@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron, Bronny 1st father-son duo in NBA, Cowboys LB Parsons has a lot to prove | FIRST THINGS FIRST

LeBron, Bronny 1st father-son duo in NBA, Cowboys LB Parsons has a lot to prove | FIRST THINGS FIRST

I’m me just go ahead and say this now Micah should be Mah he he shouldn’t be yet I I wouldn’t put Micah yet I feel like Micah I feel like we still got a lot to prove from mic still has a lot to prove like he he’s done a great job his first couple years in the league don’t get me wrong he’s a he’s fantastic player but I feel like Micah still has a surface that he don’t even know that he can scratch as far as what he’s doing so I would say Micah I would say Micah’s last cidd I I I put probably Dak second I’ll put Zack and then Mike Mike got Mike got wait man he still young dog man okay retion it was wild answer and if you watch the whole thing and shout out to all gas no breaks kean’s pod I he goes it’s a five ke’s like we got to get out of here I got this quick question he gives a five minute answer where he’s speaks glowingly about CD lamb it talks about how Zack Martin might be the most important guy on the team then seems to almost feel bad that it’s sounding like he is giving Zack Martin credit for dak’s Success cuz he hadn’t it was a while and then so then when he gets to Dak he then you know explains you know about how much he likes Dak ke chimes in about how he thinks dak’s top five top six he says more nice things about Dak and then he’s like and to make it clear what I was saying about Michael before that is still true Mike has got more to prove it was maybe this was like a veteran trying to motivate the young player you know what I’m not sure but it was when I originally saw I hadn’t heard the Pod yet when I originally saw this quote in our rundown that you put together and then complain about on the air um the I thought it was I was like uh are we kind of being a little unfair like playing fast loose with it and then I heard it and I’m like no it’s actually it it’s the rare quote that listens worse than it reads like and so I was shocked by it yeah look props to Kean Johnson for getting I mean what you want to do as an interviewer is get the guy to be completely natural like and I think Malik may have forgotten that this was going going public like I mean really he was just completely honest about this thing with no cares in the world whatsoever as to how Micah or anybody else was going to think about it and um look in honesty his order isn’t bad I’m surprised Dak I think Dak I would think would have been first you know like that’s the quarterback because initially nickas I’m listening to it I was like man he’s actually talked about everybody in in detail except Dak so at first it was like he really isn’t feeling Dak but then he got to Dak later and did speak glowingly about how smart he is and this and that but it was surprising the defensive take up for the defensive player is what’s weird well I and I I guess though in his defense Micah is only or has played three years he’s the youngest so I think that’s where this is stemming from but I it’ll be interesting how Micah takes it all right so let me put a scenario out for you bro um if I said after a show you know what I need to get better at reading the teases because I’m just Loosey Goosey and not paying attention a lot and then you did an interview like do anything wild needs to get better at like yeah he’s a little Loosey Goosey with the teases he’s not really paying attention I don’t think I would necessarily get mad and the reason why I’m using that example is because when Micah had his podcast with CD he’s like I need to get better I can take it to another level I I’m I’m going to get more locked in so is Malik just the challenges because of the money like you’re talking about millions of dollars now like it’s not just I felt like it parallels to what M said about himself and what Malik yeah but Micah didn’t say that in the context of paid Michael wants to get paid yeah but this was a this was a question direct question about who to pay and by the way I just want to be very clear that exact scenario you laid out would infuriate me like I I think it would a lot of people like I think that if I gave an interview and they were like what do you need to work on as a broadcaster and I said it yeah and then you gave an interview two weeks later and they asked you what do you think Nick needs to work on as a broadcaster and if you said anything other than greatest guy I’ve ever worked with I’d be furious and so and and so I think I think there’s a lot of people that can say something about themselves in a moment of honesty or you know perceive vulnerability they don’t want to hear someone else one of their teammates certainly and this isn’t the scenario here but certainly someone that mic is like hey Malik you in the league a long time when are you getting to the next level like what are we talking like that’s the other thing when you’re the best player I don’t want to hear you don’t want toar I think that’s the one thing we don’t know is what is his relationship with Micah if he’s Micah’s big brother and he can really talk to him like that and and maybe they’ve even talked about the contract let you talk bad about me but not that that if that if that’s the situation is fine but if it’s just like Hey we’re teammates we’re cool you know whatever but I don’t really get get with him off the field y now Michael might be like it’s a weird it’s a weird thing the Cowboys have a lot of weird stuff yeah they do coming up next is bronnie musty TV that’s what Magic Johnson said stay tuned Brew real quick before we even get to the question because you’re C can I can we address what he said at the very end there because you were said under the sound this thing’s so weird and the that him saying history should be made in the Lakers uniform Rob pinka is saying that that that that is another one of the reasons if I may that I whatever pushing LeBron did behind the scenes about this pick I think much like the Russell Westbrook trade didn’t need to be pushed that hard because the Lakers like stuff like this they you know what I mean they they like they wanted stars with Russ they like the idea of the first fatherson combo being a Lakers moment that that’s part of the iconography and 20 years of the franchise so I think that is genuine I Celtics hung another Banner but sure there another good moment well look they’re obviously not the Cowboys cuz the Lakers win all right they win championships but they they are the glamour franchise of the NBA and most of the greatest players ever have played for the Lakers and they do see like like let’s these big moments should be the Lakers moments LeBron breaking karim’s record as a Laker like if and I know they want to win but it’s a business too if you’re not going to win bro you hate this in don’t win I don’t mind look they’re they’re trying to win and they’re you know they got good players obviously but you also know it’s a business too and also and there’s nothing you can do both I’m glad you mentioned the Celtics by the way because it is not like it is 100 to one in championships it is now 18 to 17 and over the in my opinion the Lakers are clearly The Prestige franchise because they haven’t had any long droughts the way the Celtics didn’t they didn’t win and so but that’s a separate things but they are R they are two very different businesses for good or for bad I think the Celtics are much smart more smartly run organization I also think yeah right now I also think that the Lakers air on the side of give Kobe the money it’ll create good good you know what I mean we want to be that place the Celtics were like hey Isaiah Thomas were knifing you in the back okay well and by the way that look they kept bird and M and those guys a little too long for some the other weird thing if we’re being honest here is while magic is you know had his I’m not going to be here but it’s still now back with the organization anybody else thought it was weird when it was Jason Tatum’s like I met Larry bir like so they are so they’re are they’re just different weekend exactly but go ahead we can get to the actual the question was uh do we expect this move to extend LeBron’s career I mean that’s hard look he I don’t think LeBron is going anywhere all right I I I just like yesterday I said bronnie is getting drafted by the Lakers I I’d be shocked if LeBron didn’t resign with the Lakers but he’s gonna sign a three-year $160 million deal most likely and so that’s signing up for three years um I don’t think unless he came out and just all of a sudden wasn’t good or wasn’t great even if he was just pretty a decent player all of a sudden which I don’t think any of us expect he I think he’s playing at least two years if not three and his Nick said maybe I don’t know if I totally agree with this I don’t know if it’s off the table that maybe Bry could be a rotation player next year I mean we’ll see but I think that’s something they’re probably shooting for but if it is in the third year that’s LeBron’s last year of the deal and also and I don’t I don’t want to put pressure on Bryce his his second son but Bryce could enter if Bryce he’s going to be a senior in high school he plays he’s 65 65 66 and he if he was a oneand done then he actually would be eligible to enter the NB I mean I’m just saying in LeBron’s thirdd year so you play with one son why not play with both so I don’t the the the the bright stuff to me is the is I I I’ve heard other people speculate that and he has the size that bronnie doesn’t but it doesn’t appear from the people that follow high school basketball like bronnie was a legit a three right it was a legitimately highly touted recruit who before the cardiac arrest we were talking about the mock draft folks had him in the middle of the first round before he went to USC I don’t think that has been you know Bryce’s profile up to this point but the things can change in either direction my answer to this is it certainly isn’t going to hurt the the length of his career career and that what Bruce said is kind of where I was going which is I think that they are the L that the plan is to treat these next two years like two more years of college as far as development goes you know what I mean that that where he is going to play a lot of g-league stuff but instead of being at USC with a new coach or transferring or whatever be with a professional franchise you know going through all of that what are you smiling about no I mean still has what his his coach probably would have more experience at USC oh yeah well that part’s true that that part is true the you understand what I mean like we was an NBA organization but so I do think that if in two years LeBron was going to retire but at that same time it’s like oh bronny is now gone on the Austin Reeves trajectory not to be that good but where it was like is this guy even going to make the team oh wait is something oh wait he’s going to be he’s going to be in our rotation that I think yeah LeBron might be like oh I’ll stick around one more year for that to where instead of it just being ceremonial or we got a moment together where like you know we’re playing 20 minutes a night together but again that is longterm projection of best case scenario for both guys that LeBron could do it and that Brony would project that way which is far better than most first picks of the second round much less like a Louis skola Patty Mills our number 555 best scenario that’s just at 55 yeah um do you have another thing Bri I was just going to say the other thing obviously is LeBron’s Health the Lakers so I forgot the question I just thought that was so clever yeah that was you thought I’m just curious you thought that people didn’t understand 13th meant there were 12 teams ahead of them so you thought it was going to really smack when you listed those teams I’m just saying that we were not talking about memphis’s chance to win the title like MH you are the executive producer of the show you might as well be put it in haircut no no I am hold on I am even though your friends and family are here I am not going to abide by you are complaining about what your TV show talks about you you nobody has more influence on what we’re talk thank you self-proclaimed I don’t have any real so listen okay fine no it it’s just a ridiculous complaint what do we think about Memphis so uh so listen do they need to add another piece the answer is of course yes I don’t think they’re going to be able to but I do think those title odds are instructive in this regard because there are there is a group of teams that is sign that has a legitimate chance according to the odds yeah Boston Denver the Knicks OKC Minnesota Dallas Milwaukee and Philly those are the your top teams and those are all the teams that are 10 to one or better yep then a huge drop and then there is a huge drop and that next group of teams aside from Memphis which is kind of the weirdest one CU it’s like what are we going to get from J all have something else in common the heat the Clippers the Suns the Warriors and the Lakers what do they all have in common yeah maybe but they’re old but they’ve got a star and so what those teams at the top the very top Boston Denver have super duper Star or super duper team you know we’ve seen do it core in yeah right that next group of teams young guys we like the whole roster as a whole and then Dallas Milwaukee Philly it’s like we love one of the players a ton and maybe you know maybe those are what NBA history says the Winner’s going to be one of those eight teams and in your Prime Superstar but the Lakers are in the same boat that I think the Clippers and the Suns and the Warriors are which is if they pulled off a wow move then yeah you would feel they’re in the discuss but their window is probably cled I think that’s fair I don’t see a wild move um Nei what I but I look at the Lakers and I I don’t I don’t have them winning the West at this point but the Lakers have two they’re one of what two or three teams in the NBA with two top 15 players right LeBron and AD I don’t think their Supporting Cast is that bad Austin Reeves is good ruy hamur I mean they’re Supporting Cast they’re role players you can go on and on right they’re pretty good I would love if I’m the Lakers to add Klay Thompson I think obviously they could use his shooting and his experience he’s a winner there is a connection there with his dad hav played for the Lakers like Lakers NEP clay unbelievable no right there it would be but clay I think would be great for them and maybe he gives them a little discount uh to go there even though he wouldn’t do it for the Warriors but it’s a new place right so I think I love that clay and then this is the thing and this is why let’s see what JJ reck’s made of a lot of this is going to be coaching I think like he’s got to figure out okay what is my best way to maximize these players that’s what a coach is supposed to do he mentioned in his press conference ad being the Hub of the offense which he hasn’t been all right I think a lot of that means ad is going to be getting the ball and they want him to also in addition to being a threat to score passing drawing double teams and kicking out for threes because they didn’t take enough threes this year they were like 28th in the league and they were eighth in the league in three-point percentage he mentioned LeBron shooting 41% from three he wants LeBron to shoot more threes I don’t think he’ll get an argument from Le were they so the were they so high was the discrepancy because they were just taking good threes where Celtics are just taking lots of I think the percentage would probably go down somewhat if the volume went but but they still were taking 31 a game so it’s not like they weren’t shooting a lot of three just relative to the rest of the league they weren’t shooting a lot but I think he’ll have him shooting more threes and that this is a lot of this is on coaching because I do think the roster is pretty good watch watch this what are we doing next Wilds what’s the next topic what is it read the te’s hubs roll it read the te wait why aren’t we talking about the Titans give me a break the TI Why AR we talking about the they’re both from ten see okay that’s fine that’s why I picked Memphis but that fine pick a team with the same Odd as the Cowboys cowbo have pretty good why are we talking right now this moment about the Bengal why aren’t we we should okay let’s talk about thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes and Chris Broussard discuss the latest news in sports including the Los Angeles Lakers drafting Bronny James 55th overall and Dallas Cowboys safety Malik Hooker thoughts on Micah Parsons, CeeDee Lamb, Dak Prescott.

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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes team up on First Things First. The trio offers their take on a bevy of sports stories alongside special guests from across the sports world.

LeBron, Bronny 1st father-son duo in NBA, Cowboys LB Parsons has a lot to prove | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. Nick you are such a sell out lol. How much LBJ paying you? Every chance this grown man gets he defends another grown man like he’s his son 😂😂

  2. There was the report that Micah’s act has worn a little thin in Dallas. I think you’re seeing proof of it w that answer

  3. Why doesn’t Lebron sign a deal for less money and let the franchise spend the extra to improve? Only been watching nba for 5/6 years so I don’t understand it well enough to know the answer

  4. Parsons is a middle of the road edge rusher and an above average LB. In other words he is %100 replaceable. If Dallas wants to win they need stop paying personalities and start paying talent. OLine, DLine, and QB are the only spots worth max money

  5. Lakers are finishing top5 in the west lebron is going crazy this year just cuz of bronny… he aint gonna slack one minute

  6. Lmao at Nick checking Wildes for the shows content "YOU'RE THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF THE SHOW!!!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. It prob would not have been a big deal at all but Lebron said Bornny was better than most guys in the league and for some reason was still available at the 50+ pick.

  8. Malik Hookers last year at Ohio State they lost the Penn State for the Big Ten Title. Then Micah almost committed to Ohio State then decided to go to Penn State. Think this is just hating.

  9. Malik is a starter, just because he aint “better” then micha he cant say stuff to Micha who really doesnt seem to care honestly

  10. Parsons is good when it doesn’t matter but when the lights get bright in the playoffs you can find him in the side of a milk carton. If he’s generational why can’t he play that way like Aaron Donald did in the playoffs

  11. LeBron James did not ask for Russell Westbrook, LeBron James asked for Kyrie Irving 2xs , then Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard and Rajon Rondo to be re-signed and for Jason Kidd to be his coach after they low balled Ty Lue

  12. Micah Parsons' has to show up Week 1 @ Cleveland….. You're lucky to score 13 points in that town

  13. Michael Jordan might be the GOAT, but what Lebron James has Accomplished is just amazing first to scored more than 40,000 points in the NBA and now he's going to be the first Father and Son to play in the NBA, is even more Amazing and Incredible achievement 👏

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