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Chill Town Hoops: NBA Trade Alert! Nets Send Mikal Bridges to Knicks | NBA Draft Night Insights

Chill Town Hoops: NBA Trade Alert! Nets Send Mikal Bridges to Knicks | NBA Draft Night Insights

got so this is really good right here absolutely let’s do it yeah what up ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it is draft night we have action we’re gonna have more action throughout the night we had action earlier today we had action yesterday um it just gets the I this this is one of with the exception of the playoffs right with the exception of the playoffs this is one of the best times of the year excuse me this is one of the best times of the year and this is one of the best times of the year because we see when these teams get deep into the playoffs we see when these teams get to the championship we get to see how they’re built right so what us getting to see how these units are built I mean it makes it even better it makes it even better when we understand the moves that were made some of them are head scratches some of them don’t make sense at the time some some of them do make sense at the time but some of them don’t and we find out at the end of the year well wow I was wrong about this I was right about that I think this was a good move this was an underrated move so we’ll start with the we’ll start with the Knicks and trading for male Bridges now the fact that OG anobi who played 31 games for the Knicks 31 games he played for the Knicks this seon last season or this season that just passed in the 31 games that he played for him they only lost five times so when he’s in the lineup they win his versatility is one that’s unmatched there there are not many guys who are as versatile as he is and I value versatility I care about a guy being able to do multiple things because you get yourself in trouble a lot when you end up with a guy who can only do one thing prime example would be D’Angelo Russell with the Lakers D’Angelo Russell is primarily a bucket getter well when he’s not doing that he doesn’t do a lot of the other stuff so because he doesn’t do a lot of the other stuff that kind of makes him usess but when you have a guy who in addition to being able to guard at his position in ogn and Obi when you have a guy who can also slide over to the two spot and guard there guard the lead guard guard the four spot when you got a guy who can do that all right I can definitely get with that logic but when you have a guy who in Mel Bridges who I think is a better player I think he’s better offensively I think he’s a better transition player and I do think that he’s a better Defender now the idea that Mel Bridges isn’t as versatile as ogan anobi that’s a bit tricky because I feel like the four in the Five Spot the four and the Five Spot Chang I mean they the Boston Celtics had Jason Tatum at the five right the Boston Celtics had Jason Tatum at the five so the Five Spot changes and the fact that OG anobi he is more ver he is versatile where you know you’ll see him guarding guys like Giannis but he won’t guard guys like Giannis for the entire game like Mel Bridges right like M like Mel Bridges or Alex Caruso like Luca that’s his matchup all night that’s not his matchup for most of the night that’s his match up all night and then Mel Bridges can slide over and cover Kyrie Irving also and then he he can also deal with PJ Washington now he may struggle a bit with Daniel gaffet sure but he wouldn’t have to cover him for long stretches the point that I’m making is is the versatility that I give up the versatility that I give up with OG anobi isn’t a huge gap it’s not like Mel Bridges can only guard the one or cuz he’s small he can only guard the two no he can guard the three he can guard the four he can do that and in the process of him guarding the four he’s pretty he’s pretty productive as a as a Defender now as an offensive player he’s got a damn good stopping pop game ogan no’s got a good stoping pop game too I think Mel Bridges is better I think he’s a better transition player I think he’s a better one-on-one player I think he’s a better finisher at the rim and on top of that he’s cheaper so because he’s cheaper better player better Defender more durable the fact that you you you you resign who by the way I think OG anobi I think he could have got more from the Knicks he settled for 212 I want to I want to make sure we clear on that he ended up settle he he ended up you guys do you guys know that I know he signed he resigned I get it it’s not like he just did it a minute ago I know he resigned pay attention but anyway like I was saying I think he settled for that 212 I think that he could have gotten more he’s the one who blinked and I’m not sure if you guys don’t I’m not sure if you guys know this but in that contract there’s a trade kicker in there and not only is there a trade kicker in there which I don’t think that they’re going to do you still have from the the the time you sign a guy in free agency you still have 90 days to trade him now I doubt that the Knicks are going to do that off the strength that one they sign him to that extension and it’s a 15% trade kicker now 15% doesn’t really sound like a lot but I can tell you right now 15% of $212 million that’s a lot of D yo a lot of do but let’s get back to let’s get back to what this deal means I was wrong about them I I was wrong about letting ogan and Obi walk I thought that they I thought that the best course of action was to let him walk because you still have an issue at your five spot I felt like when you got Mel Bridges that shored up your OG and anobi issue cuz whatever you lost with him in terms of Versatility defensively one I feel like you gained that offensively and two I don’t feel like the Gap defensively if you think he’s better I don’t think it’s that big I don’t think it’s that big at all in fact I think Mel Bridges is a better perimeter Defender than OG anobi as an overall Defender so with that being said why am i g to overpay for a guy when I already have this and a better version of it the example that I gave earlier was the example that I gave earlier was Drew holiday Marcus Smart for Drew holiday everything you everything you do I do it except I do it better now better player does not mean better fit that does not mean that but in this particular situation with Marcus Smart and Drew holiday it does not only am I the better player I’m also the better fit so he did the same thing in Milwaukee with Eric bledo better player better fit I think Mel Bridges not only is he a better player than OG anobi I feel like he’s a better fit too and with him being a better fit I didn’t feel like it was necessary to to overpay for ogan and Obi twice in the last five years he’s only played 65 games I know that there was some other circumstances like he had a death in his family with his father but we can’t leave out other important aspects like he missed the entire 19 playoffs he missed the whole playoffs last year he broke down again so because of that be because of that a guy like Mel Bridges who you know he missed some I don’t think he missed much time this year right I I don’t think he missed much time this year if he missed any time but he’s basically been an Iron Man so my vision when they traded for my vision when they traded for Mel Bridges was Hart Alec Burke McBride precious they all go back to the rotation I’m starting jayen Brunson at the one divon chenzo is at the two I’m putting Mel Bridges at the three Julius Randall at the four and I got to figure out my five spot so the money that I was gonna use the money that I was gonna use on OG I’m gonna use that on my five because I already got Mel Bridges under contract for two more years I already have him not only do I have him under contract for two more years I got him under contract for two more years cheaper so because I have him at that why am I gonna overpay for for OG anobi and the way that this the way that this unit is designed with Brunson at the one with Divan chenzo at the two with Mel Bridges at the three with Julius Randall at the four and you Shore that up with the legit fiveman I’m not to be honest with you I don’t know if hartenstein is a fiveman on a championship Contender a starting fiveman I don’t know that I’m I’m I’m good with moving off of Mitchell Robinson I’m straight with that I’m straight with moving off Mitchel Robinson I think he’s made a glass and I think that you got the best years out of him already I’m I’m I’m straight with that so with that being said if I think about hartenstein who was huge as a backup right who was huge as a backup it’s completely different when we’re actually a championship Contender those two things are not the same not even close to the same so with that being said I was a little skep I’m still a little skeptical I’m not saying that I’m out I’m still a little skeptical about hartenstein at the as your starting five minut I love hardenstein let’s be clear about that I actually think he works better in Oklahoma City I think it I I I think he actually works better in Oklahoma City than he does because they can pay him one they can pay him and he fits that that that that need that they don’t have that Dirty Work guy on the front line they don’t really need him for buckets like with the Knicks do they need Stein to score listen man in this in this NBA contrary to what you guys might think in this NBA you have to have a guy who can score in a post he doesn’t have to be a lan no he does not have to be Ying he doesn’t have to be Shaq but there has to be I gotta be able to get you the ball and I I got I have to be able to get you the ball on the box and I can you can get me a bucket now maybe that’s Julie Randall and hardenstein is their Dirty Work guy maybe that’s the case I just like him better with Oklahoma City I think they play fast I think they’re younger um that’s not to say that I don’t that’s not to say that I don’t think that he’ll be back with the Knicks I just know from a business aspect it really doesn’t make sense it it it doesn’t make sense to to to take less money because there’s no guarantee that I’m going to get this money back now remember the Knicks can’t pay him the max they cannot pay him the max unfortunately now with that being with with that being said right now now now with that being said they can pay him but if a deal on the table from Oklahoma City is better and with Alex Kus so with Shay with Dub with Chad if I can make more money plus if I can make more money plus possibly be on a better team I’m not sure that I’m take I’m not sure that I’m turning that down I will say this even though I’m not even though I think this is a mistake signing OG to that much money because I’m not sure if he’s going to hold up this is this is a trade very much like when Kyrie Irving got traded to Boston from Cleveland like we’re not going to know about this we’re not going to know about this trade for another for another two or three years but I understand what the Knick’s plan is and the reason why I understand what the niick plan is because where we are in the NBA today I mean we’ve had six different NBA champions in the last six years we’ve had six different teams in the East let’s see we’ve had in in just in the East finals alone we’ve had Milwaukee Miami Atlanta the Celtics Toronto and I’m leaving somebody out I feel like I’m leaving somebody out I feel like I’m leaving somebody out we’ve had Boston Miami Atlanta Milwaukee Boston Atlanta Milwaukee Boston Atlanta Milwaukee Miami Toronto and Indiana just just just this season we’ve had six different teams in the East finals so we do have parody we have some we we have some parody in the East not only do we have parody we also have we’re also in a time where we don’t have a lot of wiggle room what I mean when I say that when you have this much parody like we got to strike when the iron is hot we have to get what we can get right now because ain’t no guarantee we coming back here this isn’t I don’t I I don’t see in the NBA at this particular point I don’t see Shaq and Kobe I don’t see Jordan and Pippen I don’t see the Steph Curry Warriors I don’t see them even though as good as Boston is and I think Boston is a damn good team damn good team and there’s no reason barring health issues that they shouldn’t be in the mix next year no reason but I don’t see them like I when I when when the when the when the Lakers won the NBA championship in 200000 I was pretty convinced I’m like yo these dudes gonna be around for a while so you better get used to seeing them same way I felt about Jordan and Pippen when they won it in 91 I’m like yo these dudes gonna be around for a while so you better get used to seeing them they not going anywhere we living in a different time with this this NBA right we we we living in a different time with this NBA so ain’t no guarantee you coming back Atlanta proved that ain’t no guarantee you coming back Miami proved that you could get hurt you can end up moving some players losing some players so ain’t no guarantee we coming back so we got to strike when the iron is hot we have to we we we have to get what we can get when we can get it so with that being said I’m I’m I’m I’m looking at this current landscape of the NBA and I understand why the Knicks did what they the Knicks did what they did we trying to maximize we’re trying to maximize Our Winning potential right now I do think that they overpaid for OG an and Obi even though I know for fact that they win more with him in the lineup than they don’t and that matters I I I I I will not argue that that matters 100% that matters CUA when you got a guy excuse me when you got a guy that’s that versatile when you got a guy that’s that versatile who is that good on the defensive end who is also a 15 to 18 a game guy it’s hard to pass on that but if if I have somebody right but if I have somebody that I can trade for that I can essentially get the same thing why am I overpaying for him it just doesn’t make sense a prime example is Kristof porzingis for Robert Williams Kristof is not the Ed at Robert Williams is I don’t think there’s a huge gap between them two though I do think that that I do think that Robert Williams is better but I don’t think that there’s a huge gap so when I trade Robert Williams for porzingis I’m I am giving up some of the defense but I’m not I’m not losing all the defense right I am getting some of that defense back and I’m getting more offense and on top of me getting more offense when I extend him I’m not extending him for probably what what I would have had to pay Robert Williams now I do own Robert Williams bird rights but I would have had to pay him more I’m not doing that because fiscally it doesn’t make sense so I’m not a fan of guys walking out the front door I think from a management from a management standpoint that’s just a bad idea I I I don’t like it unless unless you have a situation where you can replace that guy that’s walking out the front door if I can replace that guy that’s walking out the front door then I’m then then then I’m comfortable with it I’m good I don’t I I I don’t issue with that if if I can replace him so if I’m moving off of if if I’m letting OG walk and I have Mel Bridges even though I don’t like to to let guys walk out the front door I’m good with it I’m I’m I’m I’m straight with it and I see again I I I I see the I see the Nick’s Vision because again when when when when you when you’re in this space here right when you’re in this space here where you’re competing for a championship and I do think that the Knicks even though they even though they got beat up you know they lost uh they they lost a huge chunk of their lineup right they lost a huge chunk of their lineup I do think that they can challenge for the Eastern Conference Championship even before they did this before they did this if OG doesn’t get hurt if Julius Randle doesn’t get hurt if Mitchell Robinson doesn’t get hurt I still think the Celtics beat them but I do think that they give them I do think that they’re a legit Challenger for the Boston Celtics I do think that so with that being said now that you’ve upgraded your roster because I said this about the Knicks before being in the East finals do not I repeat do not make the mistake which they didn’t do not make the same mistake that the Atlanta Hawks did the Atlanta Hawks made in 21 do not make the same mistake that the Portland Trailblazers did in 19 where you sit on your hands and you just run it back because other teams are goingon to get better other teams are going to get better don’t think for one second that the Celtics is just running it back they’re gonna get better Milwaukee has to get better they can’t come back with what they had they have have to they they have to get better they have to do something with that roster because they’re going to be in the same spot that they was in this season that just passed because in all honesty when I see when I see guys like Giannis getting non-c cont injuries what that tells me is is the beginning of the incoming that’s my question when I when I see guys like Giannis getting non-c contct injuries it could it could possibly be nothing sure but is this to be even though Giannis I think he’s 29 yeah 29 I think he’ll be 30 I think he’ll be 30 this year if I’m not mistaken but when I see non-c contct injuries that that makes me question is this the beginning are we are we close to the beginning of the end or do we still have some years that’s the thing that I worry about with that being said they can’t come back with the same roster so they’re gonna they’re gonna have to get better Indiana saw what the Knicks did they can’t just sit on their hands neither they just signed they just signed Pascal seaka so that helps them out tremendously so you have SE yakum and halberton so I love that absolutely love that in addition to halberton and in addition to halberton and cakam you’re gonna get maing back n Smith is gonna be back I’m good on Turner I’m I’m I’m I’m ready to move off of Turner um the Miami Heat have to get better now I’m I’m to be honest with you I’m straight with them moving off of buckets and starting over and building that unit around bam I’m good with that cuz I think bam at 26 years old I think you got four or five I think you got four or five years with bam at this level and when I say four or five years I don’t mean his I I I don’t mean four or five more years in his prime no I think these are Peak bam years so I think at 26 going on 27 I think I can get four more years at a bam of this I still can get I feel like I can still get more years after this because I feel like he still is in his prime but these are the peak years like I feel like I could get the most that’s why I’m good moving off of buckets because I feel like I’ve gotten everything out of him and I don’t think that I’m gonna get anything more I think that’s it so with that being said I I I say that to say that the Eastern Conference right I say that to say that the the Eastern Conference the teams that are in contention Philly’s not coming back with what they had they’re going to get better they’re going to lose Tobias Harris embiid’s gonna come back healthy I’m I’m I’m out on Philly and and and I’m probably in the minority but I’m out on Philly I think jool and beid has made a glass and I think that he’s still an elite player but I think that his history of breaking down that’s just going to continue as he gets older it’s just going to continue and you and you what you do is you just try to manage it as best you can that’s all you can really do just manage it as best you can I’m out on Philly though but Philly is gonna improve I’m sure that they’re gonna do something with their roster so the Knicks they can’t just sit back and just rest on their Laurels and go okay we was in we was in the Eastern Conference semi-finals and you know we’ll get Julius Randle back next year and Mitchell Robinson will be healthy so let’s just run it back no we can’t do that hell no we can’t do that teams have teams plenty of teams plenty of teams have made the mistake of sitting on their hands when they could have gotten better and other teams have passed them by and because of that they end up missing that Championship window that’s what it that that’s where it gets tricky so I was wrong on the Knicks letting OG walk out the front door I was wrong for that and I still think it’s a mistake but I’m wrong before they signed him I thought that the lineup but before they signed OG and they ended up trading for they ended up trading for Mel Bridges I thought the lineup was Brunson at the one divon chenzo at the two Bridges at the three Randall at the four and we got to figure out our five spot right and we and and and and we figure out our five spot so with the money we would have saved from with the money we would have saved from [Music] um signing OG we could have gotten a fiveman I’m already and and and again I’m I’m not on the fence when I when I tell you this that and I know it’s over already I still think that the New York Knicks five five man he’s in Charlotte they already screwed that up so now we have to go in a different direction now what’s the plan moving forward with the Knicks because you know there are some people who tell me that the Knicks should move off of Julius Randall and I think that’s a mistake just like I think paying OG was a mistake I think moving off with Julius Randall is a mistake too I I think that with seeing what this Nick team did I feel like they showed Julius that if you get on our page how much better are we and I think Julius saw that and goes man I could really help these dudes if I was healthy I could really help these dudes really help these guys so with that being said with that being said I think it would be a mistake to move off of Randall I do I think it would be a mistake to move off of him I think that for what they for for for what they did this season they were they’re all pro 20 and 10 guy away from really challenging in the east from really challenging in the East and if they bring him back I feel like I don’t think that they move off I don’t think that they move off of Julius Rand I would be surprised if they did and if they did I think that would be a mistake I do I feel like that would be a mistake if they did that and excuse me they would regret it I’m confident that they would regret that cause one I feel like Julius at the at the at the stage in his career not only at the stage in his career but the age that he’s at like they got him on the cheap right now like this I think he’s on the books for 28 million or I I I think next season uh 30 million something that that’s on the so if they if they could get him or you talking about moving him I’m not going to be able to get that back I’m not GNA get an all I’m not going to get an allpro 20 and 10 guy for $30 million I’m not that’s not happening now I understand that Jaylen Brunson is your guy I understand that I understand that Jaylen Brunson is your guy but if I’m moving off Julius Randall I think that’s a mistake I do I I I I think it’s a huge mistake I don’t think that it’s it’s is is I I think that’s rhetoric for you guys who’ve been listening to the media you can’t give me legit logic why moving off of him as the best option you can you can you can tell me that it’s a mistake because you heard it from somewhere else you can’t give me legit logic why an all proo 20 and 10 guy who you didn’t have in the playoffs sees what they’re doing with the Knicks sees what they doing with the Knicks now and going man I could help this crew I might have to I might have to change my game up a little bit I might I might have to sacrifice a little bit but I could really help so if you tell if you could give me legit logic why you moving off of him I’m all is but I don’t think you can I don’t so I’m interested to hear what you guys have to say about this I am I’m I’m really interested to hear what you guys have to say about this what up chill what up sir what’s up brother man the Knicks the Knicks pulled off the the the grand scheme of the of the decade man they weren’t supposed to do this they were not supposed to get be able to not only get Mel but keep OG I know I I know you you a fan of the big man but in this this day and age I think Haren Stein can be serviceable as long as you have that great Wing Defenders you have with with Mel and OG and Bronson being a a a absolute Dynamo point guard and that bench you ain’t winning with you ain’t winning with a serviceable big you’re not it’s not happen what are you talking about who who who has won the NBA champ sh with a service Boston just won with a service of big last last I checked porzinski I mean pinski is not serviceable but he wasn’t playing he didn’t play the majority of the playoffs right and and Al hawford Al hawford is not serviceable Alford at this day and age is servable Al Harford is better than that no and and and on top of that let’s not make it look like Al haford does what hartenstein does he doesn’t stretch hardstein doesn’t stretch the defense like Al hawford true hardstein isn’t the offensive player that Al hawford is doesn’t have to be though 100% he does man no no no I’m saying hardenstein doesn’t need to be for this niick team yes yes he he has to be able to score we can’t have a dude out here like Claxton who we can’t get anything from him we have to be able to get something from you that’s not the way that works Mina no you got you have three excellent offensive players and four really what OG is chill you don’t your big man doesn’t have to be a offensive a huge offensive threat he just needs to be a he just needs to be able to get it off the glass be able to catch the lives yeah and that’s really it that’s really all they need from him as long as he’s rebounding defending and blocking shot CH chill who’s the who’s the best big man in the East if Joel em be goes down who is the best big man in the Eastern Conference if bam and I’m G be honest with you bam is good but I don’t think Miami is gonna be in the Eastern Conference Finals this year chill I don’t now I agree with you when they meet up with Boston could presas uh POS a problem sure but I need to see him healthy through the playoffs first before I even really give that a thought right now right now if if I’m the Knicks if if we can if we can trade Randall for some maybe some some additional bench pieces I know you do I can’t handle this man I can’t why wait wait wait wait why wouldn’t you trade Randall to sh up your bench when you have four four great players why wouldn’t you do that we’re small number one we’re small that’s number one number two M do you remember do you remember when Jaylen Brunson in the beginning of these playoffs when they played against Philly he wasn’t lights out he was shooting under 40% and yet they still won right and the reason why they won is because of their defense because of their Def and because jool and B was banged up surprise surprise what’s what’s always the case in the playoffs him being banged up bingo I I I I but here’s the difference with that though here’s the difference are you relying on not just jool embid are you relying on that for the duration of the playoffs chill what is history say come on what does history say about Joel and B I ain’t talking about Joel and B take Joel and table I’m talking about for the rest of the playoffs is that what you’re relying on because this season was an anomaly I Ain talking I ain’t talking about jool and beid I’m talking about you’re talking about all the injuries I’m talking exactly that’s not gonna happen on the regular no I I so that’s what you’re relying on and on top of that y’all ain’t sneaking up on nobody everybody is on to you guys now that now that’s the truth they’re not gonna sneak up on anybody but and the Eastern Conference getting and the Eastern Conference is getting better are they getting better or did the Knicks or did wait wait are the the Knicks did the Knicks get substantially better Boston is already great and then after that the level of competent GM talent and coaching it goes down Philly Philly could be great if Joel can stay healthy no doubt Miami big question mark on Jimmy don’t know if he’s gonna be there bucks we already said they ain’t gonna do nothing I’m out on the Bucks as long as they got Doctor Who’s left this is crazy man who’s I’m just I’m just look I’m just giving you the the the the the landscape of the East okay sure to to to now to to your point because this is this is crazy to me so a team so the Eastern Conference will watch a team like the Knicks get substantially better and everybody else it’s gonna sit on their hands they ain’t gonna do nothing is that what I’m understanding is that what I’m understand I’m gonna say it again what has history shown us because when Miami formed a big three the only team that tried to contend with them was the Nets by getting a bunch of old players from Brook uh Boston that just lost to them in a couple of series seasons previous all right so we going history all right I can get with that sure I that’s that’s all I can go off of okay okay I not problem with that none whatsoever but I tell you what brother this this this this this offseason how I feel about the Eastern Conference what they do in this offseason is going to tell me a lot so man I abely brother good to talk to you what up chill what up hey all right hear me out I got a theory as you know the NBA is all about relationships it is and agents play a big role they do something about the Nicks just ain’t sitting right with me for some reason I don’t know with this OG and anobi deal is he real quick before I is OG a real max player is he a real max player for for for his value for for what he does there aren’t a lot of guys who do what he does but I do think they got a they got a guy on the crew that does something very similar to him right now okay my theory OG I don’t think this is gonna be the roster in the next year and a half to two years and this is why Leon Rose has ties to CAA um OG’s a CAA client they tried to get Donovan Mitchell last year uh for a few draft picks but you know them CA and Danny a aren’t on the right so Danny a was asking for the farm the house in the whole city and they said no so worldwide West you know he got ties with them KCK Kentucky and Villanova boys something is telling me Carl Anthony towns Devin Booker those are CAA guys they have ties to those guys Carl Anthony towns is from New York something is telling me that they needed to get these assets give them a good deal to match later for a contract value to cancel out in a trade and I think Bridges probably stays I think anobi and Randall might be part of a deal in about a year or two for a bigger fish because New York has always talked about wanting to get a bigger fish but no one’s wanted to come I think jayen Brunson has exeeded expectations but deep down to lead them to a championship I think they need a one a or one option I no down great on Brunson I’m a Maverick fan hate that we let him go but something is telling me with them CAA ties it’s gonna be deeper than this I think this is just a a one-year Prelude we gonna use OG maybe Randall and we gonna get a bigger fish I don’t know if they go back and try to get I don’t think they get Mitchell now since they have uh yeah oh oh you talking about Mel Bridges you talking about Mel bridg Mel Bridges who’s really more of a three but just because like I said Og man these agent ties and all these guys are 100% 100% the Knicks are all about relationships with Leon Rose worldwide whereas Brock Aller I mean I I like to study more the background with the NBA and and that runs deep but something is telling me they’re making these deals they have uh OG’s bird rights but I something let me know if I’m crazy or not you’re not you’re not it’s not it’s a coincidence that Anthony Davis ended up with the Lakers and he’s a he’s on clutch sports that’s not a coincidence I mean there there’s plenty of guy there’s plenty of teams that have guys who have relationships with teams agents who have relationships with teams no this isn’t this isn’t an interesting Theory it’s a legit Theory interesting is I didn’t think about it like that no if you don’t know this you’re not in the loop yeah 100% ogc do you think that Carl Anthony towns I know people talk about him and Rudy not do you think Carl Anthony towns could be another Target in a year or so I did see some came out today how they don’t want to go over the luxury and they want to try to keep Carl but man that money is they can’t pay everybody in Minnesota nope they can’t that’s why that that’s why I feel like with that group they probably have another they probably got another year maybe two years EXA es and then they got to do something else so I don’t think that they move off a call yet because I do think that they right there but we gonna find out that’s not an interesting Theory what you said that’s legit talk you BD no doubt what up thank you I’ve been oh chill appreciate it but I think a lot of the things that people don’t realize about Randall iHeart I’m gonna run through real quick as far as bigs up until he got hurt Randall at The Rim on defense when the defender is coming to him 22.5% of the time when they’re attacking the rim they’re attacking Randall now when Mitchell Robinson or before he get after he got hurt or before he got hurt and ihart was playing and Randle was there they looked good defensively because Randle was able to stand in front of the guy and keep pressure on all they had to do was watch the ball so all those blocks and all of that was due to his defense also Randle can give you 25 and 10 with his assist because most people don’t even remember when Brunson was dealing with the dribble dribble dribble and he was messing upand was giving games with seven to eight assist he was leading him in assist and here’s another thing ball handling he’s good with that plus with the double team brand get double team or Brunson you guys mean to tell me they’re gonna put their top two Defenders on Brunson and probably try to do it on Randle that opens up for everybody else with the lobs but what I say with iHeart and Mitchell Robinson is they showed flashes of them showing skills example ihart was passing his floa but he wasn’t aggressive throughout the whole season he was playing hurt and plus he wasn’t even as physical on defense he was allowing people like Turner to abuse him he was getting abused by smaller guys so for me I wanted uh Andre Drummond because I know with him I could get a 10 and 10 guy with the system that we have and our bench we also upgraded our bench Bridges the only thing I like about that trade if you look at it bogs moved to Bridges I think you can by the way and we got him cheaper keep going and Andre drum I think you can get him on a cheap but keep exactly it’s like 11 mil so you get him draft young guy you get him draft a young guy you’re good and on top of that um what did I just say I just lost my thought dang it because I thought about the drumming but then anyway with ihart you look at ihart he had flashes of being abused and mishandled he looks confused so for me with his offense it’s in question I think he should go somewhere else get his money Mitchell robon we should trade I think that what the Knicks are doing is solidifying our bigs because if you look at it Randall is a big who’s being defense and can help you out also when brunsen was struggling who was the guy that pulled him to the side Randle was like yo Com when we were playing the Bucks yo come here I got you let me let me take some of the work off your low y’ don’t appreciate that but and another thing I don’t like is that defense creates offense offense creates defense OG’s ability in the playoffs and later in the season when he came back most of his points was off of turnovers so I don’t understand why you guys are saying there’s no value to it he’s not requesting the ball when he was in um the Raptors it was 14 time 14% uh 14 times he would get the ball on 14 plays like he had 14 players here he’s getting eight or nine but the extra four or five he’s getting off of his own being transitioned getting blocks turnovers so for me I see the Knicks trying to go big with big defensive Wing guys and stay somewhat young because Randle is the only old person we have he’s 29 years old right probably you probably still got a bunch of years left out of him too and one more thing Bridges and randle’s contract are both up in two years why not give it a shot OG goes down Bridges could cover those time periods that OG needs to rest and then we could save them for the playoffs we could run different formats like we did this year with the four ball where we had the four guard setup we can run other systems TI has that potential sure let’s watch it all right Bob I know where to find you at brother all yo yes sir I’ll be there tonight yes I will I’ll be there tonight tonight Mari my man what’s up brother what’s up CH hear me what’s going on brother oh here we go the Knicks have got their 2 Tim’s got his 2011 team back 2.0 he’s even got somebody from Britain again um but yeah I think this Nick team is he got a good roster I think they have potential to probably go to the Eastern Conference Finals I think most likely next year if they can stay healthy I mean I like I like their versatility they they’re basically defensively versatile in every position um even I think the worst def I mean depending on who you’re going to have the starting center it could either be hardstein or Mitch Robinson depending on who can stay healthy but randle’s probably their worst Defender per position but even then their defense was still good with him on the court that he wasn’t necessarily a defensive problem so I think they’ve definitely made the best move of this off season and I honestly think that they you know if you look at when you said about par I mean look at the last time the next one the league that was the last time there was that was 1970 1970 1972 so now 50 52 years ago they won the the NBA title so I think that they see that there is an opportunity and window because I don’t think anybody is necessarily scared of the Celtics I think they understand what the Celtics are and I think they’ve adjusted to be honest to allow for that kind of Versatility because I think what they everybody kind of saw was you kind of have to have a serviceable player in every single position you don’t necessarily have to have a great great player like you had with the kind of heavily weighted LeBron teams and the Warriors teams of the kind of early 2010s but you have to have positionally a very good um Defender and if you think about it if you think about the Knicks they have an Allstar caliber player in Mel Bridges at the two potentially they have Julius Rand who’s an Allstar all NBA player Julius um jayen Bronson who all NBA Mitchell Robinson and oh gosh who is there who’s there too so I’m trying to think chenzo D chenzo is a good shooter he’s a very good shooter so I think they they definitely have a good chance next season to be honest maybe The Bigs might be a problem because I do think Mitchell Robertson is probably not g to last the whole season I think he’s made a glass Amari I’m not gonna lie to you I think he’s made a glass I do I don’t yeah I don’t think he would lost the whole the whole year I think but I I I do like the move I actually haven’t really got anything really negative or positive to say about it negative to say about it to be Hest I think I think it was a solid move what’s your kind of thoughts on I I I I I didn’t think that you had to overpay for OG and anobi I’m not a fan as you as have you spoken to me in the past you know I’m not a fan of just letting guys walk out the front door yeah management management I don’t think that that’s smart for management to do that but in this particular situation I was comfortable with it off the strength that I have Mel Bridges who I’m not losing much from him I’m not losing much from him when I’m when I’m when I’m inserting uh Mel Bridges in the lineup I feel like Mel Bridges is a better player I feel like he’s a better fit I feel like not only is he a better fit I feel like he’s a better Defender and he’s cheaper so if I was gonna lose OG I was comfortable with that and I felt like they overpaid for him and I don’t think that they had to all right brother good to talk to you what up and I know why we picked the direction um case you haven’t heard um Jo is most likely selling this team um you remember uh C records you remember old C records um K oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so Julia k um she she put in 15% of ownership for the team I’m I’m guessing they looking for another 85 um as far as the trade goes um I’m just glad we picked the direction to be honest with you bro no I’m not turning on my light it’s hot up in um um we we just picked a direction um and I just wanted us to go with a direction um however we are gonna resign Nick Flashman he’s 24 years old we gonna sign him to 100 Mill and we probably gonna most most likely I’m not 100% sure we most likely gonna come off off of Cam Johnson and probably get somebody in tonight’s draft because we still don’t have a pick a nice draft so I’m waiting for the draft to be over to see who the hell we going to steal out of this and try to put a part of our youth movement right um as far as far as the tangerines go um uh uh letting letting OG and anobi basically basically of uh spoke you down for $212 million is is is ludicrous to me um the Knicks have once again um overpaid for a B minus player like he with A+ money um this is backed then um this SC back to Allan Houston this goes back to Larry Johnson when he was on his last legs this goes back to a whole bunch of other players that they done sign um they sign what made better players than OG and anobi to to to shorten money over the years I and I understand that the um that that that uh that the money is higher now but paying o and Obi anywhere close to $200 million is Tom Foolery nothing but Tom Foolery um I I definitely agree that they overpay for him and they most likely going to regret it because they don’t understand that the rest of the Eastern Conference um is going to make a youth movement as well um if if if the Indiana Pacers I don’t think they as worse off as everybody thinks there’s a reason why they were able to shoot 60 something percent mass square guarden the game seven the Orlando Magic is not Tom Foolery you know what I’m saying they on their way you know what I’m saying but the Eastern Conference they’re not going to be as competitive in terms of like teams knowing what to do um they’re going to be competitive in terms of Youth in terms of youth movement which is going to make which is going to make Boston Boston Celtics runs to the uh to the finals seam a lot easier than what they are that’s what it’s going to make it seem like but the reality is is that um the Eastern Conference is going to continue to break down like they normally do right um the Nicks are going to be victims of their play style because the the the reality is that if they’re not rebounding if they’re not doing the dirty work as you call it they’re not going to win games and if they are doing the Dirty Work in much of it in 40 something minutes which Tom Tibido has been proven um to play you at um then that means injuries is coming um Mel bridg is as durable as he is and durable as he has been that means the injury is coming real soon you know what I’m saying especially when you playing with Tom H you know what I’m saying so realistically um you have that um you definitely write about Whatchamacallit um what uh uh Mitch Robinson has definitely made a glass but he does do the dirty work that’s probably part of the reason why he made a glass you know I’m saying so because anytime you’re doing a whole bunch of Dirty Work you definitely prone to injury um not resigning um Isaiah Harin is G probably gonna be one of the biggest regrets on that the Nicks uh well they can’t afford to pay they can’t afford to pay him as much as as other teams which doesn’t make any sense to me at all because if you own a guy’s bird rights that’s the reason why you able to keep your free agents but they come up with this dumbass loop hole in the system where if you drafting right well right if you’re drafting correct and you’re in a big Market you shouldn’t be able to keep all of your guys so give me keep all your guys yeah yeah well well yeah I I think that’s kind of silly too but I think that’s some that’s that’s the thing that teams like the small Mar teams has figured out in the CBA it’s one of the reasons why OKC didn’t unload their picks and they still got as many picks as we do y’all got y’all picks back though I think that’s good I think the fact that Brooklyn got you got your P got yeah we got our P back from Houston um yeah so definitely works he could go kiss you know you see why you see why I wasn’t with that trade that Mars was trying to sell of course I wasn’t I was I’m G tell you why and I’m G tell you why before I leave I’m G tell you why they they tried to convince us that Jaylen green was gonna be in that trade and I knew he wasn’t and so so so there was no more Chay and green you never was gonna give up aan Thompson you never was gonna give up cam Whitmore the only person that you was trying to give up was uh Dylan Brook because the money match and we didn’t want him so the reality Tom yeah so you was trying so you was trying to undercut us from the legs and basically Sean and what mall said yo we gonna leave this team in good graces before they get up out of here because we don’t want no problem with the c family and and trying to get us out so yeah you found me you found me everybody that’s looking for the next man you found me I’m here here talk to you brother get to talk to you brother what up Brandon what’s going on Y what upill all right I got some wild to run by you all right it’s w I’m just preparing you all right so listen the Knicks I love everything about what they just did to be honest with you I think that they made that move to compete with the Celtics they need them they need strong Wings to be able to run with JB and JT right I think that’s what they tried to do with OG and Mel right now this is where it gets tricky because Julius random now if you ask me I think they should try to send Julius Randle back home to Dallas and check I knew that was coming I knew it knew it was coming check the temperature on Gafford and see what they could do I don’t think that’s awful what you think well first of all it say it’s not awful for Dallas it’s not it’s not awful for Dallas okay that’s number one so I understand that I’m ripping hard by the way UK of course 100% you are and and I understand it 100% I do understand it however you got them on you already got a bunch of guys on the cheap I still feel like you need guys on the box that can score and you you have to have an interior guy who can score one of the main reasons why Luca was having a problem because even though gaffet was a lob threat even though Lively was a lob threat how much better would he have made Luca’s life if he could if he could throw him the ball on the Block I know he can he could get him a bucket I ain’t saying I need a 20 and 10 gu on the box but how much better does that make Luca’s life when you could throw a guy of ball on the block or throw a GU of ball in the mid post he can go to work and get you a bucket that opens up your offense way more man so I got Brandon I gotta bounce brother it’s good to talk to you though my man absolutely NE what up yo yo chill what up uh it’s nef by the way it’s all good um [ __ ] real quick East is getting tougher I’m getting scared you know I’m a Walky guy I do know that um five first round picks uh for Mel Bridges to the Knicks I think Mars on the panel had a or I think it was dammo actually who was like both teams won in this trade like sure you can be like okay yeah Nicks gave up all this draft Capital blah blah blah but like they’re really in a win mode now type of thing and plus they added another villain NOA boy to their already obviously chemistry INF fi squad over there and it’s it’s just kind of good for both sides because um shout out Mars he kind of like put me on to like how the draft Capital worked and how the Nets how Houston was kind of involved in that deal without being involved in that deal so it it was very interesting stuff going on and it would just made me scared for my team because if we don’t do anything this offseason we’re going to be definitively the third best team in the East which is which is good like objectively but like how we’ve been um the past few years since Giannis came under his Ascension for first MVP probably a year before that it’s it’s not the city’s not used to it so it’s like okay we got real competition over here before the Dame trade you would say Boston and Milwaukee are pretty much neck and neck we got it wasn’t that big of a gap it it was not at all it was not at all but now it’s a it’s a gap like straight up and I would say the Knicks making this trade it’s a gap too so if we don’t do anything we’re GNA get left behind so so it’s Boston the Knicks and Milwaukee yeah they have to do something they 100% we got to do something either making good drive picks like whatever I know we’re in a second apron so trades are super super hard but I can dig it NE I can dig it nef and uh I I told you the SE the season is not over I will be here you know where to find me at brother good to talk to you absolutely Hey listen I’m going over the playback I’m I’m doing the draft if any of you guys are interested it’s playback TV come check me out if you’re not it was good to see you guys tonight I will be around I am not hard to find you know where to find me guys this is the this is one of the best times of the year I will see you guys soon but until then put on a suit drink water do not I repeat do not drink and drive hey man call your mother call your mother I got one Super Chat that I have to that I have to that I have to go over before I go though gone says SE toown you’re Boston baked beans better watch out watch out for what what they better watch out for even though that even though I’m not a Boston Celtic fan but what they better watch out for is my question who do who they who they better watch out for so I’m interested to see that but um again guys it was good to see you guys tonight I will see you guys soon until then put on a suit drink water don’t drink and drive hey man call your mother call your mother I’ll see you guys soon but until then take it light but take it I’m going over the playback I’m going to do the draft good to see you guys

Welcome to Chill Town Hoops! 🚀 In today’s episode, we dive into the blockbuster NBA trade that has everyone talking. The Brooklyn Nets have traded Mikal Bridges to the New York Knicks in a monumental deal. We’ll break down the trade details, analyze how this impacts both teams, and discuss what this means for the upcoming NBA season.

But that’s not all! NBA Draft Night 2024 is here, and we have everything you need to know. From top prospects to sleeper picks, find out what to expect and how your favorite team might shake up their roster. Whether you’re a Brooklyn Nets fan, a New York Knicks supporter, or just an NBA enthusiast, this episode is packed with insights and expert analysis.

NBA Trade 2024
Brooklyn Nets
New York Knicks
Mikal Bridges Trade
NBA Draft Night 2024
NBA Draft Predictions
NBA Trade Analysis
Brooklyn Nets News
New York Knicks News
NBA Rumors 2024

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