted kingan well that could be true they I think they wanted a big I don’t think there’s any doubt they wanted a bid but head-to-head Yukon and Purdue uh Yukon obviously was the better team they had they had tremendous guards the draft showed they had tremendous guards I think three guys were picked off of their starting five uh another one is waiting in the wings who will go next year and probably in the top 10 uh Yukon has players Yukon has dudes but head-to-head One V one kinging Ved check the step box and if you want to go watch the video go watch the the the film and see who got the better of the other one and I know it they you know everybody talks about the genius of Hurley for going oneon-one and letting Edy get his it’s a good point in one way in that it helped the team win that’s why you coach you coach the team to get championships and if you look at the rest of the four awfully tough matchups for Purdue you have like I said at least two absolute thorough thoroughbreds of guards right going against Purdue young guys that were uh a little bit under siiz compared to yukon’s but kingan’s a pro everybody knows he’s a pro he went to the he he got picked higher than Edy when they went head-to-head which is what’s going to happen in the NBA there there’s not going to be double teams on Ed in the NBA because John Morant and jiren Jackson um you can’t leave them open so they’re not going to double team on Ed like he’s been accustomed to playing against for the last two three years and when he got one of the best centers on him oneon-one he cooked him over and over and over 35 points uh seven or 11 11 boards I think he cooked them kingan’s good kingan’s good kingan’s a little bit younger than 80 kingan is a different type of player but kingan is more than normal NBA Center is that foreshadowing for what’s going to come in Memphis I think so I think so if teams decide they’re going to double and drop down into them jiren Jackson’s gonna be free to do his thing if they decide they’re going to play helps side defense and bring a guard to drop in there you’re going to free up John Morant I mean to me this is a brilliant pick because it creates the big three idea right right in Memphis Zak is a perfect fit he’s a perfect fit and um one thing they that that kimman said was uh jiren Jackson th drives play playing a Rome style of defense well he needs a guy behind him who’s going to protect the rim well that sounds familiar doesn’t it Zack eedi can protect the rim and one thing that Memphis fans may not know is that Zach Ed was coached by painer to never foul out of games he averaged two fouls a game he was not coached to come out and go for Block shots unless it was absolutely imperative and the last line of defense and the pros it’s going to be different he’s going to be allowed to have six fouls now and he’s going to he’s going to go play guys and he’s playing them one-on one he’s going to do very well look at Edy versus the guys in the draft that were um legit big men look at the head-to-head competition look at what he did against guys that are a year behind him look at what he did in the best big men conference in America Zachy was clearly the best on top of those guys he played seven-footers he played agile guys and he showed it every night that he is the best player on the court I I have a hard time to this day understanding why any of the NBA Scouts said this guy is not going to succeed in the NBA and it showed on draft day he dropped to ninth the media acts like that wasn’t that much of a surprise especially as we got further away from the pick the media act like oh yeah this is this isn’t that big of a deal when you read all the Articles what the biggest surprises in the draft hardly ever is Zack Edy going to Memphis called one of those surprises and many of the people that chirped in the last three four weeks last two months about Zach Ed dropping out going to China the idiots from from the schools that are wear orange mostly they were pretty quiet pretty silent you know why because they were proven wrong yet again by Zach Ed and this is what Zack Ed does he proves people wrong over and over and over his work ethic his will is incredible it’s unmatched um let’s see one other thing um this is my favorite point my favorite Point kimman said and he kind of put this as the cherry on top of his of his conference is it’s not e Ed’s defense even the reason that they got him it’s his offense it’s his ability to go and score and what it does to other teams creating pressure say we can beat you at regardless of what style you want to play Purdue fans does this sound familiar to you we saw Purdue play play with Pace we saw Purdue play Slow half court game and they won both of those with ediot Center Edy didn’t go sit during these periods of time Edie didn’t go sit when puru was going to play face he went in to end and he averaged tons of minutes I think he averaged 38 plus minutes a game the guy’s Fitness is incredible his work eth is e ethic is incredible Memphis fans you got the guy you got the guy and you’re going to enjoy it it’s uh it’s going to be a lot of fun for Memphis fans and I hope we get to watch them for a long time uh Purdue fans will do a couple things we’re going to buy KFC right now uh because we’re stoked that he is the front man for Kentucky Fried Chicken and I think you’re going to see a lot of Memphis Grizzlies jerseys at Perdue games this winter um one other thing I thought was awesome was painter’s comments after the after the draft he said that nobody asked uh nobody put someone in a position where they had to go against Edy in a camp-like situation before the draft and if they did Edie would have embarrassed them it doesn’t matter who it is who you put in front of him he’s going to make them look bad sure there are guys that can pop up and shoot threes but I don’t think that’s what their inter interviewing ed4 you’re interviewing you’re putting Eevee in Ed that position because you want a b a big bad dude the baddest dude on the court and you’re getting it with Zach Ed John Morant played very well when he had uh Stephen Adams well now he’s got another guy that can come up set a high screen that will devastate the defender and John Moran played pretty well with a with a healthy Mark Gasol too but last year when they didn’t have a healthy big when they didn’t have a good option Memphis fell off quickly and obviously there were some problems off court that they had to deal with and they still I think uh are getting themselves settled and finding a new chapter hopefully this helps settle them and we see something special come in Memphis um one one other thought I went and watch some some other media reaction uh one thing and if you watch NBA analysis on ESPN you you have you get your ears assaulted by Paul Pierce every now and again um he doesn’t know how to pronounce Zack Ed he he called him eeday over and over and over Zack eay it just made me nuts um but one of my big takeaways was the ability for the media to make themselves into chameleon and just absolutely change who they are and the story they’re telling incredible to me we heard for weeks that uh and and Anish talked about this on the handsome hour how there’s a massive disconnect between NBA GMS and the media and the story they tell the good GMS keep things quiet keep it close to their vest Memphis didn’t talk about the story they had they actually looked at Edie last year when he when he flirted with the NBA they said they liked him last year but they didn’t really get to know him this year they watched the film and then they had him in for workouts and then they had him for interviews and every level they said they liked him more and they called him somebody who was like he’s a guy that you he’s he’s just extremely um attractive to a team because he talks about working and winning I don’t know what a team could want what more than that also massive size ability to move athleticism and strength those aren’t bad things in this league either so thanks everybody for tuning in um let me uh Chris Harter is here first how are you Chris Chris I would like I’m not I’m not kidding about this I need to text you about this but let’s let’s plan a bourbon hour maybe next a bourbon bar for next week uh at the uh the famous Poppins Pub um Ted berky uh Good Friday morning to you Greg mcmanis uh what we’re doing today happy Friday yeah it’s uh this was something I I I had ingested I had uh digested enough Media stuff about Ed I was like okay there’s something to say here um and so I I went with it yeah um Ted Bry says Zack has a great role he does indeed I think he’s going to be good fit there um Ed Alban the gummy bear King gummy bear King says 37 points okay yeah I don’t have those numbers in front of you I appreciate that I appreciate you calling me on it um it was a it was a performance regardless um so was it 37 and 11 I don’t know uh he says uh still makes me m Purdue hit only one three yeah it that was again the way Yukon guarded Purdue’s guards incredible their ability to not give Purdue any space yeah but that’s this is where I thought if if anybody and and I am okay doing this painter did an amazing job this season uh really putting Purdue in position to win obviously over and over and over but I really wanted to see more action on offense that would have freed up those guards and I don’t think he did it I don’t think he and PJ did it so um I always will be first to call out the guys that are making the most money um and uh yeah those the funny thing is some of those assistants are making less than than players now in this unusual era um Brian T says happy to see you doubt same here Brian Ed says uh how do you think uh will look next year any predictions I think there’s the 11:00 uh storm siren not sure if you guys can hear that I think is going to play with a much different pace I’ve been talking a little bit about it after watching those uh practice videos that were released um I think cam Heidi is is is is a big Cog in what Purdue is gonna do and I want to see miles covin and cam really really put pressure on teams with their athleticism their ability to get to the rim puru is going to take I I think there’s going to be some Growing Pains um and just kind of getting to know what they are but I think it looks drastically different because of the parts in place I don’t think wilberg pops in and just becomes a person where you run the offensive offense through I don’t think Jacobson right away is a guy that you run the offense through so that changes the flow of the offense right away I don’t think payner use will use tkr like he did Edy even when you go back you look at the way Trey Williams was used at Purdue it wasn’t the same way where every single play went through Trey Williams like Trey Williams the right of first refusal that painter talked about with Edie Trey Williams really didn’t have that and Tre popped out a lot remember he was he was shooting threes every now and again um and he came up to the three-point line a lot regularly and got the ball um Turned and faced up and then he created with his passing so maybe we’ll see maybe tkr will develop a little bit of that too we didn’t see much of his passing last year so we’ll see but I think I think you’re gonna see a different pace um Ed albony says is an ironic Tennessee fans will cheer for him yeah they’re doing it begrudgingly right now some of the comments are just amazing I posted one thread it was hilarious so much salt in that group I mean goodness gracious move on move on all of you guys Illinois fans move on Michigan State fans move on even IU fans I think have moved on from from holding a grudge in this whole thing but the two teams in Orange and Michigan State seem really Petty but wouldn’t expect anything less Paul S of 88 says uh Edy dominated kinging head-to-head in the NBA in all NBA metrics can’t wait to see NBA Ed change the NBA view on bigs wouldn’t it be neat wouldn’t it be fantastic if we saw an ushering in of kind of an old way of doing things meaning uh the great Center returns to the NBA and Zach Edy is the guy that says yeah we can still carry this banner and you’d be really smart to have a guy that can enforce around the rim that teams fear one difference that Ed has versus a lot of massive human beings that play around the rim of course he’s a pretty good free throw shooter pner called him I think painter said something like he’s okay I think he’s better than okay what was it 70 something per uh 75 77% free throw shooter again I don’t have the numbers in front of me but pretty good free throw shooter good enough that you can’t really employ the the hack AAC um uh tactic so uh Brian T says as excited as I am about next year already I’m still riding the high from this past year honestly I think the final four scratched the itch for many many years still pulling for them right there um yeah so I’m exactly the same as you Brian and that my uh my critical nature of what next year’s team will be is not going to be kicked in for a while just because I’m still enjoying the fact that people say when Purdue went to the national championship game that that’s such a thrill for me still I know I I seem like uh and Yukon fans have given Purdue a hard time I don’t care about giving Purdue a hard time for going to the National Title the fans that are doing that don’t know college basketball don’t know history very well they don’t understand what this meant to Purdue granted Yukon is absolutely on the top of the mountain of college basketball I’m not taking anything away from them they’ve tried to take this away from us and there’s nothing you can take away from Purdue fans I I think every Purdue fan I know is in that position Brian where you’re like yeah let’s let’s marinate in this just a little bit longer because it was pretty damn enjoyable Ted berky says uh Yahoo said this was the worst draft pick of all time well good I’m glad somebody’s at least sticking to their guns and I look forward to Yahoo doing the same [ __ ] they always do which is just spouting off and they do it in sports and they do it in culture and they do it in politics Yahoo news front page is as bad as any place in the world thanks for giving me uh an excuse to spout off a little bit of my own there but Yahoo news sucks so good good for them though for for sticking their gums because nobody else seemed to do it Todd singer says uh worse than Darko milic yeah um there’s a great video out there that draft uh you had LeBron and Wade and Melo and another uh oh Bosch all picked and Darko picked in front of obviously uh three of those four uh wild wild that draft was so good and the Pistons picked michic I don’t know was he in the league three four years and hardly played at all um if that three or four years Ted Berg says Memphis fans responded uh that it wasn’t even the worst draft pick in Memphis hist uh well it’s it’s not it’s not tar shark says I too am a tar shark for one year by the way um looking forward to that eeve Ed matchup um the IV Ed match up yeah it’ll be fun uh that’s happened a couple times the last few years um I’m trying to think of what the last one was there was a there was a game I’m not going to do it my brain won’t get there I don’t watch enough NBA basketball um and and full confession you guys know that but if if there are any MH fans here I’m talking from a perspective of a guy who used to like the NBA and loves Purdue obviously so yeah I yeah I but I love seeing Purdue Purdue players on the court if a guy can succeed in the next level obviously want him there um rolet uh Rolette Boer says the V killer in Tennessee how I propo yeah that’s um the way he closed out that game Jay was talking about that the other day the the black shot on connect who also is is now a very rich man in the NBA who got picked well below I got to tell you guys something if you guys don’t know the story by the way um if you don’t know the story of Duke Center um and his girlfriend who was picked he was picked 32nd he had the disappointing first day I highly suggest you do some research it’s bizarre um and uh um and from every Source I can find it’s absolutely crazy that was my biggest takeaway um from um trausi um and the the weirdness around his story holy moly I was so right about this guy being uh a jellyfish of a dude but goodness gracious look up Kyle filipowski girlfriend uh story just look it up it’s it’s wild that’s my maybe my biggest takeaway from the NBA Draft so uh yeah I I was right on that guy nailed that one I don’t toot my own home horn very often but yeah I was right on that one Greg Manis says uh Purdue and IU are fairly bitter Rivals but we both uh can recognize Talent on the other side MSU uh UI valls uh get angry angry online um their fan bases are still angry they’re still bitter like I said I I think Purdue fans are are so level-headed because we’ve been on the business side of so many games especially in March um and we’re not illogical especially the older ones of us like I that’s the funny thing the culture changed a lot this year for the better uh it’s it’s this is now generational thing where you’re like okay you you go to Purdue games my son who is going to be a freshman the difficulty of getting student tickets at Purdue guys girls if you don’t know it it’s crazy uh it’s so much different than it was and PR was damn good in the late ’90s and we got tickets to every every game if you if you applied for him you pretty much got them I had them all four years every game and I went to every game I think I probably missed one game in four years but it’s different now those those kids they don’t get they don’t get many games especially as freshman and um yeah I’m going to try to rectify that a little bit for LBD um let’s see Ed Alban says I see the fight is on for next year recruits have you heard anything yeah so I I have I’ve been watching it with one eye but if you know anything about my thoughts on recruiting I stay away from it and I’m going to stay away from it even more now with in the in the wake of what just happened with the catching Saga I want guys that want to be at Purdue that’s a big thing and um you know that sisly guy um Trent sisle I’d like him to come to Purdue obviously I think he’d be great and there’s a couple other guys that I think would be really really good fits but you know what Matt payner has the ability for falling into the right guy because his assessments are deeper than just one or two guys and he learned years ago um when he missed on a couple and he was left with a class that didn’t have any strength that you don’t just use stars as your measuring stick you also use those interviews and those conversations of what this kid wants how hard they work um can they score you know that’s been a big deal recruiting Shooters recruiting guns you know guys that uh they can shoot and they’re ready to shoot and they have the mentality that if they’re left with the ball in their hands at the end of the shot clock they’re going to score and they can score um but the defense to me uh that comes from guys that have effort and I’m sure painer has this as a formula and he understands exactly what he’s doing now but it took him some time to figure that out if Purdue misses on somebody have faith there’s another guy behind him that painter will go get that’ll be good so rette Boer says if Grizzlies play him 20 minutes and tell him set screens rebound he is 10 for 10 no problem uh uh put him in a pick and roll and JN and he are 10 uh 2010 yeah they um it’s it’s a it’s a win-win situation for the Grizzlies it just is they they’re they’re going to come out really good on this and um they’re going to have a guy that plays right into the system my only question is will the Grizzlies have uh the systems and the coaching in place to to benefit the entire team I I think Zach will will will benefit a team regard regardless where he goes because he’ll work and he’ll he’ll go into that mold wherever it is but um I big question is is coaching Greg Mana says um she was his babysitter when he was young and is possibly a distant relative really creepy yeah but the next step of what she did you’re talking about filipowski Greg’s talking about filipowski chowski that um the next part is she pretty much forced him to divorce his family um at age what 19 late 18y old um and he did it via either text or email I can’t uh tell the details on that his brother has gone public and said yeah this is problem this is this is a really bad situation yeah she’s eight years older than him um really really gross and the fact that dude just can’t see the problem I don’t know anything about Philip paly’s family um so I I would guess though having your girlfriend become kind of almost like a mother figure because she’s everything to you um that’s not that’s not healthy it’s not a good thing not a good thing so uh mcmah says uh had to win a student ticket in Lottery 93 to 94 as a freshman it was tough too so you and I were from the same class I don’t remember a lottery all I remember is I got the lot I got tickets uh but I’m you know Greg I’m pretty high in the social pecking order I know you were just coming up there I’m just kidding but I I don’t remember the lottery honestly so good good for you that you actually have a memory I don’t remember anything I feel like I’m getting worse at that Greg uh Aaron Rogers can tell you that you don’t need to become a yeah yeah Aaron Rogers uh has some has some uh he did it on his own right at least he didn’t have his his um his girlfriend Help U help push him out of the door of his family but yeah Rogers Rogers is a pretty big jerk um it’s a different brand of jerk right right but a jerk nonetheless Briant T says boiler uh 90 through 94 had a lottery each year okay so what the heck am I just how what were the odds on the lottery maybe you guys know that because I never had a problem I got tickets every year um they don’t get a lottery now though I can tell you that much what they get is they get less tickets especially as freshmen they get less tickets and I think to get more maybe this is the entry he got some there’s a uh there’s levels so you get into some uh P there only 750 of these packages given out where you get football and basketball and other sports and I remember there was a package like that we were when we were like seniors in 906 97 and I think I got it but I didn’t go to many of the other games I remember the women’s basketball games you could go in sit wherever you want back then the funny thing is while we were there they got really really good but I had to grow the fan base somehow uh Tim schwarzel how are you Tim uh says the lottery I remember for tickets back in 94 is was for the lower seats wasn’t it I always had tickets either up at the top yeah that I that’s the way I remember it is that here’s what I remember is that I could easily get tickets I could get in there was no name for the student section we were sprinkled throughout the top of Macky um and I sat up top I didn’t care there’s not a bad seat in there as we all know but I got I was down low for my Junior and Senior year and I was really low my senior year um but I kind of sat what seven eight rows up up um great great seats obviously but yeah that’s the way I remember it Tim so um and good good to see your memory is terrible as well um Brian T says he got tickets all four years Greg did you get tickets all four years let’s see uh top two rows for me each of the four years see Brian mine were top two rows first two years so I’m with you Greg says my ticket was upper bow for sure but there was no genan pool or pain crew yeah that was much less organized right it was but you got tickets you see my point Greg you in in the house for every game other than Christmas break it’s not that way now it’s and and I’ll I’ll know more my son isn’t the greatest Communicator with his parents but I do know that the tickets are different now and if you’re a current student sound off in the comments love to hear it if you’re if you’ve been around for a couple years you probably have even better knowledge but if you’re an incoming freshman like LBD um you know that this is not a slam dunk like it used to be you’re not going to be even be in the arena up in the top rows Chris Harter says uh s text okay good good let’s we’s set that up um thanks to everybody for tuning in it’s been a fun show um yeah so rette boiler says yeah 8589 no Jean Pool just got a student ticket yeah that’s what I remember it um yeah it was and but we got in the arena that’s my whole point you don’t get in now I think it’s different and obviously they lost a couple seats when they put in the the highback seats down low that changed a little bit but it’s different now it’s definitely different there’s a higher demand which is a good thing so but thanks to everybody for tuning in thanks to our sponsors um uh appreciate HomeField and ajs as always appreciate talking to uh uh Adam before before the draft he he had a front row seat to all the fun that happened that night so um he was at coach paint’s house and I think he was I know he had if he wasn’t there his people were there so um and thank you for tuning in I hope you have a great afternoon hope you have a great weekend God bless you hammer down talk to you soon uh we’ll see you

Zach Klieman and the Memphis Grizzlies pick Edey at #9 and get the missing piece for their franchise.
(enter Boiled23 for 15% off)

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  1. please opine on Northwestern's new football stadium on future shows…rumor is they spent half a billion and will have 10,000 less capacity….

  2. I'm a Grizzlies fan and was super pumped when we tooked Edey. He will get us over the second round hump. I love this type of center. Skillset is already better than Steven Adams. I was definitely cheering for Purdue in the NCAA tournament because I loved his game. Even more ecstatic now that he's a Grizzly.

  3. Listen, as a Grizzlies fan from the second they came to Memphis back in '01 I didn't want no tender foot Clingan I wanted Edey he a DOG and gon' be a real problem for the league going forward 😁

  4. Im a Grizz fan, and i think he fits well, especially since i heard he sets great screens. He doesnt need to do much right away. Boaard, screen, make backdoor passes, finish lobs. Naatbe the biggest thing he needs to develop is getting out of the way, pulling defenders away from a driving Ja or Jaren. But if he works hard off the court, the team will live him. Bane and Jaren improve every year. Brandon Clarke obviously worked hard to return from injury. Work hard, gave a chip on your shoulder, and the team will love him. The Grizz have a lot of joy and positivity for each other, for their teammates.

    Im excited to see him, GG Jackson, Vince Williams Jr with a HEALTHY Grizz team this fall!!!

    Also, Jaden Ivey grew up with these Grizzlies, his mom was an assistant coach, and the players loved her.

  5. WE ARE MEMPHIS. GO GRIZZLIES AND TIGERS. And by the way…l am extremely excited about the Edey pick. He is who I wanted the entire time.

  6. Anyone who wants to get in get in. Anyone worried about scratches, scrapes, and broken fingernails get out. Go Grizzlies!

  7. As a Memphis native and Tennessee Vol alumnus, I have to admit this is a FANTASTIC pick. Outside of Knecht and my Vols, I became a huge Zach Edey fan in college basketball this past season. Excited for him to be on the Grizzlies because we NEEDED a 5.

  8. Bring on the “BIG MANE”. Welcome Purdue fans to Grizzdom! Let’s go Zack! Let’s go Grizz! Let’s GOOOOOO!

  9. idiots from the school that wear orange lmao thats so true. Memphis hates vols fans and vols fans dont claim memphis. legit every vols fan on twitter when we drafted edey was straight up hating. mad we took the guy that dropped 40 on their head and put them out and didnt take their sweet prince knecht lmao

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