@Golden State Warriors

I firmly believe that Klay Thompson’s time as a Warrior is over

“I firmly believe that Klay Thompson’s time as a Warrior is over”

do think look you know Slater reported it today you and I talked about it yesterday I think that the Denver Nuggets are a real possibility for Klay Thompson uh cavius Caldwell Pope opting out there Clay’s desire to uh to to compete for a championship Clay is a West Coast guy he always has been he’s a western conference guy he always has been I I I think that there is some real smoke there um I’m thinking about comments that have been made by so many including Rona shelburn on our show yesterday when she said the Klay Thompson thing is going to happen quick I’m going to take a big old L on taking the over on the Klay Thompson situation with regard to our Summit I said that we would do the show on July 8th and not know where Clay is I said that about a week and a half ago and now I could not be more confident that I was wrong with a capital W um I think Klay Thompson situation is going to go quickly and I think he is going to go elsewhere yeah and I would put the new line the spread has moved to July second Mark will we know before Tuesday July 2 take the under yeah exactly and that what that’s what makes me so alarmed about the reality that you just said and I’m glad you ended the week and you ended the crossover on that note because I am starting to feel that way and I’m starting to feel a little bit pre- emotional not emotional yet but pre emotional about the reality that seems to be coming down the pike which is the Shams or the wge the announcement that Klay Thompson has agreed in principle on a blank year blank million dollar deal with blank and that’s coming and when that happens that’s really when and the I mean the emotion it’s Sports emotion it’s Warrior fan emotion big my job emotional it’s not like the real deep emotion in your life but it is a big deal and it’s going to be the end of an era The Big Three clay as a warrior but I do think that we are down to the last final days of that yeah I I really do too first off here’s what Ramona shelburn ESPN said to us about that situation yesterday there are only a couple teams with the cap space right to sign him to something like a little larger and I think the cap space dries up pretty quick right there’s only a couple teams that that would fit there and then everything else would be sort of a mid-level right so there’s not much to decide except for where do you want to go I think the Warriors do have an interest in bringing them back but you know is that happening before they they deal with the other four or five options that are out there I don’t I don’t I don’t see that I think they have a few other things to try to get done that may or may not happen right before they deal with clay and let’s see how long he waits she said it on our show so I have no problem reiterating it she said that after doing a radio show with Michael Thompson yesterday any relation just a bit okay so um you can you can hear it you can feel it yes there’s a scenario where it turns a different way through all of the weeds so I like this is just a prediction this is not a report but I firmly believe dibs um Klay Thompson as a warrior we got uh we got three hours and 42 minutes left on the air together with that as a reality and and I wonder if that’s really even though it’s one of those situations and I bet we can all relate to it in life we’ve seen this a thousand times where there’s something that’s like okay this could happen this could happen and you talk about it and you think about it and then when it actually happens you’re like no way I can’t believe that that actually happened like this is reality um are all of you ready for that reality like actually not not the thinking about it forget the second apron forget what the contract would look like and uh and even forget you’re very very clear for many of you you basketball opinion that it is time and it makes sense and and you know I got hot two days ago about angry clay and uh and that’s not fun to watch and it wasn’t fun for him and and so all of those things are you really honestly ready for the report to drop and the reality of a basketball game in October at Chase Center where Klay Thompson is not on the team like is that really set in because I firmly believe we’re there yes and I’m getting more ready with each passing day in Ramona’s comment yesterday about you know this happening quickly and we know that the Warriors are not prioritizing clay and the reports have come out that there isn’t even an offer on the table for clay so if the Klay Thompson free agency happens quickly and the Warriors don’t have a contract offer on the table for clay I would follow a to and lead to see which tells me if it’s going to happen quickly it’s going to happen somewhere else so as we get into today and we get to 6:00 and then we get into tomorrow and then June 30th which is when this all can start jumping off on Sunday when free agency officially begins at 3:00 our time on June 30th I get the sense that this is going to happen very quickly for clay to be in Philly in Orlando in Denver in some other City really quick to add to this on our YouTube chat ion has a super chat for $5 saying it feels like the last day of school just to add on to the vibe you guys are talking about feels like the last day of school well but that would make grade though when your your best friend’s going to another school okay but the last day of school Vibe like that’s a party that’s throw all those papers that are at the bottom of your backpack throw them in the air put them all over the hallway floors make some poor janitor clean them up see those but there is some sadness like and I remember my eighth grade year because my family was moving and I went to St Rita’s rest in peace in Fairfax and I was moving to Petaluma so my last day of eighth grade it was mixed with yeah Joy you’re leaving eighth grade you’re going to high school but sadness because I was going to be the free agent going to a new team so there was a a feeling of like I’m not going to see any of you anymore now it was joy for them sadness for me I get it I get it this is I I guess right now and again we we are jumping ahead if somebody’s just turning on the radio Clay is not signed anywhere else he’s not even allowed to um I I just there’s there’s too many conversations there’s too many things I’ve heard I firmly firmly believe that Klay Thompson’s time as as a warrior is is over and um and so um there’s the wrapping your head around that reality and then for me there’s also the wrapping your head around the way it went down and I think that for me is the harder part the harder part is not that the big three will not finish in Warrior uniforms the harder part for me is that is someone went away mad like I I definitely did not have that on my bingo card I never considered the idea that that there would be a parting of ways of one of the big three and and that that member would walk away uh muttering to himself about the damn Warriors I can’t believe they acted the way they acted now I think it is like that I I I know it’s like that I know that it’s like that right now and I didn’t I I never I never would have thought in years past that that it would get to that I’m surprised that it got to that but when you think about the the cycle of events over the last even two years if you want to go back to the after the Championship where you know Clay I think has not been feeling the love and respect from the base and even his teammates that he once did the contract offer that he turned down back in October reportedly is way larger than the contract that he wasn’t offered right now he hunted his shot he had a rough year he had heart-to-heart meetings with his head coach and then they wound up as a 10 seed and all the while many fans were starting to name call him and making fun of him for having zero field goals made in the team’s final game of the season in the playing tournament so there were a lot of negative things that happened you mentioned angry clay there’s Clank Thompson there is the contract he turned down him hunting shots and all the rest of it and that leads us to a point now where free agency starts on Sunday at 3:00 and he’s probably going to have an offer elsewhere and he’s ready to turn the page what is your read uh because I think this is very significant today others don’t I know we’ve all been chatting about it behind the scenes but uh if you have not heard today was supposed to be Chris Paul deadline day the Warriors either needed to pick up the contract and picking up the contract would signify that a trade was a foot and if the Warriors don’t have anything cooking they would just wave him and uh and he would be gone he would be a free agent well what they’ve done is split the difference they’ve delayed it they’ve delayed it until Sunday so now the new deadline is not today the new deadline is Sunday which as you mentioned is when free agency begins all right what’s your read on that news my read is that they both are now getting an extension to continue to try to shop Chris Paul and his contract because if you’re Chris Paul would you rather make 30 million or make zero and go out there and try and get your own contract well I’d rather make 30 million so if it means I have to wait two more days to figure my own future out yeah we’ll go ahead and kick that down the road and if you’re the Warriors would you rather trade Chris Paul’s $30 million contra cont ra or get nothing for it so I do think it’s a win-win now if you’re Chris Paul you’re not going to push the deadline out till July 15th and then at that point they say well we’re not picking it up you’re on your own now you’re screwed but a couple of days go ahead Mike Dunley keep shopping me they’re either close to something or they’re not close to something and they’re continuing to try to get something going or that’s my read at least there’re something possible and so like what I my first comment was hey dubs fans we might have action emphasis on the might but if they definitely if if everything was a dead end um I think you wave Chris Paul today now there’s there’s more to put to that though because deadlines deadlines deadlines deadlines right so Chris Paul had a deadline of today and uh and Paul George has a deadline of tomorrow are you opting into your contract are you opting out if he opts out he’s a free agent the Warriors are off the table he could probably go play for the Philly Sixers if he opts in uh that May mean that that a trade is um is is coming because the reports are the two sides are not on the same page as far as an extension now that could get figured out yes so staying with the Clippers certainly a possibility as well but but here’s what I would say with all the reports that the Clippers want to call Paul George’s Bluff we don’t think you opt into your deal well the deadline’s tomorrow and the Warriors deadline was today so now the Warriors went okay Clippers if you think that you’re going to call his bluff we call your bluff that you’re calling his bluff we’re going to make our deadline Sunday instead of today so you and Paul George need to figure your stuff out first not us because if there is a Paul George trade Chris Paul would obviously be in it for the Warriors he absolutely would be a part of it and if you’re the Clippers you do have the ability to allow Paul George to opt in and then trade him at the trade deadline in February where you might actually get more value at that point than you will right now in in June or you could just get salary cuz you can also you know it’s it’s a non-guaranteed uh uh deal and um and so if you were to execute a trade tomorrow um you can do whatever you want before Sunday because that’s the new deadline uh we’re sponsored by

Willard and Dibs open the show by explaining why they feel that Klay Thompson has played his last game as a member of the Golden State Warriors. Do you agree? And are you okay with Klay Thompson ending his career elsewhere?

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  1. The Nuggets have no cap, they can't outright sign him for anything other than the mid-level, right? Which is 20% of what the Warriors offered

  2. So a player that shoots %39 from 3, averages 18ppg and leading the league in FT% is a bum?? Klay hung four fucking banners. They won’t do it again without him…

  3. Don’t f with Joe Lacob , Hey Klay we gave you your big dollar legacy contract and how do you thank
    us by unfollowing the team On social media…. Goodbye

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