@Indiana Pacers



okay real quick before we get into the video this this this alone deserves a like okay this this alone this is the the biggest bitched about thing in all of my videos that I don’t make the bed and everybody like if you’re an OG subscriber from like a year or two ago you’ll know why I usually never make my bed uh and the reason I used to never do that if you’re someone who hasn’t been around that long I had a cat for a very long time and every time I’d make my bed my cat would it up like immediately after doing it so I just never did it um but for this video to appease the fans okay we made the bed so I want to talk about the NBA draft for the Indiana Pacers because I think it was a home run um there’s a lot of people who I don’t I think I think a lot of Pacers fans didn’t like this draft because a lot of the guys that were picked you maybe don’t know enough about um even I didn’t pay attention to the draft at all really uh you know we were we made the Eastern Conference Finals I I heard this draft class sucks right like I I wasn’t high on it really at all but the Pacers did very well most uh you know sport uh sport agencies out there news columnists journalist stuff like that um have been giving us an a like a like a a grade A on on this draft for the guys that we took in the second round like they gave us a solid a and um I want to talk about a couple things I want to draw some player compar and stuff but the first guy I want to talk about that I’m most excited about is uh Tristan Newton out of uh Yukon he’s a guy that um is just he’s reliable man like I I had to do a lot of homework on some of these guys but um Tristan Newman is a guy or Newman Newton um Tristan Newton is a guy that uh he he went off in college this past year I think he averaged like 156 and six or some crazy like that um backto back National Champion uh he’s a guy that you look at and like comparison wise like TJ McConnell he always makes the right play like yeah he’s maybe not the greatest defender in the world but I feel like he’s like the insurance policy for TJ McConnell um he’s a winner like that’s that’s I think why the Pacers went after him just the idea that the dude is a winner um he’s you know the the shooting numbers aren’t spectacular you know 41% from the field um uh he he did shoot 80% from the free throw line so it shows that you know he can shoot a little bit 31% from three 41% from the field 80% from the free throw line the dude is he’s he’s I’m just like he’s just a good like solid basketball player like he’s not a guy that I think will ever really be a starter um but like you know if you have guys that get injured like where you know if Andrew nard or TJ McConnell gets injured he’s a guy that you can plug into the game and you’re probably going to be all right you know what I’m saying like he’s not a guy that I think will will start anytime soon but he’s a really really good player he’s a great leader um he can go out and win you a basketball game by passing or scoring and that’s that’s the main reason I think I like this pick so much um and honestly I’m he’s the guy I think I’m most excited for um but if I had to compare him to anybody it’d be like a high motor guy like TJ McConnell um and I feel like that’s the whole reason the Pacers picked them and with honestly with the Pacers history and picking point guards in the past couple years you know traded for Tyrese halberton um before he was ever became the player he is now they drafted Andrew nard who seems like a steal we have TJ McConnell this team is good at picking point guards and that’s why I have a lot of faith in uh Tristan Newton uh I I feel like point guards are the one aspect of drafts that we we’ve been getting right or at least like like that that that whole category as a whole that position we seem to do well with um like our front office just seems like they know what they’re doing when it comes to point guards so I love the Tristan Newton pick granted he’s 23 a little old but you know in the SEC in the second round like that’s kind of what you’re going to get okay so that’s Tristan Newton I think Tristan Newton is going to be a guy who’s G to go into the G League like all the guys we drafted I think are going to probably start off in the G league and be very like they’ll be very good like they’ll progress and I think they’re going to become way way better players if they all spend like a year in the G league so um that’s my my main synopsis on Tristan Newton now the next guy I want to talk about is Enrique Freeman because this is a guy that um was uh just his story on how he got to the NBA is pretty crazy in itself but when I look at this guy I think of like uh like a PJ Washington a Cameron Johnson type of guy he’s 6′ 7 6’8 great rebounder great defender um he averaged I think 18 and 12 uh and shot 37% from three this past year uh his first three years in in akan he didn’t even like he shot six three-pointers then this past season he shot like 52 three-pointers I think made like 20 of them he shot 37% from three um and I believe he shot I think like 50 I think it was like 56% from the field um he reminds me of like a you know a PJ like even a PJ Tucker you know what I’m saying like he’s a guy that his defense is going to get him to the league um will he ever be like cam Johnson PJ Washington or PJ Tucker I’m not sure uh but that’s the comparison I draw for him is like he’s a guy that he can rebound very well like you the thing is he’s undersized but he rebounds very well and the like I understand in the NBA Size Matters you know what I’m saying it doesn’t always translate but this is a guy who I think could easily be a stretch big and I feel like that’s maybe why the Pacers drafted him instead of King like trading for Cameron Johnson maybe you can actually grow a Cameron Johnson because I do think the Pacers need more three-point shooting and I think they hit the nail on the head in this draft in the second second round with a guy like Enrique Freeman who you know shs up a bunch of things the Pacers are trying to get better at you’re trying to get better at defense you’re trying to get better at rebounding try to get better at shooting and Enrique Freeman seems like he’s a guy that provides all of that so I really like Enrique Freeman he’s uh I was a little worried they were maybe going to play him at the center position um which is possible if you’re trying to do small ball you know like four out five out sets um which would be great for him considering like I said he shot 37% from three now granted he wasn’t all Mac player I think he was uh ma the Mac uh player of the year he was the top rebounder in the country or or Not Top re second best rebounder in the country by Zack Edy so he’s he’s got a lot of positives about him it’s just how well that translates to the NBA we have yet to see uh Enrique Freeman though a guy that I like I think has has more upside than people would like to admit now the last gu is our first round pick or not not our first round pick our earliest second round pick who some people even had him mocked in the 20s uh and that’s Johnny Fury Johnny Fury is a like a light out shooter he shot I think 36% from three uh and I think like 46% or or or 45% from the field um he shot 76% from the free throw line I’m going tell you right now I think this dude is going to be like Chandler Parsons um or like a Rudy Fernandez type of guy and if you know who Rudy Fernandez is he plays for Spain um but Rudy fern andz in the early days uh back in the early 2000s played for the Denver Nuggets and he was a dude that just came off the bench and just lit up like I’m not even kidding if you get a chance uh pull up YouTube and look up Rudy Fernandez and even Chandler Parsons like what he did for the rockets and stuff like that when he would first came into the league Johnny Fury’s got great measurements he’s a great catch and shoot three-point shooter his progression from just like you know when he first was I think he was a w like uh he he went to Kansas I think he was a walk-on at Kansas or something like that but it’s just the idea like he’s a really really solid player like he’s good at getting to the rack he’s physical um you know he’s a guy that I think defensively could develop a little bit more um but when I look at him I’m like yeah this this guy reminds me a little bit of what Chandler Parsons was for the Houston Rockets and I kind of think like that’s maybe his ceiling in the NBA I don’t think Johnny Fury is ever going to be a guy that you’re You’re Building A Team around but he’s a guy that like you could pull off the bench you know what I’m saying like he like I legitimately think he could be like a six Man of the Year candidate one day um he’s a guy that you know he’s great at shooting off the like catch and shoots uh great he’s great at uh shooting while while moving and like that like he’s just got it all you know and um he’s an Aussie and I I’m I’m at a point where I’m I’m I kind of like the idea of Aussies in the NBA at this point um he’s he’s a guy that I just think he’s he’s incredibly underrated um there was a lot of people who said he you know like this is a guy who could have arguably went in the first round like I’m just going to call it what it is this is a guy who arguably could have went in the first round had he went to like Oklahoma City he’s a guy that would probably become like a a really really really good player um and I still think he will be but um I I have a feeling for us like Johnny Fury is a guy that I think is going to play in the G league and turn a lot of heads um like that’s that’s kind of where I’m at on Johnny fury like he’s a guy that I don’t think is is really going to be on our bench same thing with the other two guys like the expectation for second round picks needs to be here okay like that’s the other thing A lot of people are like I hate our picks I hate this I hate that and that’s fine but understand like the expectation for second round picks is like here okay like Andrew nard was was striking gold okay but the thing is also Johnny Fury is only 19 years old he’s relatively young compared to the other two guys that we drafted and uh he’s a guy that could see us keeping around for quite a while uh but I do think like just his progression in college basketball was pretty crazy he went from a guy that was like H we don’t know what he’s going to be and then he ended up being like the fourth best player uh for the Kansas Jayhawks uh so he’s a guy that I think like if you give him some opportunity in two three maybe four years he’s a guy that I look at and maybe even in five years you know what I’m saying like he’s a guy that I just think will be a role player on some team or a team that’s you know trying to compete for a title that’s that’s where I see Johnny Fury um I think he like in the NBA he’s a guy who’ll be able to shoot about maybe 40% from three like 38% you know anywhere from 38 to 40% um but he’s also like he’s great at finishing around the basket he’s an underrated passer um he’s a guy that’s like if he improves on defense man like he could be a really really good player um obviously like Rudy Fernandez was maybe a little bit of a faster player than Johnny Fury is um but I love I like to me this guy screams Chandler Parsons um and if you if you if you if you know about Chandler Parsons when he played for the Houston Rockets that’s a very good thing um maybe even a little bit of a Manu jobi which which even that feels a little crazy to say because of how good Mano Joby he was but that’s what he reminds me of guys like that Chandler Parsons Rudy Fernandez uh um Manu jobi like guys guys like that who it’s just like you bring them off the bench right and they come in and do their thing uh so it we’ll have to wait and see what what these guys actually become but um I think all the picks were very very good um you know a lot of people obviously like we didn’t have a first round pick but we did get a guy in Johnny Fury he’s arguably a first round Talent so um I’m I’m I’m fine with it I’m high on all of this I I don’t think they’re going to see any crazy meaningful NBA minutes um I do feel feel like this though the reason they drafted Tristan Newton is because I don’t think Isaiah Wong’s coming back um Oscar sheway would be cool if he came back but I have a feeling this is their TJ McConnell insurance policy um because if the Pacers do decide to make a trade uh for whatever reason here in the next two days um you know obviously today’s the 29th moratorium ends I think tomorrow on Sunday or at midnight tonight um we could see you know maybe a sign and trade with TJ McConnell plus a sign and trade with Obi Topp and guys like that to maybe land us another piece it all depends on where the Legos fall obviously but um this this opens like the the Tristan Newton draft uh for us is like our insurance policy also in case like we offer an extension to TJ McConnell and he’s not happy with it um that’s the other part of this that I’d like to talk about like because we already know Jaylen Smith’s not coming back Jaylen Smith opted out um he’s a guy that I think could get anywhere from 12 to 13 million a year someplace else maybe even more um and T.J McConnell is a guy that’s worth a whole hell of a lot more than what we’re paying him now so uh I I just feel like Tristan Newton is the the replacement for TJ McConnell uh Enrique Freeman feels like maybe a Cameron Johnson PJ Washington PJ Tucker type player and uh Johnny Fury I like is like a Chandler Parsons Rudy Fernandez Manu Joby type of guy where you bring him off the bench or he could even start for you if he needs to you know every every once in a while and you’re going to be fine um so I don’t know man we’ll see but always remember man I I earn I reserve my right to change this if they end up sucking it just right now from Face Value that’s what it looks like um but as I said man if you’re a Pacers fan with second round picks expectation has got to be down here it can’t be up here okay I know we got Andrew nard and people got kind of spoiled with that they’re like oh you know Andrew nard looks like a you know like a a star like a starting guard in the NBA it’s and you would be correct okay like I I think Andrew neard is a guy who’s capable of starting in the NBA for a team and leading an offense even um but he plays for us he I think he’s going to be our starting two guard this year uh but this is one of those things where I’m just like I I really I’m really high on Tristan Newton I’m high on all these guys and the if if we’re out of all three players the guy that I’m lowest on is Enrique Freeman and the only reason I’m LW on Enrique Freeman is because I think people are expecting him to be something different than he’s actually going to be like even Dorian finy Smith is not a bad comparison for him um I just think Enrique Freeman is a guy that has a a lot of upside if he just plays the right position you know he’s not a guy that you can put down down there at the five position and expect him to go Toe to Toe with Joel embiid you know what I’m saying but he’s a guy you could put out there maybe at the four who could play some defense stretch the floor a little bit um the Dallas Mavericks were a team that like maybe made a little sense for him or teams that are looking for stretch bigs um I like Enrique Freeman we have yet to see what he’s going to be but like in order of how good I think these guys are going to be I if I had to choose best to worse it’s Johnny Fury um Tristan Newton and then Enrique Freeman like Enrique Freeman’s a guy that like if it doesn’t go well I could see him playing overseas probably in the next couple years or or just in the G League or or someplace um the NBL I I don’t know but like he’s he’s a guy that is like he’s he’s got more floor than he ceiling if that makes any sense so all I’m saying is man like I’m high on this I think Pacers fans should be high on this too I think this was a great draft for us considering we didn’t have any first round picks um and that’s another thing I think fans need to consider um you know most second round picks don’t are out of the NBA within three to five years um so if these guys are still hanging around in five years which I think at least at the very least two of them will be Tristan Newton and Johnny Fury if you can get that and cons considering like you know where you had to pick and stuff I think this is a a home run that’s just my opinion so tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comment section below like helps me out subscribe if you guys want to see more on The Fast Break report and I’m out of this peace guys

So the Indiana Pacers hit a home run in the 2024 NBA draft with the guys they drafted in Johnny Furphy, Tristen Newton and Enrique Freeman. In this video we talk about all of them and give some player comparisons to reference on each guy and where they’ll fit on the team.

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