@Los Angeles Lakers

Woj: Paul George wants a fourth year that the Clippers haven’t offered | SportsCenter

Woj: Paul George wants a fourth year that the Clippers haven’t offered | SportsCenter

W let’s start with Paul George he’s from Southern California he said repeatedly he would love to win a championship in his hometown so why even take these meetings with these other teams Paul George has had a year to negotiate a deal with the Clippers you know that he wants to take and they’ve gone back and forth uh certainly in the last several months Kawhi Leonard got his extension done three years less than the max during the season Paul George wasn’t ready to do that and now we are into unrestricted free agenc you know he wants that fourth year on his contract the Clippers have not offered it and certainly you know he’s looking at that Clipper roster and asking himself too are are we a championship Contender all those factors I think being in Southern California being part of the Clippers as they go into new the new into it dome I think those are things that are still very appealing to them but Philadelphia out in the marketplace Orlando to an extent out in the marketplace for him can offer him that fourth year and Philadelphia is certainly is there a clear path in the Eastern Conference uh to try to win although you still have to be able to go through Boston Philly sees Paul George as a player that can help them get through the Celtics all right well let’s go back to LeBron now um he says he’s willing to take less money if the Lakers can use the mid-level exception and sign an impact player some of the names of the impact player we’ve heard Klay Thompson James Harden with the Clippers Jonas Valen chunis potentially what’s the likelihood though W that the Lakers could get what LeBron is asking them to do uh it’s going to be very difficult number one there’s not a lot of impact free agents in this class but you just named three of them you know James Harden he could get double that to return to the Clippers uh and Klay Thompson I think it’s very clear his days in Golden state are over but the Warriors want to help him in a sign and trade situation perhaps the teams who don’t have the cap space for him you know to be able to get a bigger contract and if the clip if the Warriors can get back some assets in that they’re more than happy and they’re going to be on the phones tomorrow trying to help Klay Thompson do that essentially LeBron James would have to take about $20 million off what will essentially be about a $50 million annual salary uh to get the Lakers to that 13 million doll mid-level exception and then you’ve got to get someone to take it but the idea is if they can’t get an impact player and this is what Rich Paul told our Dave MCM today then LeBron will take the ma so it’s a great gesture it certainly gives the Lakers you know some opportunities you know to try to improve themselves I think it’s going to be very difficult to do I won’t say impossible okay but I think it’s going to be really difficult you’re going to be asking some guys to take far less than what may be available to them elsewhere on the market maybe LeBron has to be the best salesman that the Lakers have if they’re going to get that impact player at the mid level uh much more from W and his phone over the next several hours appreciate it man [Music] [Applause] I’m [Applause]

Adrian Wojnarowski joins SportsCenter to discuss Paul George and LeBron James opting out of their contracts ahead of NBA free agency and what it means for the LA Clippers and Los Angeles Lakers.

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  1. Pandemic P signed 4 years max contract with OKC only to demand a trade to Clippers which made Clippers sent SGA and hundred of picks to OKC. And now after achieving nothing for Clippers, he's asking for another 4 year max lmao. Dude is scammer

  2. Kawhi orchestrated this entire situation 5 years ago when he forced that horrible PG trade. I hope he is happy … He probably is because I don't even think he cares about winning. He already has his rings. He just wanted to be back in LA because his family was going through issues.

  3. You’re telling me if he took a 20 m paycut rhey coukd get clay? Why is lebron even getting paid right now? Dude you’re like a billionaire. Take the minimum contract and let your bosses build a team around you so you can ring chase without team hopping.

  4. He said Klay Thompson, Valenchunas, and James Harden as "impact" players? Whattt 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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