@Detroit Pistons

WATCH: Pistons draft pick Ron Holland press conference from NBA Draft

WATCH: Pistons draft pick Ron Holland press conference from NBA Draft

second row here on the right hey Ben couch NBA digital sir congratulations on getting drafted appreciate you and uh you know what does it mean to you to have come out of the g-league ignite program you know another pair of tops first round picks here yes sir and how do you feel they prepared you the most it means a lot coming from that program um knowing that that program just got shut down I know that I was the last bunch of that um I think ignite definitely taught me a lot um on and off the court uh really a lot of things of just being um life mentally healthy and just learning how to the the NBA operates and then on on on the court this might be surprising to say with all the losing that we did I definitely learned a lot more than if we would have won a lot and I think that definitely prepared me a lot for the NBA because you’re going to go through a lot of things within the NBA and it’s going to be a lot of things that you need to be able to talk about or just have an outlet to and just being able to figure things out quickly just to move on to the next and what are you looking forward to the most about playing for the Pistons um I’m looking forward to really just changing things around um I know they have a a stigma on them when it comes to a lot of the losing and I’m I feel like I’m a huge part of a huge part to be able to start to change that around um I have a a willingness to win and I feel like me going into this this franchise um being able to help them out with this this good group of guys good group of young guys that they have I’m definitely super excited to get down there and get to work first row here in the middle yes sir Hey Ron congratulations man so you know when you got drafted all the g-league fans started blowing up you know our Twitter our Instagram and everything uh what’s your final message to the G league and all the fans that supported you with Ignite um one I want to say I appreciate all the love and support that y’all have given me throughout my whole season to ignite and I’m finally here and I wouldn’t be here without y’all like I said I really appreciate all the love and support and all the competitive people that’s in the g-league I appreciate y’all um it was a it was a huge honor being able to play going straight out of high school um and I’m definitely blessed and honor to be in the situation that I’m in last Ro here on the left Randy Richardson NBC News I have two questions first I’m originally from Michigan there are a lot of people in Detroit who are excited to have you what excites you about the city of Detroit um what excites me is really just um I mean the basketball proportion of it for sure I heard yall have a a huge fan base when it comes to basketball so that’s the that’s definitely something I’m looking forward to getting into I’m a huge Community guy so I definitely want to I definitely see myself giving it into that Community as well okay you goingon to hear about better made chips barbecue is the only correct option you’ll catch that once you move but secondly um what’s one thing you want to do or finish personally professionally before you up and pack up and move to Detroit a brand new city for you um I would say really just talk to everybody that has been through been through with me throughout this whole process and just really sit down and tell them how thankful I am for that um I’ve I’ve been through so much and just being able to be here blessing this opportunity that God has put me in um I’m super thankful for everybody that’s been a part of my journey and once I get to tell them that I feel like everything will be said and done and I’ll be on my way to Detroit just to you know what I’m saying get settled in and have a good one man first show here in the middle and Ron your ignite teammate mes balis went number 11 to the Chicago Bulls what are your thoughts of him going to his hometown man Maus super proud of mod um just knowing that the road that we have to take upon ignite and just be being able to meet him throughout high school and being able to play against him and with him without the ignite season um it’s first of all I’m super proud of him I’m just knowing just seeing what the the man that he’s becoming and I’m really super excited to see where his NBA career goes and super excited to compete against him as well um that that’s going to go a long way that’s going to be super exciting matchups in here in the future soon um but I mean like I said I’m just super proud of him and I’m super excited for him any other questions for Ron all right thank you thank you

WATCH: Pistons draft pick Ron Holland press conference from NBA Draft

“I know they have a stigma on them when it comes to a lot of the losing. I feel like I’m a huge part to try to change that around,” he said.


  1. Really good pick 6"7 energetic wing. Yes he needs to develop his 3pt. Shot. He can create his own shot, got handles,he run the floor. Ron plays defense.

  2. I'm sorry, but what I see is Stanley Johnson the 2nd in our pick.

    Cade needs spacing and Holland does not provide that. The Pistons are too worried about filling the seats around the conference table, and not concerned enough with the team on the floor. I hope future moves will be with the TEAM in mind.

  3. Welcome to Detroit, Mr. Ron Holland 💯 Hopefully this new front office will put you and the rest of the young players in position where y'all can flourish and be great like we know you can.

  4. He said the losing with the Ignite prepared him for the NBA…hes not lien because hes gonna lose a lot with the pistons 2

  5. I was surprised at this pick, particularly since he is not known for being good at shooting and that is a need. I was hoping for the Center out of UCON. FA will have to make up for this. This team is young. Also, I thought that they were going to have a coach in place before the draft. So a player was selected without a coach's input and that does not seem good to me. And a player coming to a team without knowing who the coach is and the style of play.

  6. Still red shooters in free agency. We should try to get a some one like Bojan Bigdanovic to play for our team. Or maybe Alec Burks. Those two guys seem like good shooters

  7. many good players take YEARS to develop . . . Let's show this young man some respect as he has shown us. He's well-spoken and seems like a class act.

  8. As a Pistons fan, we don't really want him, and I feel terrible that he was drafted here without any sort of idea about roles, abd now he's going to be judged extremely hard on ONLY his shooting ability, because that's going to be the GLARING defficiency not only of his game, but the whole Pistons team.

  9. This guy will be great…. In 5 years on a different team that needs a piece off the bench to win them a chip.. Pistons organization doesn’t know wtf they are doing

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