@Chicago Bulls

[Marks] There is no market for Zach Lavine. They are trying to give him away and attach a first round pick. I’ve been told that by multiple, multiple people.

[Marks] There is no market for Zach Lavine. They are trying to give him away and attach a first round pick. I’ve been told that by multiple, multiple people.

by Leather_Worry_9261


  1. I’d rather we don’t send out picks, makes no sense to me

  2. RaspberryOk2240

    This seems like bs to me. Why would we attach a first round pick when we’re entering a rebuild. I think teams are trying to bring down his value with hopes of getting him for peanuts and fleecing the bulls

  3. RedGreenPepper2599

    If they send any 1st rounders to dump lavine AK should be fired.

  4. KneelBeforeCube

    I don’t understand, why not try to rehab his value instead? If it’s to end up having to attach a pick to get rid of him, then what’s the difference between doing it now or 6 months from now? Best case scenario, he actually rehabs his value and they don’t have to lose another pick for nothing. The worst case scenario is the same anyway.

  5. We’re a team with little to no future as it is, giving away our draft picks to do nothing with that cap space anyway is wild. At what point do you just keep him and hope his value improves either from play or year commitment?

  6. GOAT-Bulls

    Hell to the No

    So much rather keep him. Let’s sign n trade DeMar while we can. Let Zach function as 1st scoring option to boost his value and test the market again.
    LaVine does great when we have a natural point playmaker, hence the Giddey & Ball (if we lucky).

  7. ducksonaroof

    bruh I’d rather ben simmons his ass than send out a first round pick

  8. MisterAutomatic

    This is what you would do if you’re rebuilding backwards. I didn’t think that was possible but here we are if the rumors are true.

  9. DrStevenBrule69

    He’s gonna be gone, folks. There’s no chance this FO starts the season with him on the roster.

  10. volantredx

    On one hand trading Zach with a pick attached is insane. Surely as FA winds down someone will be desperate. They managed to get Russ traded, Beal traded and CP3 traded without this much fuss. You might as well just keep him and have him rehab his numbers on a team where he’ll be far and away the main scorer.

    On the other the issue with keeping him is that this might end up with the Bulls being too good to keep their pick and end up at the 11th pick once again in a deep draft which costs us a pick either way. If they have to give up like the 2028 FRP top-10 protected that might not be the end of the world. At that point the Bulls should either be more or less built for the future and not need that pick or still stuck in the mud and get to keep that pick for a year or two before it conveys.

    I’m also shocked that Zach isn’t being shopped as trade filler in some wild three team deal to get someone like CP3 to LA.

  11. pcmasterthrow

    I’m pretty sure less than 48 hours ago Bobby Marks was saying he wouldn’t be surprised if they couldn’t trade him even if a frp was attached and now he’s heard it from multiple people? Lol I don’t think I buy it

  12. FixApprehensive8999

    You don’t send a pick under any circumstances. Bro can ride the bench all season before that happens

  13. Tonkathedog

    Keep him at this point. When healthy everyone has seen the talent he has. Value is so bad rn not only because of Lavine, but also because AK has no leverage. If AK is willing to keep him and he plays well, other teams will create some leverage for him at the deadline

  14. Safe-Register-3479

    Dude is a fucking nightmare for this organization

  15. dentedpat

    Keep him. Empty stat padding players like him won’t endanger our quest to keep next year’s pick. Even terrible teams get to 90-100 points and someone is going to score those points. Let it be Zach, at least for a while. He is the Platonic form of good stats/bad team guy, so let Zach be Zach. We have seen what the Bulls are like with him as the offensive centerpiece and a bunch of non-stars around him. Its a team that wins 20-30 games.

    Maybe he recovers value if he shows he is healthy and shoots well, and some playoff team talks themselves into trading expiring contracts for him around the deadline to be a 3rd or 4th option. Maybe he doesn’t and we are stuck with the worst contract in the league until it is up or until it is an expiring. Don’t give up a pick though. I hate watching the guy play but don’t pay picks to move him.

  16. If they give away a first rounder to get rid of Zach i may lose my mind. You don’t HAVE to get rid of him. In fact he’s in a good situation to rehab his value ahead of this seasons trade deadline. He’s finally going to be playing next to a true pass first guy in Giddey

  17. cookiebob1234

    dawg what he is booty but he can still get hot and take over a game. I dont want him on our team but still he is no bum

  18. RiamoEquah

    This is why getting picks back for Caruso was so important, or they should have packaged lavine with Caruso.

  19. godofhammers3000

    I mean with all the apron rules who can even trade for him? Giving up 43mm in salary means a team is likely losing either an overpriced vet as well or multiple role players. Tanking teams with salary space aren’t/shouldn’t be interested.

    Maybe there’s a CP3 plus filler for Lavine trade somewhere

  20. AnusButter2000

    They’re not competing for at least a year or two, at this point just wait his contract out

  21. Josh_5890

    Whether or not the Bulls have been trying to add a first rounder to get Lavine off the books, I think it is is fair to say that there is practically no market for this guy. Who would want to take on 3 years of Zach right now?

    Bulls are probably stuck with that boat anchor.

  22. Tom_Brady_Cheats

    The day this pile of shit goes is going to be the best day this franchise has had since Derricks game winner in 2015

  23. blacklite911

    If they started the rebuild when they should have, instead of fighting hard for a play-in exit that everyone knew was coming, he would’ve had value.

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