@New York Knicks

Evan is Down Bad as Knicks Fans Celebrate Bridges Trade

Evan is Down Bad as Knicks Fans Celebrate Bridges Trade

live from the Cadillac Club here at City Field as we get set for game two of the subway series we’ll be here all day long we’ll take your phone calls we got a lot of special guests and we’ll get you set set for the second game of this incredible series between the New York Mets and the New York games yesterday Jamie from the Cadillac Club pumped me up with a fantastic Martini as soon as the show was over oh that’s very nice do you need one are you okay today yeah I’m just a little bit worried about you Evan well let me address this okay let me address this when I say something when I believe something I believe it I don’t say it because I’m trying to piss off Tommy luga or piss off anybody by the way Tommy was the only one that was right yesterday about the outcome of this game I’ve been right a lot lately I’m sure but when I have an opinion it comes from a place of reason so I want to address the audience cuz we always want to be honest with each other I am mortified I am stunned I am shocked when I went on this radio station when I said it with others and I declaratively told you arrogantly I admit that little arrogantly that there is no way in hell the Brooklyn Nets would trade Mel Bridges to the New York Knicks I meant it I meant it and everything I said then I’ll tell you again I didn’t think you had a good enough offer and it has been been way less than 24 hours I am still very emotional about this and I still don’t think it was enough what do you mean was enough still don’t think it was they made themselves whole with the Suns thing like they’re unbeli they’re in perfect position perfect position we’re going to suck for the next half a decade and we’re in perfect position you’re going to suck next year but that’s intentional and at least you are in control of your suck okay right I mean it’s better than having a hey I hope the sun stink the next three years understand that and I’ll address the Nets at some other point but what happened last night was emotional because I like everybody else I’m sitting at City Field I’m watching the Mets take on the New York Yankees and Aaron judge hits a grand slam a little worried I mean obviously 92 game or 93 game becomes 97 and I’m a little worried and all of a sudden and I am never going to forget this moment this is one of those moments you are going to remember for the rest of your life all of a sudden all within like a span of five seconds some schmuck behind me screaming Evan Evan Evan and then on my phone’s exploding and then I saw these words on my phone and thank God I saw it from a fellow net fan and it said the Brooklyn Nets have agreed to trade Mel Bridges to the New York Knicks and never in my sports fan life have I been as stunned as genuinely shocked as speechless as I didn’t know what to do I turned to my dad and I said I I I I he said you okay I said I I I I I I believe this was it not inevitable didn’t it feel inevitable no I mean they do a podcast and they always get on male Bridges and they they they they grind him about being on the Nets and not on the Knicks basically openly recruit him I don’t know if tampering is is a bigger thing in the by the way Jaylen Brunson and Josh arer go to jail seriously I mean that was for real hampering of male Bridges and are you surprised that he wanted to play with his boys that he knows since me clarify I’m not surprised he wanted to be there I’m surprised that the Nets agreed to it okay why because look they because the Knicks are good all those draft picks will not be Lottery dreams it’s not going to be Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown the way I completely but what was the future for the Nets if they if they were as currently constitute well constructed with before the Mel Bridges trade right what was the future were they finding a star to put next to Mel Bridges cuz you needed a star you you needed an a to his b the Nets had two options and I tried to make that clear when me and lugie fought and I fought with all Nick fans about this I wasn’t against trading muel Bridges I wasn’t just not to the Knicks I didn’t think this was going to be enough I’m sorry five first round picks four of them saying I’ll say it again four of them from the Knicks who are going to be good you’re going to be good congratulations this was a smart trade I understand you gave up the biggest allall ever for a non Allstar but he’s a perfect fit for your team it makes sense he fits the window and then I get a protected but but whatever that’s not even the point yeah okay the point is I can’t believe it happened and I’m not alone Nick fans out there right now you’ve had a chance it’s been 18 hours or whatever it is you’re stunned too you can’t believe this happened I can’t believe this happen I actually don’t we should ask the you expected it that’s no we should ask the resident Nick fan he only said it because he wanted to piss me off lugie that’s true you have expected this have you not I absolutely did but even I last night had a check about three or four times on Twitter whether or not it was real it was so surreal being in that Park last night because as the Yankees are mounting their comeback there was this vibe in the crowd and it was when people were discovering what had happened and for a split second I was like I think I’m going to run up and go see my pal and Roberts but I was in the SNY Suite I’m like free booze free food I’m hanging out here but I can’t wait to see him tomorrow well don’t worry you had plenty of other people tell me for that 25 minutes between the news breaking the judge home run and the Game ending was like the worst 25 minutes of my life of your life it was it’s it’s actually up there and I understand I’m still emotional but give me time like sort through my emotions I think that’s the issue is it you’re letting emotion supersede the Prudence of this this makes sense for the Nets they weren’t finding another star a superstar to pair with with not the Knicks though Tiki why not why not because the Brooklyn Nets may have delivered the New York Knicks the final piece an NBA championship so then you can take some credit for it really you can take some credit okay let’s play this game and I want everybody out there who don’t give a rats patoot about the NBA to think about this if you are a Gi Oh good Tiki you’re Giants fan go ahead going nowhere this year stop no no let’s just say you are going nowhere this year you’re being hypothetical I’m being a little hypothetical a hypothetical but it’s okay okay you’re having a Down season yes and you make a trade with the New York Jets that is the last piece that delivers the Jets of Super Bowl we don’t hate the Jets stop it we not hate the Jets you want the you want to break the Jets good for you Jets that’s what we that would be like if it was the Knicks going the other way by the way the Nicks gave whatever it was to the to the Nets to have them win a the championship and they would want that good for you guys and they wouldn’t want that well do Met fans and Yankee fans what that hey Met fans Remember When de Grom the rumors about trading de Grom were out there and it was he’s makes so much sense for the Yankees we took calls for weeks from Met fans saying I can’t trade Jake to the Yankees because if God forbid he’s the last piece that helps him win a champion Jacob deg Grom is the is not the right comparison I know because Mel Bridges is a fraud role player gets bullied by Josh Hart you’re right was yours from birth right he was you were the mama he was the baby he was your guy Miguel Bridges has been here for two years oh he’s a nothing to me exactly so why are you so connected to him I’m not connected to him why don’t you just let him go live his life with his former Villanova you know running mates and maybe one another championship another championship just telling I mean and here’s the reality I’m just saying Evan is it’s best for the Nets may maybe long term you know five years from now we can have that freaking discussion but today today on this day when Nick fans are celebrating at City Field when they got the guy they were dreaming about because Josh Hart bullied him it’s the only reason this whole thing happened I want to meet Josh Hart just so I can tell him just a piece of my mind you bullied your way into Mel Bridges you know what’s true lugie not really bully think bullied him he didn’t bully him you know what te you know what made last night so much sweeter not only did we get the final infinity stone not only did we get the final dude dog to do a little damage the best part of the trade was Mikel Bridges asked the Nets to be traded the Knicks and the Nets said sure no problem so you know what in honor of that honey if you’re listening I’d like to move Sydney Sweeney into our guest room at our house because I guess we’re taking personal requests now oh my God how pathetic and peasant can you be that you gave us the missing piece and now Evan just for that you’re invited as a Nick season ticket holder to the parade you’re invited this is this is hell this is a not hell Evan I’m telling you it’s best for you tii I’m going to admit something rational before I go back to being irrational okay on June 25th now it’s June 26th I am a mess I am ticked off I am angry I am set by the way plenty of met Yankees talk today do not worry all right I promise you that the great Gary Cohen will be joining us later on the show plus many of other surprises but in this moment I it is painful for you to tell me hey don’t worry four years from now you’re going to draft a kid in middle school and that’s going to make it worthwhile let’s okay maybe then I’ll be okay do you really believe it’s four years or do you believe that it needed to happen the reset needed to happen I think the reset needed to happen I didn’t like it with this team because of a good like Nick fans I’m talking to you you’re good for the next five years when the Nets traded away their draft picks whether it was to Houston which I know they got back or to Boston there was a way that things were going to go bad quickly and we know that they did right barring catastrophic injury which I’m not rooting for but guess what I hate to say it it would benefit me and the 12 other net fans this isn’t going to be catastrophic and that’s why and look Nick fans we will talk to you as well net fans you have a safe spot cuz you’re treated like crap on this radio station everybody looks down at you they spit on you they don’t think you exist still in the leag yeah I get it boom if you need your safe Zone just a few of you you can call us up to at 888 88119 by the way I’m going to tell you exactly what I’m telling Evan what it’s good for you good for me it’s good for you you weren’t winning with the current construction you weren’t pairing Mel Bridges with some other star that all of a sudden was going to make you one of the top T in the teams in the East it just wasn’t happening they did this out of necessity and but can’t you just feel good for Mel Bridges right can’t you just like appreciate that what they have constructed is rare he’s with his friends now it is with his friends like how often you know how long I wanted to play with my brother in the NFL you know how like amazing that would have been he’s an identical twin brother we literally shared a womb like a sack it wasn’t two that split it was one I got right and we never got a chance to play the can you imagine if I got a chance to do that that’s what it’s like obviously not as as direct but that’s kind of what it’s like for Mel bridg K you just feel happy for him yeah yeah let me ask you something right and giant fans this is to you let’s say Tiki Barber got bullied by Ronde and then privately said W Giants I need to play with my big brother so he can protect me cuz I’m not an alpha and I’m not a leader and I don’t have the guts to lead a franchise and then they gave you what you wanted cuz you’re a little baby and they sent you to Tampa do you think giant fans would say well I’m happy for Tiki he’s with his brother you know what they would say to you the same thing I would say to Mel if he was here right now go bleep yourself with all du respect if I was not a pro bowler if if the team stunk and was constantly underperforming I’m sure Giants would have said yeah good ridd and what would giant fans have said to you that’s what they would have said to me really if the Giants weren’t good and I wasn’t like an All-Star player or in this case a pro bowl All Pro player they would have said good luck man have fun down there with your brother you’re not good for us and by getting rid of you we make ourselves better you are very na good luck to you you’re taking how my career panned out not how it compares to what male Bridget is now if I had a Mel Bridges type career with the Giants that is for a couple of seasons and we weren’t good they wouldn’t care about me hell they don’t care about saquan Barkley cuz the team wasn’t good when he was great so what like what are you talking about I think what you’re missing you’re missing the the the importance of the team here the team wants to be put themselves in the best position to get better I the Nets are now in a good position to get better how it was previous they were not sure they weren’t going to get good it’s not about trading him it’s about who they traded him to it’s about the fact that some people not all of you Nick fans because you know I have great respect for a lot of you but some of you spoiled brat lugie demanded it wanted it and you got what you wanted there’s nothing more obnoxious than the kid that’s screaming on Christmas morning about what they want I want I want I want and then you get it even your smile right now you know what Evan I hear a lot of coping coming from you right now because you talk about Josh Hart bullying bullying bullying you’re looking at it all wrong here Mel Bridges was being held hostage he was being held hostage because he had the unfortunate honor of playing I guess for the Nets so his buddies and him they came up with a plan to get him out of there you call it bullying I call it a master plan the plan is now complete the Knicks are ready to win a championship Boston we got a date with you we will be healthy this time ogan and Obi will be resigned we’ll be ready to go and the Nets will watch a player at Duke where 75% of us are not even allowed on the campus and Evan will be watching games at Saturday at noon dreaming about the next thing you know what the Nets actually should do that to win a championship bring in Superstar players oh wait they tried that so good luck with this route thank you he’s right though I’m gonna be watching Duke basketball on my Saturday afternoons to the New York Nick fan out there how the hell did you get the news was it similar to all of us were you in the midst of this emotional Yankee Met game and did it change your mood successfully if you’re a Yankee fan how did it do it if you’re a Met fan and yes we are a safe zone for the 35 of you for my fellow net fans last night was a very very emotional night and we are still coping we are still trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces so we will hear from you coming up including you bastards who want your blood you want your blood from me I will give it to you okay I said there was no way this would happen I was arrogant about it I told everybody who would listen there is no way the Nets would trade Mel Bridges to the New York Knicks and I’m still trying to cope with this and I’m still trying to understand it and I’m still trying to get it through my head but it happened Mikel Bridges is a New York Nick and you guys better win it all I feel like you’re picking up net fans you started at 9 then it was 12 then it was 25 you just said 35 so congrats people he counted himself 10 times though in that number the net still in the league we’ll get you your calls coming up Nick fans a very happy night for you and for Med Yankee fans a weird night plus we’ll get into the game including Juan stto doing something very under the radar that’s unforgivable we’ll get to your calls 88888 1019 that’s our toll-free number we got a lot of surprise guests we are live at the Cadillac club for a second straight day beautiful beautiful place we appreciate them for hosting us we appreciate SNY we’re on TV for the full four hours of course WF and we always thank the New York Yankees and the New York Mets for putting this whole thing together we’ll come back with your calls Evan and Tiki on a very eventful surreal crazy I can’t figure this out Wednesday here in New York City all live from the ever mobile Town Fair Tire Studios [Music]

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  2. hey evan what happened to the nets owning NY how many titles you get I took a nap for 30 minutes and I missed the whole thing

  3. Evan so dumb lol Nets were trash why would Bridges wanna play there. They got a good haul for him. Cry more 😂😂😂

  4. Smh..loogy gotta change his approach and this character he puts on. It's fine, maybe for a 20-minute show, but come on.

  5. its just funny, cause Mikial wont be booed when he goes to a nets game since it will be full of knicks fan

  6. Shoutout to the Nets hope it works out for both sides I have no beef with the Nets, I wanted Bridges on the Knicks they needed to rebuild it was perfect for both sides Evan is just taking.

  7. Eating 🐦‍⬛😂. We are spoiled? I say we are hungry. Nets fans are spoiled with all the Stars they had & botched.

  8. The Nets will suck for years but they may end up with a Celtics rebuild because of this. They basically turned Durant into 9 first round picks.

  9. It’s a shame that Evan doesn’t work with Joe anymore. As happy as I am with this trade, as I’m sure Joe is, he still would’ve been sympathetic to Evan’s plight as a lifelong Mets fan who had to watch Doc and Coney pitch a no hitter and a perfect game and see Darryl have success as they all won rings with the Yankees. Unfortunately, rage baiting and toxic troll culture is what sells today though.

  10. Bahahahahah you swore up and down knocks could never get a deal done with nets hahahaha you don’t know as much as you thought huh?

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