@Chicago Bulls

BREAKING NEWS | Bulls Sign Patrick Williams To 5 Year $90M Deal | Here’s Why This is A GREAT Deal

BREAKING NEWS | Bulls Sign Patrick Williams To 5 Year $90M Deal | Here’s Why This is A GREAT Deal

just when the day is winding down and you’re ready to go to bed the Chicago Bulls will always break news as Patrick Williams intends to sign a fiveyear $90 million deal to stay with the Chicago Bulls we’ll talk about all that and more on today’s episode of the windy city Bree Sports Talk daily let’s go [Music] so just as like I said everything’s winding down sham chirania breaking news Patrick Williams intends to sign a fiveyear $90 million deal to return to the Chicago Bulls per League sources and I know what people a a lot of people who who have thought about this in the past 90 million for Patrick Williams it’s not bad it’s similar to kind of the the $18 million a year uh it’s similar to players who have been like him in the league who you’re hoping in the future still young still have a lot of upside we’re going to give him an upside contract it’s just where we’re at in the CBA and different things like that allows Patrick Williams to make more money but I think here’s the thing that you really take away from this is the Chicago Bulls are legitimately all in on the youth movement by signing a deal like this for Patrick Williams especially with a lot of the young pieces that they have on this team and they want Patrick Williams to be a part of that now you guys know I’m not a big believer in the future of P will I’m somebody who believes that he’s probably more than likely going to be a midlevel veteran throughout the NBA I don’t believe he’ll ever be the number four overall pick but for a mid-level veteran in the NBA right now that is not a bad deal right Malik monk out there getting 195 right now and not to say that Malik monk isn’t a better player than Patrick Williams He 110% is but Patrick Williams is still a very young player 22 years old still has a lot of time left on uh uh his career there’s still a lot more upside and by the time the CBA continues to move in the upward Trend that it has been on this deal will feel like nothing on the books I think that this is a good signing for the Chicago Bull overall uh and the fact that you’ve got a young player on a controllable contract $90 million is nothing it’s a contract that you absolutely can move at any point this is not a bad signing for me and I am not the PE will fan right y’all know y’all know me right like I’m the first person probably in all of bulls media to say this young man is a bust he will never live up to the expectations of being the number four overall pick but that doesn’t mean that he he can’t live up to the expectations of being a 15 to 18 point per game guy a solid Defender the injury concerns are valid to me he’s been very up and down injury-wise that would be my biggest concern with the signing of P will but if he’s able to stay healthy I mean you’ve got a guy who in some Seasons he’s been down and the seasons he’s been healthy he’s been able to play all 82 gam I think I think he played 81 of 82 something like that like he was one of those guys where you saw him stay on the court for a good chunk of time so I’m not mad at this move by the Chicago Bulls overall I think that Here’s the the the part that does excite me about a signing like this is this is the biggest signal that you’re all in on the youth movement this is the because you don’t sign Patrick Williams to a $90 million deal and then say go sit in the back of the room and wait for Zack LaVine to leave and wait for demard de rozan to leave and wait for right like all of these guys to get the heck up out of here that’s not the conversation that you’re having if you’re resigning Patrick Williams to this level of money um let me know you guys thoughts in the comments below I’ll be down there as well do you like the signing do you like the fact that Patrick Williams has been resigned do you think the Chicago Bulls should have just let him uh Test free agency and and be gone at this point uh are you out completely out on Patrick Williams I think that’s the difference between me and a lot of people though right like I’m not completely out on P will as far as what his career can be I’m out on him being the fourth overall pick right you shouldn’t have taken him fourth overall there’s a ton of players better maybe one day he will prove me wrong he’s still very young he still has a ton of opportunity to do so maybe one day he will absolutely prove me wrong but at this moment in time I just feel like P will is not the guy that you’re looking for at that top level price but you see you didn’t pay that top level price to keep him around here in fact he actually got less than what me and Hayes had talked about over on lock on bulls we were like listen don’t be surprised if this guy comes away with four uh 100 over four right getting him for 90 over five not a bad deal at all I think this is something that Chicago Bulls actually won the day on you’ve still got a solid defender in the building you’ve still got somebody who’s young that you can continue to develop in the building I like the fact that they’re not giving up on their young guys but how about we start to get these guys moving in the right direction you really now with the money uh uh locked up now with Patrick Williams being paid and being the highest paid of these young guys right remember Kobe White’s going to get his contract restructured I dumo they they just signed their deals last season last off season and so they’re at the $10 million range Patrick Williams getting the highest of all of these and he’s produced the least out of the three players so take that for what you will I’m just saying you now have to this is AK saying listen I believe in you I think that you’re the future of this team I think that maybe we’ve given you a little bit of a raw deal you have to go out there and make it work now and I think the addition of Josh giddy you add that with Kobe white you have aumu coming off the bench taking over that Alice Caruso role I think that that does play into what the Chicago Bulls want to do uh as far as how you’re going to have the guards distributed you also just go out and get Matas builes I think that that’s a really good get for you he he’s a guy who listen if he shot better legitimately this is not a surprise to say he’s the number one overall pick probably coming into this draft and the fact that he sticks with the Hometown Chicago Bulls the fact that we know that the Bulls have have improved let’s say this let’s say this the one thing we can say Peter Patton has improved players shooting percentages he has not improved how much they’re taking the shots that falls on Billy Billy uh bubblegum Donovan as Hayes likes to call him but the fact that he has improved players shooting percentages since his time being here I do think that that’s something where you look at a guy like Matas and okay we we bring you in you’ve got P will also on here uh you you feel like you’re in good hands development wise as far as shooting goes and hopefully moving forward you see some of these players start to develop and the scheme adjust around them that’s really what it comes down to I think that Kobe White’s a good three-point shooter I think I’s a good three-point shooter I know P Will’s a good three-point shooter he’s just got to take them right but but the scheme has to adjust around these young guys and I think that’s why they want to go with this youth movement to kind of move some of these older guys out and say listen you guys get the heck out of the way let them do what they do now for me you sign P will to a $90 million deal he is a starter you’re not taking him out of the starting lineup so where are you start starting him at this is a very important question and this is why I keep asking a question on how much does Matas weigh how much does he weigh cuz if he is 610 uh uh um 187 LBS or 190 whatever it was that’s a very different player than 610 210 right still a slight frame but he can go out there and he can play power forward he can bang with a lot of those guys and and he can you P will can play the three and you’ve got a solid lineup and and P will vice versa can defend however you want him to defend but to me P Patrick Williams needs to be your wing on this team for you to see success with him moving forward I think this is why you’re letting Demar d roen w this is why you’re trying so hard to move on from Zack LaVine there’s going to be a lot coming from this let me double check just before I end this video to make sure there’s no other news um last thing that we got from Casey Johnson on this oh so Casey said two things here said Bulls offered roughly 16 million last year in rookie extension talks per sord Williams was seeking to get a DeAndre Hunter extension so roughly 22 per sources at that time this is why uh signs always pointed to an easy extension negotiations had already taken place also says Bulls youth movement continues with Patrick Williams set to join Josh giddy Matas builes Kobe white I dumu dalen Terry Julian Phillips while management shop Zack LaVine Demar D rozan talks on hold as of last week we will see what this all ends up working out to be but at a minimum Patrick Williams is remaining here with the Chicago Bulls as he intends to sign a $90 million deal let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below I’ll be down to talk with you guys as well it’s your boy P the designer back at it again y’all stay safe out there Chicago C Red Nation stand up peace

On today’s episode, pat the designer talks about the Chicago Bulls breaking news that they have signed Patrick Williams to a 5 year $90 million deal.

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  1. I wanted to sign Demar again but now if we’re paying P will he needs a bigger role on the team. Demar sign and trade is prolly best now . 18 mil a year for P Will is a steal especially on the 3rd-5th year of the contract. Ak actually making good moves for the future

  2. Like the signing. If you get the vets out of the way and tell Billy not to yank his ass when he screws up, he can spend more time getting his reps as a cog that does more than stand in a corner and defend. 5 years means even if he incrementally improves, we bought in long enough to see it through. If PWill sucks, he can be moved and we can say we tried. I have nothing bad to say about this and just hope he is actually made a priority and not a "Hey guy…find your game where you can."

  3. Pwill getting paid starter money.. If Billy play him at the 3 he will be a force.. Pwill is good man.. you will see.. He is just not a PF and Billy needs to stop playing him at the Dunker spot.. he is a 3/sf and he need to play the 3.. he woulda left and been an almost allstar like Laurie.. I remeber ppl talking the same way about Laurie's consistancy.. Some times the org is just dumb in how they leverage players and so far billy totally been that,,

  4. I didn’t like this only cause Josh giddy will need a new deal next year and it will seem like you’ll have Josh Williams ayo cody all signed and none of them will be stars there all role players on good teams but again he is only 22 so will see

  5. The good news is we signed PW to a reasonable five year deal. The bad news is also the good news😏

  6. Giddey, Coby, Patrick (on the Wing):Rookie Matas at PF. Vooch at Center our starting lineup today. Kessler got that No Fly Zone D. Ayo will backup the 1-2. Terry was in rotation to end the year so that could be a bench Wing. Carter hopefully better. Julian Phillips I hope can play some SF/PF. Torrey Craig will be a Vet in there helping at SF-PF. And that's before we trade Lavine (Could be our 6th man to start the year):Get anything back for Demar. We gotta add some size to PF and C. Wiseman as a backup to Kessler would be great. Develop that youth. And the Green hopefully they just straight up Resign and don't play. He can play a Caruso like role

  7. His work ethic, and self development has been suspect. So either the money motivations him to prove his worth, or he goes even deeper into chill mode. I personally would have S&T'ed him, and got back what I could for wasting the #4 pick on him.

  8. Honestly, I understand the cost but it still scares me because of the past history of the Bulls overvaluing their own players. Yes, he was put in bad spot cause he never had the chance to truly develop because of many things. At the same time here’s his chance to shine and take advantage of opportunity. That he never had before. We’ll see how it turns out. If he can turn out to be star 3-D guy that’s great. Let’s see what other pieces they bring in as part of the youth movement to go with Buzelis, Williams, White, Giddey? I think they might be better defensively than the previous CORE. Especially if you’re able bring in a rim protector as a center. Let’s see what they do next. It would been nice to see them sign UDFA Center instead of Guard. LFG Bulls

  9. I would’ve took a flyer on a quality role player on the cheap then pay him $90 mil. Saadiq Bey, Tobias Harris, Kyle Anderson

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