@Charlotte Hornets

Charlotte Acquire Reggie Jackson and 3 2nd Picks In A Trade With The Denver Nuggets

Charlotte Acquire Reggie Jackson and 3 2nd Picks In A Trade With The Denver Nuggets

what’s going on everyone trust the buzz here if you’re new to the channel I’m make Charlotte horn content so if that interest you make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you cannot tell by the thumbnail title of this video in today’s video we’re going to be talking about how the Charlotte Hornets have acquired Reggie Jackson and his $5 million contract from the Denver Nuggets um they also got three second round picks I believe it was like next year’s 2027 2029 something like that um along those lines for the second round pick as and all we gave to nuggets was Cash because they were cash strapped they’re trying to kind of restructure their roster especially with kyp leaving and and obviously losing not being able to retain their title as NBA champion so they’re looking to retool and for us I think this is great whether we keep regie Jackson or not which we had him what last year two years ago last year because then he went on a win with the Nuggets um we and we waved him it really doesn’t matter because either way the 3 second round picks is phenomenal we didn’t have to give up anything if if Reggie Jackson is the guy that that stay then he ends up being a guy that can U really just bring veteran leadership he’s kind of done it all he’s kind of at at some point with Detroit Pistons he was seen a little bit as the guy then he went to um uh what was it OKC and he had some success there or was it the opposite no he had some success and OKC went to Detroit kind of was the guy a little bit not a superstar type guy but he he got heavy minutes he was looked at as a guy to kind of lead that team um he he just has tons of playoff EXP experience obviously winning championship last year obviously playing heavy maintenance for the Nuggets last year U I think we can we can use that leadership if we don’t use them fine um we got the three second round picks for literally absolutely nothing so I will take that overall I mean this this is this video is going to be short sweet I like either way either way we do um as similar as Sim some of the things I said about KJ Simpson as far as his ability to score his ability to run the offense it’s not the same once again as I was comparing KJ Simpson to lamelo but it it’s the same impact and I think Reggie Jackson has that he can play off ball he can be a spot up shooter um he can he can also play with the ball he’s not going to be the prolific playmaker I obviously lamelo is and I don’t even think he’s a playmaker that KJ Simpson projects to be but he’s still a solid playmaker and I like I said I would definitely definitely definitely love to have his veteran leadership and actually have him play he’s not a bad player um so it it’s one of those things where if the Hornets cuz right now they’re teetering talking about keeping miles Bridges which we’ll talk about that in another video he’s one of those guys where we could use him if we’re going to go that route where you know we put a little roster together not try to do anything too long term and try to move forward and see where it gets us and then kind of break it down at the trade deadline again um he’s a guy that he can help he can help with that he can help us kind of get over the hump to be 500 ra Jackson the type of player especially at this point in his career where if our Raw Talent considering a couple of other things Raw Talent Health gets us to maybe four games under 500 he can help us get to 500 he he has that type of ability that type of leadership at any point he can catch fire um so yeah I I really like this pickup you didn’t really have to give up anything he could mean so much to the roster whether that’s him staying or him being cut it doesn’t matter he can he can mean a lot to this team uh and just do wonders for us so especially considering he came with three second round picks

Charlotte Acquire Reggie Jackson and 3 2nd Picks In A Trade With The Denver Nuggets. Whether Reggie Jackson stays or goes, he can provide tremendous value to this team. It could be his veteran leadership or his cap space allow the Hornets to make moves and get additional assets for him.


  1. Hornets don't need Jackson. They need to develop their young guards/players. Keeping him will definitely hurt development. The young guys need minutes.

  2. Reggie didn't want to be in Charlotte last year and nothing has changed since then. He will get a buyout or waived and stretched with minimal cap impact. Roster spots will be a premium next year and there are a number of other options in free agency or trade that fit better than Reggie. This is about accumulating assets for future deals. You take these kind of trades when you're not expecting to compete.

  3. The picks and/or a buyout could benefit the Hornets, but the new regime should avoid looking like they're just retracing the steps of the previous one. The same as they shouldn't acquire 8 players from small towns in NC: "Here's Mookie Evans, from Barn Door, NC."

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