@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers sign David Jones & Justin Edwards to a two-way contract

Sixers sign David Jones & Justin Edwards to a two-way contract

uh with the undrafted free agents Justin Edwards the Philadelphia native two-way contract with the Sixers and then they also locked in David Jones as another player as a two-way guy uh to join the teams we’ll hopefully see those players in summer league uh like the two players just I I know you like Justin Edwards Kyle speaking about him a little bit yesterday yeah I mean I’m more familiar with him quite frankly because I he’s one of the few guys in the draft that i’ watched in high school right like he local kid so he got a ton of Buzz coming out out of emot tip yeah so I mean is he the best at least one of the best Philadelphia local players in quite a long time he’s got prototype tools size all that stuff and he shown flashes as an off ball guy I think he might shoot over the long term which would be great but he did not have a good season no at Ki and when they recruit so much over you not even over they recruit so many guys someone’s gonna get lost in in all of those players and he was one that seemingly got lost there and yeah I I think he started really slow there and as these other guys you know Reed Shepard had an incredible season Dillingham was awesome Off the Bench and as so as those guys became a big part of what they were doing Edwards who was a he’s a big name and a big recruit there he just you know he falls down the pecking order a little bit you you have to figure out you know what does he do I think there were some issues with his burst was not quite good enough to consistently get to spots inside the ark and finish at the rim and things like that and so he’s a guy that didn’t do the things he’s good at or the things people think are projectable well enough and that made the flaw is even more glaring now look when you go to a program like Kentucky and you have a lot of expectations your BigTime recruit Out of Philly and you flounder the to the degree he did and then you fall out of the draft entirely and you have to be a you know a two-way type guy there should be a chip on his shoulder right and so you would think you’ll get the best out of him some kids are not built to come home and play at home like there’s a lot of pressure from you know friends family hangers on whatever as a you know 19 20 year old kid so who knows how that’ll go but maybe coming home will be right for him it will bring him back to like this is where he had his confidence Swagger and like this is where you built a name for yourself and so it can be a positive for him after all that and so obviously as a local kid you root for him to you know to figure it out and he’s got a lot to him if he can tie it all together but but you know we’ll see and Derek out of Memphis David Jones his senior season averaged 21.8 points per game and 32 games played he play 32 minutes shot the ball 38% clip from Beyond 45.9 so let’s just round that off to 46 for also 7.6 boards 1.8 assist there at Memphis we talked about lefties yeah the guy can score and up a lot of lefties yeah and I think what I liked about him was he was a little bit more consistent which you kind of expect like different ages obviously um look you’re just looking for one player stick take one player with upside one player that’s maybe proven a little bit yeah we’ll see yep but they both got size they both got maybe the physical tools for it honestly Daryl has done pretty well in terms of like undrafted uh and two-way guys exactly so I’m interested to see what they uh what they get I mean listen if you get one real two-way guy a year that’s I think that’s better than most of the league so they already Ricky was great last year we see what happens with Turk yeah yeah well listen I mean pretty good squad they putting together for the summer league to see what happens there we like the May

The Philadelphia 76ers sign Justin Edwards and David Jones to a 2-way contract. The PHLY Sixers crew breaks it down.

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