@Philadelphia 76ers

The Sixers select Adem Bona with the 41st pick; breakdown and live initial reaction

The Sixers select Adem Bona with the 41st pick; breakdown and live initial reaction

all right Sixers on the clock about 2 minutes to go they they basically took the entire five minutes last night so just for just for you know argument sake here they’ll probably do the same here and two more minutes to go Daryl’s not gonna waste time if he’s got he’s got another two minutes left on a deadline he’s not waiting or he’s not going early especially if he can make a trade right trade down just like the Knicks are doing if he wanted to do that the longer we sit here and talk it’s like why the hell did they make this a two night event last night although it’s like oh there’s more opportunities for trades and it really has just been the are gonna trade back 16 times you traded 51 and 56 for 40 who cares God man yeah well we appreciate the 700 plus people that are in here OB yeah we’re having a good time like the show itself is not the problem it’s it’s the idea that like oh man look it’s all these opportunities that are going to be there it’s like these are the same things these teams have done every single year when it was a one night draft so you know whatever yeah got a fun one here for Carell Buck get off my lawn that’s what I’m saying Jeffrey wall Cornell Buckwalter instead of Carell Buck halter for the Philadelphia Eagles uh back in the early 2000s as part of the team Spencer Hall with no s that’s another one that they put up there in our chat a minute to go and of course D Mory is taking every minute of this pick here and he’s not let I will die if they take bronnie here out the out to the Australia show though oh I mean listen from a Content perspective we could try to get rich Paul to come on and hot upset is this going to affect Ty smx’s Max contract there’s already some rumors out there regarding the what the rich Paul Tyrese Maxi contingent will ask for in the contract like some car bouts for the only real consideration would be a player option yeah so well we’ll talk about Jamal Murray in just a bit they’re really running this down man yeah man last night did and by the way they they have done a pretty good job keeping things close to the vest CU last night I don’t think you really because you were trying to you were doing your stuff trying to find out who it was and what what it was and all that and with it you know trying to figure out what it was and who it was we have a pick we were we were sitting there watching to go all the way down to the clock man we were watching it all right Sixers have a pick who do they have Derek Bodner Adam Bona a 68 center UCLA UCLA yep okay yeah when I talk to I would have to pull it up here uh and find it again but the information that good motor with the guy some toughness Big Time defensive play generator blocks around the rim steals huge motor uh that is really will be an impactful player on the offensive glass we’ll be in foul trouble because as we talked about young F he’s playing 12 minutes a game young bigs man coming in so yeah but he is a hard worker uh is what what they say about him tough as super athletic I think positionally pretty good got a big wings he’s got like a seven4 Wings span so despite the fact that he’s he’s closer to 68 and a half he’s not a true 68 the wingspan will help him get away with you know playing Center at 68 uh I would say this I don’t think it’s the best sign in the world for our friend Paul Reed but we were assured that people Paul was going to be around and they liked his contract they’re all said it publicly out a press conference it’s uh he’s under so here’s let’s let’s go back to around the trade deadline right we’ve talked a lot about who they were in the mix for who they talked about that uh Jonas valent chunis is somebody they kicked the tires on a little bit but the contract there was tough um Andre Drummond they thought they had a deal for and both of those guys are archetypes that are much different from Paul Reed right like the whole idea was you’re going to get a big body minutes eater type guy that this guy can play over the next two months with Joel out and depending on who the matchup is in the playoffs like certainly I think if they had gotten Andre Drummond he’s probably better equipped to battle someone like hartenstein or Mitchell Robinson for that matter than Paul Reed was like Paul Reed struggled throughout that Series so I think now that you see them take another guy like a undersized plays hard high motor type player I don’t think that says good things about Paul Reed’s future with the organ I think the key difference is like he’s got pretty much the exact same despite being shorter like two inches shorter than Paul Reed he’s got almost the exact same standing reach but I think the key difference is I first of all the motors incredible yes but he gets off his feet very quickly like I think he is going to alter shots near the rim in a way that Paul Reed doesn’t yes and I think that’s pretty key differentiator because Paul Reed for all of his like I think he has some switchability on defense and because of that I’ve always been intrigued and Paul Reed similar in the fact that he will generate a lot of steals he just never really altered shots inside so I think this will allow you to play a little more of a traditional drop if he does end up playing um you know for the Sixers this year there’s always a chance g- League there’s always a chance a couple other different things two-way contracts who knows but I do think he has the at least potential to alter shots through the rim in a way that Paul Reed doesn’t so I would say this one thing that I heard and I discussed this with some of the people I trust scouting wise was that and this will be a problem for him in a Sixers context he is not all that comfortable in like dribble handoff situations yet and so he might have to purely be a pick and roll Rim Runner type and that will put some hard limits on what you can do with backup units on offense now look you’re you’re not bringing him in expecting him to be an every night player or like he’s the guy behind Joel embiid right like you can’t bring him in with those kind of expectations he has some offensive weaknesses that he’s got to work on but when you start with a base of plays hard good wingspan good ring rim protector event Creator and I think he’ll he’ll be at least a decent finisher at the next level then that’s not a bad place to start I I know we actually I think on the show we’ve had a guy like bismack bibo come up as a you know if that was a depth big type of guy could he be that type of player eventually I I don’t think that’s completely crazy right like there’s some projection to do but not out of the question so add on to the athleticism and the motor that we talked about the other thing that was shared with me was to the point of you talking about the dribble handoffs and all the skills and the feel the feel of the game to catch up with him as a young player so lot of work to do probably plays of course some with the G league and the blue coats and get some work done there to to help him out overall but not a bad selection right there to have just some more size there in the front Court where you know you don’t want to bring Mo bomba back and have him in the mix no bomas can we just can we put his name on probation moving forward like har those two because we haven’t talked about either one of them out of here I don’t need to hear about you anymore I will say and look repacement here yeah I think the chat right now is just reacting to 68 Center like I said I I’m fine with 68 if you have the motor and the athletic tools to make up for it but really what I’m more fine with is you know we talked we had a show about centers with the 16th pick I don’t want to draft a backup with the 16th pick I don’t want to draft a guy whose minutes are capped at 12 minutes per game with the 16th pick but if you’re talking 41st pick yeah there might be offensive concerns he might be a little undersized but if you’re getting a guy like I said with a motor with the uh with really Elite athleticism take a chance I’m fine with that good screen Setter as well which look we’ve lived through a lot of different backup bigs here in Philadelphia plenty of them who like to slip the screen instead of making real contact so for Tyrese Maxi and Jared McCain and whoever else might be leading those bench units if you’re playing with our new palona he is going to hit that guy that is on you and hopefully that gives somebody like Maxi a path to the rim and frankly for McCain who’s a guy who will be riant on the big to create separation for him a lot of the time I think he’ll play more minutes with Joelle so might be a moot point but someone who’s a legit screen Setter will make a difference for him make his life easier early on yeah level those guys as they try to get around that screen and physical pick up those fouls some time to time but they might think about it again the next time they try to go and run through that screen that that he does in fact set and again if he’s part of this team maybe we’ll see him in summer league and get a get a glimpse of both of them see some dunks and sick blocks at Summer League I’m always down for that no summer league could be entertaining with these guys yeah yeah Ricky go get him Rick yeah we’ll see if Rick has uh graduated past he just got a contract like a real NBA contract like four months ago I think he can still probably talk him into summer league you could talk him into two games talk him in two yeah maybe not the full slave then come hang out with us man if he ends up playing in Utah and not Vegas that would be a real disappo he gets his Utah working one or two games in Vegas just because he likes to show let’s not kid ourselves so he wants to show everybody uh in front of that Los Vegas crowd that he is that guy and uh so maybe we’ll get to see Rick to little Turk out there and Turk and McCain in the back court together that that’ll be interesting yeah it will be interesting yeah so I for where they were at and who was on the board I think it’s a perfectly fine fit like I don’t worry to I never really worry about fit once you get to it’s like take somebody that you believe can be an NBA rotation player or at least has a chance to be an NBA rotation player and all the underlying stuff like he’ll block shots but to Derek’s point I think he can be a switch Defender as well he’s somebody who can step out and guard perimeter players and if if he now I don’t think this will ever happen because he’s kind of a disaster free throw shooter and is limited to the paint right now and I think he took all of like 12 mid-range jumpers all year if he ever expanded his range defensively he could play with somebody like embiid unfortunately I don’t think we’ll ever see it no I think that would be a Bonafide disaster jesz we all like the May

With the 41st pick in the 2nd round, the Sixers decide to hold on to it and select UCLA’s Adem Bona. Kyle Neubeck, Devon Givens and Derek Bodner react live and break it all down.

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. He’s got potential. Best thing I like in his highlights is he’s good at just contesting with his hands straight up. Hes got a Siakim type feel. The face up which turns into a comfortable post move. He can be schooled into rotation. Justin Edward’s they signed to a two way needs to get play too. Coach em up . 6ers can make a bench with McCain, Ricky, bona. Then resign vets and get a good starting 5. We will be just fine.

  2. Another project who will spend most his time in the g league just to be a mediocre player. Thanks Morey 🤦🏾‍♂️

  3. All you gotta do for a sixer Gm is tell them this guy has high potential, And they will go all in im tired of it I stopped watchin sixer drafts in 2012 and now I’m disappointed I thought things would change . We didn’t even get the best player on duke 🤦🏽‍♂️

  4. After watching a 20 minute highlight video of Bona he actually has some skill & real court awareness. Sorry Paul Reed nice knowing ya!

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