@New York Knicks

Knicks Draft Pacôme Dadiet & Make 2 Trades To Free Up Money … 👀

Knicks Draft Pacôme Dadiet & Make 2 Trades To Free Up Money … 👀

what is going on Nick Nation welcome back to nck Media the New York Nicks wrap up round one of the NBA draft and they make some moves now I know the headliner of the visuals is the Nicks drafting Pome daddy a and I’ll break him down in a future video but I see what Leon Rose is doing the first round of the NBA draft is wrapped up the Knicks went into tonight with picks 24 and 25 Leon Rose makes two trades he stays put at 25 drafts dader out of France but more importantly what Leon Rose just pulled off is freeing up money okay this is what Leon Rose is doing he is acquiring Assets in the future he traded out of the first round and I think this is Leon Rose’s attempt to bring back Isaiah hardenstein not to say it’s 100% happening that hardenstein has back back but I think this is giving the Knicks an opportunity to do that Ian Begley just tweeted and I quote by trading out of number 26 and stashing Bol daddy a and replacing those picks by rostering two second round picks on rookie Min minimum contracts Nicks can save a total of roughly $3 million in team salary for the 24-25 season not clear if Dad will be stashed just yet now daddy a is an 18-year-old from France he’s an off ball Wing he has a lot of upside of course of course he’s raw but let’s be honest with ourselves we’re not going to see Bome daddy a play for the Knicks for years even if he ever comes to the Knicks I’m not looking at this pick as a future asset could he develop it to something yes but this is something I see the Knicks stashing okay that’s how I’m looking at this a guy that is just going to get stashed and what the Knicks did with the 24th overall pick was brilliant they moved back from 24 to 26 which acquired them an extra second round pick in tomorrow night’s draft which is pick number 51 so now the Knicks have 38 and 51 tomorrow night they also traded pick 26 to the Oklahoma Sun Oklahoma City Thunder for five second round picks I mean we got to start naming Leon Rose Trader Rose or something like that because he is moving and grooving what the Knicks just did is simple okay they made moves that can acquire more flexibility on their cap to try to figure out how to get Isaiah hardenstein back back on this team now again I’m not going to sit here and be like yeah this means he’s coming back 100% no we don’t know that yet hardenstein needs to take a pay cut to come to the Knicks we all know that the Knicks can only offer him a 4year $725 million contract where there’s going to be other teams out there that will offer isaah hardenstein more money than that also we still have Mitchell Robinson on the New York Knicks will he get traded to free up some money but talking about the NBA draft real quick One Last Time folks I’m not jumping for Jo boy of this pcome daddy a pick I’m really just not really moved by it personally this was a move for the short term to free up some money take a player that you can just stash and get two second round picks that can fill out this bench for this upcoming season let me know your thoughts in the comment section guys what you think of what Leon Rose just pulled off in the first round of the NBA draft I think it’s very intriguing I know that’s a little underwhelming but honestly this is kind of what I expected we’ve seen Leon Rose do this literally last two years when’s the last time the Knicks had a first round pick it was Quinton Grimes okay every single year the Knicks go into a first round draft Leon Rose likes to trade out of it he likes to free up money get more Assets in the future the fact that the Knicks got five second round picks for pick number 26 from the Oklahoma City Thunder that’s valuable especially when you look at what the jet uh the Knicks excuse me traded to get Bridges getting those five second round picks is pretty pretty awesome from the years 2025 to 2027 and again we acquired an extra second round pick in tomorrow night let me know your thoughts in the comments section Down Below guys hit the thumbs up button for your boy and subscribe my name is Richie from Nix media I’ll see you guys tomorrow let’s go Nick peace out

The New York Knicks Draft Pecome Dadiet with the 25th Overall Pick and make TWO trades that frees up $ !

Let me know YOUR thoughts of these moves !

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  1. Seems like a very sound strategy. Here’s hoping that iHart will take what we are able to give him.

  2. Most european players can shoot so it would be interesting to see what he can do but with an old school coach like we have you’ll never see this kid! He looks like he might have some height to!

  3. I like the idea of shoring up extra cap space. The Knicks need a reliable big man like ihart this upcoming season. Gaining extra draft picks will help some given all the picks the Nets have acquired in the Bridges trade. I don’t feel OG is quite worth 42.5 mil per year but that’s the nature of the business and they retain him.

    Maybe the Knicks pick up another center like Drummond or find a vet minimum player. The Knicks need some depth at PF/C positions so it will hurt if Ihart can’t stay as Robinson is injury prone. Does Julius stay healthy this year? Then you’re really only left with Sims and Precious.

  4. I can live with the moves if it gets IHart back, but taking Dadiet makes zero sense. We would have been better off trading that pick for considerations in next year's draft. We don't need another draft and stash on our books. We already have Rokas and it looks like we'll never see him down the road.

  5. At first everyone was perplexed with the picks but to free up money and get more picks is brilliant. The back end of first round didn’t look too promising nor did they offer any high expectations of players who will make impact immediately. Some analysts and fans already moaning and ranting about the picks and moves. Padiet is not even going to be worked into rotation in next couple of years anyway so stashing him behind OG and Bridges makes sense. If any injuries should happen he’s a big body at 6’8 and can play if needed while developing

  6. We have 9 players signed need 6 more with little , we aren’t stashing anyone he will be on the team

  7. This was so unbelievably stupid , Isaiah collier was on the board. We need a PG and collier could potentially be the best guy in the draft and can back up Jalen and play beside him. This was a big miss on a potential all star and a need at the same time .

  8. Let's do this. If we can offer IHart 72mil. let it be for 3 years instead of 4, so he can make more money and it doesn't tie him down.

  9. Harkenstein is going to go to a team who has a better chance of winning a championship than the Knicks and for more money the Knicks can offer. That team is OKC. The moves the Knicks are making is to sign free agents and trade for a big man to take Harkenstein’s place and bench players.

  10. So I don't get why the knicks can't offer I heart more money. I always thought bird rights aloud a team to pay more then any else.

  11. He move six picks to gain a great player and change 1 second round pick into six. That have to be magic. 😮😊

  12. As long as JDolan doesn't get involved, Knicks will be in a much better place. The organization is competing now.

  13. So now, according to the pundits the Knicks are not aquiring talent to win, Rose is drafting to stash them. Frenchie plays the same position as OG. Who is getting a massive 5 year contract. So this is a huge waste of a first round pick. Who is evaluating Leon Rose?

  14. Not I. Been watching the NBA draft since the late 80s. Don Cor Leon Rose knows what he’s doing. He’s trying to re-sign IHart. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾🟧🟦🟧🟦🟧🟦🟧🟦🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙

  15. the kid might stay in France another two seasons, frees up money, resigns Hartenstein and use Vet minimum to sign someone else

  16. I think the plan is to bring this kid to NY next year when he's 20. I think if Leon Rose had no interest in hi, they would have also traded away this pick.

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