@Boston Celtics

Scheierman Falling to Celtics is DREAM SCENARIO w/ Matthew Perrault | Celtics Beat

Scheierman Falling to Celtics is DREAM SCENARIO w/ Matthew Perrault | Celtics Beat

Celtics beat is powered by prize piic the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network what’s up everyone welcome to a new edition of Celtics speed here on the clns media Network Adam coff and EV Valente we are always here there has been some Celtics news since that parade which of course happened just after we were on last time I was there brought the kids it was a fun time except for a jerk in the front row that wouldn’t move aside and give my kids any space to stand there because heaven forbid a dude who’s in like his 60s can’t get front row put little four-foot kids in front of him he has to keep moving over and moving over and stepping on their toes even yelling at my kid and make him cry I’m still a little salty about this but other than that the parade was a nice time and Lord knows Sam Hower had a great time just puking all over the duck boo and I guess you get paid for that because he’s got a couple million bucks more in his pocket after Boston picked up his option he is extension eligible as well we can get to that Chris Taps porzingis you may not see him again till 2025 after he had surgery to repair his leg he is going to miss 5 to 6 months best case scenario he’s probably back around November and don’t be at all shocked if that thing drags out into Christmas time January something like that so all things that we will touch on a little bit later on as we celebrate the champion Celtics and all the wannabes behind them including the New York M the Nicks pardon me the Knickerbockers who went out and of course acquired male Bridges from the cross town Nets gave up I don’t know 35 first round picks they’re going all Danny a right there in h Brooklyn in the reverse trying to get all the picks back that they once lost that turned into a Boston Championship so again much of that to come but uh NBA draft got a couple of guys that have joined the team second rounder an uh was it Anton EV Anton Watson out of uh out of uh Gonzaga uh but more to the point maybe he’ll play we’ll see more to the point though is Baylor shyan out of kraton who was the very last pick of the opening round and will he play and what is he going to look like what can we tell you about him look I’m not a huge draft guy EV is more into it than I am but I I wanted to make sure that we could fully educate the audience and that is why uh this man fills a a a lot of needs actually to this specific show Matt peral is here with us he hosts the Bostonian versus the book he is part of sports grid a daily juice he’s all over the place he’s also a Massachusetts native uh I don’t know if he still considers himself technically a Celtics fan I think you do right Matt I I saw lighting up a a cigar after Celtics wins on Instagram so you’re you’re still in the spirit of things but you are here in large part because you know probably more about kraton basketball than anybody that I have ever met who hasn’t you know played for the team or coached the team so if anybody can break down Baylor shyman and what he brings to Boston it is certainly you so first and foremost welcome to the show it’s great to have you thank you appreciate the invite so I uh again like like I I enjoyed watching kraton play but but just in in a very sort of casual way you know bet on them occasionally made some money on them occasionally but I am not someone that could like break down great and Athletics and I I would not fool the audience into believing that I am I can tell you a little bit about chyan just based on what I’ve read but I I can’t you know it’s as far as watching him it’s highlight reels like probably any other Celtics fan since he’s been drafted no one’s going back and breaking down game film but you have probably seen most if not every game of this kid’s career and he has been obviously around for a while he’s only a couple years younger than Jason Tatum for that matter so he’s you know been playing college ball for a while comes into the NBA now and uh that’s sort of the I think the appropriate place to begin because my first instinct when I saw the pick and it could have been anyone this is not a knock on shyan was 30th overall pick CN main kid have a good time but with no porzingis for an extended period of time this kid being about his NBA ready uh in the eyes of many as just about anyone else taken in in the first round doesn’t mean he’s a top prospect or anything like that but he’s just he’s seasoned he’s a good shooter he’s he fits the mold in terms of what Celtics basketball Missoula ball is all about at this point in time do you see him actually getting legitimate run maybe being a rotation player for this team yeah I do I mean look I I started covering kraton basketball in 2004 those was 20 years ago and I was just fortunate to I moved there I was doing afternoon Drive radio uh in omah for five years and started doing pre and postgame for the Craton Blue Jays before you know uh moving on to covering the Jays for Rivals and I so I did a ton of recruiting stuff actually I live in Vegas now but that’s what brought me to Vegas was to cover all the big a conferences all the big a tournaments uh here in Vegas and so I I’ve seen this change in college sports Through The Eyes of the kraton basketball program and it’s really indicative as to what everyone has done because coach Greg mcder was at Iowa State he was at Northern Iowa before that he ran a football style Playbook he had hundreds and hundreds of plays and then he saw the game changing and he saw his son Doug and how he could build a program dedicated to the three-point line and using the three-point line as not just an analytical weapon but an actual weapon to go and recruit kids to come in and shoot a ton of Threes Go Up Tempo get guards and get forwards who like Doug who wound up his senior year being the N Smith player of the year and the Jays went into the Big East conference and went all the way to the Big East final and lost to Providence that year but coach mcder has really looked to build a program that looked a lot like Joe Missoula types of offense shoot threes Go Up Tempo use your bigs from behind the arc and Baylor Sharman was a kid who was really a football Prospect in western Nebraska in a Aurora Nebraska which is the middle of nowhere he was a kid that was lightly recruited goes to South Dakota state becomes the summit League Player of the Year and really it was the start of the nil the name image and likeness world where you could shop yourself and and the greaton Blue Jays are in Omaha which is people don’t really know this but that’s the home of birkshire Hathaway it’s the home of Warren Buffett it’s the home of one of those highest per capit of millionaires cities in the entire country they’ve got money so they were able to win the Baylor Shire sweep stakes and keep him away from Iowa State in Iowa in Nebraska and he went to kraton he plays a year he tests the waters with the NBA and the scouts come back and say you’re probably a late second round pick and you know we like you but we don’t really know if you could play at this level he goes back to Katon he dedicates himself he works his tail off he gets bigger he gets stronger he gets more accurate from behind three-point line and becomes a better Defender look this kid’s not going to defend anybody in the NBA that makes you go oh wow but if you see how Sam Hower has worked his game defensively and came in and was able to guard Luca during the finals I think that’s the blueprint for this kid get him in let’s see what he can do and you’re right with porzingis his injury and how long he may be out for he’s a left-handed 6 foot s shooter he’s a little bit of an anomaly it’s going to be weird as he comes off screens he’ll come off screens the other way versus a right-handed shot so he’s a guy that I think gives Joe Missoula some some wrinkles to throw into the offense and he can rebound he’s 67 he’s not afraid to you know go and bu body somebody up he’s not a small player sure defensively laterally he’s not that quick but if he’s a spot up shooter and a guy that just stands in the corner and buries threes for the offense I absolutely could see him getting playing time in particular early in the season yeah it feels like to me when it comes down to the way they want to build this team whether and it’s I think it’s a lot of everybody kind of getting on the same page Brad Joe you know all how many of ranges Mike Zaron everybody in there kind of the same idea we want to do is we want to spread the floor as much as possible to make driving Lanes easier for Jaylen for Jason for Drew or whoever and the thing that I think Baylor is gonna have when he comes in is the green light from Missoula to shoot any shot that you feel is a good one I think they trust him because this is a guy you’ll attest to this Matt a little bit more than we can a guy that’s that’s capable of running an offense but hey buddy your job right now staying over there shootting the corner shoot the open ones and bury the open ones that’s how you’ll get you get yourself some more playing time but as as you’ll probably attest to like he’s not just a shooter right no he can rebound I mean again the he can do everything you want with the basketball on on you know in his hands he can drive he can post up he’s got a allaround offensive game that is NBA ready and he’s a really hard worker I think one of the best things about Baylor shyman is that he takes coaching really well he’s a very confident kid he believes in himself but he comes from that that football mental it where like contact doesn’t bother him if he needs to go into the lane and body somebody up he will if he gets hit going to the rim that’s not going to bother him at all and being a lefty again creates some differences for him with other players it’s only on the defensive side of the basketball that you really got go okay like you got to improve that dramatically if you’re going to play significant minutes but I don’t think he’s going to come in to play significant minutes I think he’ll be a guy that will get spot opportunities to come in and I do think as the year progresses if an injury happens to Hower injury happens to Pritchard something along those lines where the role players he’ll get chances to go out there and and play and they’ll live with the defensive liability they’ll live with him they’ll hide him in some ways they’ll give him help they’ll do things so he’s not exposed defensively but he’ll work on that as he goes and being 23 okay he’s not young he’s not a puppy he takes coaching really really well though and as the draft progressed I thought he was going to go to Minnesota because it looked like that was a really good fit to them then I thought Denver was going to take him and I’m like sitting there going is Brad going to take him at 30 because I couldn’t see Baylor falling out of the first round just given his three-point prowess and being a lefty three-point shooter I was like this is what the NBA is built for right now you saw Dalton connect go to the Lakers at 17 Dalton connect’s a better player than Baylor shyman I don’t know if dton connects a better player in the NBA than b than Baylor shyan’s going to be because they’re both GNA do very similar things when it comes to shooting the three so I loved this fit when I was like man Brad just do this take this kid and then they took him and I was texting with Coach mcder after the game after the pick and he was in the room when when the call came he’s the one that got the call from the Celtics that said hey we’re going to take Baylor I go can you talk about a better fit he goes this is absolutely the dream spot this is perfect so they’re ecstatic to be with the Boston Celtics and they they’re coming in to work hard looking at just this roster right now makeup and obviously there are changes that could be made free agency is right around the corner begins on Sunday they could make some minor trades but generally speaking we know what Boston is going to look like they’re running back the core as they should defending champs Championship favorites for next year all of that so you have in no particular order Tatum Brown holiday white porzingis Horford Pritchard okay so that’s what one two three four five six that’s seven guys right there let’s throw Hower in and and call it eight porzingis is going to miss time bring it back down to seven after that I mean is there anyone that you could make a you know legitimate case for being ahead of a guy like shyan in the rotation like he he should and I don’t know that all these guys are going to be there but just to throw out names of guys who have contracts you know you could put him and and they’re not all the same position either but you could put him ahead of you know Walsh Tillman Springer cornette if he’s even back uh s kada like all of these guys I mean shyman could get a look before all of them because he does the one thing that Joe wants right shoot the three really well and and this is going to be the the spacing of the court that you need that he offers to a team that is you know built behind the three-point line and getting as you mentioned the lanes for Jaylen and Jason to get to the rim and so yes I think they’ve drafted him to play it’s a first round pick so it’s a guaranteed contract so they’re bringing him in they’re committing financially to him to be a part of this roster for at least a couple of years and so I think that gives the team some added incentive to play him and say okay let’s see what he can do and let’s see what he’s capable of and look at it just comes down to just you know it’s 82 games injuries are going to happen if he’s the backup for Hower or the backup for Pritchard in some form like that when those guys who you know they it’s it’s basketball they’re gonna get nicked up they’re gonna get banged up they’re GNA have have a night off whatever it might be those are the games I think you’re going to see Baylor Shan out there playing for Boston and I think it fits directly as to what the team wants to do and culturally this is a great fit I mean Doug mcder went to the Indiana P this year but he’s been in the league now for 10 years was I had his dad I I had Greg on my show the bonan versus the B and Doug popped a bottle of champagne and Greg was like what’s going on he’s like I just made my 10year I have pension like this is a kid who was not recruited Harrison Barnes was on his high school team Harrison Barnes who went on to a great career at North Carolina and a great career in the NBA everyone was recruiting Harrison Barnes they weren’t recruiting Doug they overlooked him entirely and Doug W up going become the nth Player of the Year like I mentioned and going off to have a 10-year career in the NBA I really believe Baylor shyan’s going to follow in a very similar situation he’s never going to be a starter he’s never never going to be a superstar he’s never going to be a player that you’re like oh my gosh you got to stop Baylor shyman but he’s going to be a solid NBA player that will fit a role for a team Anthony toer Kyle corver players that have come out of kraton who have done exactly this from behind the three-point line being big Shooters you know over six foot6 forward type Shooters who can knock down open threes consistently enough to keep themselves in the league for a very long time so I I think it was a very smart pick by Boston I think it’s a good great fit for Baylor Shan to be with the Celtics game time is the authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch so it’s really easy just download the game time app okay now to me right now the Red Sox are the ticket you want so go to a Red Sox game there’s nothing better than going to Fenway Park or going to a baseball game 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they’re you know I I think obviously shyan’s the better rebounder between the two and I I don’t think that can be overlooked you already talked about that strength but nine10 rebounds a game in college at least last year I think that’s really significant but if in fact the team decides they don’t want to commit $80 million to Sam Hower do you think that this is a you know does shyan fit are they are they sort of uh what’s what’s the what’s the term people always use to describe the uh the Jays with that they redundant are they are they redundant enough in in theory to where if Hower leaves you have shyan no big deal I think there’s a case to be made for that but I think that the shots that Hower made in the finals I I think the play he had defensively I I think I would be hesitant to say that Baylor Shan should take the job of samher I mean look I made a lot of money on Hower so I’m a bit I’m a bit biased I loved him over one and a half threes in the finals it just kept on cashing in the books kept on keeping it one and a half and it kept on coming in with him hitting two three four threes depending on the game so I I don’t want to say that like if Sam Hower were to walk that Baylor Sharman could step in and hit the same shot that Hower made last year but I do think eventually yes I I I do think that there might be something of a trade piece where you could keep Houser for this year keep it cost- effective extend him and then down the road if Sharman shows to be the guy at a cheaper price to take the similar position and take the same shots you then could move Sam Hower and trade him for something in the future so I think what Brad’s doing is I think that that they’re doing a very interesting uh redundancy is not the right word but I think it’s just sort of stacking the cards that if things play out the way they play out that they have guys that fit this core it fits this roster as to how they want to play because look the numbers are the numbers they were unbelievable on both sides of the basketball all season long they were the best team in the NBA they’re one of the best NBA teams that we’ve seen for a single season in a long time so there’s nothing to fix so let’s just make sure that we’ve got some stop gaps if things don’t go the way we want or injuries happen that we can keep on playing the way we want to play are you surprised considering how much of a big deal shooting is it’s like pitching in baseball you can’t have you can never have enough pitching you can never have enough shooting were you surprised that it took to 30 for him to come off the board considering like I I you know Adam we’ve been texted around some of these weird numbers half of them that you don’t even understand what they mean I sort of agree with you sometimes I’m like I don’t know what this means but I like the fact some of these analytics are are stupid like I’m sorry I don’t even understand the abbreviations that never mind what they stand for what was the one you sent the other day it was like in the 99th percentile of SL or so like I shot quality shot quality points per play but I don’t or points possession I don’t even know what that means you spell it out yeah so I think that’s what that but the idea being like and the one thing I love about shyan is he’s not just a shooter he’s a movement shooter which is a different being entirely like yes he can stand there and shoot the open ones if he’s set and square to the basket that’s a skill I’m not denying that the I think one of the biggest skills of shyman is the fact that he can come off a screen in movement and get square in the air and and still have good balance and all the stuff need you think about like you mentioned Kyle cor as a great example JJ Reck coach JJ reck is is another great example of a guy who’s and Hower a great movement that’s why I that’s again I’m I was a little shocked if like and I didn’t do a ton of prep because I was too busy watching the cels wi an NBA championship instead of getting ready for the draft you know I I’ll take the tradeoff but as I was doing my research I’m going through and I’m and I’m looking at this profile and I’m like okay all these things to me scream Missoula ball let’s throw on the tape and I threw the tape and I’m like this guy’s awesome I I tweeted out very quickly like I think it was that the morning of the first round of the draft like Wednesday morning maybe Tuesday I was this guy I don’t know I I don’t know a lot about this draft but I really like this guy I and and the fact that he was available at 30 I’m like I can’t believe what I’m watching here like he has a def definitive role in this league and he does one thing that I think a lot of people are looking for in like in the case of like Duncan Robinson gets you paid in the NBA I could not believe he lasts all the way to 30 what was your impression of that no I was I’m with you I I was surprised that he got through the 20s I thought that was the perfect spot for him 25 26 27 somewhere in that range and someone was going to jump up and grab him and then he kept on sliding and kept on dropping and I was like my goodness I was like I don’t know if he gets to Boston but if he gets to Boston this is going to be the perfect pick for the Celtics to jump into and and I also think just culturally for him to go in there and being a guy who played for Greg mcder who played in the Big East he’s played in MSG before he’s played all over the east coast in Philadelphia like he’s from Nebraska but he spent all the time on the road on the East Coast playing in the Big East so this is not going to be like culture shock for him he understands what a big city is like on the east coast and he knows what East Coast traffic’s like he know what East Coast people are like this is not going to be like some stunning shocking California Kid walking in going like oh my gosh this winter in in Boston horrific I can’t believe I’m here so I I loved the fit from just his personality his background the way he’ll come in and be part of the team he understands his role really well I loved all the of it and I was surprised to see him at 30 drop there and then the shooting being such a key part you know it’s weird because the NBA is now so obsessed with a three-point shot and I am too I I think it’s tremendous but I also like the fact that from a Boston standpoint Boston stretching things out but they’re still attacking the rim and they’re still looking to protect the rim as well which is what I think makes Boston different than some other teams are just jacking threes like crazy and say all right we’re going to go like Indiana we’re going to go uptempo and shoot a th threes and they’re not going to play defense and they’re not going to go to the rim and not go into the pain so it’s a really cool ju position to look at Boston as being like a little bit old school but also very much heavily into the analytics and into shots kraton runs this way as you mentioned watching the tape they run High screen High pick and roll pick and pop all game long that’s their style and if you can’t come off a screen you can’t play for Greg mcder and if you can’t hit a three off of a screen you really can’t play for Doug mcder so him and shyan are really tight they’ve worked a ton the strength coach for the Celtics really keyed in on his core strength and just making him a tougher guy to get off his spot and he really worked on that all of last year and that is a huge advancement for him because he’s now really strong you know bottom core bottom half of him is really gonna be a fun thing to watch him develop and grow into an NBA player I want to go back to the rebounding because I I think that it just really in in this situation we’ll see how it translates like shooting translates you know you know if if if they get him open shots and the way that Missoula runs that offense he’ll get open looks and it’s just a it’s a again a translatable skill Shooters can shoot bottom line doesn’t matter what level you’re at the rebounding of course we’ll see because you know he was going up against uh big kids but now he’s going up against big men when he gets to the NBA and also we don’t know how he’s going to be used how much is he going to be down low you know he played a lot of power forward in college even though he’s listed as a shooting guard played a lot of power forward he’s a wing so how much is he going to be used down low on on those nights that porzingis isn’t available yet maybe cornette doesn’t come back Horford’s not playing backto backs like it it’s entirely possible obviously he gets some run in the middle but I’m wondering if Missoula is going to you know I I just think you brought this up Mata I think that he’s sort of a fun new toy you know you can use him in a lot of different ways that are sort of unique to his ability his size his yeah I’m not going to say he’s a unicorn in the way that porzingis is obviously but you don’t there just aren’t a lot of wings in the NBA that we talk about their rebounding ability it’s more about you know the three and D kind of mentality and I feel like the way that he could be used in theory to supplement the loss of porzingis is really interesting depending on what they do as far as the bigs it’s the defensive rebounding that I think attracts teams to him so this is a kid who took his small school to a Nebraska football championship in 2018 seems like a long time ago but he was a quarterback and he has that football mentality he doesn’t go after the offensive glass all that much but he is a really good rebounder on the defensive end of the ball the the floor so he will crash the glass defensively and he will help that’s where he isn’t the greatest Defender but he makes up for it for his ability to get after loose basketballs and just out hustle people to get to the spot to get to the ball so I really like that from a Celtics perspective because Hower had a couple a really big rebounds in the finals or he was sticking his nose in there and even though he’s not the greatest Defender it’s an awesome guy for shid to learn the offense from and go after the defensive glass and make yourself some money that way as being a player that you don’t care about contact you don’t care it’s a seven foot center that’s going to push you around you’ll go up there and try to get the basketball out of him and then outl the ball and let the athletes go out to the rim so that I think is a huge I don’t think you’ll see him on the offensive glass all that much but I definitely see him being a big weapon defensively for Boston on the remound oning side so I’ve I’ve mentioned several times porzingis is going to miss time obviously and uh again I just wouldn’t be surprised if this stretches out I I I think you can pretty much lock in that he is going to miss half of next year doesn’t mean in general all upfront he’s just once he comes back there are going to be nights that he misses obviously whether a re-aggravation of an injury a new injury or just off nights whatever it is I think if if he plays 40 regular season games you would consider that a victory coming off of this surgery that he is and then we’ll see what the playoffs look like I guess my biggest question with this though and I I want both of your perspectives is does it matter you know there are a lot of people out there that still believe the Celtics would have gone out and won a championship rather easily last year if porzingis was never even on the team I’m not so sure that I’m in that camp I think he was uh you know really the best version of what you could have possibly hoped when they acquired him throughout the regular season and uh many moments in the playoffs especially that game won against Dallas to really kind of set the tone for the series he was exceptional when people didn’t know what the hell he was going to look like after not having played in 5 weeks so I still am of the belief that porzingis is more important than he is just a luxury but that being said as the team goes out and looks to defend its title knowing that the basketball really isn’t going to stop right the Olympics are right around the corner the Celtics have a a game in Dubai to begin the preseason you know Tatum is is continuing to play holidays continuing to play possibly white possibly Brown we’ll see what injury Replacements or whatever else look like as far as Team USA but a lot of these guys are not going to get a break rolling from That season celebration into the next so the lack of porzingis puts that much more pressure on some of these guys to perform early does it matter Matt go ahead yes it matters what how much he plays to me it it matters from the minutes perspective like you just you know look we’ve had six titles in six different teams in six years okay there’s a reason for that in the NBA parody is here it is hard to repeat it’s hard to go and play deep into June turn around wait a month and a half or two get a little bit of rest in rehab and then get back after it and get ready for training camp and then go into the season the Olympics is the real big curveball here and I think every Celtics fan has to at least acknowledge the fact that these guys are going to play so much basketball that they’re probably is going to be a rocky start to next season and you kind of just say I’m with you on the 25 thing like you take K you tell KP I’ll see in January like just get yourself ready for 25 don’t worry about the rest of this year let’s figure out what happens because when you’re on the floor you’re a massive differen maker I think they still win the championship even without pringus but it’s not nearly as easy it’s not as simple as smooth as quick and it’s not it’s they don’t dispatch the Dallas Mavericks in five it takes more time I do think they would have it anyway but I am of the belief and I think you seem to be too that porzingis is such a weapon that you have to have him ready for the playoffs like the regular season whatever it might be I’m not saying flush the whole thing but this is about repeating and repeating comes to the tournament so get into the tournament and then have porzingis available so until then I don’t need to see him at all if he plays 40 games that’s great plays 25 games to get in shape to be ready to go for the playoffs awesome to me it’s all what the playoffs and it comes back to seating kind of you know do they really want to go after get the number one seat like they did this year uh one of the things I loved was how they used rest down the end of the end of the year to you know get guys ready to go I mean they had it locked had a 27 game lead on the rest of the NBA they had they had it locked up pretty early so like March like a lot of people are like oh you know they had a couple of losses at the end of the at the end I I don’t really care about that man it’s they’re they’re just trying to get rested up for the playoffs and make sure everybody’s healthy I don’t really care as much about seeding this year I I don’t think because this is a team that proved last year they’ve proven overtime you know with this core that they can win on the road that’s not going to be a problem um you almost sometimes prefer especially against like Miami that they play Miami on the road because they seem to play play much better there than they do any at home when they play Miami but they it’s this is not a team that should be Frid of going on the road it is all about just making sure everybody’s healthy and you know would they have won the title this year if they didn’t have porzingis I you know I’m not going to sit here and say they would have I think they it’s possible and the fact that it’s possible is insane that if without this however you want to call it their third best player they could have won the title they third best player that’s pretty impressive um but he definitely makes life a lot easier and I would prefer to have him on the floor than not so whatever you got to do I think we’re all in agreement on that like whatever you got to do to get him ready to rock and roll for the season to make sure he’s playing in in April May and June just do that I mean it doesn’t because the Eastern Conference is not a juggernaut it’s not there there’s not a kajillion teams that are lining up to compete with you the Knicks made a nice move I think it’s going to be fun it’s going to make the the the the conference more interesting I think Indiana is gonna is GNA you know be a little more successful this year because they they have a clear identity and and Pascal clearly helped them um there’s going to be some team that we don’t know about it’s going to be pretty okay I think Orlando that’s going to be a fun team to see what they do Cleveland and obviously Giannis is going to be there but there it’s not like the west where there’s a Litany of good teams waiting for you to to to to get hurt you know you look at the west and you know the Lakers and Warriors have to fight and scrap to make the play in game and they have LeBron ad Curry and every Boston’s gonna make the playoffs it’s we’re not worried about that it’s what do they look like when they get there and if as long as everybody’s healthy you have to consider them the favor to go to the finals so again whatever they got to do to get him ready to go wrap him in bubble wrap who cares the the the the best part is and I’m knocking on what as I say this the main guys are all very durable guys like I always get worried about Tatum playing too much basketball but that seemed that hasn’t seem to matter at all in his career so at some point I’m gonna say I’m wrong about this Tam knows his body better than I do if he wants to play in the Olympics and and be a big part of this thing I’m not gonna stop him he’ll get ready I’m not worried about Jaylen I’m not worried about Drew holiday I’m not worried about Derek white we’re good so if there’s a couple of an ancillary guys in KP being one of them you know who takes some time to get healthy and if they want to rest Al which they should obviously that was huge this season I’m fine with it just get them to May and June and we’re we’re Square we’re good prize pick is America’s number one daily fantasy app with over 5 million active members it is the easiest and most exced way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it’s just you against the numbers get in on the daily action with your friends become part of the prize picks Community today all you do is pick more or less on two to six players their stat projections and watch the winnings roll in you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you could turn $10 into ,000 prize picks is available in more than 30 States across the country including California Texas and Georgia now here’s something that you can think about what you can think about here 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haven’t heard a lot of people really anyone talking themselves into why the Celtics should not be the favorites going into next year people are are giving them the respect that they’ve earn that they deserve and you know we Adam right now remember it’s tune when we get to when we get to October you’re gonna hear all the negative all they can’t all this as we sit here now free agency does begin tomorrow who knows in the wake of the parade they got to be careful they you know they can’t say what they really want to say until they get to October and people forget and then they can the Celtics cuz it’s coming they’re going to talk about I just kind of felt like I was waiting for Stephen A Smith after the Knicks trade to be like and this is why the Knicks the Villanova Knicks you know are are going to be you know win the national championship or win Adam you know people have told me the Knicks are coming here come the Knicks Matt you nervous here come the Knicks I’m like are you serious what am I nervous about like are you serious like they’re waiting for it look I I think the Knicks are going to be good I do believe maybe I’m on an island here uh you know certainly in some of our text threads of I I felt like I’m on an island I I think this if the Knicks were healthy last year which they were so far from I think they would have given the Celtics a good fight in the playoffs I think they would have given them a much better series than the Pacers did or that the Mavericks did I because they they’re gritty they’re Scrappy they play hard tibs runs those guys those guys into the ground obviously and you know look I like Bridges I think it’s a good ad bringing back anobi no doubt about it you know hartenstein you’re probably going to lose you know you can afford it if if everybody comes back I think that team is good but it’s not obviously title favored good it’s it seems a little crazy that they’re the you know they got the third best odds right now and there’s no value in that number even at plus I don’t know 750 or 700 or whatever it was when I was looking at it a couple of days ago you know it’s still it’s Boston Denver who has been making some changes here you know Nicks thund the I I don’t I still don’t think the Thunder are getting enough respect I mean that you talk about a team that’s coming OKC is absolutely coming but you know I just the the Knicks to me are more they they to me are it’s not totally fair to compare them to like when the Nets went out and acquired an aging Pearce and Garnett and gave out all those picks because the Knicks are still relatively young but I think what they have done to make themselves very competitive these next couple of years have also mortgaged their future for I mean possibly a decade it I I I think what they are doing right now is dangerous and you know for for the sake of Knicks fans hey hope it works out for you and that you get a couple of deep playoff runs but pretty much if you don’t win a championship now you have failed and I think there’s going to be a lot of pressure on this team because now you’ve talked about the odds people are betting on them people think that they’re going to be good this is a fan base that can be very fickle and very quick to flip on you if you don’t get off to a really good start so look you can give me the New York Knicks know for the limit that they’re not winning the championship next year I I I do not agree with it I do not see it I think they’re going to be good it’s a good word they’re going to be good but they’re not Elite they’re not one they’re not a title Contender to me they’re not a top five title Contender to me odds wise I would not put them I can come up with five teams real quick that I would put above them and and maybe this experiment Works you’re right the bridges Edition is a really nice addition but they’re not better I mean look I it’s still Giannis in the Bucks that’s still who I look at and let’s see what happens with Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat and what they do but like those are the two teams my eye goes there when I’m who is competing for the Celtics that they got to worry about those are the two teams I start with every single time it’s not the Knicks Maybe I’m Wrong maybe I’m disrespecting and overlooking but right now I’m not worried about the Knicks knocking off the Celtics I’ll be disrespectful you’ve got way more respect for the bucks than I have Giannis is one of the greatest players in the world and Dame individually is too I don’t think those guys are a good fit together and I think Doc is absolutely the wrong that team we’ll see how long that goes right I mean it was not a good experiment they fired a guy who I still can’t believe this 12 or something Dave Sher and I talk about this all the time that the Bucs fired a guy who was 30 and 13 on the year to bring in Doc Rivers like H how do you even justify that like we all make fun of the bronny you know the the Lakers taking bronny at 55 happiest guy in the world is Giannis because we’re forgetting that he ran a coach out that was 30 and 13 it’s it’s comical I mean look the the Knicks thing the one thing I’ll say about the Knicks is you know this is it like they went this is it that they’re they’re all in here and the pressure that comes with because trust me the three of us we participated in the in the nonsense in the dialogue of yeah the SS better win it this year because if they don’t holy moly right like yeah that’s the consequence of I think what the Knicks did that they that a lot of people aren’t really realizing yet the Isaiah hardenstein thing by the way um if Oklahoma City gets him which is the rumor uh I well first off I agree with both of you I would have take the OKC number right now because if they get Isaiah Hardon it’s going to go way up um but that’s a big part of why they were successful in the playoffs I don’t think if people actually watch the Knicks because they lost Mitch Robinson they lost their big guy inside and they’re playing Precious Precious aoua to try and make up for it as but they couldn’t because you know they had to play arenstein a ton because they just couldn’t survive the minutes thata was out there if they lose hard they have Mitch Robinson there as their their primary big they’re going to be in some trouble if he gets hurt and he gets hurt all the time and especially with the Celtics team like they’re big like everybody’s big except for Payton Pritcher he’s the only guy that’s not big so you better be able to rebound now the Knicks do but again you got to be able to control the glass control Tempo control Pace because if Boston does so you’re in trouble even if they don’t like the Pacers controlled the pace of that series and Boston wi all four games and and and my problem having with people who were knocking on Jason Tatum in the playoffs and and really is why I think Tatum should have won the MVP over Brown and Brown was great people have really slept on the idea that Boston was able to use a 611 guard on the wing to stop any pick and roll option that was happening in any lob to the basket that was being done by that Dallas Mavericks like people I think sleep on the Celtics defensively because they’ve got Jaylen and Jason and they’ve got these two weapons to go attack you on the wing but on the defensive end I think people are just either ignorant to it or don’t like watching it or don’t like what Boston does defensively because it’s so tough to play against the Celtics when you have pterodactyls on the wing with this gigantic Wings spin as you mentioned they’re not just tall they’re extremely long porzingis brown Tatum they are a really tough team to play defensively and they can do so many different things defensively to shut teams down which makes it much more complicated I think for teams in the East because you got to figure out how to score on Boston which sometimes the Knicks can go silent offensively it’s why Philly can’t do do it because Al Horford takes away embiid and then what are you left with a couple of wings well Boston can handle the wings they’re not afraid of maxing company they can take care of them so this team is built for the long term and if I’m the Eastern Conference I I got to figure out how I’m going to score on Boston let alone stopping Boston’s offense so uh in the final few minutes we’ve got I I do you mentioned bronnie James and I want to talk about him for a minute because I and and I’m going to I’m going to say a lot of different things I know I tend to ramble but I’m going to say a lot of different things I’m going to talk out of both sides of my mouth I will readly admit that I will start with this I love the story and I have loved the story for years Ive been talking about LeBron playing with this kid for six years I probably started tweeting about it and like so I have been looking forward to this I am all about bronnie being a Laker and genuinely I hope he is decent I I hope you know his defense is enough to to get him some minutes on the floor we know offensively he sucks so I hope defensively he can get out there and and play a little bit and share the floor with with his dad I grew up as you know as did you Matt EV you were a little behind us in in like Ken Griffey Jr like anyone else at my age was my favorite player in the world I have a signed bat of his right over my shoulder here and you know watching him in the you know the the late 80s early 90s play with his dad there with Seattle was like I just the best story ever like that’s the fantasy man and we have never seen this in NBA history so I just think I think it’s so cool I have no issue whatsoever with like it didn’t even occur to me the whole like nepotism thing people start tweeting about nepotism and spending time on TV talking about NEP it didn’t even enter my brain because it was just such a foregone conclusion that these two guys were going to play together and honestly to talk about nepotism here would be such a remarkable Sports double standard you know for that has existed for like as as as as long as time right like bich with his kids on the on the coaching staff and and like how how does uh um how about Austin a sure I mean Austin getting his opportunity there in Boston I’m sure Dad had a lot to do with that you know there like there are a thousand examples of this why why is the freaking Niners coach escaping my my brain right now is Shanah yeah like Shanahan his dad had nothing to do with you know his progress like and I mean you see it throughout football and not like there I mean hell like in broadcasting I mean Noah Eagle is incredible he was a classmate of yours wasn’t he ever was he behind you Noah was incredible but like thank you is is is he is he definitely in the NBA if not for ION I have no idea and he’s genuinely good hell sea MCD who is like the best broadcaster on the freaking planet does he get the you know an MLB job at 25 if not for will MCD who the hell knows that’s not say my point is like this stuff has been around forever I don’t care about the nepotism angle at all what I do kind of care about though is if this makes sense League wide nepotism you know for all of the teams to stand out of the Lakers way and just be like no no no we’ll just let bronnie fall to you now obviously that doesn’t happen if Bron is any good you know and he’s not like he’s not even drafted if not for LeBron he probably doesn’t even enter the draft he’s back in college if not for LeBron if not for you know being LeBron James Jr this is not a kid that we would even know about so you know like Bryce might actually be able to play LeBron’s next kid but you know we’ll find out over the course of time obviously but even still for a team and I’m looking at you Boston to not want to mess with the Lakers at least a little bit and I realize you could say he’s not a player what’s the point waste of draft pick Let’s Get You know this Anton Watson who might be another you know not on the level of shyan but another rotational player who could come in he’s experienced he’s another like 24 year old kid or whatever age he is you know that like I I get it but and I’m I’m far from the first person to say this but you’re going to tell me with the Celtics at 54 and the Lakers who you know they’re going to pick at 55 like red hour back doesn’t take Brodney James do 13 times out of seven like of course he does just just to do it just to have a freaking chuckle about it and to say we’ll give them to you you know give us three second round picks in return like just to do it just to like that part does kind of bug me a little bit like when you’re if the Celtics were at at 42 fine like okay but when you’ve got the pick right before the pick just take him just just screw with them that level of respect for LeBron and for like we want to see the the Disney Story come to life that part kind of bugs me I hear you but I don’t think they actually did I I think they did it I think they did not draft him because it wasn’t even worth it it wasn’t wor worth the headache it wasn’t worth because bronny James is not an NBA player and bronny James is a 6 foot one guard who if his name was John Smith would be still on the bench at USC not playing basketball for the Trojans who were an under 500 Pack 12 basketball team he couldn’t break into the rotation of that team and that team wasn’t any good so I think Boston’s like you know what you can have him I think the whole league was like you know what you can have him I don’t really know if Rich Paul really was calling team saying if you draft him I’m taking him to Australia I don’t know if that was true or that was just a plant to make it seem like Rich Paul’s got more power than he does but the whole thing was hysterically funny because this kid’s gonna get a second round pick contract he doesn’t need to play at all but he’s LeBron’s kid they’re not cutting him so he’s on the roster he’s taking a roster spot from somebody that might actually help the LA Lakers if he plays I cannot wait to watch him in summer league I’m coming back from New England or right on the on the 14th or so and I’m gonna be right down to Thomas and Mack to watch bronny James I want to see this kid play in NBA Style basketball maybe I’m dead wrong maybe he can play but from what I saw in college offensively he can’t shoot defensively he’s tiny I mean we talked about the length and size of Boston he’s gonna guard Jason Tatum he’s 61 TM 611 like have fun like he’s tiny for a basketball player and he can’t shoot like Pritchard so what role is he filling for an NBA roster other than his dad is the best player in the league I’ll tell you I I this story uh I don’t really care too much about it I think it’s cool I think it’s weird we’re talking about nepotism in the NBA I don’t really care it doesn’t bother me at all LeBron has made the Lakers enough money to the point you know they probably ow one sure get it totally fine with it uh I the one thing I will say is I am happy he’s staying in LA because you know he did have that Health scare coup you know not too long ago and his doctors are all already there so having him there I think is great for him just from a health standpoint think it’s really important um I don’t care if he plays I think it’s it’s a cool story like Ken griffy Ken griffy Senor Ken griffy junor think that’s great Ken griffy JR could play I know well Ken griffy Jun was the number one Prospect all baseball his dad this is something it’s not the it’s not Apples to Apples but I I spent a lot of time talking to Greg about Doug about how to coach Doug and what it was like to bring in Doug and Greg said he talked to a lot of other coaches that coached their sons and they all said to a t either he’s the water boy and he never plays or he better be the best player in the entire team because either if he’s in the middle it’s GNA be problematic because you’re going to go everyone’s going to question well you’re the son of the coach of course you’re going to play of course you’re going to start course you’re going to get these shots and whatnot if you’re the best player there’s never any question maybe Bron’s so bad that there’s not even a question that he’ll never play and there’s no questions asked at all but if he plays real minutes because his dad wants to play with his son that could be a locker room problem for the Lakers I mean hell coffin we come from Syracuse and and Buddy and and Jim Jr both played got minutes for for now buddy was good buddy was good gotta be able to play if if your dad or nepotism is involved in some form or fashion you want to quiet down The Whispers you better be able to play and I when I saw bronnie James play at USC at no at no point that I was like yep that guy’s gonna play in the NBA next year like there wasn’t even a question I do want I want to Circle back for a second just because I don’t want this to go without me following up here said you talked to to Craig mcder after the draft pick was made he said it was a dream scenario for them yep was there any back and forth this conversation about how maybe you know Boston might use him or or how uh because I know he had a workout with Boston the previous year I think Brad talked about this that they had him in for a workout last year and that they told him to go back to school and get stronger and then what he did and now here he is a boss and Celtic I was just wondering if there’s anything else that maybe got has has transpired in the chat all as all not not night of because it was late in Omaha when I was texting it was I’m on the west coast so I was it was easier time for me but during the interview before he was drafted before the Celtics took him I had I mentioned I had Greg on the show and I asked him what did what was Ryan caul brener who’s going to be the kid that everyone will talk about he’s the next Zack Edy types he’s a seven-footer he he’s the two-time defensive player of the year for the Big East he tested the waters he heard back from the teams that we don’t think you’re ready for the NBA you got to go back to school for one more year he’s got he’s this is the last covid year extra you know bonus year these kids are going to get so go back and use that and they took the Baylor Sharman literal blue blueprint about what Baylor did after he heard similar things from teams like the Celtics to go and work because Baylor didn’t like what he heard and he didn’t like what teams were telling him and he didn’t want to go there and be playing in you know Austria or playing in France after you know not making an NBA roster so it was all about working hard on your strength and your quickness and working on your shot he shot like 38 39% from behind the arc he took deep threes the problem with hearing that from the NBA and we’ll see what carrer does for Katon this coming year is that he was told to keep showing your range and so you if you watch the tape he’ll take threes from anywhere in the court like he was shooting logo threes in maen Square Garden and that always wasn’t the best thing for the great basketball program but he was trying to justify his range saying I can hit shots from anywhere and he’s fearless and so the thing I like about him going to Boston like he won’t stop shooting like if he’s called to start and teams are either letting him shoot or the fans are on him he won’t care he’s a he’s a very confident young man he comes from a really good family hardworking kid so I think that’s from the Celtics standpoint you’re getting a guy who’s not going to be wavering on his talents if things don’t get off to a great start for him because it is the NBA and he is playing for the defending champs well if you listen to the show and feel like you didn’t learn anything about Baylor shyan then I would encourage you listen to the show again because you weren’t paying attention we uh we gave you a lot there in particular Matt paraler gave you a lot check out the Bostonian versus the book I can’t believe you didn’t show up wearing a BBB hat and and brand the thing but that’s okay it’s yeah there we go it’s right there got him handy I mean not as many in the collection as sherian but you got oh I’ve got 10 so we we we got the this is my daughter’s model this is this is mateline my my 10-year-old’s designs so this is her model with BBB hat tack on a zero and that’s how many Dave has right true yeah I think he has 50 so yeah he he’s got a lot it’s uh yeah’s every every color in the it’s like the uh what what do they call them uh in with like with I’m not a sneaker head what what do they call the sneaker uh different color schemes the colorways colorways yeah makes sense Dave’s got all the colorways there this is this is this is for all my Andover people so this is this is the hometown uh Matt paral get him on Twitter at sports talk matat again a wealth of knowledge about college hoops and uh and Beyond obviously knows his Boston Celtics and his great and blue jays as well and direct line to Greg mcder which is always a nice thing as well uh for Evan Valente I’m Adam Coffman we’ll be back more updates on the Celtics next week let you know what’s going on summer league be right around the corner and uh great review subscribe all that good stuff thanks for listening if you’re checking out the audio watching if you are on the clns media YouTube page we will catch you again soon [Music]

Welcome back to Celtics Beat! In today’s episode, hosts Evan Valenti and Adam Kaufman are joined by Matthew Perrault. Matthew is a co-host of “Boston vs The Book”.

Matt joins the program to discuss the Celtics drafting Baylor Scheierman. Specifically, how he can steal rotation minutes through his shooting and playmaking abilities. His play style is similar to that of Sam Hauser, meaning he could potentially compete with him for a spot in the rotation.

With the recent addition of Mikal Bridges to New York, they debate whether the Celtics should be afraid of the Knicks.

Their conversation then shifts to the recent surgery of Kristaps Porzingis. The Celtics announced that Porzingis would be out for five-to-six months. Does Boston have enough depth at the center position to survive without him?

They discuss the Lakers drafting Bronny James and the implications of the storyline. Will he actually get minutes for Los Angeles?

5:04: Can Scheierman actually get minutes?
12:22: Scheierman’s shot gives him an advantage over other bench players
16:47: Hauser and Scheierman redundancies?
25:32: Does Boston have the luxury of resting Porzingis?
41:43: Bronny James/LeBron is a fun storyline

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  1. Supplementary to his shooting, the biggest thing I'm excited for in Scheierman is his feel for the game. We all saw what a touted shooter Nesmith was coming out of the draft or even RJ Hunter years back. Neither really had a good feel for the game which it seems Baylor does. Excited for that.

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