@Sacramento Kings

What does Sacramento Kings rotation look like after NBA draft

What does Sacramento Kings rotation look like after NBA draft

this is I think I I can’t tell why I want to do this exercise I can’t tell if I want to do it to to just survey the landscape or to drive home the point that like yo this isn’t going to be enough right um so let’s talk about it so real quick are we are we talking about what we think the king’s rotation would be or what we would want the king’s rotation to be uh what we think it would look like so put ourselves in Mike Brown’s brain yeah yeah yeah because I want Malik monk to start but I don’t think Mike is gonna start I don’t think so either so that you’re doing a prediction you’re betting money on what it’s going to look like understood with his roster okay Daren Fox yes du Keon Ellis yes okay I’m with you Keegan yep Harrison Barn still at the four domas at the five correct cool we run it back the same same we’re running it back perfect uh Malik monk first one Off the Bench first off the bench yep then TR Al probably okay Devin Carter next or Kevin herder next I’m gonna say Kevin herder specifically because he’s not a rookie okay but I do think there’s hesitancy with Mike always to to play Kevin and I don’t know how Kevin fits okay but I also think that you might have to go Kevin herder earlier to get some size on the court potentially because if you’re going Carter first and you’ve got like Fox Monk and Carter all at once I think you you’re giving up a lot of size at the three I do agree except Mike found a lot of success with three guard lineups at the end of last season so that’s something he might stick with but I understand what you’re saying I do I do have hesitancy and and belief of Kevin’s ability to play the three or play any role within the King’s new system period off the I’m with you dude I I and that’s think he makes sense that’s where the hangup for me is right now Alex Len would then be getting some minutes I think so and right now like Jaylen McDaniels just doesn’t factor in for me no I don’t think he J’s out Chris duarte’s out yeah Kessler is still out y i I think this is a Max ninan rotation and co uh Alex Len and uh Carter are probably some combination of eight matchup matchup based right um yeah I just I like Kevin herder and I think he’s he can go to a team and help and I think he has trade value when I personally when I talk about trading Kevin herder it’s not like yeah just get rid of him no he’s got value yes 100% And there’s been reporting that like the Bulls uh think highly of them I can’t remember was it Amic somebody wrote in the athletic I I I don’t want to put a name on it because I can’t remember exactly who it was but wrote that like Kevin herder has value in front offices around the league absolutely like this is a guy people know can shoot we know he can rebound herder is an elite shooter in a modern NBA that prioritizes shooting spot up shooter movement shooter he can shoot and he when he he when he gets cold he gets cold but when he’s hot he’s a flamethrower where he can shoot 50% from three for a month like he did that in Sacramento correct so he is an absolute flamethrower shooter he 100% has value and he’s on a super Team friendly contract for the next two years yeah Kevin herder has value you’re not just dumping him to get rid of them you’re holding on to finding a deal with decent value I’m just talking about Kevin herder’s fit towards where the Sacramento Kings are trying to go it does not make sense and we’ve been heading on that road to a breakup for the last year yeah man and that that’s that’s the I think more than anything I think basketball-wise you can find a fit if you absolutely had to have Kevin herder in your lineup I think you could start him and then I think you could mess around with with Keon Ellis and and dearn fox and and Devin Carter and figure out enough ways to uh limit what he has to do defensively and and feel okay about it but I also don’t think that you want to mess with your entire rotation just to make sure that Kevin herder can get on the court for 20 minutes and correct and what does his role look like if it’s a volume three-point shooter coming off the bench I’m interested but if you’re going to play him at the three he’s going to get targeted defensively the same way that he gets targeted every time he’s on the floor as soon as Kevin herder’s on the floor teams make it a priority to go right at him regardless of who he’s guarding that’s why we saw these guys that Kevin herto is being switched on being the primary offensive Focus to start games the kings were getting scored on by the third or fourth best player in the starting lineup repeatedly to open up games on a nightly basis because that’s the guy that Kevin herder was guarding yep and it’s not I mean here’s the thing about Kevin he works his ass off he does he’s a hard worker he doesn’t complain he puts his head down he is just not the same way I am incapable of doing the job on the basketball floor that these professional athletes do I cannot do it I don’t think Kevin can defend at the NBA level to what the Sacramento Kings expect I just don’t think he has it in him to do it well I I I I don’t know if it’s beyond what maybe it’s short of what the Kings expect for sure but I think Kevin herder defensively is probably fine if you have an elite rim protector right if he’s on if he’s on the Timberwolves like here here’s a good ex here here’s a I think the Timberwolves are a perfect example because you plug him into Minnesota now he is a legit as we said three-point shooter one of the best Shooters in the league he a legit three-point shooter and on defense when he gets beat you have the four-time dpy behind him to to erase whatever whatever yeah yeah and now all of a sudden he’s a super Valuable Player for minnesot right in fact I think Minnesota should trade for Kevin her Anthony Edwards for Kevin herder should get it done personally I think that’s a deal that King should do um but here I’ll just kind of put a bow on this too like please when you when you are emphasizing defense the way that Mike Brown is and you’re trying to improve defensively if you continue to give Kevin herder playing time and again he’s an NBA caliber play he’s not the worst defender in the league he’s 100% an NBA caliber player that can help the SA ACO Kings 100% but the more you improve defensively and the more you get guys around Kevin hder to buy in defensively and live up to the expectations of Mike if Kevin’s not able to meet that as the team gets better defensively the weakness becomes more glaring and that’s what teams are going to continue to attack and go right after we saw that last season as the Kings defensively started to get better Keon was getting more playing time uh even Malik was doing some good things on the defensive end Malik got targeted from time the time too it wasn’t just Kevin but it was obvious blatantly obvious nightly to start the game The Scouting Report was find herder and go at him because sometimes Kevin could make a play he wasn’t just a revolving door but the majority of the time Kevin could not stay in front of the two and three go uh threes that he was defending and he just that’s the speed of the NBA he he just wasn’t able to keep up yeah I think um I think he gets moved for sure I think so too I think the writing has been on the wall and now and I guess this was the point of the exercise so you and I are are in agreement that he’s probably in the rotation but also hey here’s the other thing I don’t even know that he would take a bench roll I don’t know that he would he would um what’s the word I’m looking for I don’t know that he would persevere through that because I I’m of the belief and I could be wrong I’m not inside the guy’s head but it sure seems like based on how last year went that Chris dwarte getting potential burn as a starter in the preseason just derailed Kevin herder for the entire year it rattled him for sure I don’t know that if the Kings look at what they have now and they go yeah Hey Kevin You’re Gonna Play what in the world uh my phone was vibrating I was trying to figure out what that noise was um they’re saying hey you’re going to play 15 minutes a night off the bench you’re going to play in in a few three minute spurts go out there and knock down some shot I don’t know that he would be able to yeah so that would be uh I I think when we when we kind of look at this rotation with with the starting five with Keon at the two uh Malik Monk Is your Sixth Man Trey L’s coming off the bench Devin Carter coming off the bench like again that glaring weakness is like man they need Wing depth yeah and whether it’s Harrison Barnes coming off the bench with a different starter at the four whether it’s Kyle kosma or whoever or it’s Dorian f Smith or Cam Johnson in that Kevin hder spot where now they’re the wing depth coming off the bench preferably both of them yeah that’ be nice but I I think it’s just no matter how you package it it’s like dude they just they just need to they need size they need to and and it goes even beyond the Kevin herder dilemma it goes to like you lost to one NBA te six times during technically the without that’s crazy and it’s because of matchups like look the Pelicans could not beat the Los Angeles Lakers the Sacramento Kings swept the Los Angeles Lakers the Pelicans beat the holy you know what out of the Sacramento Kings six times and it has everything to do with wing depth and physicality now the Kings got significantly better playing physical basketball over the course of the year and dearen fox talked about this at his basketball camp that I was at a couple weeks ago and dearen brought up the officiating like officials kind of allowed them to play more physical the second half of the season and the Kings ended up thriving in that remember early in the season the Kings had back-to-back games against the Houston Rockets dearon Fox didn’t play because he was out injured that had part uh that had something to do with it but the Rockets just muscled Sacramento in this that was tough to watch beat the crap out of and Sacramento was not ready or capable to play with that level of physicality that we saw at the end of the season they the kings were not allowing themselves to get pushed around and in fact at the end of the season they were doing some of the pushing but a 6-2 dude can only push a 69 guy so much sure and when the when when the kings are as bad as they were on the perimeter defensively when defending the three-point shot it was not for a lack of trying they were trying and working hard and scrambling scramble drills close out they were doing everything they possibly could but I’ve been hitting this head this nail on the head over and over and over again to the point where it’s probably annoying at this point but it’s a lot easier to shoot over a six foot two dude with a six5 wingspan than it is to shoot over a 68 dude with a seven foot wingspan it changes the way you shoot it’s Believe It or Not taller guy harder to shoot over get out of town so this is it’s not meant to be disrespectful for towards Davon or even Devin Carter I know he has a 68 almost 69ine wing span which is amazing incredible it’s it’s he plays much bigger than 62 100% he does but the Kings need more guys that when you’re closing out on a shooter you don’t have to be all up in his business all the time but if you’re closing out on a scramble drill you can probably change their shot and affect their shot a little bit more a little bit because giving up 40 plus percent from three-point range every single night ain’t gonna cut it no and that’s what happened all season long that’s what kept the Kings from being a top 10 defense was that alone wa between um tall players are better than short players and good players are better than bad players which was my my take yesterday uh I don’t know why anybody would would need another program to be honest that’s true we’re just locked in pretty straight I do think that’s I do think that’s something that gets kind of lost though in the NBA with kind of the small ball Revolution or whatever where he size in sport for tall people still very much matters it matters a lot yeah so that’s got to be Priority One for sure

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