@National Basketball Association

Apparently Kuminga was allegedly offered in a package for PG13. PG was in communication and wanted a trade with GSW but Clippers couldn’t agree on negotiations

Were the clippers too greedy? Kuminga and a first (in my opinion) is more than reasonable value, especially for an Opt in trade. The warriors were desperate to keep the Curry window open or re-open it but it seems like the clippers wanted to fleece the warriors but ended up getting so greedy that the trade fell through.

Is the Clippers front office incompetent? Or are they just unreasonably confident that PG won’t walk.

Link to the article

by Sokkawater10


  1. MetroidsSuffering

    Yeah, I don’t really understand what the Clips are doing here. I feel like it should be pretty easy to get off the CP3 contract for salary savings with 3 to 4 seconds?

    This is the team that gave up Hartenstein to sign John Wall so they may just be really bad at this NBA front office thing.

  2. CoyotesSideEyes

    I’d rather have Kuminga than pay 37 year old PG 60 SOMETHING MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS, which is what a 4th year would be

  3. ZoroChopper10

    If clippers are tryna compete still, why would they trade George to there second biggest rival and division team

  4. tiorteD_snotsiP

    Giving up everything they did, especially shai just to let George walk, and play hardball is just comical. New arena next season, same ole basement.

  5. Cool_head1

    So I guess they’ll be happy with him walking for nothing then lol

  6. > Any possible PG13 trade between the Warriors and Clippers was always going to be complicated, but Warriors executives thought they’d solved the puzzle. From what I’ve heard, some combination (but definitely not all) of Wiggins, CP3, Jonathan Kuminga or Moses Moody plus one future first-round pick were put into discussions with the Clippers.

    > There were versions that would’ve limited the Clippers’ long-term money liability; there were versions that would’ve increased the future benefits. I’m told the Warriors likely would not have put Wiggins and Kuminga together into any offer, but also that it never got that far, anyway. If that’s what would’ve closed the deal … who knows.

  7. Own-Lynx498

    You take Kuminga and run. Balmer smoked too much crack yesterday.

    Harden will destroy the last remnants of his body carrying the clippers, while Kawhi is cheerleading on the bench.

  8. ButtVader

    I’m surprised Warriors offered Kuminga, also surprised Clippers turned it down

  9. archerarcher0

    Bullshit, if the warriors offered kuminga for a Paul George sign and trade and the clips turned it down balmer should have to sell that sorry ass franchise lol

  10. goldyacht

    Makes no sense to give the warriors George when they want to keep him and be competitive. Just creating another good team in the Constance with that move. But idk why they think they can still be competitive and let George walk.

  11. That would be absolutely wild if they declined something like CP3, Kuminga and a 1st, and I’m even more surprised GS would offer that in the 1st place.

  12. GSW fans cant believe it lmao. Curry had 1-2 good years left and they are shocked franchise wants to make a win now move. The amount of GSW fans i saw thinking they will trade big names without sending Kuminga/Podzi/Moody was worrying me.

  13. LukaDoncicfuturegoat

    It’s pretty interesting, Warriors fans would swear their FO would have swear their FO won’t trade Kuminga.

    Imo, the Clips are keeping PG.

  14. MissionImagination98

    Clips gotta have a Plan B, and PG has to have a team he already has his eye onto decline the option. If he was that dead set on getting to Golden State he would’ve opted in and they would’ve negotiated later

  15. Little_Obligation_90

    The Clippers have to pay the luxury tax too. No way I am interested in the $30M CP3 corpse.

  16. asdfqwerty123469

    I’m low on Kuminga compared to consensus if I’m being honest

    BUT Jesus fucking Christ, what are the clippers doing lol ?

    I would’ve been a fan of this trade for both teams to be honest.

    I don’t think Kuminga is going to be Jaylen brown 2.0 like people are saying but it’s for sure in the range of outcomes. Even if I’m the clips owner and don’t believe in Kuminga, don’t you still have this fucking bet because it’s the best band you’re being dealt ?

    Pathetic imo

  17. Short-Cardiologist-4

    Seems like they think he’s resigning.

  18. Oh this hurts me to see and I’m not even a clippers fan

  19. I doubt clippers would have not taken the offer if kuminga was offered.

  20. AleroRatking

    What’s the full trade. On paper I get wanting Kuminga. But what are the other contracts.

  21. gbdarknight77

    I read Kuminga wasn’t offered.

    What’s the truth?

    I don’t believe the clippers turned down a package with Kuminga in it.

  22. Apostinggod

    You don’t make a conference opponent better than you for Kuminga.

  23. MinorThreatCJB

    I really think the we way overvalue Kuminga.

  24. Far more reliable sources have said Kuminga was not offered.

  25. wafflehouse4

    they named themselves after boats of course they are incompetent

  26. For those that didn’t read the article. Doesn’t sound like any concrete offer was made or “some combination”

    “Any possible PG13 trade between the Warriors and Clippers was always going to be complicated, but Warriors executives thought they’d solved the puzzle. From what I’ve heard, some combination (but definitely not all) of Wiggins, CP3, Jonathan Kuminga or Moses Moody plus one future first-round pick were put into discussions with the Clippers.

    There were versions that would’ve limited the Clippers’ long-term money liability; there were versions that would’ve increased the future benefits. I’m told the Warriors likely would not have put Wiggins and Kuminga together into any offer, but also that it never got that far, anyway. If that’s what would’ve closed the deal … who knows.”

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