@Utah Jazz

HOUR 1 | Utah Jazz Get Good Draft Grades | 2nd Round Steal W/Kyle Filipowski

HOUR 1 | Utah Jazz Get Good Draft Grades | 2nd Round Steal W/Kyle Filipowski

the future begins now this is the Zone’s coverage of the NBA draft as the Utah Jazz continue to build for next season this is 975 the KSL Sports Z with the 10th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Utah Jazz Select Cody Williams from the University of [Applause] [Music] Colorado with the 29th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Utah Jazz Select Isaiah Collier from the University of Southern California all right there it is those were the first two picks and now the third pick the Jazz with their 32nd pick they end up getting Kyle filipowski out of Duke what a phenomenal pick and almost 7even footer uh just right under seven feet with his shoes off that’s uh which I don’t know uh it’s not like those Bo football players the other day when they were playing golf you play you play basketball and shoes I’ve heard so that’s good I think they got a legit 7f footer welcome to the program welcome to day two of the NBA draft this is brand new for us because they punt this one to a second day and it’s just as exciting and so picks uh 33 through 58 are going to be made today and so now that the Jazz have picked at uh their their second their second round pick and the only one that they have on the books in the second round Kyle filipowski out of Duke I know you guys just spent some time breaking it down here but uh Ben Anderson joining myself and Jeremiah Jensen JJ and Ben you guys did a phenomenal job after I left the draft party yesterday and sweated through everything and then uh it just continued through the evening so phenomenal job still and it just keeps going so Ben your thoughts on the third pick for the Jazz in this uh in in this draft where they get Kyle Philip pasy had a dke I I’m to stop speculating that the Jazz are ever going to not make a pick Danny Hy is just going to make all of his picks he’s just he loves making picks he likes all the guys on the board CU he’s he’s a basketball fan which is one of the things I actually really like he watches a lot of film and he’s he just loves scouting he does he probably likes a lot of these guys because he’s like oh he was in eighth grade and I really liked him out of that one tournament like that’s legitimately where he’s at his connection with Chris Dunn was he he scouted Chris Dunn when he was in yeah like eth grade or ninth grade both in the Northeast who’s and that’s that that relationship goes that far back I mean that’s how Danny is uh I I see a lot and I don’t mean style of play I kind of mean demeanor on the court there’s a lot of Danny a and Kyle filipowski how so that attitude uh kind of a punk like oh we’ve seen some Duke guys drafted with a little bit of an attitude here one’s coaching the Lakers right now yeah I mean they’re just kind of one just got an extension from the box he’s not Kelly linic I’m going to hurt you type of R but he just as kind of a punk like I think that’s what what lock ended up saying too he brought up Kelly oen but he’s like he doesn’t have his grit doesn’t have the oen grit yet yeah could maybe get that you I mean that’s you gota but those are the things that you got to do to be able to be a good Pro those are the things that people love about Kelly oen that’s probably kept him in the league for as long as he has bouncing around the teams that really like bringing him in and he has that veteran leadership so almost seven feet but he’s not a rim guy he’s not a rim protector no so what do you want to get out of a guy like that because we were talking about because he even said my game is styled after lry Markin and Nica yic and we were like oh that’s those are great comps I would love to say that my game is compared to those guys too it was nice that he said uh that he said Lowry too but at some point are you g to see a big lineup with a Kyle filipowski a Lowry marinan a walker Kessler you know with their arms that’s that’s that big lineup what does it take to develop a guy like that to the point where I mean they’re not going to ask him to to protect the rim so what are they going to ask him to do knock threes down from the outside step out yeah I think a lot of what we actually saw Kelly linic do I mean I think that’s a pretty good role for him which is a guy who you can run the offense through a little bit which you can’t with Lowry I mean I I really like Low’s game he is not a guy you can give the ball to and say make decisions out of the high post at you know at the nail as they say at the free throw line and figure out where guys are that’s actually something you can do with flip is his nickname we will just call him flip it’s easier than saying Philip it will be that for the rest of time that’s who he is flip is a guy you can give the ball in the middle of the floor and say make good decisions and he’s going to make good decisions and what I like about him is you brought up these big lineups with with Kesler and marinan well you can do Hendrick and you can put you can put flip at the five and you can put Lowry at the four like there’s just a lot of a lot of options with him uh and that’s what I like because I thought the Jazz got a little bit stagnant because they have such bad passing big men Low’s not a good passer John Collins is not a good passer Walker Kessler’s a bad passer you now put a guy who can pass and it just is connective tissue that you have to have connective tissue you have to have those guys uh and I think they got that with h with Philip Pas and the nice thing about Philip pas is a second round pick it’s not a guaranteed deal that he’s going to be having and you can wait I mean I he feels like he’s more probably NBA ready than the other two guys they picked not that to say that he has the upside that those two have sure but uh he could see the floor he could g-league they can do a lot of different options with him even a two-way contract if they had to so the flexibility that gives them financially it makes a lot of sense but now that this pick is done Ben their dra Jazz’s draft is done they use all three picks I’m shocked I thought they were going to move some of these just your overall take on what the Jazz did here in the last two days extreme Danny a Justin zanic muscle flexing I mean it’s really what it is and it fixs the it fits their ethos of what Danny an has kind of laid out of what he likes to draft uh you know Chris dun’s a good example of this what does he like he likes high high school recruits who have length uh and he’s kind of historically maybe the one exception to this I guess would be Keon George but he’s still the high high school recruit what number three number five he was one of the guys that he followed around watch play was number one flip was number five Taylor Hendrick has the size he didn’t have the recruiting background but he jumped out of nowhere but he has the size and shooting so Danny likes size he likes offensive skill and he likes kind of that you’ve been good at all levels uh and you know you can kind of Bounce in and out of that but I think you look at uh some of the players the Jazz have selected in the last couple of years I mean the six players they’ve taken everybody checks at least two of those three boxes I think it’s pretty clear what he looks for so overall and by the way we got ahead of ourselves here our show is brought to you by G2G bars we got to make sure and sneak in who our actual show sponsors are that’s important G2G bars all natural ingredients no preservatives the G2G bar perfect for anybody who needs a quick tasty nutritious boost uh you can find my Costco holiday oil Maverick Associated Foods all in the in the uh in the frozen food section or not the Frozen the refrigerated food section so uh get it there G2G bars let me a lot was made about bringing in more young guys Ben right like and we talked about this too yeah it was like some not it was like it was a kind of it was a weird thing I think we try to talk ourselves into what would make the draft amazing and what would make it awful and the reality is is that you don’t know who these guys are until they show up at the look when the when the introductory press conference uh happens over at at designs Bank center right when we get those guys sitting down and they and they have them talking and I’m assuming we’re going to be we’re going to be able to hear from these guys at some point right but when when they sit down and they actually get into the they they get in and they’re finding their Apartments in Salt Lake and they’re trying to figure out what their life is going to look like and they get some furniture moved in they go to Ethan Allen bu a couple couches all of these weird things that happen until they actually settle in a little bit you don’t know what you’re necessarily going to get but immediately what’s the immediate impact of a guy like Cody Williams the immediate impact with Isaiah Collier and and how long is is there going to be a moment in time with with flip with uh with Kyle filipowski where you go yeah he’s going to hang out in the G league for a minute or is that that like the role is that where Isaiah Coler is going to be for a minute or what is the actual immediacy of each one of these guys right now for this Jazz team because I think that’s what fans really kind of want to see because the whole oh they’re young you don’t want to bring in three more young guys and d and Danny Ang well Justin xanic said the other day he’s like I’m not afraid to do any of that like of course we’ll do all that but what what’s their actual role going to be kind of right from the get-go it might be their NBA Readiness might be the inverse of the the order they were drafted I mean first flip played two years of college and he played at Duke so he’s like he’s been playing really high level college basketball for two years and was a huge recruit himself so you’ve got that now he’s got a real NBA skill like we talked about his connective tissue that the Jazz don’t have they need the guy who can pass in the front court that is something they lack that he steps in and does right away and then I’ll actually say the same thing with Collier we kind of get obsessed with his scoring and oh he can get downhill and he gets to the free throw line man he’s a good passer like I know he had some high turnover numbers he really really can dish the ball and makes some really impressive pass passes that as good as Colin seon is getting into the paint he doesn’t find the guys around him Keon George made some great passes early in the air and that went away because I think the Jazz asked him to be a little bit more of a scorer it certainly comes and goes with Jordan Clarkson we don’t know if JC’s going to be on the roster next year so I think the passing of filipowski and Collier have a chance to really get them on the floor early and yeah Cody Williams is just raw and he’s got the worst body of the three you know Cody Williams and I mean worst the least ready he’s got the best body of the three he’s six seven with the 7-1 wingspan that’s an incredible body uh he just got to add 25 he just hasn’t he hasn’t have the strength he’s not a CH China closet like Isaiah Coler you know what I mean like it’s just different uh I agree with you I mean I I think that you need to temper your expectations about what these guys can do next year I think that the Jazz had an awesome draft I don’t think they could have done better at the picks they were picking unless they moved up or traded up and even then I still think they did great and I also don’t think they got better yesterday in the short term and both can be true and the next step is getting better short term and I’m curious what you think now Ben what the next step is for them and how they address that in this offseason because they they knock the draft out of the park in my opinion but what they really need to knock out of the park is what’s their what are they doing moving forward they have to identify okay we’re all in we’re going to build around Lowry we’re going to go make a deal of some kind with some of the picks we have or we’re going to trade Lowry just like the Nets flip Mel Bridges and we’re all in on the 2025 draft and we’re going to sell that to the fans that this is what we have to do to win a championship what’s the next step yeah do you find another piece that’s closer to the level of Colin Sexton and right Larry marinan or do you boot on one of those guys because if you lose one of those guys you’re going to be high in the lottery I mean you’ve had both of those guys and you’ve been in the top 10 each of the last two years so if you lose one of them you could get into that top five top six conversation and still have one of them on the board and of course I would tell you well look the Jazz have a really deep back court right now now so if I had to guess who they were going to and I don’t think they’re going to but if I had to guess Colin seon is the most redundant already on the roster and the easiest replace with the pieces they already have uh so if that was the direction they wanted to go they could but they’re going to look at what happens on Monday when free agency opens and see hey we got a lot of money does someone want to come make $30 million in Utah for a few years that’s in a prime spot problem is free agency just doesn’t bear that much fruit anymore like did it would most likely come via trade right and you can use that free agent money space as in a in a trade so it almost works the same way where you you’re acquiring that big name it’s just not the same free agency you know deal that been in the past you’re you’re still getting that player yeah that’s what we were talking about yesterday too like free agency now is like you can get a nice solid player out of free agency and it’s like nobody wants to hear that if you’re trying to get another Superstar on that roster and so how does it come uh the Jazz are going to have to get creative with it but the good news is you have a pretty creative uh front office so as of you know I love going in and I went I went in because I’m a sucker for this stuff for no reason at the very least maybe it’s like watching a little bit of a train wre I like seeing the early draft grades they they make no sense because you cannot how on Earth would you know how these would work out until you have a couple couple of these down the road but based off of how other teams picked I mean it was absolute chaos I’m listening to you guys on the way home last night in that first round everyone you guys are just like wow who wait what when Zack Edy went ninth I went well of course because the first seven picks and eight picks were were absolute Madness what happened last night uh in that first round that made like what did teams absolutely go did they go Bonkers like in a weird Direction what team in your mind got their eyes got too big for what the draft actually was and and and why is it the Detroit Pistons uh the Pistons was really interesting because they need shooting and they grabbed arguably the worst shooter in the draft in Roman Holland now you believe it can it can fit it maybe you fix it but they drafted a guy who doesn’t shoot on a team of guys who don’t shoot and is another project on a team of projects like man they just are not laying out who and here’s what I hate they don’t even have a head coach right now like whoever their next head coach is going to be is inheriting all these had no say in the War Room none of that stuff for this draft so I I just don’t I don’t like that they haven’t ever made progress I would have taken Kling in if I were them and I get that they have Jaylen Duran but like we said you just need a couple of solutions like you can Hammer the Jazz if you want and I think it’s totally fair if you don’t like the like lack of quote unquote plan that they’ve had but like there’s some Foundation of like well you’ve got low here and you’ve got Colin ston here and if you want to fit pie pieces in between you can or if you want to trade one of them you can totally drop back there’s just this like perpetuity of mediocrity and worse for Detroit where they’re not having any Lottery luck even when they get the number one pick like I like Kate Cunningham a lot does he seem like a threat to get them to the playoffs anytime soon no so that was bad I hated what Milwaukee did even though I like Aj Johnson I don’t like Aj Johnson who’s one of the rawest players in the draft on a team that needs to win now wasn’t he second round value probably second round value late first right it’s appropriate value it doesn’t fit a team that needs to start winning games and because they have no salary cap space it would be one thing if they said like they’re uh Oklahoma City Oklahoma City took some flyers I don’t think Nicola topic plays next year they did take Dylan Jones really interesting yeah but man you can’t fix your you can’t fix your problems when you’re a contender in the draft you just can’t Denver tried to do it it’s one of the reasons why they didn’t make it out of the second round last year you got to fix that in free agency well when you don’t have free agency cap space like uh Milwaukee they’ve just got no space you’ve really got to hit some right pieces in the draft and they just took a guy who doesn’t he’s he’s not close to to contributing so I thought I thought that was a bit of a disaster what about oh no go ahead J I was going to say we goes back to my point that you can have a great draft and it doesn’t mean that you’re you got better in the short term longterm obviously yes but that’s the same issue you see these other teams having and so the draft can solve some of your problems it doesn’t solve all of them and so you really have to have a good mix and that’s where the Jazz need to take the next step is they’ve done I think they’ve done really well in the last two drafts I even I even look back on last year’s draft I think they did a pretty good job in a really good draft of getting guys that I think can play in different ways and they did the same thing this year but the next step for them they got to figure out who they are and they got to make that they got to make something happen one way or the other I’m just I’m just I’m dying I think it’s going to be fun guys to watch it play out this summer because I know they want to go do something obviously it takes another team to do it but I I’m just curious to see which direction they go in with what where they’re at because they’re in this weird spot where they got some good young players I think Lowry is great and and do you have to have a top 20 player next to Lowry to be a contender you know what with if you keep if you’re able to keep Colin seon or whatever the mix is maybe you don’t maybe you’ve got enough and we’re what are we seeing in the league right now guys it’s team basketball it’s depth that matters the most if not the Phoenix Suns would have won the NBA Championship right so the league is changing how you win championships is now different in this era do the Jazz have to go out and get a top five player to pair with Lowry marinin probably not but I think they probably need a top 30 Gosh n durich played for the Pepto-Bismol team in Europe there’s some ugly uniforms out there Europe has got some crazy stuff you know they made the decision to say well and some of them are just match up with the soccer teams that they’re associated with that’s exactly the way they do it but anyway the the draft is is is exciting at the very least because of the big question marks and I don’t know when the best payoff is Ben like do you look at it and go now we know now from the 2018 the 2019 2020 like when do you look back and go oh now we know exactly what what the these teams paid off for because if there is a long-term plan that we’re supposed to get excited for for fans uh how I and I’m not asking you give a specific timeline but we’ve tried to guess and we just don’t really know when the team can be competitive yeah let’s I mean 2020 is a good example because that’s when uh Anthony Edwards was drafted and like it took until last year before he was really helping you win games like they made the second round of the playoffs everybody was excited about him they made the playoffs the first round right but like they didn’t get out of the first round so it needed about three years four years for him to really start contributing so you are getting to that point and that’s important to remember like the Jazz are what they’re one draft and now this is their second draft cycle into this process so you may just not know what you have in keante or Taylor or Bryce until 2026 and I know that’s asking a lot of patience and that’s brutal which is why you have to kind of build up your pieces around it uh and that’s something New York has done really well I think that’s something Minnesota has done well where they had all the pieces and then you just need one of those guys guys to jump up and Spark so I’m not of the opinion that you keep this thing Bare Bones and just give the rookies all this time until somebody jumps up like I actually think you go out and you try and be aggressive and you try and get like a cam Johnson type from Brooklyn with some of your future draft assets and just have a bunch of playable players and then see which one of these rookies fits and which one of them not is going to turn into Anthony Edwards like that’s not going to happen you didn’t get the number one pick it’s not going to happen but who turns into this oh he’s a top three player like maybe Isaiah Coler turn into an allar shakeel just Alexander was a number 11 pick right can Isaiah Coler turn into Jaylen Brunson and that’s not how he plays right now but can he do that and all of a sudden Jaylen brunson’s a number one guy in an all NBA player who you weren’t expecting and you’re not just saying like oh how do we build around him it’s like no you have five pieces around them already you’re ready to go you’re actually only one trade away and you have all your picks and then you go all in the way they did with uh with Miles brid I would love to see the Jazz go that route because you look at trying to suck every year to try to win a lottery I’m sorry look what the Pistons are doing look at the Pistons that’s what the Pistons have done and guess what they haven’t found a generational player yet they still suck and they don’t know where they’re going five years L well they’re picking five in a year that they were maybe I mean there’s they were probably the top five one of the top five worst teams in NBA history this year 28 losses in a row yeah 28 losses and maybe it was more maybe it was 29 I can’t remember but it’s like it was pretty un loty picks on their roster can you say today 5 years after their whole process started that they’re any further ahead no Kate Cunningham’s going to turn around any sucking every year doesn’t guarantee that suddenly one day you’re going to get that guy and you’re going to be better look the Spurs got wiama but that’s an organization that knows what the heck they’re doing and even that team went won 22 games last year with a generational rookie so I would like to see the Jazz do exactly what you’re doing could you could you pry away a cam Johnson away from the Brooklyn Nets right now and add it to your core and then let these younger guys develop and then eventually it all comes together going all in with eight rookie or second year Third Year guys that were lottery picks doesn’t lead you to the promised land you the Timberwolves are a great example you brought up and I’ll go back further than Anthony Edwards Carl Anthony towns I mean that team had lottery pick after lottery pick after Lottery Pick and for years they sucked and it never worked out for them so tanking every year and all this stuff doesn’t necessarily work either you need to be competitive you need to send a message to your fans that we are trying to play winning basketball and you can’t do that every single year and so I I would like to see the Jazz take that route and and you hope that see these guys you’re taking one of them hits and they’ve got to still got a bevy of those picks maybe you have to give up some of those guys to go get that cam Johnson I’m looking in that area like you’re looking between 25 and 50 like a player in that range you can get to pair with Lowry you could probably be really really good and let these young guys develop and hopefully one of them is a star and look you know a name that we kind of Overlook in this process which you could start to emulate a little bit I was like remember Chris Paul went and played for Oklahoma City for a year with sheay guildas Alexander now I don’t know I haven’t talked to Shay about it I haven’t asked him oh you know they’re close I mean there was they still text and communicate you know there was something imprinted on him the impact it takes great point so you can get guys quality veteran like big time vets to be around the those young players to help them become what they are and that’s a great example and I feel like the Jazz should follow that model moving forward so but I don’t know what they’re going to do but man it’s I feel like they’ve got to make some kind of a move to get there because that’s the kind of model I’d like to see them follow not the we’re going to suck every year we’re going to trade everybody at the trade deadline and lose 20 games in a row or whatever it was you know I I just I don’t know fans can stomach that every year because this is a fan base that’s used to having a competitive team and look they’re still going hockey might change thing having the NHL might change things but fans are still going to come they’re going to sell out the arena maybe they don’t care Ben maybe they don’t Ben we’re going to keep you also for the NHL draft for all 13 picks be here did you have your NHL mock draft ready for us yeah give me give the big board for all seven rounds seven rounds oh and 13 picks at the NFL beat Riders have to do that I well but you know what the NFL is it’s a it’s a machine that we’re semi-familiar with this is all new for us the nxl draft is going to be wild I don’t know the St Petersburg League very well like you follow Junior Hockey in Ontario I’ve got most I’ve got most of the divisions down in the ECHL but you know I still need to do a little bit more homework uh Ben overall what I love I think about the conversation we’ve just been having is if you’re going to look at a way to early on grade the the the the Jazz draft I think what you said early on was this is a Danny a Justin zanic draft which means they did what they wanted to do whether or not those things pay off yet the front office went this is what we’re looking for this is kind of the thing that we do and they stuck to it and they may have even gotten you think better guys than they that they thought were available at that at at the at the spaces that they got them significantly yeah I think they I think they F I think they feel really good about what they did they they get an A and I think it’s not just us it’s not homers here on Utah Sports radio nationally they’re going to get Ace because they got tremendous value at every pick they had and they didn’t have to give up anything they had they had guys that should have gone earlier fall them at all three spots absolutely this is the most positive I’ve seen JJ in months it’s the most positive thing that’s happened for the Jazz in months it is uh Ben you’ve done a phenomenal job over the last couple days man it’s been uh it’s been fun listening you guys break it down it was fun to hear cleave last night and and to just have the whole station participating across the entirety of that that one was uh was really fun so thanks for hanging out man we appreciate it thanks guys all right we’ll take the break here we’ll come back we’re anticipating uh possibly the newest member of the Utah Jazz uh K filipowski flip may be available via zoom in the next little while but we’re anticipating what we’re we’ve got uh 14 picks left in the draft and uh in this second round and we’ll get through those and then right after that the Jazz and their media availability kind of a a jazz uh front office breakdown of what happened a question and answer we’ll we’ll get to that as well so stay right here more to go the breakdown of the NBA draft and this Utah Jazz NBA draft continues 975 KL Sports Zone every decision comes with enormous uncertainty counting you down to draft day with the 10th pick this is your draft update on 975 the KSL Sports [Applause] Zone all right Utah Jazz draft update so far 46 picks into the second round we haven’t seen a trade that the Jazz have moved up for another pick they have their three picks in Utah Jazz GM Justin zanic explained why they didn’t try to trade up in that first round yeah there were a couple I was really happy that we stayed 10 I you know you just don’t know and then things start to fall and then the price gets out of whack and it just didn’t make sense a lot more to move up from 29 to like you know early 20s stuff like that but as the draft started to fall like there was very high percentage chances that on our probability markers that the guys that we like were going to be there we’d be paying for certainty which sometimes is really nice but we had a group of players that were going to be available that you know so we are absolutely thrilled that Isaiah was available for us to take Jazz got their guys at least on paper we’ll come back we got more to break down uh we’re going to see a little bit more of what this second round brought the Jazz a guy who’s projected in many first round mock drafts ends up going to the Jazz with their last pick of the draft in Kyle filipowski out of Duke we’ll take the break we’ll come back more to go 975 bkl Sport Zone it’s draft night and the Utah Jazz are building towards the future you’re listening to the zones Utah Jazz draft night coverage on 975 the KSL Sports Zone with the Third 32 pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Utah Jazz Select Kyle filipowski from Duke University Jazz T Kyle filipowski at pick number 32 of the draft projected as a first round guy in almost every one of the consensus mock drafts that we saw uh there was a moment somebody did put up a picture of a couple guys walking out of the green room last night that felt like they got the Aaron Rogers treatment right right where he like you didn’t take me early enough and hey maybe that’s some motivation guy like Kyle filipowski though JJ that’s a massive win I think for the Jazz because he’s a seven foot he’s a seven-footer right but he is that long seven-footer that you’re going to ask to come in there and kick out and hit some threes he’s highly skilled put the ball on the floor yes we heard the uh the uh comparison to um Kelly o Len yes and I think that’s fair that’s probably more closely associ he he comped himself to Larry marinin and nicoa yic well of course he did that’s that’s what I would have done prior to the draft also put Kyle filipowski next to Larry Markin and you’re going to see a noticeable physical difference so I appreciate his um his confidence but where he’s at right now and where he would project is probably more closer to Kelly oen than Larry Markin and the Jazz would be thrilled if he can develop himself into the type of player that Lowry has been and then obviously Nicole yic that’s that’s otherworldly but uh filipowski I really like at 32 I would have hated it at 10 been okay with it at 29 but when call card’s the better player on the board I think the Jazz made the right choice there but to get filipowski at 32 a player who you don’t have to have a guaranteed contract for so you’re getting tremendous value with him do I think he’s going to be on the roster next season absolutely I do I think he’s going to be on the on the on the roster I don’t think he’s I don’t think they’re going to two-way him I I don’t I don’t anticipate that would be the case so I anticipate he’ll be on the roster and Ben made a great point I think of the three guys they drafted he’s probably the most game ready in the NBA right now because of his skill set and his experience and being a little bit older not that he has the ceiling the other two have but I like the pick I think the Jazz did really well uh in in the draft I think the fact that they were able to get these three players at 10 29 and 32 if I showed you Alex yesterday afternoon they’re bored then those are the three players they getting at 10 29 and 32 without making any deals we both would have went oh wow yeah wow the Jazz did great so here we are they did here’s what you also get I mean you heard uh in our draft update you heard Justin zanic bring that bring up a little bit up of that point where he’s like look at some point you have your guys that you want and all the guys now we heard this last year too they said they got all the guys that they wanted right they felt like Kean George out of all those picks was the biggest steal at 16 right um but they also knew that they were getting a massively talented guy at that number nine spot uh and I think that Taylor Hendricks we haven’t seen everything from him because well he started off and it was he was he was injured to start the season off so they kind of they soft pedal him in getting him to the g-league figuring it out but that’s a guy that they feel still that they’re going to get a lot out of and Ben brought it up he said from an NBA ready perspective it’s actually might might be inversed uh in the order that they were taken filipowski might be the most NBA ready I thought that was pretty interesting too because of the two years at Duke playing in a physical uh situation at Duke I mean the training grounds in college basketball are are much more difficult than I mean the G league is tough because I just I don’t think that they’re getting enough out of what they thought they were going to be getting out of the g- league but college is still a pretty physical game and at Duke you’re going to be asked to play at a high level and and if you’re at Duke you’re a highly highly sought after uh High School recruit which is exactly what filipowski was and so that fits the mold but it’s interesting too because I was looking at the we were trying to figure out because two years ago it was such a bad draft I say a bad draft it was such an awful night to be a jazz fan because you got did they have no picks in the draft that year in 2022 it was 2022 they got nobody right it’s stunk it was the worst and that was and it was hard to because what do you see Palo van Carol goes first that Year Chad hren went second uh Jabari Smith uh I’m trying to who else was in that in that draft um oh Jaylen Williams speaking of guys uh number 12 right number 12 it’s exactly right o baji was went to the Cavs in that in that draft so there were the draft where no team that your team takes nobody is a really hard one to get out of the draft entirely is a really hard sell to a fan base and so the last two two last year with three first round picks and essentially this year feels like the same type of a pickup where they got three first round draft picks even though uh you had the second round very early on filipowski but he was supposed to be a high a high value kind of late first round guy so you saw him leave The Green Room pretty pouty last night and you would be for the the mostly the biggest reason is because you end up not getting that guarant guaranteed contract and that’s a tough that’s a tough pill to swallow now if you’re the Jazz you go hey you know what’s nice we get this guy in a non- guaranteed contract this is business man there’s a lot of business so Justin xanx said not just because you have to put the pr face out there and go we had an amazing draft even if they wouldn’t have gotten quote unquote all the guys they wanted they would say these are the guys we wanted well remember the Jared Butler draft we got him I mean that first round value first round value we got him in the second round was 2021 and again a draft draft where they had a first round pick but they trade out and it wasn’t as fun yeah and then then you’re then you’re having to sell the the the the fan base that you you got first round value in the second round well it didn’t really work out that way now I mean this they don’t have to sell anything it’s pretty obvious they did well uh I think that they really they were really locked in and they knew what they needed and wanted in this draft and they did their homework and they were ready to to to pounce when the opportunity came along and they they got the right guys you look at what all three of these guys can do and I feel like they all have the ability to be successful at the next level with certain skills they have do they all have weaknesses sure Cody Williams has got to get stronger Isaiah Collier has got to learn how to shoot CI lowski can he stay on the floor because he can’t defend a l got to be tough too you got to be tough defend so he’s got to get at least a little bit better defensively but he can’t shoot he can’t put the ball on the floor as a seven-footer there’s some things he can do offensively that are going to help you right now there’s some things offensively that might get him in the rotation but defensively so none of these guys are guys I think that are going to be in the starting lineup or they might even struggle to get in the rotation early in the season but that doesn’t mean that they weren’t great picks so then you got to start asking yourself okay now what what do the Jazz do now yeah what’s next yeah interesting and I’m fascinated to see what next because this is a really important off season for them that will kind of shape the direction the franchise goes whether they continue with Larry marinum being their best player or if they decide to trade him for a lot of picks and go all in on a 2025 draft hoping to find that generational player that can help them uh win a championship someday down doesn’t it feel a little bit like I mean the the the reality is is the thing the things that are going to happen next cuz you know you know what they’re going to sign these guys and bring them in everybody’s going to high five each other all these guys are going to say it’s time to get to work right we’re going to hear all the same stuff we here every year and then the reality will set in of names not being associated with the Jazz anymore names you probably really really loved like I mean is Jordan Clarkson going to be in a jazz uniform at the front end of the season that’s a really tough pill to swallow for jazz fans who are like I would hate to see JC go away because that’s 21 points walking out of the door and he’s become one of the most beloved players inunity guy everyone freaking loves that dude so if that guy ends up walking away then you immediately go Oh that’s right they aren’t going to be better this year yeah and if you’re low marketing then you go so are we getting better anytime soon if you’re at the top of the if you’re the guy that’s the you know top of the payroll and the guy who’s supposed to be kind of the face of the franchise you wonder those things so how long is it going to take for us how long will it take for the Jazz to come back around and all these guys start to pay off I’m not sure when the payoff is on these three or even the three from last year so that’s the part where waiting around not knowing exactly where these guys are going to land not knowing exactly what the roster is going to look like and the rumors are swirling around that it just happens and if the Jazz want to make moves and it makes sense they’ll make them we were listening to Bob Meyer earlier was talking about you know whether or not he’d be willing to listen to offers for uh for Kevin Durant back when he was on the the Golden State Warriors and the answer was absolutely not when they were in the middle of their run right we was like no we’re not absolutely not and in the Jazz case they’d be dumb not to listen they’d be dumb not to listen we’ll listen but it’s got to be a really really good offer right that’s what that’s exactly kind of what he said he goes the Jazz might be in that position to say yeah I’ll listen to it but you better make it freaking worth it and Jazz fans I don’t think we staring down the barrel of a uh of of a you know a 50- win season anytime soon but I do think that uh that that the team did get better but as you said not necessarily in the short term and that’s a hard thing to understand like so in my mind then you go okay so fans just go well then what do you mean then they didn’t get better well here’s what you do is you have the excitement of what you’ve taken with these young players and now you address the short term through whatever deal you can make here uh that’s what we we were talking about earlier is there’s is is really vetting the league to see what might be out there with the stockpile of draft Capital hey you own none of it used by the way cuz it didn’t have to they got it’s all intact you didn’t have to touch your draft Capital last night you almost had to you heard him say he goes they didn’t even have to turn the key on the safe it’s still back there in the vault good for them all of it still there maybe D maybe maybe Danny had it in his coat pocket oh no no no no no no he go on that European trip you know and he wears that not that loose Danny’s not that Reckless Danny had it Danny wasn’t touching that last night he didn’t have it one of those hidden P you know satchels under his under his clothes like when you go to Russia or something no he does he’s not a he’s not a he’s not a fanny I’m going carry I’m not going to carry my draft Capital everywhere no he’s not he’s GNA have it in a vault because he’s protecting that stuff because it means so much to him oh my gosh but now’s the time to use it Now’s the Time to Go pry a player away to pair with Lowry and and and Colin seon do you have to give up a Colin sex to get that player I don’t know I don’t know if that makes you better but you know we brought up the the uh the idea of Cam Johnson of the of the Brooklyn Nets if if the Brooklyn Nets are truly looking to tear it all down and rebuild and get ready for 2025 the Jazz can throw some first their way for cam Johnson and if you pair cam Johnson with this current roster already all of a sudden you’re having a different conversation about where this team is now he cam Johnson a top 30 guy I don’t probably not but he’s pretty darn good and and he’s going to waste away on a team that stinks next year maybe the Nets are willing to part with him you got to go start spanning the league and finding who that guy is that could maybe you could maybe pry away from a team that can help you get better it’s not it doesn’t have to be you’re not going to get you’re not going to get top 10 guys you’re not going to get sheay gilis Alexander Luca donic Anthony Edwards none of that’s going to happen you’re not even going to get a Drew holiday or something like that right you’re not going to get Devon Booker the suns are not trading Devon Booker there’s no way so then you start scanning down a list of players around the league that you could try to trade for I don’t know who they are but then maybe you get in that area where you’re looking for a situation I mean cam Johnson is 3 years 69 million I mean that’s a pretty good contract he’s at 28 years old but he’s 68 and he can shoot and all of a sudden you pair him with that lineup you see what I’m doing this is all hypothetical I’m just using cam Johnson as a guy that’s in a situation where maybe that team is looking to part with him I wonder if and by the way we only have I don’t know who that guy is by the way we only have so we’re going up to pick 58 right so we have nine picks left to see when bronny James Jr is going to go in this D is that really what we’re doing right now and everybody is just everybody is staring at that number 55 spot where the Lakers are picking it’s just wild Bob Meyers who’s on ESPN right now former Warriors GM like Hall of Fame GM yes built the Warriors Dynasty is telling is is sharing on on on the air that rich Paul is calling teams around the league telling them if they take Brony James he’s going to play in Australia next year so he’s threatening that his client will not play on their team correct take him and put him in in Australia and say good luck if I was a team that just was you know what that’s a move the Jazz should make they should get into the second round that’s what you use your to troll the Lakers best best April Fool’s joke ever best April full joke ever you can that’s worth opening the Vault hey Bron you can have his rights who’s picking 54th make it 54 too it’s kind of like a price is right thing it’s kind of like a price is right thing it’s like I’m you know you bid $1 at the end here’s the thing there are not yes I’ll $1 okay I’m going to oh I got a first round pick in 2030 that belongs to the Timberwolves you want that for the 54th pick there are so there are nine happen Jaz nine picks left in the draft and according to ESPN’s Big Board he’s the eighth best overall player still left in the draft you know the Lakers are taking him okay you say that but there’s no way they’re not taking him there’s no way they’re not taking him there’s no way the Lakers aren’t taking him at 55 JJ reck is going to be the head coach and bronnie James Jr will be a member of the of the Los Angeles Lakers suck yesterday they suck again okay it’s gonna happen right because it’s definitely gonna happen you saw the Tweet LeBron put out he’s all emotional about just a life lived with his with his little boy who was born you know right at the front end of his career right I think it’s great I LeBron loves his son I love it all of us would do this right we would make sure all of this could happen If This Were Us right well manipulating a a draft so that your son can play with you that’s pretty crazy but yeah it’s not crazy but when you’re LeBron James and you run the league crazy crazy like a like a fox crazy like a billionaire Fox all right we’ll take a break we’ll come back uh yes Indiana did not take bronny James Jr but that you know what that means we got the Knicks the Warriors oh I don’t know who the 53rd pick is uh but 54 is the Celtics and then 55 is the Lakers so we’ll see we’ll see what ends up uh happening here we’ll take a break we’ll come back we’ve got more to go we’re also anticipating at the end of the second round being able to get uh the newest member of the Utah Jazz uh well the first the the newest drafted uh Utah Jazz member of course all that has to get figured out when they come in and they sign isn’t it fun to see in the in the green room too like look at that agent like the agents look so out of place they’re like nobody’s happier than the agent congratul that’s the worst was when the guy hugs the agent first hug your mom first dude come on it’s Basics all right we’ll take a break we’ll come back more to go uh by the way uh we want to make sure you guys know in the 4:30 hour we’re going to be reading off our Hercules hero of the week nominate your own Sports youth sports volunteer that you know for the Hercules hero of the week submit that nomination Kos contest listen every Thursday that’s today we’re going to read that winner in the 4:00 hour help us celebrate the efforts of those people who make an impact in their Community with you Hercules here of the week sponsored by Hercules Credit Union and beehive meals will come back more to go NBA draft talk next 975 the KSL Sport Zone listen everybody real life hypotheticals to get your brain churning as JJ and Alex ask would you rather all right welcome back to the program uh we’re anticipating K filipowski should we just start calling him flip when do we when do we make that change where it’s officially just going to be flip from now on because it does flip is way more fun to say than Kyle filipowski but Kyle filipowski second round draft pick for the Utah Jazz at pick number 32 will be jumping on a zoom call we’ll take that live in just under 10 minutes so you got to keep it right here to be able to hear it uh Jazz of course go with uh they take all three picks they didn’t trade anything away you heard Justin xanic say uh we had our guys still available when the picks came up they didn’t have to buy Assurance right that’s what he said he’s like look you you can buy some some Assurance a guarantee that you could get that person that you want and that’s nice to do sometimes but they didn’t even have to do that uh which means that’s a win-win overall you save uh you save that draft capital and you’re able to do it the Golden State Warriors are pick number 52 they just made their selection so we are Detroit Boston and Lakers away from a possible bronny pick uh but uh yeah JJ you’re certain that he’s gonna go you’re certain you’re certain Bron gonna go has been hatched and carried out at this point now so as I mentioned Rich Paul’s calling team saying if you draft Brony yeah where he’s going to play in Australia never play my favorite my favorite part about all this is when he’s going to go full JJ reic and go I actually haven’t talked to my dad at all about this in the draft process I haven’t dad hasn’t he hasn’t weighed in he’s just a loving father all to my agent weal I I just want to hoop we just talk about we just talk about taco Tuesdays and just talk about family stuff playing playing whiffle ball in the park you know at Barbecue on Sunday that’s what we talk about I’ve never talked to my dad about the Lakers before that’s what we’re going to get yeah no dad didn’t any who’s going to groan when he says it I earned this all right ah uh we’ll take a break we’ll come back and we’re hoping to jump in be able to get right on time with the zoom call with the newest member of the Utah Jazz k lowski out of Duke the number 32 overall pick we’ll come back more to go 975 ekl Sport Zone

JJ & Alex are joined by KSL Sports’ Utah Jazz Insider Ben Anderson to talk NBA Draft with the first round picks. Plus, they discuss the second round pick with Duke’s Kyle Filipowski and what type of pick he could become for the Jazz.

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